blob: c1747e9ec94d39b4168328a1c97901f0848c5ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon. Normally the consumer of this
// API is the browser.
// NOTE: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy in Chromium OS's repo
// in src/platform2/diagnostics/mojo/.
module chromeos.wilco_dtc_supportd.mojom;
enum WilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestHttpMethod {
enum WilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestStatus {
// The request was successfully completed with a 2xx HTTP status.
// Failed to make the web request. This covers such cases when the network
// is unavailable, or connection attempt failed, or TLS handshake failed,
// or too many pending requests, etc.
// HTTP request finished with a non-2xx status.
enum WilcoDtcSupportdEvent {
// An unauthorized battery is connected.
// Charger is unauthorized, and battery will not charge.
// Attached dock is incompatible.
// Attached dock presents hardware failures.
// HDMI and USB Type-C cannot be used for displays at the same time
// with the attached dock.
// Attached dock will operate in USB Type-C compatible mode.
// Factory interface exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon, which allows both
// endpoints (the wilco_dtc_supportd and the browser) to exchange with their
// interfaces (WilcoDtcSupportdService and WilcoDtcSupportdClient
// correspondingly).
interface WilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory {
// Returns an interface to WilcoDtcSupportdService in response to the passed
// interface to WilcoDtcSupportdClient.
GetService@0(pending_receiver<WilcoDtcSupportdService> service,
pending_remote<WilcoDtcSupportdClient> client)
=> ();
// Interface exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon.
interface WilcoDtcSupportdService {
// Sends a message, originating from the wilco_dtc UI extension (hosted by
// the browser), to the wilco_dtc daemon. The message contents are serialized
// JSON. Delivery of the message is not guaranteed (for example, if the
// wilco_dtc daemon isn't running at the moment).
// NOTE: the |json_message| message must not exceed 1 MB (1'000'000 bytes).
// The response will contain the JSON message returned by the wilco_dtc
// daemon. The response handle will be unset if the request wasn't delivered
// to the daemon or the daemon made no reply.
// NOTE: Both request and response messages are opaque to Chrome and not
// interpreted by it in any way (except for the JSON validity verification
// of the response message that happens in the target extension's renderer
// process). This method simply transmits data between two endpoints that are
// implemented by third parties (the wilco_dtc UI extension and the wilco_dtc
// daemon).
SendUiMessageToWilcoDtc@0(handle json_message)
=> (handle? response_json_message);
// Called when new configuration data blob is available. This happens when
// the device policy, passing this configuration data blob, gets updated.
// It is only a notification that the configuration data has been changed.
// The GetConfigurationData method of WilcoDtcSupportdClient needs to be
// called to retrieve the actual configuration data.
// NOTE: This notification is only triggered for changes that occur after the
// current Mojo connection was established;
// an initial call to GetConfigurationData should be used in order to fetch
// the changes that happened beforehand.
// Interface exposed by the consumer of WilcoDtcSupportdService. In production
// this is the browser.
interface WilcoDtcSupportdClient {
// Performs a web request, originating from the wilco_dtc daemon, using the
// browser's network stack.
// The web request:
// * |http_method| - the HTTP method of the web request,
// * |url| - the URL with HTTPS scheme.
// * |headers| - the list of HTTP headers.
// * |request_body| - the body of the HTTP request.
// NOTE: the total size of all |handle| fields in the request must not exceed
// 1 MB (1'000'000 bytes).
// The response to that web request:
// * the |status| of the web request,
// * |http_status| - the HTTP status code if the |status| is |kOk| or
// |kHttpError|, otherwise the HTTP status code is 0.
// * |response_body| - the web response payload. The handle is valid only
// if |status| is |kOk| or |kHttpError|. And the length
// is guaranteed to not exceed 1 MB (1'000'000 bytes).
PerformWebRequest@0(WilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestHttpMethod http_method,
handle url,
array<handle> headers,
handle? request_body)
=> (WilcoDtcSupportdWebRequestStatus status, int32 http_status,
handle? response_body);
// Sends a message, originating from the wilco_dtc daemon, to the wilco_dtc
// UI extension (hosted by the browser). The message contents are serialized
// JSON. Delivery of the message is not guaranteed (for example, if no user is
// currently logged in that has the wilco_dtc UI extension installed).
// NOTE: the size of the |json_message| must not exceed 1 MB (1'000'000
// bytes).
// The response will contain the JSON message returned by the extension. The
// response handle will be unset if the request wasn't delivered to the
// extension or the extension made no reply. The response is guaranteed to not
// exceed 1 MB (1'000'000 bytes).
// NOTE: Both request and response messages are opaque to Chrome and not
// interpreted by it in any way (except for the JSON validity verification
// of the input message that happens in the target extension's renderer
// process). This method simply transmits data between two endpoints that are
// implemented by third parties (the wilco_dtc UI extension and the wilco_dtc
// daemon).
SendWilcoDtcMessageToUi@1(handle json_message)
=> (handle? response_json_message);
// Retrieves a JSON-formatted configuration data. The length of
// |json_configuration_data| does not exceed 20'000 bytes.
GetConfigurationData@2() => (string json_configuration_data);
// Handles actionable EC events related to power (i.e., battery,
// charger) and connected docking solutions.
HandleEvent@3(WilcoDtcSupportdEvent event);