blob: 6c599e89ec3793eef5a3eb4d581d70e08dd35991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/browser/dom_storage/session_storage_area_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/dom_storage/session_storage_data_map.h"
#include "content/browser/dom_storage/session_storage_metadata.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/dom_storage/session_storage_namespace.mojom.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace storage {
class AsyncDomStorageDatabase;
namespace content {
// Implements the mojo interface SessionStorageNamespace. Stores data maps per
// origin, which are accessible using the StorageArea interface with the
// |OpenArea| call. Supports cloning (shallow cloning with copy-on-write
// behavior) from another SessionStorageNamespaceImplMojo.
// This class is populated & bound in the following patterns:
// 1. The namespace is new or being populated from data on disk, and
// |PopulateFromMetadata| is called. Afterwards |Bind| can be called.
// 2. The namespace is being created as a clone from a |Clone| call on another
// SessionStorageNamespaceImplMojo. PopulateFromMetadata is called with the
// data from the other namespace, and then |Bind| can be called afterwards.
// 3. The namespace is being created as a clone, but the |Clone| call from the
// source namespace hasn't been called yet.
// |set_pending_population_from_namespace| is called first, after which
// |Bind| can be called. The actually binding doesn't happen until
// |PopulateAsClone| is finally called with the source namespace data.
// Note: The reason for cases 2 and 3 is because there are two ways the Session
// Storage system knows about clones. First, it gets the |Clone| call on the
// source namespace, coming from the renderer doing the navigation, and in the
// correct order with any session storage modifications from that source
// renderer. Second, the RenderViewHostImpl of the navigated-to-frame will
// create the cloned namespace and expect to manage it's lifetime that way, and
// this can happen before the first case, as they are on different task runners.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SessionStorageNamespaceImplMojo final
: public blink::mojom::SessionStorageNamespace {
using OriginAreas =
std::map<url::Origin, std::unique_ptr<SessionStorageAreaImpl>>;
enum class State {
// This is the default state when a namespace is first constructed. It has
// no |database_| yet and is not connected to disk.
// This is the same as kNotPopulated but it also means that this namespace
// was created by Cloning from a 'parent' namespace (see
// SessionStorageContext.CloneStorageNamespace), but the Clone call has not
// yet been called on the parent's SessionStorageNamespaceImplMojo (from
// mojo).
// This means the namespace is connected to disk, |database_| is populated,
// and it is operating normally. This happens when PopulateFromMetadata or
// PopulateAsClone is called.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// This is called when the |Clone()| method is called by mojo.
virtual void RegisterShallowClonedNamespace(
SessionStorageMetadata::NamespaceEntry source_namespace,
const std::string& destination_namespace,
const OriginAreas& areas_to_clone) = 0;
// This is called when |OpenArea()| is called. The map could have been
// purged in a call to |PurgeUnboundAreas| but the map could still be alive
// as a clone, used by another namespace.
// Returns nullptr if a data map was not found.
virtual scoped_refptr<SessionStorageDataMap> MaybeGetExistingDataMapForId(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& map_number_as_bytes) = 0;
// Constructs a namespace with the given |namespace_id|, expecting to be
// populated and bound later (see class comment). The |database| and
// |data_map_listener| are given to any data maps constructed for this
// namespace. The |delegate| is called when the |Clone| method
// is called by mojo, as well as when the |OpenArea| method is called and the
// map id for that origin is found in our metadata. The
// |register_new_map_callback| is given to the the SessionStorageAreaImpl's,
// used per-origin, that are bound to in OpenArea.
std::string namespace_id,
SessionStorageDataMap::Listener* data_map_listener,
SessionStorageAreaImpl::RegisterNewAreaMap register_new_map_callback,
Delegate* delegate);
~SessionStorageNamespaceImplMojo() override;
State state() const { return state_; }
// Sets the |pending_population_from_namespace_| to the given namespace and
// sets the state() to State::kNotPopulatedAndPendingClone.
void SetPendingPopulationFromParentNamespace(
const std::string& from_namespace);
const std::string& pending_population_from_parent_namespace() const {
return pending_population_from_parent_namespace_;
void AddChildNamespaceWaitingForClone(const std::string& namespace_id);
bool HasChildNamespacesWaitingForClone() const;
void ClearChildNamespacesWaitingForClone();
// Returns if a storage area exists for the given origin in this map.
bool HasAreaForOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) const;
// Called when this is a new namespace, or when the namespace was loaded from
// disk. Should be called before |Bind|.
void PopulateFromMetadata(
storage::AsyncDomStorageDatabase* database,
SessionStorageMetadata::NamespaceEntry namespace_metadata);
// Can either be called before |Bind|, or if the source namespace isn't
// available yet, |SetWaitingForClonePopulation| can be called. Then |Bind|
// will work, and hold onto the request until after this method is called.
void PopulateAsClone(
storage::AsyncDomStorageDatabase* database,
SessionStorageMetadata::NamespaceEntry namespace_metadata,
const OriginAreas& areas_to_clone);
// Resets to a pre-populated and pre-bound state. Used when the owner needs to
// delete & recreate the database. This call should happen on every namespace
// at once, and the logic relies on that.
// TODO(dmurph): It's unclear if we need this or not - we might just want to
// destruct the object instead of having this method.
void Reset();
SessionStorageMetadata::NamespaceEntry namespace_entry() {
return namespace_entry_;
bool IsPopulated() const { return state_ == State::kPopulated; }
// Must be preceded by a call to |PopulateFromMetadata|, |PopulateAsClone|, or
// |SetWaitingForClonePopulation|. For the later case, |PopulateAsClone| must
// eventually be called before the PendingReceiver can be bound.
void Bind(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::SessionStorageNamespace> receiver,
int process_id);
bool IsBound() const {
return !receivers_.empty() || bind_waiting_on_population_;
// Removes any StorageAreas bound in |OpenArea| that are no longer bound.
void PurgeUnboundAreas();
// Removes data for the given origin from this namespace. If there is no data
// map for that given origin, this does nothing. Expects that this namespace
// is either populated or waiting for clone population.
void RemoveOriginData(const url::Origin& origin, base::OnceClosure callback);
// SessionStorageNamespace:
// Connects the given database mojo request to the data map for the given
// origin. Before connection, it checks to make sure the |process_id| given to
// the |Bind| method can access the given origin.
void OpenArea(const url::Origin& origin,
receiver) override;
// Simply calls the |add_namespace_callback_| callback with this namespace's
// data.
void Clone(const std::string& clone_to_namespace) override;
// Clones all namespaces that are waiting to be cloned from this namespace.
// This handles edge cases like:
// * If this namespace is populated
// * If this namespace has a parent
// * If the parent is populated
// * If the parent has a parent.
void CloneAllNamespacesWaitingForClone(
storage::AsyncDomStorageDatabase* database,
SessionStorageMetadata* metadata,
const std::map<std::string,
void FlushOriginForTesting(const url::Origin& origin);
const std::string namespace_id_;
SessionStorageMetadata::NamespaceEntry namespace_entry_;
storage::AsyncDomStorageDatabase* database_ = nullptr;
SessionStorageDataMap::Listener* data_map_listener_;
SessionStorageAreaImpl::RegisterNewAreaMap register_new_map_callback_;
Delegate* delegate_;
State state_ = State::kNotPopulated;
std::string pending_population_from_parent_namespace_;
bool bind_waiting_on_population_ = false;
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> run_after_population_;
// Namespaces that are waiting for the |Clone| call to be called on this
// namespace. If this namespace is destructed, then these namespaces are still
// waiting and should be unblocked.
base::flat_set<std::string> child_namespaces_waiting_for_clone_call_;
OriginAreas origin_areas_;
// The context is the process id.
mojo::ReceiverSet<blink::mojom::SessionStorageNamespace, int> receivers_;
} // namespace content