blob: 420ded77f3a02a52fafd18241f84c064a053de3c [file] [log] [blame]
Qt 5.12.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward
compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.12.0 through 5.12.1.
For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this
distribution. The documentation is also available online:
The Qt version 5.12 series is binary compatible with the 5.11.x series.
Applications compiled for 5.11 will continue to run with 5.12.
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* Controls *
- [QTBUG-73849] Fixed incorrect documentation link to
- [QTBUG-72536] Fixed bug with long text in ScrollView.
- [QTBUG-73447] Fixed Menu's appearance not changing when enabled state
- [QTBUG-70181] Fixed disabled menu items getting focus.
- [QTBUG-69540] Fixed disabled sub-menu items being highlighted.
- [QTBUG-72023] Fixed font and palette settings in .conf files not being
- [QTBUG-69682] Fixed Menu not being dismissed when the triggered item
disables itself.
- [QTBUG-73412] Fixed Dial's new properties not being detected by Creator.
- [QTBUG-73202] Documented how to move active focus out of TextArea with
- [QTBUG-72786] Fixed palette colors not propagating to ComboBox's popup.
- [QTBUG-73179] Fixed Qt.labs.platform.FileDialog not honoring folder
- [QTBUG-72811] Fixed AbstractButton's clicked() signal not being emitted
after long press.
- [QTBUG-72746] Fixed crash on exit when using popups.
- [QTBUG-72372] Fixed issue where a button would go outside of
- [QTBUG-71902] Fixed incorrect font size in certain styles on Windows.
- [QTBUG-72750] Fixed Slider's wheel event propagation.
* Controls *
- [QTBUG-70819] Made Active and Disabled button colors closer to Widgets'
Fusion style.
- [QTBUG-70819] Use white ButtonText when a dark system theme is in use.
- [QTBUG-70652] Use system palette for highlightedText instead of a fixed
white color.