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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the config.tests of the Qt Toolkit.
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** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtCore/QWaitCondition>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <QtCore/QReadWriteLock>
#include <QtGui/QIcon>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
#include <QtCore/QElapsedTimer>
#include <qpa/qplatformwindow.h>
#include <QtWaylandClient/private/qwayland-wayland.h>
#include <QtWaylandClient/qtwaylandclientglobal.h>
struct wl_egl_window;
namespace QtWaylandClient {
class QWaylandDisplay;
class QWaylandBuffer;
class QWaylandShellSurface;
class QWaylandSubSurface;
class QWaylandAbstractDecoration;
class QWaylandInputDevice;
class QWaylandScreen;
class QWaylandShmBackingStore;
class QWaylandPointerEvent;
class QWaylandSurface;
class Q_WAYLAND_CLIENT_EXPORT QWaylandWindow : public QObject, public QPlatformWindow
enum WindowType {
QWaylandWindow(QWindow *window, QWaylandDisplay *display);
~QWaylandWindow() override;
virtual WindowType windowType() const = 0;
virtual void ensureSize();
WId winId() const override;
void setVisible(bool visible) override;
void setParent(const QPlatformWindow *parent) override;
void setWindowTitle(const QString &title) override;
inline QIcon windowIcon() const;
void setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon) override;
void setGeometry(const QRect &rect) override;
void resizeFromApplyConfigure(const QSize &sizeWithMargins, const QPoint &offset = {0, 0});
void applyConfigureWhenPossible(); //rename to possible?
void attach(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, int x, int y);
void attachOffset(QWaylandBuffer *buffer);
QPoint attachOffset() const;
void damage(const QRect &rect);
void safeCommit(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, const QRegion &damage);
void handleExpose(const QRegion &region);
void commit(QWaylandBuffer *buffer, const QRegion &damage);
void commit();
bool waitForFrameSync(int timeout);
QMargins frameMargins() const override;
QSize surfaceSize() const;
QRect windowContentGeometry() const;
QPointF mapFromWlSurface(const QPointF &surfacePosition) const;
QWaylandSurface *waylandSurface() const { return; }
::wl_surface *wlSurface();
static QWaylandWindow *fromWlSurface(::wl_surface *surface);
QWaylandDisplay *display() const { return mDisplay; }
QWaylandShellSurface *shellSurface() const;
QWaylandSubSurface *subSurfaceWindow() const;
QWaylandScreen *waylandScreen() const;
void handleContentOrientationChange(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation) override;
void setOrientationMask(Qt::ScreenOrientations mask);
void setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates states) override;
void setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags) override;
void handleWindowStatesChanged(Qt::WindowStates states);
void raise() override;
void lower() override;
void setMask(const QRegion &region) override;
int scale() const;
qreal devicePixelRatio() const override;
void requestActivateWindow() override;
bool isExposed() const override;
bool isActive() const override;
QWaylandAbstractDecoration *decoration() const;
void handleMouse(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QWaylandPointerEvent &e);
bool touchDragDecoration(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global,
Qt::TouchPointState state, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods);
bool createDecoration();
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
void setMouseCursor(QWaylandInputDevice *device, const QCursor &cursor);
void restoreMouseCursor(QWaylandInputDevice *device);
QWaylandWindow *transientParent() const;
QMutex *resizeMutex() { return &mResizeLock; }
void doApplyConfigure();
void setCanResize(bool canResize);
bool setMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab) override;
static QWaylandWindow *mouseGrab() { return mMouseGrab; }
void sendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value);
void setProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value);
QVariantMap properties() const;
QVariant property(const QString &name);
QVariant property(const QString &name, const QVariant &defaultValue);
void setBackingStore(QWaylandShmBackingStore *backingStore) { mBackingStore = backingStore; }
QWaylandShmBackingStore *backingStore() const { return mBackingStore; }
bool setKeyboardGrabEnabled(bool) override { return false; }
void propagateSizeHints() override;
void addAttachOffset(const QPoint point);
bool startSystemResize(Qt::Edges edges) override;
bool startSystemMove() override;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
void requestUpdate() override;
void handleUpdate();
void deliverUpdateRequest() override;
public slots:
void applyConfigure();
void wlSurfaceCreated();
void wlSurfaceDestroyed();
QWaylandDisplay *mDisplay = nullptr;
QScopedPointer<QWaylandSurface> mSurface;
QWaylandShellSurface *mShellSurface = nullptr;
QWaylandSubSurface *mSubSurfaceWindow = nullptr;
QVector<QWaylandSubSurface *> mChildren;
QWaylandAbstractDecoration *mWindowDecoration = nullptr;
bool mMouseEventsInContentArea = false;
Qt::MouseButtons mMousePressedInContentArea = Qt::NoButton;
WId mWindowId;
bool mWaitingForFrameCallback = false;
bool mFrameCallbackTimedOut = false; // Whether the frame callback has timed out
int mFrameCallbackCheckIntervalTimerId = -1;
QElapsedTimer mFrameCallbackElapsedTimer;
struct ::wl_callback *mFrameCallback = nullptr;
struct ::wl_event_queue *mFrameQueue = nullptr;
QWaitCondition mFrameSyncWait;
// True when we have called deliverRequestUpdate, but the client has not yet attached a new buffer
bool mWaitingForUpdate = false;
QMutex mResizeLock;
bool mWaitingToApplyConfigure = false;
bool mCanResize = true;
bool mResizeDirty = false;
bool mResizeAfterSwap;
int mFrameCallbackTimeout = 100;
QVariantMap m_properties;
bool mSentInitialResize = false;
QPoint mOffset;
int mScale = 1;
QPlatformScreen *mLastReportedScreen = nullptr;
QIcon mWindowIcon;
Qt::WindowFlags mFlags;
QRegion mMask;
Qt::WindowStates mLastReportedWindowStates = Qt::WindowNoState;
QWaylandShmBackingStore *mBackingStore = nullptr;
QWaylandBuffer *mQueuedBuffer = nullptr;
QRegion mQueuedBufferDamage;
void setGeometry_helper(const QRect &rect);
void initWindow();
void initializeWlSurface();
bool shouldCreateShellSurface() const;
bool shouldCreateSubSurface() const;
void reset();
void sendExposeEvent(const QRect &rect);
static void closePopups(QWaylandWindow *parent);
QPlatformScreen *calculateScreenFromSurfaceEvents() const;
void handleMouseEventWithDecoration(QWaylandInputDevice *inputDevice, const QWaylandPointerEvent &e);
void handleScreensChanged();
bool mInResizeFromApplyConfigure = false;
bool lastVisible = false;
QRect mLastExposeGeometry;
static const wl_callback_listener callbackListener;
void handleFrameCallback();
static QMutex mFrameSyncMutex;
static QWaylandWindow *mMouseGrab;
QReadWriteLock mSurfaceLock;
friend class QWaylandSubSurface;
inline QIcon QWaylandWindow::windowIcon() const
return mWindowIcon;
inline QPoint QWaylandWindow::attachOffset() const
return mOffset;