blob: 1a7cf682171e5e69655964ea20f5e74615fadea7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef URL_URL_UTIL_QT_H_
#define URL_URL_UTIL_QT_H_
#include <string>
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
} // namespace base
namespace url {
// Configuration of a custom scheme.
// Each process has a list of CustomSchemes. The list is filled in the main
// process and transmitted to subprocesses via command-line flags
// (SaveSchemes/LoadSchemes). We cannot use IPC for this because the url library
// scheme lists are filled and locked before IPC is initialized.
// To implement the required semantics, the lists are accessed not only from the
// url library but all over the codebase (grep CustomScheme).
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(URL) CustomScheme {
enum Flag {
Secure = 0x1,
Local = 0x2,
LocalAccessAllowed = 0x4,
NoAccessAllowed = 0x8,
ServiceWorkersAllowed = 0x10,
ViewSourceAllowed = 0x20,
ContentSecurityPolicyIgnored = 0x40,
CorsEnabled = 0x80,
std::string name;
int default_port = PORT_UNSPECIFIED;
int flags = 0;
bool has_host_component() const { return type != SCHEME_WITHOUT_AUTHORITY; }
bool has_port_component() const { return type <= SCHEME_WITH_HOST_AND_PORT; }
static const std::vector<CustomScheme>& GetSchemes();
static std::vector<CustomScheme>& GetMutableSchemes();
static void ClearSchemes();
static void AddScheme(const CustomScheme& cs);
static const CustomScheme* FindScheme(base::StringPiece name);
static const char kCommandLineFlag[];
static void SaveSchemes(base::CommandLine* command_line);
static void LoadSchemes(const base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Check if |scheme| is handled by Chromium, QtWebEngine (qrc), or the
// application (custom schemes). If so, then the scheme cannot be overridden by
// web APIs such as registerProtocolHandler.
// Implemented in QtWebEngine repository.
// Thread-safe.
bool IsHandledProtocol(base::StringPiece scheme);
} // namespace url
#endif // URL_URL_UTIL_QT_H_