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With this class, the user sets a value range and a position range, which
represent the valid values/positions the model can assume. It is worth telling
that the value property always has priority over the position property. A nice use
case, would be a Slider implementation with the help of QQuickRangeModel. If the user sets
a value range to [0,100], a position range to [50,100] and sets the value
to 80, the equivalent position would be 90. After that, if the user decides to
resize the slider, the value would be the same, but the knob position would
be updated due to the new position range.
#include "qquickrangemodel_p.h"
#include "qquickrangemodel_p_p.h"
QQuickRangeModel1Private::QQuickRangeModel1Private(QQuickRangeModel1 *qq)
: q_ptr(qq)
void QQuickRangeModel1Private::init()
minimum = 0;
maximum = 99;
stepSize = 0;
value = 0;
pos = 0;
posatmin = 0;
posatmax = 0;
inverted = false;
isComplete = false;
positionChanged = false;
valueChanged = false;
Calculates the position that is going to be seen outside by the component
that is using QQuickRangeModel. It takes into account the \l stepSize,
\l positionAtMinimum, \l positionAtMaximum properties
and \a position that is passed as parameter.
qreal QQuickRangeModel1Private::publicPosition(qreal position) const
// Calculate the equivalent stepSize for the position property.
const qreal min = effectivePosAtMin();
const qreal max = effectivePosAtMax();
const qreal valueRange = maximum - minimum;
const qreal positionValueRatio = valueRange ? (max - min) / valueRange : 0;
const qreal positionStep = stepSize * positionValueRatio;
if (positionStep == 0)
return (min < max) ? qBound(min, position, max) : qBound(max, position, min);
const int stepSizeMultiplier = (position - min) / positionStep;
// Test whether value is below minimum range
if (stepSizeMultiplier < 0)
return min;
qreal leftEdge = (stepSizeMultiplier * positionStep) + min;
qreal rightEdge = ((stepSizeMultiplier + 1) * positionStep) + min;
if (min < max) {
leftEdge = qMin(leftEdge, max);
rightEdge = qMin(rightEdge, max);
} else {
leftEdge = qMax(leftEdge, max);
rightEdge = qMax(rightEdge, max);
if (qAbs(leftEdge - position) <= qAbs(rightEdge - position))
return leftEdge;
return rightEdge;
Calculates the value that is going to be seen outside by the component
that is using QQuickRangeModel. It takes into account the \l stepSize,
\l minimumValue, \l maximumValue properties
and \a value that is passed as parameter.
qreal QQuickRangeModel1Private::publicValue(qreal value) const
// It is important to do value-within-range check this
// late (as opposed to during setPosition()). The reason is
// QML bindings; a position that is initially invalid because it lays
// outside the range, might become valid later if the range changes.
if (stepSize == 0)
return qBound(minimum, value, maximum);
const int stepSizeMultiplier = (value - minimum) / stepSize;
// Test whether value is below minimum range
if (stepSizeMultiplier < 0)
return minimum;
const qreal leftEdge = qMin(maximum, (stepSizeMultiplier * stepSize) + minimum);
const qreal rightEdge = qMin(maximum, ((stepSizeMultiplier + 1) * stepSize) + minimum);
const qreal middle = (leftEdge + rightEdge) / 2;
return (value <= middle) ? leftEdge : rightEdge;
Checks if the \l value or \l position, that is seen by the user, has changed and emits the changed signal if it
has changed.
void QQuickRangeModel1Private::emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(const qreal oldValue, const qreal oldPosition)
// Effective value and position might have changed even in cases when e.g. d->value is
// unchanged. This will be the case when operating with values outside range:
const qreal newValue = q->value();
const qreal newPosition = q->position();
if (isComplete) {
if (!qFuzzyCompare(newValue, oldValue))
emit q->valueChanged(newValue);
if (!qFuzzyCompare(newPosition, oldPosition))
emit q->positionChanged(newPosition);
} else {
positionChanged |= qFuzzyCompare(oldPosition, newPosition);
valueChanged |= !qFuzzyCompare(oldValue, newValue);
Constructs a QQuickRangeModel with \a parent
QQuickRangeModel1::QQuickRangeModel1(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), d_ptr(new QQuickRangeModel1Private(this))
Constructs a QQuickRangeModel with private class pointer \a dd and \a parent
QQuickRangeModel1::QQuickRangeModel1(QQuickRangeModel1Private &dd, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), d_ptr(&dd)
Destroys the QQuickRangeModel
delete d_ptr;
d_ptr = 0;
Sets the range of valid positions, that \l position can assume externally, with
\a min and \a max.
Such range is represented by \l positionAtMinimum and \l positionAtMaximum
void QQuickRangeModel1::setPositionRange(qreal min, qreal max)
bool emitPosAtMinChanged = !qFuzzyCompare(min, d->posatmin);
bool emitPosAtMaxChanged = !qFuzzyCompare(max, d->posatmax);
if (!(emitPosAtMinChanged || emitPosAtMaxChanged))
const qreal oldPosition = position();
d->posatmin = min;
d->posatmax = max;
// When a new positionRange is defined, the position property must be updated based on the value property.
// For instance, imagine that you have a valueRange of [0,100] and a position range of [20,100],
// if a user set the value to 50, the position would be 60. If this positionRange is updated to [0,100], then
// the new position, based on the value (50), will be 50.
// If the newPosition is different than the old one, it must be updated, in order to emit
// the positionChanged signal.
d->pos = d->equivalentPosition(d->value);
if (emitPosAtMinChanged)
emit positionAtMinimumChanged(d->posatmin);
if (emitPosAtMaxChanged)
emit positionAtMaximumChanged(d->posatmax);
d->emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(value(), oldPosition);
Sets the range of valid values, that \l value can assume externally, with
\a min and \a max. The range has the following constraint: \a min must be less or equal \a max
Such range is represented by \l minimumValue and \l maximumValue
void QQuickRangeModel1::setRange(qreal min, qreal max)
bool emitMinimumChanged = !qFuzzyCompare(min, d->minimum);
bool emitMaximumChanged = !qFuzzyCompare(max, d->maximum);
if (!(emitMinimumChanged || emitMaximumChanged))
const qreal oldValue = value();
const qreal oldPosition = position();
d->minimum = min;
d->maximum = qMax(min, max);
// Update internal position if it was changed. It can occur if internal value changes, due to range update
d->pos = d->equivalentPosition(d->value);
if (emitMinimumChanged)
emit minimumChanged(d->minimum);
if (emitMaximumChanged)
emit maximumChanged(d->maximum);
d->emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(oldValue, oldPosition);
\property QQuickRangeModel1::minimumValue
\brief the minimum value that \l value can assume
This property's default value is 0
void QQuickRangeModel1::setMinimum(qreal min)
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
setRange(min, d->maximum);
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::minimum() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->minimum;
\property QQuickRangeModel1::maximumValue
\brief the maximum value that \l value can assume
This property's default value is 99
void QQuickRangeModel1::setMaximum(qreal max)
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
// if the new maximum value is smaller than
// minimum, update minimum too
setRange(qMin(d->minimum, max), max);
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::maximum() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->maximum;
\property QQuickRangeModel1::stepSize
\brief the value that is added to the \l value and \l position property
Example: If a user sets a range of [0,100] and stepSize
to 30, the valid values that are going to be seen externally would be: 0, 30, 60, 90, 100.
void QQuickRangeModel1::setStepSize(qreal stepSize)
stepSize = qMax(qreal(0.0), stepSize);
if (qFuzzyCompare(stepSize, d->stepSize))
const qreal oldValue = value();
const qreal oldPosition = position();
d->stepSize = stepSize;
emit stepSizeChanged(d->stepSize);
d->emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(oldValue, oldPosition);
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::stepSize() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->stepSize;
Returns a valid position, respecting the \l positionAtMinimum,
\l positionAtMaximum and the \l stepSize properties.
Such calculation is based on the parameter \a value (which is valid externally).
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::positionForValue(qreal value) const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
const qreal unconstrainedPosition = d->equivalentPosition(value);
return d->publicPosition(unconstrainedPosition);
void QQuickRangeModel1::classBegin()
void QQuickRangeModel1::componentComplete()
d->isComplete = true;
emit minimumChanged(minimum());
emit maximumChanged(maximum());
if (d->valueChanged)
emit valueChanged(value());
if (d->positionChanged)
emit positionChanged(position());
\property QQuickRangeModel1::position
\brief the current position of the model
Represents a valid external position, based on the \l positionAtMinimum,
\l positionAtMaximum and the \l stepSize properties.
The user can set it internally with a position, that is not within the current position range,
since it can become valid if the user changes the position range later.
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::position() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
// Return the internal position but observe boundaries and
// stepSize restrictions.
return d->publicPosition(d->pos);
void QQuickRangeModel1::setPosition(qreal newPosition)
if (qFuzzyCompare(newPosition, d->pos))
const qreal oldPosition = position();
const qreal oldValue = value();
// Update position and calculate new value
d->pos = newPosition;
d->value = d->equivalentValue(d->pos);
d->emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(oldValue, oldPosition);
\property QQuickRangeModel1::positionAtMinimum
\brief the minimum value that \l position can assume
This property's default value is 0
void QQuickRangeModel1::setPositionAtMinimum(qreal min)
setPositionRange(min, d->posatmax);
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::positionAtMinimum() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->posatmin;
\property QQuickRangeModel1::positionAtMaximum
\brief the maximum value that \l position can assume
This property's default value is 0
void QQuickRangeModel1::setPositionAtMaximum(qreal max)
setPositionRange(d->posatmin, max);
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::positionAtMaximum() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->posatmax;
Returns a valid value, respecting the \l minimumValue,
\l maximumValue and the \l stepSize properties.
Such calculation is based on the parameter \a position (which is valid externally).
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::valueForPosition(qreal position) const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
const qreal unconstrainedValue = d->equivalentValue(position);
return d->publicValue(unconstrainedValue);
\property QQuickRangeModel1::value
\brief the current value of the model
Represents a valid external value, based on the \l minimumValue,
\l maximumValue and the \l stepSize properties.
The user can set it internally with a value, that is not within the current range,
since it can become valid if the user changes the range later.
qreal QQuickRangeModel1::value() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
// Return internal value but observe boundaries and
// stepSize restrictions
return d->publicValue(d->value);
void QQuickRangeModel1::setValue(qreal newValue)
if (qFuzzyCompare(newValue, d->value))
const qreal oldValue = value();
const qreal oldPosition = position();
// Update relative value and position
d->value = newValue;
d->pos = d->equivalentPosition(d->value);
d->emitValueAndPositionIfChanged(oldValue, oldPosition);
\property QQuickRangeModel1::inverted
\brief the model is inverted or not
The model can be represented with an inverted behavior, e.g. when \l value assumes
the maximum value (represented by \l maximumValue) the \l position will be at its
minimum (represented by \l positionAtMinimum).
void QQuickRangeModel1::setInverted(bool inverted)
if (inverted == d->inverted)
d->inverted = inverted;
emit invertedChanged(d->inverted);
// After updating the internal value, the position property can change.
bool QQuickRangeModel1::inverted() const
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
return d->inverted;
Sets the \l value to \l minimumValue.
void QQuickRangeModel1::toMinimum()
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
Sets the \l value to \l maximumValue.
void QQuickRangeModel1::toMaximum()
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
void QQuickRangeModel1::increaseSingleStep()
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
if (qFuzzyIsNull(d->stepSize))
setValue(value() + (d->maximum - d->minimum)/10.0);
setValue(value() + d->stepSize);
void QQuickRangeModel1::decreaseSingleStep()
Q_D(const QQuickRangeModel1);
if (qFuzzyIsNull(d->stepSize))
setValue(value() - (d->maximum - d->minimum)/10.0);
setValue(value() - d->stepSize);