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\page qtvirtualkeyboard-deployment-guide.html
\title Deployment Guide
\section1 Overview
This document describes how to deploy and use the Qt Virtual Keyboard plugin
with Qt 5 applications.
\section1 Deployment
The various Qt Virtual Keyboard plugins and files are deployed in the following
\li Item
\li Desktop install path
\li Boot2Qt install path
\li qtvirtualkeyboardplugin
\li \c $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/platforminputcontexts
\li \c /system/plugins/platforminputcontexts
\li qtvirtualkeyboardextensionplugin
\li \c $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/virtualkeyboard
\li \c /system/plugins/virtualkeyboard
\li qtvirtualkeyboardplugin QML files
\li \c $$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard
\li \c /system/qml/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard
\li qtvirtualkeyboardstylesplugin
\li \c $$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/Styles
\li \c /system/qml/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/Styles
\section1 Integration Method
Qt Virtual Keyboard currently supports two alternative integration methods
for using the plugin:
\li \c Desktop: requires no changes to existing applications.
The virtual keyboard is available to all of the Qt 5 applications
in the system.
In this integration method, the keyboard is shown in a dedicated
top-level window.
\li \c Application: the virtual keyboard is embedded within the Qt
application itself by instantiating an \l InputPanel item in QML.
This method is mandatory in environments where there is no support
for multiple top-level windows (such as embedded devices), but can
be used in desktop applications too.
This method can also be used by Qt Wayland compositors in order to
provide a server-side virtual keyboard. See the section below for details.
The integration method is automatically selected by the project files.
However, in desktop environments, it is possible to override the desktop
integration method and use the application integration method instead,
by using the \c QT_VIRTUALKEYBOARD_DESKTOP_DISABLE environment variable,
or by adding \c CONFIG+=disable-desktop to the \c qmake command line.
\section2 Using Qt Virtual Keyboard with Qt Wayland
This section explains how to use Qt Virtual Keyboard to interact with the
\l {Line Edits Example}{Qt Widgets Line Edits example} using the
\l {Qt Wayland Compositor Examples - Pure QML}{Pure QML example}
as a compositor.
We will be using Ubuntu 18.04 to run the example, using the X11 as the
windowing system. The example compositor (\c pure-qml) will open
as a window within an X11 session.
\list 1
\li Start the compositor:
QT_XCB_GL_INTEGRATION=xcb_egl QT_WAYLAND_CLIENT_BUFFER_INTEGRATION=xcomposite-egl QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard ./pure-qml -platform xcb
\li Before running the client application, ensure that QT_IM_MODULE is unset:
\li Start the Line Edits example as the client:
./lineedits -platform wayland
\li Click on a line edit and Qt Virtual Keyboard's input panel will open.
If issues are encountered, the following environment variables can be set
when running the compositor to get debug output that can help diagnose the issue:
\section1 Loading the Plugin
In both integration methods, the application must use the \c QT_IM_MODULE
environment variable to load the plugin. For example:
$ QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard myapp
or in the main() function:
qputenv("QT_IM_MODULE", QByteArray("qtvirtualkeyboard"));
In the desktop integration method, this step is all that is required to
use Qt Virtual Keyboard. In the application integration method, the application
is required to create an instance of InputPanel as explained in the
following chapter.
\section1 Creating InputPanel
The following example shows how to create an InputPanel and how to
divide the screen area with the application container.
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.1
Item {
id: root
Item {
id: appContainer
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
InputPanel {
id: inputPanel
y: Qt.inputMethod.visible ? parent.height - inputPanel.height : parent.height
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
The input panel must be a sibling element next to the application container.
It is important not to put the input panel within the application container,
as it would then overlap with the contents of the application. Also, the
input panel height will be automatically updated according to the available
width; the aspect ratio of the input panel is constant.
\section1 Environment Variables
There are several environment variables defined by the module that are listed below:
\li Variable
\li Purpose
\li Overrides the location of the Hunspell data files.
The default location depends on the value of
\c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/hunspell}.
See \l {Hunspell Integration} for more information.
\li Overrides the location of the Pinyin dictionary.
By default, the dictionary is bundled into the plugin's resources.
To disable resource bundling, add \c CONFIG+=no-bundle-pinyin in the
plugin's qmake command line. In this scenario, the default location
depends on the value of \c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/pinyin/dict_pinyin.dat}.
\li Overrides the location of the Cangjie dictionary.
By default, the dictionary is bundled into the plugin's resources.
To disable resource bundling, add \c CONFIG+=no-bundle-tcime in the
plugin's qmake command line. In this scenario, the default location
depends on the value of \c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/tcime/dict_cangjie.dat}.
\li Overrides the location of the Zhuyin dictionary.
By default, the dictionary is bundled into the plugin's resources.
To disable resource bundling, add \c CONFIG+=no-bundle-tcime in the
plugin's qmake command line. In this scenario, the default location
depends on the value of \c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/tcime/dict_zhuyin.dat}.
\li Overrides the location of the phrase dictionary.
By default, the dictionary is bundled into the plugin's resources.
To disable resource bundling, add \c CONFIG+=no-bundle-tcime in the
plugin's qmake command line. In this scenario, the default location
depends on the value of \c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/tcime/dict_phrases.dat}.
\li Specifies the location of the style to use with the virtual keyboard.
This can also be specified in QML by setting \l {VirtualKeyboardSettings::styleName},
or at build time by using the \l {Advanced Configuration Options}{qmake configuration options}.
\li Specifies the location of the layouts to be used with the virtual keyboard.
\li Disables the desktop integration method.
\li Specifies the location of lipi-toolkit.
The default location depends on the value of
\c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)}.
For example, for Qt libraries built from source,
it could be \c {qtbase/qtvirtualkeyboard/lipi_toolkit}.
\li Specifies the location of lipi-toolkit plugins.
The default location depends on \c LIPI_ROOT:
\li \c {LIPI_ROOT + "/lib"} if \c LIPI_ROOT is set.
\li \c {QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PluginsPath) + "/lipi_toolkit"} if \c LIPI_ROOT is not set.
\li Enables Qt Virtual Keyboard to send key events and use Shift key without having any text input in focus.
This variable needs to be explicitly set in the run environment of an application that wants to benefit
from this. Using qputenv() in the application itself is not sufficient.