blob: c6b5c9f3245c5804ecae8b1808d1a0461765d34c [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt Virtual Keyboard module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QtVirtualKeyboard>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include "handlekeyevents.h"
#include "vkbhidetimer.h"
#include "xcbkeyboard.h"
#include "keysymmapsforfakeinput.h"
extern "C" {
#include <xdo.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include "atspi/atspi.h"
namespace {
const bool KKeyPress = true;
const bool KKeyRelease = false;
const int NoKeySymFound = 63;
// Undefine define KeyRelease from X.h.
// Enables using QEvent::KeyRelease type in eventFilter.
#ifdef KeyRelease
#undef KeyRelease
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcHandleKeyEvents, "qt.virtualkeyboard.tests.manual.x11vkbwrapper.handlekeyevents")
* @brief qtKeyToXKeySym
* Mapping a Qt::Key to the KeySym.
* @param key a Pressed virtual key
* @param upper True if a Shift in use
* @return
KeySym qtKeyToXKeySym(Qt::Key key, bool upper)
const auto keySym = XStringToKeysym(QKeySequence(key).toString().toUtf8().data());
KeySym keyS = upper ? keySym : static_cast<unsigned long>(tolower(static_cast<int>(keySym)));
if (keyS != NoSymbol) {
return keyS;
for (int i = 0; KeyTbl[i] != 0; i += 2) {
if (KeyTbl[i + 1] == key) {
return KeyTbl[i];
return static_cast<ushort>(key);
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::HandleKeyEvents
* Handling a key release events.
* @param parent
HandleKeyEvents::HandleKeyEvents(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent),
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::~HandleKeyEvents
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::init
* @return false if xdo_new fail
bool HandleKeyEvents::init()
m_temporaryKeyCodes = QHash<Qt::Key, int>();
m_xdo = xdo_new(nullptr);
return m_xdo != nullptr;
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::eventFilter
* Catch the QEvent::KeyRelease event.
* @param watched
* @param event a QEvent::KeyRelease
* @return
bool HandleKeyEvents::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
Q_UNUSED( watched )
const auto type = event->type();
if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && !QGuiApplication::inputMethod()->isVisible()) {
// Start the VKB hide timer when the VKB indicator image is pressed.
if (type == QEvent::MouseMove) {
// Start/re-start the VKB hide timer when there's mouse move event
// anywhere on the virtual keyboard surface.
if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
// Start/re-start the VKB hide timer when there's button press event
// anywhere on the virtual keyboard surface.
if (type == QEvent::KeyRelease) {
if (m_xdo == nullptr) {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "xdo_t instance is not valid, shutting down...";
// Start/re-start the VKB hide timer when the VKB keys are pressed.
auto keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);
bool shiftOn = keyEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier;
auto key = static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key());
QString str = keyEvent->text();
/** a Qt special keys. */
if (qtKeyCodes.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
xdo_send_keysequence_window(m_xdo, CURRENTWINDOW,
XKeysymToString(qtKeyToXKeySym(key, shiftOn)),
/** a Key strings as Emojis ":-), <3". */
} else if (str.length() > 1) {
for (auto sKey : str) {
sendKeyWithAtspi(nullptr, sKey);
/** a Normal Keys. */
} else if (key != Qt::Key_Shift) {
sendKeyWithAtspi(keyEvent, QString(""));
return false;
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::keyTap
* @param keyEvent a QKeyEvent pointer
* @param key a Key as a string
void HandleKeyEvents::keyTap(const QKeyEvent *keyEvent, const QString &key)
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
/** Scratch space for temporary keycode bindings */
int scratchKeyCode = 0;
KeyCode keyCode = 0x0;
if (keyEvent) {
auto qtKey = static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key());
if (m_temporaryKeyCodes.contains(qtKey)) {
scratchKeyCode = m_temporaryKeyCodes.value(qtKey);
} else {
scratchKeyCode = getTemporaryKeyCode();
m_temporaryKeyCodes.insert(qtKey, scratchKeyCode);
/** find the keysym for the given unicode char */
const QString str = qtKeyCodes2.indexOf(qtKey) >= 0 ? "U"+ QString::number(keyEvent->key(), 16 ) :
"U"+ keyEvent->text().toLatin1().toHex();
const KeySym sym = XStringToKeysym(str.toUtf8().data());
if (sym && sym != NoKeySymFound) {
remapScratchKeyCode(sym, scratchKeyCode);
keyCode = static_cast<KeyCode>(scratchKeyCode);
} else {
keyCode = getUnicodeKeyCode(keyEvent->text(), scratchKeyCode);
keyClick(keyCode, keyEvent->text());
} else {
keyCode = getUnicodeKeyCode(key, getTemporaryKeyCode());
keyClick(keyCode, key);
/** Revert Keymapping */
remapScratchKeyCode(NoSymbol, scratchKeyCode);
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::keyClick
* @param key
* @param keyText Key as a string
void HandleKeyEvents::keyClick(const KeyCode key, const QString &keyText) const
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
KeyCode shift = XKeysymToKeycode(m_xdo->xdpy, XK_Shift_L);
bool shiftDown = false;
/** Press a Shift button down if capital letter. */
if (keyText.length() == 1 && (keyText.toLower() != keyText || xUpKeyCodes.count(keyText))) {
keyPressRelease(shift, KKeyPress);
shiftDown = true;
/** A Key press */
keyPressRelease(key, KKeyPress);
/** A Key release */
keyPressRelease(key, KKeyRelease);
/** Release a Shift button if capital letter. */
if (shiftDown) {
keyPressRelease(shift, KKeyRelease);
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::keyPressRelease
* Press / Release a key
* @param key a Key as a string
* @param eventType true when press a key
void HandleKeyEvents::keyPressRelease(const KeyCode key, const bool eventType) const
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
XTestFakeKeyEvent(m_xdo->xdpy, key, eventType ? 1 : 0, 0);
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::getUnicodeKeyCode
* Get a correct key mapping for a key.
* @param key a Key as a string
* @return Keycode
KeyCode HandleKeyEvents::getUnicodeKeyCode(const QString &key, int scratchKeyCode) const
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
KeyCode code = 0;
if (xKeyCodes.count(key)) {
auto xKeyIter = xKeyCodes.find(key);
code = XKeysymToKeycode(m_xdo->xdpy, xKeyIter->second);
} else if (xUpKeyCodes.count(key)) {
auto xUpKeyIter = xKeyCodes.find(key);
code = XKeysymToKeycode(m_xdo->xdpy, xUpKeyIter->second);
} else {
const KeySym sym = unicodeKeySymbols.find(key)->second;
remapScratchKeyCode(sym, scratchKeyCode);
code = static_cast<KeyCode>(scratchKeyCode);
return code;
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::remapScratchKeyCode
* Remap the requested KeySym
* @param sym KeySymbol
* @param scratchKeyCode unused keycode to use for remapping
void HandleKeyEvents::remapScratchKeyCode(const KeySym sym, int scratchKeyCode) const
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
KeySym keysyms[] = {sym, sym};
/** Remap */
XChangeKeyboardMapping(m_xdo->xdpy, scratchKeyCode, 2, keysyms, 1);
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::sendKeyWithAtspi
* To send a ordinary keys via atspi(D-Bus). It is faster than a XTestFakeKeyEvent
* @param keyEvent KeyEvent
* @param key Key as string
void HandleKeyEvents::sendKeyWithAtspi(const QKeyEvent *keyEvent, const QString key)
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
const QString str = keyEvent != nullptr ? keyEvent->text() : key;
if (str.isEmpty()) {
const KeySym sym = unicodeKeySymbolsForAtspi.find(str)->second;
if (sym == 0) {
keyTap(keyEvent, QString(""));
} else {
GError *error = nullptr;
if (!atspi_generate_keyboard_event(static_cast<long>(sym), nullptr, ATSPI_KEY_SYM, &error)) {
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << "Error message: " << error->message;
* @brief HandleKeyEvents::getTemporaryKeyCode
* @return
int HandleKeyEvents::getTemporaryKeyCode()
qCDebug(lcHandleKeyEvents) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
KeySym *keySyms = nullptr;
int keySymsPerKeyCode = 0;
/** Scratch space for temporary keycode bindings */
int scratchKeyCode = 0;
int keyCodeLow = 0;
int keyCodeHigh = 0;
/** get the range of keycodes usually from 8 - 255 */
XDisplayKeycodes(m_xdo->xdpy, &keyCodeLow, &keyCodeHigh);
/** get all the mapped keysyms availabl */
const KeyCode keyCodeL = static_cast<KeyCode>(keyCodeLow);
keySyms = XGetKeyboardMapping(
keyCodeHigh - keyCodeLow,
/** find unused keycode for unmapped keysyms so we can
hook up our own keycode and map every keysym on it
so we just need to 'click' our once unmapped keycode */
int i;
for (i = keyCodeLow; i <= keyCodeHigh; i++) {
int keyIsEmpty = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < keySymsPerKeyCode; j++) {
const int symindex = (i - keyCodeLow) * keySymsPerKeyCode + j;
if (keySyms[symindex] != 0) {
keyIsEmpty = 0;
} else {
if (keyIsEmpty) {
scratchKeyCode = i;
return scratchKeyCode;