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** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Labs Calendar module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qquickdayofweekrow_p.h"
#include "qquickdayofweekmodel_p.h"
#include <QtQuickTemplates2/private/qquickcontrol_p_p.h>
\qmltype DayOfWeekRow
\inherits Control
//! \instantiates QQuickDayOfWeekRow
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.calendar
\brief A row of names for the days in a week.
DayOfWeekRow presents day of week names in a row. The names of the days
are ordered and formatted using the specified \l {Control::locale}{locale}.
\image qtlabscalendar-dayofweekrow.png
\snippet qtlabscalendar-dayofweekrow.qml 1
DayOfWeekRow can be used as a standalone control, but it is most
often used in conjunction with MonthGrid. Regardless of the use case,
positioning of the row is left to the user.
\image qtlabscalendar-dayofweekrow-layout.png
\snippet qtlabscalendar-dayofweekrow-layout.qml 1
The visual appearance of DayOfWeekRow can be changed by
implementing a \l {delegate}{custom delegate}.
\sa MonthGrid, WeekNumberColumn
class QQuickDayOfWeekRowPrivate : public QQuickControlPrivate
QQuickDayOfWeekRowPrivate() : delegate(nullptr), model(nullptr) { }
void resizeItems();
QVariant source;
QQmlComponent *delegate;
QQuickDayOfWeekModel *model;
void QQuickDayOfWeekRowPrivate::resizeItems()
if (!contentItem)
QSizeF itemSize;
itemSize.setWidth((contentItem->width() - 6 * spacing) / 7);
const auto childItems = contentItem->childItems();
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems)
QQuickDayOfWeekRow::QQuickDayOfWeekRow(QQuickItem *parent) :
QQuickControl(*(new QQuickDayOfWeekRowPrivate), parent)
d->model = new QQuickDayOfWeekModel(this);
d->source = QVariant::fromValue(d->model);
\qmlproperty model Qt.labs.calendar::DayOfWeekRow::source
This property holds the source model that is used as a data model
for the internal content row.
QVariant QQuickDayOfWeekRow::source() const
Q_D(const QQuickDayOfWeekRow);
return d->source;
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::setSource(const QVariant &source)
if (d->source != source) {
d->source = source;
emit sourceChanged();
\qmlproperty Component Qt.labs.calendar::DayOfWeekRow::delegate
This property holds the item delegate that visualizes each day of the week.
In addition to the \c index property, a list of model data roles
are available in the context of each delegate:
\row \li \b : int \li The day of week (\l Qt::DayOfWeek)
\row \li \b model.longName : string \li The long version of the day name; for example, "Monday" (\l QLocale::LongFormat)
\row \li \b model.shortName : string \li The short version of the day name; for example, "Mon" (\l QLocale::ShortFormat)
\row \li \b model.narrowName : string \li A special version of the day name for use when space is limited; for example, "M" (\l QLocale::NarrowFormat)
The following snippet presents the default implementation of the item
delegate. It can be used as a starting point for implementing custom
\snippet DayOfWeekRow.qml delegate
QQmlComponent *QQuickDayOfWeekRow::delegate() const
Q_D(const QQuickDayOfWeekRow);
return d->delegate;
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::setDelegate(QQmlComponent *delegate)
if (d->delegate != delegate) {
d->delegate = delegate;
emit delegateChanged();
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::componentComplete()
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
QQuickControl::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
if (isComponentComplete())
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::localeChange(const QLocale &newLocale, const QLocale &oldLocale)
QQuickControl::localeChange(newLocale, oldLocale);
void QQuickDayOfWeekRow::paddingChange(const QMarginsF &newPadding, const QMarginsF &oldPadding)
QQuickControl::paddingChange(newPadding, oldPadding);
if (isComponentComplete())