blob: 01fe1265a7c6c02a5ef41318f38192b51bef2f89 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities to get and manipulate symbols from a binary."""
import collections
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import cygprofile_utils
_SRC_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android'))
from pylib.constants import host_paths
SymbolInfo = collections.namedtuple('SymbolInfo', ('name', 'offset', 'size',
# Unfortunate global variable :-/
_arch = 'arm'
def SetArchitecture(arch):
"""Set the architecture for binaries to be symbolized."""
global _arch
_arch = arch
# Regular expression to match lines printed by 'objdump -t -w'. An example of
# such line looks like this:
# 018db2de l F .text 00000060 .hidden _ZN8SkBitmapC2ERKS_
# The regex intentionally allows matching more than valid inputs. This gives
# more protection against potentially incorrectly silently ignoring unmatched
# input lines. Instead a few assertions early in _FromObjdumpLine() check the
# validity of a few parts matched as groups.
_OBJDUMP_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'''
# The offset of the function, as hex.
# The space character.
[ ]
# The 7 groups of flag characters, one character each.
(?P<assert_scope>.) # Global, local, unique local, etc.
(?P<assert_4spaces>.{4}) # Constructor, warning, indirect ref,
# debugger symbol.
(?P<symbol_type>.) # Function, object, file or normal.
[ ]
# The section name should start with ".text", can be "". With LLD,
# and especially LTO the traces of input sections are not preserved. Support
# "" for a little longer time because it is easy.
(?P<assert_tab> \s+)
# The size of the symbol, as hex.
# Normally separated out by 14 spaces, but some bits in ELF may theoretically
# affect this length.
(?P<assert_14spaces>[ ]+)
# Hidden symbols should be treated as usual.
(.hidden [ ])?
# The symbol name.
''', re.VERBOSE)
def _FromObjdumpLine(line):
"""Create a SymbolInfo by parsing a properly formatted objdump output line.
line: line from objdump
An instance of SymbolInfo if the line represents a symbol, None otherwise.
m = _OBJDUMP_LINE_RE.match(line)
if not m:
return None
# A symbol can be (g)lobal, (l)ocal, or neither (a space). Per objdump's
# manpage, "A symbol can be neither local or global for a variety of reasons".
assert'assert_scope') in set(['g', 'l', ' ']), line
assert'assert_weak_or_strong') in set(['w', ' ']), line
assert'assert_tab') == '\t', line
assert'assert_4spaces') == ' ' * 4, line
assert'assert_14spaces') == ' ' * 14, line
name ='name')
offset = int('offset'), 16)
# Output the label that contains the earliest offset. It is needed later for
# translating offsets from the profile dumps.
if name == cygprofile_utils.START_OF_TEXT_SYMBOL:
return SymbolInfo(name=name, offset=offset, section='.text', size=0)
# Check symbol type for validity and ignore some types.
# From objdump manual page: The symbol is the name of a function (F) or a file
# (f) or an object (O) or just a normal symbol (a space). The 'normal' symbols
# seens so far has been function-local labels.
symbol_type ='symbol_type')
if symbol_type == ' ':
# Ignore local goto labels. Unfortunately, v8 builtins (like 'Builtins_.*')
# are indistinguishable from labels of size 0 other than by name.
return None
# Guard against file symbols, since they are normally not seen in the
# binaries we parse.
assert symbol_type != 'f', line
# Extract the size from the ELF field. This value sometimes does not reflect
# the real size of the function. One reason for that is the '.size' directive
# in the assembler. As a result, a few functions in .S files have the size 0.
# They are not instrumented (yet), but maintaining their order in the
# orderfile may be important in some cases.
size = int('size'), 16)
# Forbid ARM mapping symbols and other unexpected symbol names, but allow $
# characters in a non-initial position, which can appear as a component of a
# mangled name, e.g. Clang can mangle a lambda function to:
# 02cd61e0 l F .text 000000c0 _ZZL11get_globalsvENK3$_1clEv
# The equivalent objdump line from GCC is:
# 0325c58c l F .text 000000d0 _ZZL11get_globalsvENKUlvE_clEv
# Also disallow .internal and .protected symbols (as well as other flags),
# those have not appeared in the binaries we parse. Rejecting these extra
# prefixes is done by disallowing spaces in symbol names.
assert re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9_.$]*$', name), name
return SymbolInfo(name=name, offset=offset,'section'),
def _SymbolInfosFromStream(objdump_lines):
"""Parses the output of objdump, and get all the symbols from a binary.
objdump_lines: An iterable of lines
A list of SymbolInfo.
name_to_offsets = collections.defaultdict(list)
symbol_infos = []
for line in objdump_lines:
symbol_info = _FromObjdumpLine(line.rstrip('\n'))
if symbol_info is not None:
# On ARM the LLD linker inserts pseudo-functions (thunks) that allow
# jumping distances farther than 16 MiB. Such thunks are known to often
# reside on multiple offsets, they are not instrumented and hence they do
# not reach the orderfiles. Exclude the thunk symbols from the warning.
if not'__ThumbV7PILongThunk_'):
# Outlined functions are known to be repeated often, so ignore them in the
# repeated symbol count.
repeated_symbols = filter(lambda s: len(name_to_offsets[s]) > 1,
(k for k in name_to_offsets.keys()
if not k.startswith('OUTLINED_FUNCTION_')))
if repeated_symbols:
# Log the first 5 repeated offsets of the first 10 repeated symbols.
logging.warning('%d symbols repeated with multiple offsets:\n %s',
len(repeated_symbols), '\n '.join(
'{} {}'.format(sym, ' '.join(
str(offset) for offset in name_to_offsets[sym][:5]))
for sym in repeated_symbols[:10]))
return symbol_infos
def SymbolInfosFromBinary(binary_filename):
"""Runs objdump to get all the symbols from a binary.
binary_filename: path to the binary.
A list of SymbolInfo from the binary.
command = (host_paths.ToolPath('objdump', _arch), '-t', '-w', binary_filename)
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = _SymbolInfosFromStream(p.stdout)
return result
_LLVM_NM_LINE_RE = re.compile(
r'^[\-0-9a-f]{8,16}[ ](?P<symbol_type>.)[ ](?P<name>.*)$', re.VERBOSE)
def _SymbolInfosFromLlvmNm(lines):
"""Extracts all defined symbols names from llvm-nm output.
Only defined (weak and regular) symbols are extracted.
lines: Iterable of lines.
[str] A list of symbol names, can be empty.
symbol_names = []
for line in lines:
m = _LLVM_NM_LINE_RE.match(line)
assert m is not None, line
if'symbol_type') not in ['t', 'T', 'w', 'W']:
return symbol_names
_NM_PATH = os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'third_party', 'llvm-build',
'Release+Asserts', 'bin', 'llvm-nm')
def CheckLlvmNmExists():
assert os.path.exists(_NM_PATH), (
'llvm-nm not found. Please run '
'//tools/clang/scripts/ --package=objdump to install it.')
def SymbolNamesFromLlvmBitcodeFile(filename):
"""Extracts all defined symbols names from an LLVM bitcode file.
filename: (str) File to parse.
[str] A list of symbol names, can be empty.
command = (_NM_PATH, '-defined-only', filename)
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
result = _SymbolInfosFromLlvmNm(p.stdout)
if not result:
file_size = os.stat(filename).st_size
logging.warning('No symbols for %s (size %d)', filename, file_size)
return result
_, _ = p.communicate()
assert p.wait() == 0
def GroupSymbolInfosByOffset(symbol_infos):
"""Create a dict {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}.
As several symbols can be at the same offset, this is a 1-to-many
symbol_infos: iterable of SymbolInfo instances
a dict {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
offset_to_symbol_infos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for symbol_info in symbol_infos:
return dict(offset_to_symbol_infos)
def GroupSymbolInfosByName(symbol_infos):
"""Create a dict {name: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}.
A symbol can have several offsets, this is a 1-to-many relationship.
symbol_infos: iterable of SymbolInfo instances
a dict {name: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
name_to_symbol_infos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for symbol_info in symbol_infos:
return dict(name_to_symbol_infos)
def CreateNameToSymbolInfo(symbol_infos):
"""Create a dict {name: symbol_info, ...}.
symbol_infos: iterable of SymbolInfo instances
a dict {name: symbol_info, ...}
If a symbol name corresponds to more than one symbol_info, the symbol_info
with the lowest offset is chosen.
# TODO(lizeb,pasko): move the functionality in this method into
# check_orderfile.
symbol_infos_by_name = {}
warnings = cygprofile_utils.WarningCollector(_MAX_WARNINGS_TO_PRINT)
for infos in GroupSymbolInfosByName(symbol_infos).itervalues():
first_symbol_info = min(infos, key=lambda x: x.offset)
symbol_infos_by_name[] = first_symbol_info
if len(infos) > 1:
warnings.Write('Symbol %s appears at %d offsets: %s' %
','.join([hex(x.offset) for x in infos])))
warnings.WriteEnd('symbols at multiple offsets.')
return symbol_infos_by_name
def DemangleSymbol(mangled_symbol):
"""Return the demangled form of mangled_symbol."""
cmd = [host_paths.ToolPath('c++filt', _arch)]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
demangled_symbol, _ = process.communicate(mangled_symbol + '\n')
return demangled_symbol