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#include "qcanbusframe.h"
#include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>
\class QCanBusFrame
\inmodule QtSerialBus
\since 5.8
\brief QCanBusFrame is a container class representing a single CAN frame.
\l QCanBusDevice can use QCanBusFrame for read and write operations. It contains the frame
identifier and the data payload. QCanBusFrame contains the timestamp of the moment it was read.
\sa QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp
\fn QCanBusFrame::QCanBusFrame(QCanBusFrame::FrameType type = DataFrame)
Constructs a CAN frame of the specified \a type.
\fn QCanBusFrame::QCanBusFrame(quint32 identifier, const QByteArray &data)
Constructs a CAN frame using \a identifier as the frame identifier and \a data as the payload.
\fn bool QCanBusFrame::isValid() const
Returns \c false if the \l frameType() is \l InvalidFrame,
the \l hasExtendedFrameFormat() is not set although \l frameId() is longer than 11 bit or
the payload is longer than the maximal permitted payload length of 64 byte if \e {Flexible
Data-Rate} mode is enabled or 8 byte if it is disabled. If \l frameType() is \l RemoteRequestFrame
and the \e {Flexible Data-Rate} mode is enabled at the same time \c false is also returned.
Otherwise this function returns \c true.
\fn QCanBusFrame::setFrameId(quint32 newFrameId)
Sets the identifier of the CAN frame to \a newFrameId.
The maximum size of a CAN frame identifier is 11 bits, which can be
extended up to 29 bits by supporting the \e {CAN extended frame format}.
The \e {CAN extended frame format} setting is automatically set when a
\a newFrameId with more than 11 bits in size is given.
When the format is extended and a \a newFrameId with up to 11 bits or less
is passed, the \e {CAN extended frame format} setting is \b not changed.
\sa frameId(), hasExtendedFrameFormat()
\fn QCanBusFrame::setPayload(const QByteArray &data)
Sets \a data as the payload for the CAN frame. The maximum size of payload is 8 bytes, which can
be extended up to 64 bytes by supporting \e {Flexible Data-Rate}. If \a data contains more than
8 byte the \e {Flexible Data-Rate} flag is automatically set. Flexible Data-Rate has to be
enabled on the \l QCanBusDevice by setting the \l QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey.
Frames of type \l RemoteRequestFrame (RTR) do not have a payload. However they have to
provide an indication of the responses expected payload length. To set the length expection it
is necessary to set a fake payload whose length matches the expected payload length of the
response. One way of doing this might be as follows:
QCanBusFrame frame(QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame);
int expectedResponseLength = ...;
frame.setPayload(QByteArray(expectedResponseLength, 0));
\sa payload(), hasFlexibleDataRateFormat()
\fn QCanBusFrame::setTimeStamp(TimeStamp ts)
Sets \a ts as the timestamp for the CAN frame. Usually, this function is not needed, because the
timestamp is created during the read operation and not needed during the write operation.
\sa QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp
\fn quint32 QCanBusFrame::frameId() const
Returns the CAN frame identifier. If the CAN frame uses the
extended frame format, the identifier has a maximum of 29 bits;
otherwise 11 bits.
If the frame is of \l ErrorFrame type, this ID is always 0.
\sa setFrameId(), hasExtendedFrameFormat()
\fn bool QCanBusFrame::hasExtendedFrameFormat() const
Returns \c true if the CAN frame uses a 29bit identifier;
otherwise \c false, implying an 11bit identifier.
\sa setExtendedFrameFormat(), frameId()
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setExtendedFrameFormat(bool isExtended)
Sets the extended frame format flag to \a isExtended.
\sa hasExtendedFrameFormat()
\enum QCanBusFrame::Version
This enum describes the version of the QCanBusFrame.
With newer Qt versions, new features may be added to QCanBusFrame. To support serializing and
deserializing of frames with different features, the version needs to be incremented every
time a new feature appears. This enum describes, at which Qt version a specific QCanBusFrame
version appeared.
\value Qt_5_8 This frame is the initial version introduced in Qt 5.8
\value Qt_5_9 This frame version was introduced in Qt 5.9
\enum QCanBusFrame::FrameType
This enum describes the type of the CAN frame.
\value UnknownFrame The frame type is unknown.
\value DataFrame This value represents a data frame.
\value ErrorFrame This value represents an error frame.
\value RemoteRequestFrame This value represents a remote request.
\value InvalidFrame This value represents an invalid frame.
This type is used for error reporting.
\sa setFrameType()
\enum QCanBusFrame::FrameError
This enum describes the possible error types.
\value NoError No error has occurred.
\value TransmissionTimeoutError The transmission has timed out.
\value LostArbitrationError The frame could not be sent due to lost
arbitration on the bus.
\value ControllerError The controller encountered an error.
\value ProtocolViolationError A protocol violation has occurred.
\value TransceiverError A transceiver error occurred
\value MissingAcknowledgmentError The transmission received no
\value BusOffError The CAN bus is offline.
\value BusError A CAN bus error occurred.
\value ControllerRestartError The controller restarted.
\value UnknownError An unknown error has occurred.
\value AnyError Matches every other error type.
\fn FrameType QCanBusFrame::frameType() const
Returns the type of the frame.
\sa setFrameType()
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setFrameType(FrameType newType)
Sets the type of the frame to \a newType.
\sa frameType()
\fn QByteArray QCanBusFrame::payload() const
Returns the data payload of the frame.
\sa setPayload()
\fn TimeStamp QCanBusFrame::timeStamp() const
Returns the timestamp of the frame.
\sa QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp, QCanBusFrame::setTimeStamp()
\fn FrameErrors QCanBusFrame::error() const
Returns the error of the current error frame. If the frame
is not an \l ErrorFrame, this function returns \l NoError.
\sa setError()
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setError(FrameErrors error)
Sets the frame's \a error type. This function does nothing if
\l frameType() is not an \l ErrorFrame.
\sa error()
\fn bool QCanBusFrame::hasFlexibleDataRateFormat() const
Returns \c true if the CAN frame uses \e {Flexible Data-Rate} which allows up to 64 data bytes,
otherwise \c false, implying at most 8 byte of payload.
\sa setFlexibleDataRateFormat(), payload()
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setFlexibleDataRateFormat(bool isFlexibleData)
Sets the \e {Flexible Data-Rate} flag to \a isFlexibleData. Those frames can be sent using
a higher speed on supporting controllers. Additionally the payload length limit is raised to
64 byte.
\sa hasFlexibleDataRateFormat()
\fn QCanBusFrame::hasBitrateSwitch() const
\since 5.9
Returns \c true if the CAN uses \e {Flexible Data-Rate} with \e {Bitrate Switch},
to transfer the payload data at a higher data bitrate.
\sa setBitrateSwitch() QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setBitrateSwitch(bool bitrateSwitch)
\since 5.9
Set the \e {Flexible Data-Rate} flag \e {Bitrate Switch} flag to \a bitrateSwitch.
The data field of frames with this flag is transferred at a higher data bitrate.
\sa hasBitrateSwitch() QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey
\fn QCanBusFrame::hasErrorStateIndicator() const
\since 5.9
Returns \c true if the CAN uses \e {Flexible Data-Rate} with \e {Error State Indicator} set.
This flag is set by the transmitter's CAN FD hardware to indicate the transmitter's error state.
\sa setErrorStateIndicator()
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setErrorStateIndicator(bool errorStateIndicator)
\since 5.9
Set the \e {Flexible Data-Rate} flag \e {Error State Indicator} flag to \a errorStateIndicator.
When sending CAN FD frames, this flag is automatically set by the CAN FD hardware.
\c QCanBusFrame::setErrorStateIndicator() should only be used for application testing,
e.g. on virtual CAN FD busses.
\sa hasErrorStateIndicator()
\fn QCanBusFrame::hasLocalEcho() const
\since 5.10
Returns \c true if the frame is a local echo frame, i.e. a frame that is received as echo when
the frame with the same content was successfully sent to the CAN bus. This flag is set for
frames sent by the application itself as well as for frames sent by other applications running
on the same system.
QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey must be set to true to receive echo frames.
\sa setLocalEcho()
\sa QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey
\sa QCanBusDevice::LoopbackKey
\fn void QCanBusFrame::setLocalEcho(bool echo)
\since 5.10
Set the \e {Local Echo} flag to \a echo.
When sending CAN bus frames with QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey enabled, all successfully sent
frames are echoed to the receive queue and marked as local echo frames.
\c QCanBusFrame::setLocalEcho should therefore only be used for application testing,
e.g. on virtual CAN busses.
\sa hasLocalEcho()
\class QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp
\inmodule QtSerialBus
\since 5.8
\brief The TimeStamp class provides timestamp information with microsecond precision.
\fn QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::TimeStamp(qint64 s, qint64 usec)
Constructs a TimeStamp in seconds, \a s, and microseconds, \a usec.
\note The TimeStamp is not normalized, i.e. microseconds greater 1000000 are not
converted to seconds.
\fn static TimeStamp QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(qint64 usec)
Constructs a normalized TimeStamp from microseconds \a usec.
The created TimeStamp is normalized, i.e. microseconds greater 1000000 are converted
to seconds.
\fn qint64 QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::seconds() const
Returns the seconds of the timestamp.
\fn qint64 QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::microSeconds() const
Returns the microseconds of the timestamp.
Returns the CAN frame as a formatted string.
The output contains the CAN identifier in hexadecimal format, right
adjusted to 32 bit, followed by the data length in square brackets
and the payload in hexadecimal format.
Standard identifiers are filled with spaces while extended identifiers
are filled with zeros.
Typical outputs are:
(Error) - error frame
7FF [1] 01 - data frame with standard identifier
1FFFFFFF [8] 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF - data frame with extended identifier
400 [10] 01 23 45 67 ... EF 01 23 - CAN FD frame
123 [5] Remote Request - remote frame with standard identifier
00000234 [0] Remote Request - remote frame with extended identifier
QString QCanBusFrame::toString() const
const FrameType type = frameType();
switch (type) {
case InvalidFrame:
return QStringLiteral("(Invalid)");
case ErrorFrame:
return QStringLiteral("(Error)");
case UnknownFrame:
return QStringLiteral("(Unknown)");
const char * const idFormat = hasExtendedFrameFormat() ? "%08X" : " %03X";
const char * const dlcFormat = hasFlexibleDataRateFormat() ? " [%02d]" : " [%d]";
QString result;
result.append(QString::asprintf(idFormat, static_cast<uint>(frameId())));
result.append(QString::asprintf(dlcFormat, payload().size()));
if (type == RemoteRequestFrame) {
result.append(QLatin1String(" Remote Request"));
} else if (!payload().isEmpty()) {
const QByteArray data = payload().toHex(' ').toUpper();
result.append(QLatin1String(" "));
return result;
/*! \relates QCanBusFrame
Writes a \a frame to the stream (\a out) and returns a reference
to the it.
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QCanBusFrame &frame)
out << frame.frameId();
out << static_cast<quint8>(frame.frameType());
out << static_cast<quint8>(frame.version);
out << frame.hasExtendedFrameFormat();
out << frame.hasFlexibleDataRateFormat();
out << frame.payload();
const QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp stamp = frame.timeStamp();
out << stamp.seconds();
out << stamp.microSeconds();
if (frame.version >= QCanBusFrame::Version::Qt_5_9)
out << frame.hasBitrateSwitch() << frame.hasErrorStateIndicator();
if (frame.version >= QCanBusFrame::Version::Qt_5_10)
out << frame.hasLocalEcho();
return out;
/*! \relates QCanBusFrame
Reads a \a frame from the stream (\a in) and returns a
reference to the it.
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QCanBusFrame &frame)
quint32 frameId;
quint8 frameType;
quint8 version;
bool extendedFrameFormat;
bool flexibleDataRate;
bool bitrateSwitch = false;
bool errorStateIndicator = false;
bool localEcho = false;
QByteArray payload;
qint64 seconds;
qint64 microSeconds;
in >> frameId >> frameType >> version >> extendedFrameFormat >> flexibleDataRate
>> payload >> seconds >> microSeconds;
if (version >= QCanBusFrame::Version::Qt_5_9)
in >> bitrateSwitch >> errorStateIndicator;
if (version >= QCanBusFrame::Version::Qt_5_10)
in >> localEcho;
frame.version = version;
frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp(seconds, microSeconds));
return in;