blob: c8e36fcaaffe91f44a8a46c1f92e42095d4d4cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/graph_impl.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/node_type.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/properties.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
namespace performance_manager {
class Node;
// NodeBase implements shared functionality among different types of graph
// nodes. A specific type of graph node will derive from this class and can
// override shared functionality when needed.
// All node classes allow construction on one sequence and subsequent use from
// another sequence.
// All methods not documented otherwise are single-threaded.
class NodeBase {
// Used as a unique key to safely allow downcasting from a public node type
// to NodeBase via "GetImplType" and "GetImpl". The implementations are
// provided by PublicNodeImpl below.
static const uintptr_t kNodeBaseType;
// TODO(siggi): Don't store the node type, expose it on a virtual function
// instead.
NodeBase(NodeTypeEnum type, GraphImpl* graph);
virtual ~NodeBase();
// May be called on any sequence.
NodeTypeEnum type() const { return type_; }
// May be called on any sequence.
GraphImpl* graph() const { return graph_; }
// Returns an opaque ID for |node|, unique across all nodes in the same graph,
// zero for nullptr. This should never be used to look up nodes, only to
// provide a stable ID for serialization.
static int64_t GetSerializationId(NodeBase* node);
// Helper functions for casting from a node type to its underlying NodeBase.
// This CHECKs that the cast is valid. These functions work happily with
// public and private node class inputs.
static const NodeBase* FromNode(const Node* node);
static NodeBase* FromNode(Node* node);
// For converting from NodeBase to Node. This is implemented by
// TypedNodeBase.
virtual const Node* ToNode() const = 0;
friend class GraphImpl;
// Helper function for TypedNodeBase to access the list of typed observers
// stored in the graph.
template <typename Observer>
static const std::vector<Observer*>& GetObservers(const GraphImpl* graph) {
return graph->GetObservers<Observer>();
// Called just before joining |graph_|, a good opportunity to initialize
// node state.
virtual void JoinGraph();
// Called just before leaving |graph_|, a good opportunity to uninitialize
// node state.
virtual void LeaveGraph();
GraphImpl* const graph_;
const NodeTypeEnum type_;
// Assigned on first use, immutable from that point forward.
int64_t serialization_id_ = 0u;
// Helper for implementing the Node parent of a PublicNodeClass.
template <class NodeImplClass, class PublicNodeClass>
class PublicNodeImpl : public PublicNodeClass {
// Node implementation:
Graph* GetGraph() const override {
return static_cast<const NodeImplClass*>(this)->graph();
uintptr_t GetImplType() const override { return NodeBase::kNodeBaseType; }
const void* GetImpl() const override {
// This exposes NodeBase, so that we can complete the triangle of casting
// between all views of a node: NodeBase, FooNodeImpl, and FooNode.
return static_cast<const NodeBase*>(
static_cast<const NodeImplClass*>(this));
template <class NodeImplClass, class NodeClass, class NodeObserverClass>
class TypedNodeBase : public NodeBase {
using ObservedProperty =
ObservedPropertyImpl<NodeImplClass, NodeClass, NodeObserverClass>;
explicit TypedNodeBase(GraphImpl* graph)
: NodeBase(NodeImplClass::Type(), graph) {}
// Helper functions for casting from NodeBase to a concrete node type. This
// CHECKs that the cast is valid.
static const NodeImplClass* FromNodeBase(const NodeBase* node) {
CHECK_EQ(NodeImplClass::Type(), node->type());
return static_cast<const NodeImplClass*>(node);
static NodeImplClass* FromNodeBase(NodeBase* node) {
CHECK_EQ(NodeImplClass::Type(), node->type());
return static_cast<NodeImplClass*>(node);
// Helper function for casting from a public node type to the private impl.
// This also casts away const correctness, as it is intended to be used by
// impl code that uses the public observer interface for a node type, where
// all notifications are delivered with a const node pointer. This CHECKs that
// the cast is valid.
static NodeImplClass* FromNode(const NodeClass* node) {
NodeBase* node_base = const_cast<NodeBase*>(NodeBase::FromNode(node));
return FromNodeBase(node_base);
// Convenience accessor to the per-node-class list of observers that is stored
// in the graph.
const std::vector<NodeObserverClass*>& GetObservers() const {
// Mediate through NodeBase, as it's the class that is friended by the
// GraphImpl in order to provide access.
return NodeBase::GetObservers<NodeObserverClass>(graph());
const Node* ToNode() const override {
return static_cast<const NodeImplClass*>(this);
} // namespace performance_manager