blob: 3d39e0a1ad319934f9772f63ae6aa2bd41160d94 [file] [log] [blame]
# Additional meta information (attributes for matched entries, as well as tags)
# to be added to manifest.xml files.
# manifestmeta.filters = <filter1>,<filter2>,...
# manifestmeta.<filter>.names = <Module1>/<name1>,<Module2>/<name2>,..
# manifestmeta.<filter>.attributes = <attribute1:value1>,<attribute2:value2>,..
# manifestmeta.<filter>.tags = <tag1>,<tag2>,..
# <filter>.names specify all the module/name combinations to apply the
# attributes/tags to. You can use simple wildcard matching by appending
# '*' at the end of name.
# Note: You cannot use operators (+, =, -) in the names.
# Examples: add a 'isHighlighted' attribute for two 'Analog Clock' examples,
# add a 'database' tag for QtSql examples, and a 'qt5' tag for all examples
# manifestmeta.filters = highlighted sql global
# manifestmeta.highlighted.names = "QtGui/Analog Clock Window Example" \
# "QtWidgets/Analog Clock Example"
# manifestmeta.highlighted.attributes = isHighlighted:true
# manifestmeta.sql.names = "QtSql/*"
# manifestmeta.sql.tags = database
# = *
# = qt5
manifestmeta.highlighted.names = "QtQuickControls2/Qt Quick Controls 2 - Gallery" \
"QtQuickControls2/Qt Quick Controls 2 - Wearable Demo" \
"QtQuickControls2/Qt Quick Controls 2 - Text Editor" \
"QtQuickControls2/Qt Quick Controls 2 - Contact List" \
"QtQuickControls2/Qt Quick Controls 2 - Side Panel"