blob: 88f2afe820aab5957d7136dd8d9b9f575c59edf4 [file] [log] [blame]
Qt 5.10 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 5.9.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:
The Qt version 5.10 series is binary compatible with the 5.10.x series.
Applications compiled for 5.9 will continue to run with 5.10.
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* Important Behavior Changes *
- [QTBUG-58060] DialogButtonBox with Material style now uses the Android
button layout.
* Controls *
- AbstractButton:
* [QTBUG-49820] Added support for icons. The following properties are
now available for derived types to use:, icon.source,
icon.width, icon.height, icon.color.
* [QTBUG-49820] Added display property to allow control over how icons
and text are displayed within buttons, without having to implement
custom delegates.
* [QTBUG-50705] Added AbstractButton::action property.
- Action:
* [QTBUG-50705] Introduced Action, an abstract user interface action
that can have shortcuts and be assigned to buttons.
- ActionGroup:
* [QTBUG-50705] Introduced ActionGroup, a non-visual group of actions
that is mutually exclusive by default.
- ApplicationWindow:
* [QTBUG-61336] The attached activeFocusControl property has been made
functional with a plain QML Window to make the functionality available
when using QQuickWindow/View/Widget instead of ApplicationWindow.
* [QTBUG-61336] Deprecated the overlay grouped property in favor of the
newly introduced Overlay attached properties.
- ButtonGroup:
* Added exclusive property to allow creating non-exclusive button
- Container:
* Deprecated removeItem(int) in favor of removeItem(Item) and
takeItem(int) with clearer semantics. The former destroys the item,
whereas the latter transfers ownership to the caller.
- Dialog:
* Added "result" property that holds whether the dialog was previously
accepted or rejected.
* Added a standardButton() method for accessing the standard buttons in
the dialog's button box.
* [QTBUG-59423] Added missing applied(), discarded(), helpRequested(),
and reset() signals that are emitted when the respective standard
buttons are clicked.
- DialogButtonBox:
* [QTBUG-59423] Added missing applied(), reset(), and discarded()
- Menu:
* [QTBUG-50471] Added a popup() method that opens a menu at the mouse
cursor on desktop platforms that have a mouse cursor available, and
otherwise centers the menu over its parent item.
* Added support for declaring Actions. The new "delegate" property is
used to define a Component that is used to create menu items that
present the actions.
* Deprecated removeItem(int) in favor of removeItem(Item) and
takeItem(int) with clearer semantics. The former destroys the item,
whereas the latter transfers ownership to the caller.
* [QTBUG-60351] Added support for cascading sub-menus.
* Added addMenu(), insertMenu(), removeMenu(), and takeMenu() methods
for adding and removing sub-menus programmatically.
* Added addAction(), insertAction(), removeAction(), and takeAction()
methods for adding and removing actions programmatically.
* Added currentIndex property for styling purposes.
* Added actionAt() and menuAt() accessors.
* Added a dismiss() method. Unlike close() that only closes a menu and
its sub-menus, dismiss() closes the whole hierarchy of menus,
including the parent menus.
* Added "count" property.
- MenuBar:
* [QTBUG-60350] Introduced a MenuBar control.
- MenuItem:
* Added a "menu" property that provides access to the menu that contains
the menu item.
* Menu has been fixed to highlight its items while key navigating and
mouse hovering to ensure seamless item highlight between mouse hover
and key navigation. In order to provide appropriate highlighting that
works for key navigation and mouse hover, styles should bind their
visual highlight to MenuItem::highlighted instead of
Control::activeFocus or Control::hovered.
- Overlay:
* [QTBUG-61336] Introduced Overlay attached properties and signals that
supersede the overlay grouped property in Application Window. The
Overlay attached type allows providing background dimming for popups
without requiring an ApplicationWindow instance.
- Popup:
* Added an "opened" boolean property that holds whether a popup is fully
open. That is, the popup is visible and neither the enter nor exit
transitions are running.
* Added "enabled" property.
* Added a read-only "mirrored" property that is true when the popup's
locale is right-to-left.
- RangeSlider:
* Added horizontal and vertical properties to make it more convenient to
create orientation-dependent bindings in styles.
- ScrollBar:
* Added horizontal and vertical properties to make it more convenient to
create orientation-dependent bindings in styles.
- ScrollIndicator:
* Added horizontal and vertical properties to make it more convenient to
create orientation-dependent bindings in styles.
- Slider:
* Added horizontal and vertical properties to make it more convenient to
create orientation-dependent bindings in styles.
- SpinBox:
* [QTBUG-58760] Added wrap-property to allow wrapping circular
- StackView:
* Allowed specifying a transition when clearing the stack view.
- SwipeView:
* Added horizontal and vertical properties to make it more convenient to
create orientation-dependent bindings in styles.
- TabBar:
* Added index/tabBar/position attached properties.
* Styles *
- Introduced a Fusion style that offers a platform agnostic
desktop-oriented look'n'feel.
- Added the Imagine style, which is based on image assets that can be
provided using a predefined naming convention.
- Added support for specifying the default font for different styles in
- Fixed the style selection mechanism so that now it is possible to
organize platform and locale-specific files into sub-directories, such
as "+linux", "+macos", and "+windows".