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#include "gifrecorder.h"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QtTest>
QProcess wrapper around byzanz-record (sudo apt-get install byzanz).
\note The following programs must be installed if \c setHighQuality(true)
is called:
\li \e ffmpeg (sudo apt-get install ffmpeg)
\li \e convert (sudo apt-get install imagemagick)
\li \e gifsicle (sudo apt-get install gifsicle)
It is recommended to set the \c Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag on the view
(this code has not been tested under other usage):
view.setFlags(view.flags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcGifRecorder, "qt.gifrecorder")
namespace {
static const char *byzanzProcessName = "byzanz-record";
GifRecorder::GifRecorder() :
if (lcGifRecorder().isDebugEnabled()) {
// Ensures output from the process goes directly into the console.
connect(&mByzanzProcess, SIGNAL(errorOccurred(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(onByzanzError()));
connect(&mByzanzProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(onByzanzFinished()));
void GifRecorder::setRecordingDuration(int duration)
QVERIFY2(duration >= 1, qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Recording duration %1 must be larger than 1 second").arg(duration)));
QVERIFY2(duration < 20, qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Recording duration %1 must be less than 20 seconds").arg(duration)));
mRecordingDuration = duration;
void GifRecorder::setRecordCursor(bool recordCursor)
mRecordCursor = recordCursor;
void GifRecorder::setDataDirPath(const QString &path)
QVERIFY2(!path.isEmpty(), "Data directory path cannot be empty");
mDataDirPath = path;
void GifRecorder::setOutputDir(const QDir &dir)
QVERIFY2(dir.exists(), "Output directory must exist");
mOutputDir = dir;
void GifRecorder::setOutputFileBaseName(const QString &fileBaseName)
mOutputFileBaseName = fileBaseName;
void GifRecorder::setQmlFileName(const QString &fileName)
QVERIFY2(!fileName.isEmpty(), "QML file name cannot be empty");
mQmlInputFileName = fileName;
void GifRecorder::setView(QQuickWindow *view)
this->mWindow = view;
If \a highQuality is \c true, records as .flv (lossless) and then converts
to .gif in order to retain more color information, at the expense of a
larger file size. Otherwise, records directly to .gif using a limited
amount of colors, resulting in a smaller file size.
Set this to \c true if any of the items have transparency, for example.
The default value is \c false.
void GifRecorder::setHighQuality(bool highQuality)
mHighQuality = highQuality;
QQuickWindow *GifRecorder::window() const
return mWindow;
namespace {
struct ProcessWaitResult {
bool success;
QString errorMessage;
ProcessWaitResult waitForProcessToStart(QProcess &process, const QString &processName, const QString &args)
qCDebug(lcGifRecorder) << "Starting" << processName << "with the following arguments:" << args;
const QString command = processName + QLatin1Char(' ') + args;
if (!process.waitForStarted(1000)) {
QString errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Could not launch %1 with the following arguments: %2\nError:\n%3");
errorMessage = errorMessage.arg(processName).arg(args).arg(process.errorString());
return { false, errorMessage };
qCDebug(lcGifRecorder) << "Successfully started" << processName;
return { true, QString() };
ProcessWaitResult waitForProcessToFinish(QProcess &process, const QString &processName, int waitDuration)
if (!process.waitForFinished(waitDuration) || process.exitCode() != 0) {
QString errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("\"%1\" failed to finish (exit code %2): %3");
errorMessage = errorMessage.arg(processName).arg(process.exitCode()).arg(process.errorString());
return { false, errorMessage };
qCDebug(lcGifRecorder) << processName << "finished";
return { true, QString() };
void GifRecorder::start()
QDir gifQmlDir(mDataDirPath);
const QString qmlPath = gifQmlDir.absoluteFilePath(mQmlInputFileName);
mWindow = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(mEngine.rootObjects().first());
QVERIFY2(mWindow, "Top level item must be a window");
mWindow->setFlags(mWindow->flags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowActive(mWindow, 500));
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(mWindow, 500));
// For some reason, whatever is behind the window is sometimes
// in the recording, so add this delay to be extra sure that it isn't.
if (mOutputFileBaseName.isEmpty()) {
mOutputFileBaseName = mOutputDir.absoluteFilePath(mQmlInputFileName);
mOutputFileBaseName.replace(".qml", "");
mByzanzOutputFileName = mOutputDir.absoluteFilePath(mOutputFileBaseName);
if (mHighQuality) {
mGifFileName = mByzanzOutputFileName;
mGifFileName.replace(QLatin1String(".flv"), QLatin1String(".gif"));
} else {
const QPoint globalWindowPos = mWindow->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0));
QString args = QLatin1String("-d %1 -v %2 -x %3 -y %4 -w %5 -h %6 %7");
args = args.arg(QString::number(mRecordingDuration))
.arg(mRecordCursor ? QStringLiteral("-c") : QString())
// It seems that byzanz-record will cut a recording short if there are no
// screen repaints, no matter what format it outputs. This can be tested
// manually from the command line by recording any section of the screen
// without moving the mouse and then running avprobe on the resulting .flv.
// Our workaround is to force view updates.
connect(&mEventTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), mWindow, SLOT(update()));
const ProcessWaitResult result = waitForProcessToStart(mByzanzProcess, byzanzProcessName, args);
if (!result.success)
void GifRecorder::waitForFinish()
// Give it an extra couple of seconds on top of its recording duration.
const int recordingDurationMs = mRecordingDuration * 1000;
const int waitDuration = recordingDurationMs + 2000;
QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(mByzanzProcessFinished, waitDuration);
if (!QFileInfo::exists(mByzanzOutputFileName)) {
const QString message = QString::fromLatin1(
"The process said it finished successfully, but %1 was not generated.").arg(mByzanzOutputFileName);
if (mHighQuality) {
// Indicate the end of recording and the beginning of conversion.
QQmlComponent busyComponent(&mEngine);
busyComponent.setData("import QtQuick 2.6; import QtQuick.Controls 2.1; Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; " \
"BusyIndicator { width: 32; height: 32; anchors.centerIn: parent } }", QUrl());
QCOMPARE(busyComponent.status(), QQmlComponent::Ready);
QQuickItem *busyRect = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(busyComponent.create());
QSignalSpy spy(mWindow, SIGNAL(frameSwapped()));
// Start ffmpeg and send its output to imagemagick's convert command.
// Based on the example in the documentation for QProcess::setStandardOutputProcess().
QProcess ffmpegProcess;
QProcess convertProcess;
const QString ffmpegProcessName = QStringLiteral("ffmpeg");
const QString ffmpegArgs = QString::fromLatin1("-i %1 -r 20 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -").arg(mByzanzOutputFileName);
ProcessWaitResult result = waitForProcessToStart(ffmpegProcess, ffmpegProcessName, ffmpegArgs);
if (!result.success)
const QString convertProcessName = QStringLiteral("convert");
const QString convertArgs = QString::fromLatin1("-delay 5 -loop 0 - %1").arg(mGifFileName);
result = waitForProcessToStart(convertProcess, convertProcessName, convertArgs);
if (!result.success)
result = waitForProcessToFinish(ffmpegProcess, ffmpegProcessName, waitDuration);
if (!result.success)
// Conversion can take a bit longer, so double the wait time.
result = waitForProcessToFinish(convertProcess, convertProcessName, waitDuration * 2);
if (!result.success)
const QString gifsicleProcessName = QStringLiteral("gifsicle");
const QString verbose = lcGifRecorder().isDebugEnabled() ? QStringLiteral("-V") : QString();
// --colors 256 stops the warning about local color tables being used, and results in smaller files,
// but it seems to affect the duration of the GIF (checked with exiftool), so we don't use it.
// For example, the slider GIF has the following attributes with and without the option:
// With Without
// Frame Count 57 61
// Duration 2.85 seconds 3.05 seconds
// File size 11 kB 13 kB
const QString gifsicleArgs = QString::fromLatin1("%1 -b -O %2").arg(verbose).arg(mGifFileName);
QProcess gifsicleProcess;
if (lcGifRecorder().isDebugEnabled())
result = waitForProcessToStart(gifsicleProcess, gifsicleProcessName, gifsicleArgs);
if (!result.success)
result = waitForProcessToFinish(gifsicleProcess, gifsicleProcessName, waitDuration);
if (!result.success)
if (QFile::exists(mByzanzOutputFileName))
void GifRecorder::onByzanzError()
const QString message = QString::fromLatin1("%1 failed to finish: %2");
void GifRecorder::onByzanzFinished()
qCDebug(lcGifRecorder) << byzanzProcessName << "finished";
mByzanzProcessFinished = true;