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** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qquickcheckdelegate_p.h"
#include "qquickitemdelegate_p_p.h"
#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
#include <QtQml/qjsvalue.h>
\qmltype CheckDelegate
\inherits ItemDelegate
//! \instantiates QQuickCheckDelegate
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
\since 5.7
\ingroup qtquickcontrols2-delegates
\brief Item delegate with a check indicator that can be toggled on or off.
\image qtquickcontrols2-checkdelegate.gif
CheckDelegate presents an item delegate that can be toggled on (checked) or
off (unchecked). Check delegates are typically used to select one or more
options from a set of options in a list. For smaller sets of options, or
for options that need to be uniquely identifiable, consider using
\l CheckBox instead.
CheckDelegate inherits its API from \l ItemDelegate, which is inherited
from AbstractButton. For instance, you can set \l {AbstractButton::text}{text},
and react to \l {AbstractButton::clicked}{clicks} using the AbstractButton
API. The state of the check delegate can be set with the
\l {AbstractButton::}{checked} property.
In addition to the checked and unchecked states, there is a third state:
partially checked. The partially checked state can be enabled using the
\l tristate property. This state indicates that the regular checked/unchecked
state can not be determined; generally because of other states that affect
the check delegate. This state is useful when several child nodes are selected
in a treeview, for example.
ListView {
model: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]
delegate: CheckDelegate {
text: modelData
\sa {Customizing CheckDelegate}, {Delegate Controls}, CheckBox
class QQuickCheckDelegatePrivate : public QQuickItemDelegatePrivate
void setNextCheckState(const QJSValue &callback);
bool tristate = false;
Qt::CheckState checkState = Qt::Unchecked;
QJSValue nextCheckState;
void QQuickCheckDelegatePrivate::setNextCheckState(const QJSValue &callback)
nextCheckState = callback;
emit q->nextCheckStateChanged();
QQuickCheckDelegate::QQuickCheckDelegate(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickItemDelegate(*(new QQuickCheckDelegatePrivate), parent)
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::CheckDelegate::tristate
This property determines whether the check delegate has three states.
In the animation below, the first checkdelegate is tri-state:
\image qtquickcontrols2-checkdelegate-tristate.gif
The default is \c false, i.e., the delegate has only two states.
bool QQuickCheckDelegate::isTristate() const
Q_D(const QQuickCheckDelegate);
return d->tristate;
void QQuickCheckDelegate::setTristate(bool tristate)
if (d->tristate == tristate)
d->tristate = tristate;
emit tristateChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Controls::CheckDelegate::checkState
This property determines the check state of the check delegate.
Available states:
\value Qt.Unchecked The delegate is unchecked.
\value Qt.PartiallyChecked The delegate is partially checked. This state is only used when \l tristate is enabled.
\value Qt.Checked The delegate is checked.
\sa tristate, {AbstractButton::checked}{checked}
Qt::CheckState QQuickCheckDelegate::checkState() const
Q_D(const QQuickCheckDelegate);
return d->checkState;
void QQuickCheckDelegate::setCheckState(Qt::CheckState state)
if (d->checkState == state)
bool wasChecked = isChecked();
d->checked = state == Qt::Checked;
d->checkState = state;
emit checkStateChanged();
if (d->checked != wasChecked)
emit checkedChanged();
QFont QQuickCheckDelegate::defaultFont() const
return QQuickTheme::font(QQuickTheme::ListView);
QPalette QQuickCheckDelegate::defaultPalette() const
return QQuickTheme::palette(QQuickTheme::ListView);
void QQuickCheckDelegate::buttonChange(ButtonChange change)
if (change == ButtonCheckedChange)
setCheckState(isChecked() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
\since QtQuick.Controls 2.4 (Qt 5.11)
\qmlproperty function QtQuick.Controls::CheckDelegate::nextCheckState
This property holds a callback function that is called to determine
the next check state whenever the check delegate is interactively toggled
by the user via touch, mouse, or keyboard.
By default, a normal check delegate cycles between \c Qt.Unchecked and
\c Qt.Checked states, and a tri-state check delegate cycles between
\c Qt.Unchecked, \c Qt.PartiallyChecked, and \c Qt.Checked states.
The \c nextCheckState callback function can override the default behavior.
The following example implements a tri-state check delegate that can present
a partially checked state depending on external conditions, but never
cycles to the partially checked state when interactively toggled by
the user.
CheckDelegate {
tristate: true
checkState: allChildrenChecked ? Qt.Checked :
anyChildChecked ? Qt.PartiallyChecked : Qt.Unchecked
nextCheckState: function() {
if (checkState === Qt.Checked)
return Qt.Unchecked
return Qt.Checked
void QQuickCheckDelegate::nextCheckState()
if (d->nextCheckState.isCallable())
else if (d->tristate)
setCheckState(static_cast<Qt::CheckState>((d->checkState + 1) % 3));
#if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
QAccessible::Role QQuickCheckDelegate::accessibleRole() const
return QAccessible::CheckBox;
#include "moc_qquickcheckdelegate_p.cpp"