blob: 6abeb04ef6ff01165162db95d6d7b83568ebd7c7 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QXmlQuery>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QXmlSerializer>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QXmlResultItems>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QXmlFormatter>
#include "../qxmlquery/MessageSilencer.h"
#include "../qsimplexmlnodemodel/TestSimpleNodeModel.h"
\class tst_PatternistExamples
\since 4.4
\brief Verifies examples for Patternist.
class tst_PatternistExamples : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
void checkQueries() const;
void checkQueries_data() const;
void checkXMLFiles() const;
void checkXMLFiles_data() const;
void buildSnippets() const;
QVector<QDir> m_dirs;
QStringList listFiles(const QStringList &patterns) const;
enum Constants
XMLFileCount = 12,
XQueryFileCount = 52
void tst_PatternistExamples::initTestCase()
m_dirs.append(QDir(QLatin1String(SOURCETREE "src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/patternist/")));
m_dirs.append(QDir(QLatin1String(SOURCETREE "examples/xmlpatterns/xquery/globalVariables/")));
m_dirs.append(QDir(QLatin1String(SOURCETREE "examples/xmlpatterns/filetree/")));
m_dirs.append(QDir(QLatin1String(SOURCETREE "examples/xmlpatterns/recipes/")));
m_dirs.append(QDir(QLatin1String(SOURCETREE "examples/xmlpatterns/recipes/files/")));
for(int i = 0; i < m_dirs.size(); ++i)
Returns a QStringList containing absolute filenames that were found in the predefined locations, when
filtered through \a pattterns.
QStringList tst_PatternistExamples::listFiles(const QStringList &patterns) const
QStringList result;
for(int i = 0; i < m_dirs.size(); ++i)
const QDir &dir =;
const QStringList files(dir.entryList(patterns));
for(int s = 0; s < files.count(); ++s)
result += dir.absoluteFilePath(;
return result;
Check that the queries contains no static errors such as
syntax errors.
void tst_PatternistExamples::checkQueries() const
QFETCH(QString, queryFile);
QFile file(queryFile);
QXmlQuery query;
/* Two queries relies on this binding, so provide it such that we don't get a compile error. */
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("fileToOpen"), QVariant(QString::fromLatin1("dummyString")));
/* This is needed for the recipes example. */
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("inputDocument"), QVariant(QString::fromLatin1("dummString")));
/* This is needed for literalsAndOperators.xq. */
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("date"), QVariant(QDate::currentDate()));
/* These are needed for introExample2.xq. */
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("file"), QVariant(QLatin1String("dummy")));
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("publisher"), QVariant(QLatin1String("dummy")));
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("year"), QVariant(2000));
/* and filetree/ needs this. */
TestSimpleNodeModel nodeModel(query.namePool());
query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("exampleDirectory"), nodeModel.root());
query.setQuery(&file, queryFile);
QVERIFY2(query.isValid(), QString::fromLatin1("%1 failed to compile").arg(queryFile).toLatin1().constData());
void tst_PatternistExamples::checkQueries_data() const
const QStringList queryExamples(listFiles(QStringList(QLatin1String("*.xq"))));
QCOMPARE(queryExamples.count(), int(XQueryFileCount));
for (const QString &q : queryExamples)
QTest::newRow(q.toLocal8Bit().constData()) << q;
void tst_PatternistExamples::checkXMLFiles() const
QFETCH(QString, file);
QXmlQuery query;
/* Wrapping in QUrl ensures it gets formatted as a URI on all platforms. */
query.setQuery(QLatin1String("doc('") + QUrl::fromLocalFile(file).toString() + QLatin1String("')"));
/* We don't care about the result, we only want to ensure the files can be parsed. */
QByteArray dummy;
QBuffer buffer(&dummy);
QXmlSerializer serializer(query, &buffer);
/* This is the important one. */
void tst_PatternistExamples::checkXMLFiles_data() const
QStringList patterns;
const QStringList xmlFiles(listFiles(patterns));
if(xmlFiles.count() != XMLFileCount)
qDebug() << "These files were encountered:" << xmlFiles;
QCOMPARE(xmlFiles.count(), int(XMLFileCount));
for (const QString &q : xmlFiles)
QTest::newRow(q.toLocal8Bit().constData()) << q;
Below, we include all the examples and ensure that they build, such that we rule
out syntax error and that API changes has propagated into examples.
An improvement could be to run them, to ensure that they behave as they intend
static QUrl abstractURI()
QUrl baseURI;
QUrl relative;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qabstracturiresolver.cpp"
class MyValue
MyValue parent() const
return MyValue();
static MyValue toMyValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &)
return MyValue();
static QXmlNodeModelIndex toNodeIndex(const MyValue &)
return QXmlNodeModelIndex();
class MyTreeModel : public QSimpleXmlNodeModel
MyTreeModel(const QXmlNamePool &np, const QFile &f);
virtual QUrl documentUri(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QUrl();
virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex::NodeKind kind(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QXmlNodeModelIndex::Element;
virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex::DocumentOrder compareOrder(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&, const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QXmlNodeModelIndex::Is;
virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex root(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QXmlNodeModelIndex();
virtual QXmlName name(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QXmlName();
virtual QVariant typedValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QVariant();
virtual QVector<QXmlNodeModelIndex> attributes(const QXmlNodeModelIndex&) const
return QVector<QXmlNodeModelIndex>();
QXmlNodeModelIndex nodeFor(const QString &) const
return QXmlNodeModelIndex();
virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex nextFromSimpleAxis(SimpleAxis axis, const QXmlNodeModelIndex &origin) const;
Exists for linking with at least msvc-2005.
MyTreeModel::MyTreeModel(const QXmlNamePool &np, const QFile &) : QSimpleXmlNodeModel(np)
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qsimplexmlnodemodel.cpp"
class MyMapper
class InputType;
enum OutputType
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qabstractxmlforwarditerator.cpp"
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qxmlname.cpp"
void tst_PatternistExamples::buildSnippets() const
/* We don't run this code, see comment above. */
/* We place a call to this function, such that GCC doesn't emit a warning. */
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qxmlresultitems.cpp"
QIODevice *myOutputDevice = 0;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qxmlformatter.cpp"
QIODevice *myOutputDevice = 0;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qxmlserializer.cpp"
QXmlNodeModelIndex myInstance;
const char **argv = 0;
typedef MyTreeModel ChemistryNodeModel;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qabstractxmlnodemodel.cpp"
QIODevice *myOutputDevice = 0;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qabstractxmlreceiver.cpp"
QXmlQuery query;
QString localName;
QVariant value;
#include "../../../src/xmlpatterns/doc/snippets/code/src_xmlpatterns_api_qxmlquery.cpp"
#include "tst_patternistexamples.moc"
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4