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#include "qhelpenginecore.h"
#include "qhelpsearchengine.h"
#include "qhelpsearchquerywidget.h"
#include "qhelpsearchresultwidget.h"
#include "qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h"
#include "qhelpsearchindexreader_default_p.h"
#include "qhelpsearchindexwriter_default_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtCore/QPointer>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
using namespace fulltextsearch::qt;
class QHelpSearchResultData : public QSharedData
QUrl m_url;
QString m_title;
QString m_snippet;
\class QHelpSearchResult
\since 5.9
\inmodule QtHelp
\brief The QHelpSearchResult class provides the data associated with the
search result.
The QHelpSearchResult object is a data object that describes a single search result.
The vector of search result objects is returned by QHelpSearchEngine::searchResults().
The description of the search result contains the document title and URL
that the search input matched. It also contains the snippet from
the document content containing the best match of the search input.
\sa QHelpSearchEngine
Constructs a new empty QHelpSearchResult.
: d(new QHelpSearchResultData)
Constructs a copy of \a other.
QHelpSearchResult::QHelpSearchResult(const QHelpSearchResult &other)
: d(other.d)
Constructs the search result containing \a url, \a title and \a snippet
as the description of the result.
QHelpSearchResult::QHelpSearchResult(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QString &snippet)
: d(new QHelpSearchResultData)
d->m_url = url;
d->m_title = title;
d->m_snippet = snippet;
Destroys the search result.
Assigns \a other to this search result and returns a reference to this search result.
QHelpSearchResult &QHelpSearchResult::operator=(const QHelpSearchResult &other)
d = other.d;
return *this;
Returns the document title of the search result.
QString QHelpSearchResult::title() const
return d->m_title;
Returns the document URL of the search result.
QUrl QHelpSearchResult::url() const
return d->m_url;
Returns the document snippet containing the search phrase of the search result.
QString QHelpSearchResult::snippet() const
return d->m_snippet;
class QHelpSearchEnginePrivate : public QObject
void indexingStarted();
void indexingFinished();
void searchingStarted();
void searchingFinished(int searchResultCount);
QHelpSearchEnginePrivate(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine)
: helpEngine(helpEngine)
delete indexReader;
delete indexWriter;
int searchResultCount() const
return indexReader ? indexReader->searchResultCount() : 0;
QVector<QHelpSearchResult> searchResults(int start, int end) const
return indexReader ?
indexReader->searchResults(start, end) :
void updateIndex(bool reindex = false)
if (helpEngine.isNull())
if (!QFile::exists(QFileInfo(helpEngine->collectionFile()).path()))
if (!indexWriter) {
indexWriter = new QHelpSearchIndexWriter();
connect(indexWriter, &QHelpSearchIndexWriter::indexingStarted,
this, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::indexingStarted);
connect(indexWriter, &QHelpSearchIndexWriter::indexingFinished,
this, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::indexingFinished);
indexFilesFolder(), reindex);
void cancelIndexing()
if (indexWriter)
void search(const QString &searchInput)
if (helpEngine.isNull())
if (!QFile::exists(QFileInfo(helpEngine->collectionFile()).path()))
if (!indexReader) {
indexReader = new QHelpSearchIndexReaderDefault();
connect(indexReader, &fulltextsearch::QHelpSearchIndexReader::searchingStarted,
this, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::searchingStarted);
connect(indexReader, &fulltextsearch::QHelpSearchIndexReader::searchingFinished,
this, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::searchingFinished);
m_searchInput = searchInput;
indexReader->search(helpEngine->collectionFile(), indexFilesFolder(),
searchInput, helpEngine->usesFilterEngine());
void cancelSearching()
if (indexReader)
QString indexFilesFolder() const
QString indexFilesFolder = QLatin1String(".fulltextsearch");
if (helpEngine && !helpEngine->collectionFile().isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo fi(helpEngine->collectionFile());
indexFilesFolder = fi.absolutePath() + QDir::separator()
+ QLatin1Char('.')
+ fi.fileName().left(fi.fileName().lastIndexOf(QLatin1String(".qhc")));
return indexFilesFolder;
friend class QHelpSearchEngine;
bool m_isIndexingScheduled = false;
QHelpSearchQueryWidget *queryWidget = nullptr;
QHelpSearchResultWidget *resultWidget = nullptr;
fulltextsearch::QHelpSearchIndexReader *indexReader = nullptr;
QHelpSearchIndexWriter *indexWriter = nullptr;
QPointer<QHelpEngineCore> helpEngine;
QString m_searchInput;
#include "qhelpsearchengine.moc"
\class QHelpSearchQuery
\since 4.4
\inmodule QtHelp
\brief The QHelpSearchQuery class contains the field name and the associated
search term.
The QHelpSearchQuery class contains the field name and the associated search
term. Depending on the field the search term might get split up into separate
terms to be parsed differently by the search engine.
\note This class has been deprecated in favor of QString.
\sa QHelpSearchQueryWidget
\fn QHelpSearchQuery::QHelpSearchQuery()
Constructs a new empty QHelpSearchQuery.
\fn QHelpSearchQuery::QHelpSearchQuery(FieldName field, const QStringList &wordList)
Constructs a new QHelpSearchQuery and initializes it with the given \a field and \a wordList.
\enum QHelpSearchQuery::FieldName
This enum type specifies the field names that are handled by the search engine.
\value DEFAULT the default field provided by the search widget, several terms should be
split and stored in the word list except search terms enclosed in quotes.
\value FUZZY \obsolete Terms should be split in separate
words and passed to the search engine.
\value WITHOUT \obsolete Terms should be split in separate
words and passed to the search engine.
\value PHRASE \obsolete Terms should not be split in separate words.
\value ALL \obsolete Terms should be split in separate
words and passed to the search engine
\value ATLEAST \obsolete Terms should be split in separate
words and passed to the search engine
\class QHelpSearchEngine
\since 4.4
\inmodule QtHelp
\brief The QHelpSearchEngine class provides access to widgets reusable
to integrate fulltext search as well as to index and search documentation.
Before the search engine can be used, one has to instantiate at least a
QHelpEngineCore object that needs to be passed to the search engines constructor.
This is required as the search engine needs to be connected to the help
engines setupFinished() signal to know when it can start to index documentation.
After starting the indexing process the signal indexingStarted() is emitted and
on the end of the indexing process the indexingFinished() is emitted. To stop
the indexing one can call cancelIndexing().
When the indexing process has finished, the search engine can be used to
search through the index for a given term using the search() function. When
the search input is passed to the search engine, the searchingStarted()
signal is emitted. When the search finishes, the searchingFinished() signal
is emitted. The search process can be stopped by calling cancelSearching().
If the search succeeds, searchingFinished() is called with the search result
count to fetch the search results from the search engine. Calling the
searchResults() function with a range returns a list of QHelpSearchResult
objects within the range. The results consist of the document title and URL,
as well as a snippet from the document that contains the best match for the
search input.
To display the given search results use the QHelpSearchResultWidget or build up your own one if you need
more advanced functionality. Note that the QHelpSearchResultWidget can not be instantiated
directly, you must retrieve the widget from the search engine in use as all connections will be
established for you by the widget itself.
\fn void QHelpSearchEngine::indexingStarted()
This signal is emitted when indexing process is started.
\fn void QHelpSearchEngine::indexingFinished()
This signal is emitted when the indexing process is complete.
\fn void QHelpSearchEngine::searchingStarted()
This signal is emitted when the search process is started.
\fn void QHelpSearchEngine::searchingFinished(int searchResultCount)
This signal is emitted when the search process is complete.
The search result count is stored in \a searchResultCount.
Constructs a new search engine with the given \a parent. The search engine
uses the given \a helpEngine to access the documentation that needs to be indexed.
The QHelpEngine's setupFinished() signal is automatically connected to the
QHelpSearchEngine's indexing function, so that new documentation will be indexed
after the signal is emitted.
QHelpSearchEngine::QHelpSearchEngine(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
d = new QHelpSearchEnginePrivate(helpEngine);
connect(helpEngine, &QHelpEngineCore::setupFinished,
this, &QHelpSearchEngine::scheduleIndexDocumentation);
connect(d, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::indexingStarted,
this, &QHelpSearchEngine::indexingStarted);
connect(d, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::indexingFinished,
this, &QHelpSearchEngine::indexingFinished);
connect(d, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::searchingStarted,
this, &QHelpSearchEngine::searchingStarted);
connect(d, &QHelpSearchEnginePrivate::searchingFinished,
this, &QHelpSearchEngine::searchingFinished);
Destructs the search engine.
delete d;
Returns a widget to use as input widget. Depending on your search engine
configuration you will get a different widget with more or less subwidgets.
QHelpSearchQueryWidget* QHelpSearchEngine::queryWidget()
if (!d->queryWidget)
d->queryWidget = new QHelpSearchQueryWidget();
return d->queryWidget;
Returns a widget that can hold and display the search results.
QHelpSearchResultWidget* QHelpSearchEngine::resultWidget()
if (!d->resultWidget)
d->resultWidget = new QHelpSearchResultWidget(this);
return d->resultWidget;
Use searchResultCount() instead.
int QHelpSearchEngine::hitsCount() const
return d->searchResultCount();
\since 4.6
Use searchResultCount() instead.
int QHelpSearchEngine::hitCount() const
return d->searchResultCount();
\since 5.9
Returns the number of results the search engine found.
int QHelpSearchEngine::searchResultCount() const
return d->searchResultCount();
\typedef QHelpSearchEngine::SearchHit
Use QHelpSearchResult instead.
Typedef for QPair<QString, QString>.
The values of that pair are the documentation file path and the page title.
\sa hits()
Use searchResults() instead.
QList<QHelpSearchEngine::SearchHit> QHelpSearchEngine::hits(int start, int end) const
QList<QHelpSearchEngine::SearchHit> hits;
for (const QHelpSearchResult &result : searchResults(start, end))
hits.append(qMakePair(result.url().toString(), result.title()));
return hits;
\since 5.9
Returns a list of search results within the range from the index
specified by \a start to the index specified by \a end.
QVector<QHelpSearchResult> QHelpSearchEngine::searchResults(int start, int end) const
return d->searchResults(start, end);
\since 5.9
Returns the phrase that was last searched for.
QString QHelpSearchEngine::searchInput() const
return d->m_searchInput;
\since 4.5
Use searchInput() instead.
QList<QHelpSearchQuery> QHelpSearchEngine::query() const
return QList<QHelpSearchQuery>() << QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT,
Forces the search engine to reindex all documentation files.
void QHelpSearchEngine::reindexDocumentation()
Stops the indexing process.
void QHelpSearchEngine::cancelIndexing()
Stops the search process.
void QHelpSearchEngine::cancelSearching()
\since 5.9
Starts the search process using the given search phrase \a searchInput.
The phrase may consist of several words. By default, the search engine returns
the list of documents that contain all the specified words.
The phrase may contain any combination of the logical operators AND, OR, and
NOT. The operator must be written in all capital letters, otherwise it will
be considered a part of the search phrase.
If double quotation marks are used to group the words,
the search engine will search for an exact match of the quoted phrase.
For more information about the text query syntax,
see \l {}
{SQLite FTS5 Extension}.
void QHelpSearchEngine::search(const QString &searchInput)
Use search(const QString &searchInput) instead.
void QHelpSearchEngine::search(const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList)
if (queryList.isEmpty())
void QHelpSearchEngine::scheduleIndexDocumentation()
if (d->m_isIndexingScheduled)
d->m_isIndexingScheduled = true;
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &QHelpSearchEngine::indexDocumentation);
void QHelpSearchEngine::indexDocumentation()
d->m_isIndexingScheduled = false;