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\example webenginewidgets/minimal
\title WebEngine Widgets Minimal Example
\ingroup webengine-widgetexamples
\brief Displays a web page using \QWE Widgets.
\image minimal-example.png
\e {WebEngine Widgets Minimal Example} demonstrates how to use
\l{QWebEngineView} to render a web page. It shows the minimum amount of code
needed to load and display an HTML page, and can be used as a basis for
further experimentation.
\include examples-run.qdocinc
\section1 The Code
We first define a \c commandLineUrlArgument function that returns the URL to open.
This is either the first positional argument given on the command line, or
\c as a fallback.
\quotefromfile webenginewidgets/minimal/main.cpp
\skipto #include
\printto int main
In the \c main function we first set the
\l{QCoreApplication::organizationName} property. This affects the locations
where \QWE stores persistent and cached data (see also
\l{QWebEngineProfile::cachePath} and
We also set the Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling attribute. This lets the web
view automatically scale on high-dpi displays.
Next, we instantiate a QApplication and a QWebEngineView. The URL
to load is taken from \c commandLineUrlArgument and
loaded by calling \l QWebEngineView::setUrl. The view widget is
given a reasonable default size, and shown.
Finally, QApplication::exec() launches the main event loop.
\printuntil }
\section1 Requirements
The example requires a working internet connection to render
the \l{Qt Homepage}.
An optional system proxy should be picked up automatically.
However, for proxies that require a username or password,
you need to connect to
\l{Qt WebEngine Widgets} uses the \l{Qt Quick Scene Graph} to compose the
page. Therefore, OpenGL support is required.