blob: 34bce814a23e418bdca52dff3cfcffad172b8929 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Labs Calendar module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include "qquickmonthmodel_p.h"
#include <QtCore/private/qabstractitemmodel_p.h>
namespace {
static const int daysInAWeek = 7;
static const int weeksOnACalendarMonth = 6;
static const int daysOnACalendarMonth = daysInAWeek * weeksOnACalendarMonth;
class QQuickMonthModelPrivate : public QAbstractItemModelPrivate
QQuickMonthModelPrivate() : dates(daysOnACalendarMonth)
today = QDate::currentDate();
month = today.month();
year = today.year();
bool populate(int month, int year, const QLocale &locale, bool force = false);
int month;
int year;
QString title;
QLocale locale;
QVector<QDate> dates;
QDate today;
bool QQuickMonthModelPrivate::populate(int m, int y, const QLocale &l, bool force)
if (!force && m == month && y == year && l.firstDayOfWeek() == locale.firstDayOfWeek())
return false;
// The actual first (1st) day of the month.
QDate firstDayOfMonthDate(y, m, 1);
int difference = ((firstDayOfMonthDate.dayOfWeek() - l.firstDayOfWeek()) + 7) % 7;
// The first day to display should never be the 1st of the month, as we want some days from
// the previous month to be visible.
if (difference == 0)
difference += 7;
QDate firstDateToDisplay = firstDayOfMonthDate.addDays(-difference);
today = QDate::currentDate();
for (int i = 0; i < daysOnACalendarMonth; ++i)
dates[i] = firstDateToDisplay.addDays(i);
q->setTitle(l.standaloneMonthName(m) + QStringLiteral(" ") + QString::number(y));
return true;
QQuickMonthModel::QQuickMonthModel(QObject *parent) :
QAbstractListModel(*(new QQuickMonthModelPrivate), parent)
d->populate(d->month, d->year, d->locale, true);
int QQuickMonthModel::month() const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
return d->month;
void QQuickMonthModel::setMonth(int month)
if (d->month != month) {
if (d->populate(month, d->year, d->locale))
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(daysOnACalendarMonth - 1, 0));
d->month = month;
emit monthChanged();
int QQuickMonthModel::year() const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
return d->year;
void QQuickMonthModel::setYear(int year)
if (d->year != year) {
if (d->populate(d->month, year, d->locale))
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(daysOnACalendarMonth - 1, 0));
d->year = year;
emit yearChanged();
QLocale QQuickMonthModel::locale() const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
return d->locale;
void QQuickMonthModel::setLocale(const QLocale &locale)
if (d->locale != locale) {
if (d->populate(d->month, d->year, locale))
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(daysOnACalendarMonth - 1, 0));
d->locale = locale;
emit localeChanged();
QString QQuickMonthModel::title() const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
return d->title;
void QQuickMonthModel::setTitle(const QString &title)
if (d->title != title) {
d->title = title;
emit titleChanged();
QDate QQuickMonthModel::dateAt(int index) const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
return d->dates.value(index);
int QQuickMonthModel::indexOf(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
if (date < d->dates.first() || date > d->dates.last())
return -1;
return qMax(qint64(0), d->dates.first().daysTo(date));
QVariant QQuickMonthModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
Q_D(const QQuickMonthModel);
if (index.isValid() && index.row() < daysOnACalendarMonth) {
const QDate date = d->;
switch (role) {
case DateRole:
return date;
case DayRole:
case TodayRole:
return date == d->today;
case WeekNumberRole:
return date.weekNumber();
case MonthRole:
return date.month() - 1;
case YearRole:
return date.year();
return QVariant();
int QQuickMonthModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return daysOnACalendarMonth;
QHash<int, QByteArray> QQuickMonthModel::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
roles[DateRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("date");
roles[DayRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("day");
roles[TodayRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("today");
roles[WeekNumberRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("weekNumber");
roles[MonthRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("month");
roles[YearRole] = QByteArrayLiteral("year");
return roles;