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\page basicqt.html
\nextpage Getting Started
\indexpage Index
\startpage Basic Qt
\title Basic Qt
The Qt toolkit is a C++ class library and a set of tools for
building multiplatform GUI programs using a "write once,
compile anywhere approach".
Table of contents:
\li \l {Getting Started}
\li \l {Creating Dialogs}
\li \l {Creating Main Windows}
\page gettingstarted.html
\previouspage Basic Qt
\nextpage Creating Dialogs
\indexpage Index
\startpage Basic Qt
\title Getting Started
This chapter shows how to combine basic C++ with the
functionality provided by Qt to create a few small graphical
interface (GUI) applications.
/ *!
\page creatingdialogs.html
\previouspage Getting Started
\indexpage Index
\startpage Basic Qt
\title Creating Dialogs
This chapter will teach you how to create dialog boxes using Qt.
\page index.html
\indexpage Index
\startpage Basic Qt
\title Index
\li \l {Basic Qt}
\li \l {Creating Dialogs}
\li \l {Getting Started}