blob: 562e50911774a24c0fb6344222c07c2d7a73c1c8 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
#include <assimp/IOStream.hpp>
#include <assimp/IOSystem.hpp>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
#include <assimp/postprocess.h>
#include <qiodevice.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qcoreapplication.h>
#include <qcommandlineparser.h>
#include <qjsondocument.h>
#include <qjsonobject.h>
#include <qjsonarray.h>
#include <qmath.h>
#define GLT_UNSIGNED_SHORT 0x1403
#define GLT_UNSIGNED_INT 0x1405
#define GLT_FLOAT 0x1406
#define GLT_FLOAT_VEC2 0x8B50
#define GLT_FLOAT_VEC3 0x8B51
#define GLT_FLOAT_VEC4 0x8B52
#define GLT_FLOAT_MAT3 0x8B5B
#define GLT_FLOAT_MAT4 0x8B5C
#define GLT_SAMPLER_2D 0x8B5E
#define GLT_ARRAY_BUFFER 0x8892
#define GLT_DEPTH_TEST 0x0B71
#define GLT_CULL_FACE 0x0B44
#define GLT_BLEND 0x0BE2
class AssimpIOStream : public Assimp::IOStream
AssimpIOStream(QIODevice *device);
size_t Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override;
size_t Write(const void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount) override;
aiReturn Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin) override;
size_t Tell() const override;
size_t FileSize() const override;
void Flush() override;
QIODevice *m_device;
class AssimpIOSystem : public Assimp::IOSystem
bool Exists(const char *pFile) const override;
char getOsSeparator() const override;
Assimp::IOStream *Open(const char *pFile, const char *pMode) override;
void Close(Assimp::IOStream *pFile) override;
AssimpIOStream::AssimpIOStream(QIODevice *device) :
delete m_device;
size_t AssimpIOStream::Read(void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount)
qint64 readBytes = m_device->read((char *)pvBuffer, pSize * pCount);
if (readBytes < 0)
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " read failed";
return readBytes;
size_t AssimpIOStream::Write(const void *pvBuffer, size_t pSize, size_t pCount)
qint64 writtenBytes = m_device->write((char *)pvBuffer, pSize * pCount);
if (writtenBytes < 0)
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " write failed";
return writtenBytes;
aiReturn AssimpIOStream::Seek(size_t pOffset, aiOrigin pOrigin)
qint64 seekPos = pOffset;
if (pOrigin == aiOrigin_CUR)
seekPos += m_device->pos();
else if (pOrigin == aiOrigin_END)
seekPos += m_device->size();
if (!m_device->seek(seekPos)) {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " seek failed";
return aiReturn_FAILURE;
return aiReturn_SUCCESS;
size_t AssimpIOStream::Tell() const
return m_device->pos();
size_t AssimpIOStream::FileSize() const
return m_device->size();
void AssimpIOStream::Flush()
// we don't write via assimp
static QIODevice::OpenMode openModeFromText(const char *name) noexcept
static const struct OpenModeMapping {
char name[2];
ushort mode;
} openModeMapping[] = {
{ { 'r', 0 }, QIODevice::ReadOnly },
{ { 'r', '+' }, QIODevice::ReadWrite },
{ { 'w', 0 }, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate },
{ { 'w', '+' }, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate },
{ { 'a', 0 }, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append },
{ { 'a', '+' }, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append },
{ { 'w', 'b' }, QIODevice::WriteOnly },
{ { 'w', 't' }, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text },
{ { 'r', 'b' }, QIODevice::ReadOnly },
{ { 'r', 't' }, QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text },
for (auto e : openModeMapping) {
if (qstrncmp(, name, sizeof(OpenModeMapping::name)) == 0)
return static_cast<QIODevice::OpenMode>(e.mode);
return QIODevice::NotOpen;
bool AssimpIOSystem::Exists(const char *pFile) const
return QFileInfo::exists(QString::fromUtf8(pFile));
char AssimpIOSystem::getOsSeparator() const
return QDir::separator().toLatin1();
Assimp::IOStream *AssimpIOSystem::Open(const char *pFile, const char *pMode)
const QString fileName(QString::fromUtf8(pFile));
const QLatin1String cleanedMode = QLatin1String{pMode}.trimmed();
if (const QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = openModeFromText( {
QScopedPointer<QFile> file(new QFile(fileName));
if (file->open(openMode))
return new AssimpIOStream(file.take());
return nullptr;
void AssimpIOSystem::Close(Assimp::IOStream *pFile)
delete pFile;
static inline QString ai2qt(const aiString &str)
return QString::fromUtf8(, int(str.length));
static inline QVector<float> ai2qt(const aiMatrix4x4 &matrix)
return QVector<float>() << matrix.a1 << matrix.b1 << matrix.c1 << matrix.d1
<< matrix.a2 << matrix.b2 << matrix.c2 << matrix.d2
<< matrix.a3 << matrix.b3 << matrix.c3 << matrix.d3
<< matrix.a4 << matrix.b4 << matrix.c4 << matrix.d4;
struct Options {
QString outDir;
bool genBin;
bool compact;
bool compress;
bool genTangents;
bool interleave;
float scale;
bool genCore;
enum TextureCompression {
TextureCompression texComp;
bool commonMat;
bool shaders;
bool showLog;
} opts;
class Importer
virtual ~Importer();
virtual bool load(const QString &filename) = 0;
struct BufferInfo {
QString name;
QByteArray data;
QVector<BufferInfo> buffers() const;
struct MeshInfo {
struct BufferView {
BufferView() : bufIndex(0), offset(0), length(0), componentType(0), target(0) { }
QString name;
uint bufIndex;
uint offset;
uint length;
uint componentType;
uint target;
QVector<BufferView> views;
struct Accessor {
Accessor() : offset(0), stride(0), count(0), componentType(0) { }
QString name;
QString usage;
QString bufferView;
uint offset;
uint stride;
uint count;
uint componentType;
QString type;
QVector<float> minVal;
QVector<float> maxVal;
QVector<Accessor> accessors;
QString name; // generated
QString originalName; // may be empty
uint materialIndex;
QVector<MeshInfo::BufferView> bufferViews() const;
QVector<MeshInfo::Accessor> accessors() const;
uint meshCount() const;
MeshInfo meshInfo(uint meshIndex) const;
struct MaterialInfo {
QString name;
QString originalName;
QHash<QByteArray, QVector<float> > m_colors;
QHash<QByteArray, float> m_values;
QHash<QByteArray, QString> m_textures;
uint materialCount() const;
MaterialInfo materialInfo(uint materialIndex) const;
QSet<QString> externalTextures() const;
struct CameraInfo {
QString name; // suffixed
float aspectRatio;
float yfov;
float zfar;
float znear;
QHash<QString, CameraInfo> cameraInfo() const;
struct EmbeddedTextureInfo {
EmbeddedTextureInfo() { }
QString name;
EmbeddedTextureInfo(const QString &name, const QImage &image) : name(name), image(image) { }
QImage image;
QHash<QString, EmbeddedTextureInfo> embeddedTextures() const;
struct Node {
QString name;
QString uniqueName; // generated
QVector<float> transformation;
QVector<Node *> children;
QVector<uint> meshes;
const Node *rootNode() const;
struct KeyFrame {
KeyFrame() : t(0), transValid(false), rotValid(false), scaleValid(false) { }
float t;
bool transValid;
QVector<float> trans;
bool rotValid;
QVector<float> rot;
bool scaleValid;
QVector<float> scale;
struct AnimationInfo {
AnimationInfo() : hasTranslation(false), hasRotation(false), hasScale(false) { }
QString name;
QString targetNode;
bool hasTranslation;
bool hasRotation;
bool hasScale;
QVector<KeyFrame> keyFrames;
QVector<AnimationInfo> animations() const;
bool allMeshesForMaterialHaveTangents(uint materialIndex) const;
const Node *findNode(const Node *root, const QString &originalName) const;
void delNode(Importer::Node *n);
QByteArray m_buffer;
QHash<uint, MeshInfo> m_meshInfo;
QHash<uint, MaterialInfo> m_materialInfo;
QHash<QString, EmbeddedTextureInfo> m_embeddedTextures;
QSet<QString> m_externalTextures;
QHash<QString, CameraInfo> m_cameraInfo;
Node *m_rootNode;
QVector<AnimationInfo> m_animations;
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(Importer::EmbeddedTextureInfo, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(Importer::Node, Q_COMPLEX_TYPE); // uses address as identity
: m_rootNode(nullptr)
void Importer::delNode(Importer::Node *n)
if (!n)
for (Importer::Node *c : qAsConst(n->children))
delete n;
QVector<Importer::BufferInfo> Importer::buffers() const
BufferInfo b; = QStringLiteral("buf"); = m_buffer;
return QVector<BufferInfo>() << b;
const Importer::Node *Importer::rootNode() const
return m_rootNode;
bool Importer::allMeshesForMaterialHaveTangents(uint materialIndex) const
for (const MeshInfo &mi : m_meshInfo) {
if (mi.materialIndex == materialIndex) {
bool hasTangents = false;
for (const MeshInfo::Accessor &acc : mi.accessors) {
if (acc.usage == QStringLiteral("TANGENT")) {
hasTangents = true;
if (!hasTangents)
return false;
return true;
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView> Importer::bufferViews() const
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView> bv;
for (const MeshInfo &mi : m_meshInfo) {
for (const MeshInfo::BufferView &v : mi.views)
bv << v;
return bv;
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor> Importer::accessors() const
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor> acc;
for (const MeshInfo &mi : m_meshInfo) {
for (const MeshInfo::Accessor &a : mi.accessors)
acc << a;
return acc;
uint Importer::meshCount() const
return m_meshInfo.count();
Importer::MeshInfo Importer::meshInfo(uint meshIndex) const
return m_meshInfo[meshIndex];
uint Importer::materialCount() const
return m_materialInfo.count();
Importer::MaterialInfo Importer::materialInfo(uint materialIndex) const
return m_materialInfo[materialIndex];
QHash<QString, Importer::CameraInfo> Importer::cameraInfo() const
return m_cameraInfo;
QSet<QString> Importer::externalTextures() const
return m_externalTextures;
QHash<QString, Importer::EmbeddedTextureInfo> Importer::embeddedTextures() const
return m_embeddedTextures;
QVector<Importer::AnimationInfo> Importer::animations() const
return m_animations;
const Importer::Node *Importer::findNode(const Node *root, const QString &originalName) const
for (const Node *c : root->children) {
if (c->name == originalName)
return c;
const Node *cn = findNode(c, originalName);
if (cn)
return cn;
return nullptr;
class AssimpImporter : public Importer
bool load(const QString &filename) override;
const aiScene *scene() const;
void printNodes(const aiNode *node, int level = 1);
void buildBuffer();
void parseEmbeddedTextures();
void parseMaterials();
void parseCameras();
void parseNode(Importer::Node *dst, const aiNode *src);
void parseScene();
void parseAnimations();
void addKeyFrame(QVector<KeyFrame> &keyFrames, float t, aiVector3D *vt, aiQuaternion *vr, aiVector3D *vs);
QScopedPointer<Assimp::Importer> m_importer;
AssimpImporter::AssimpImporter() :
m_importer(new Assimp::Importer)
m_importer->SetIOHandler(new AssimpIOSystem);
m_importer->SetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE, aiPrimitiveType_LINE | aiPrimitiveType_POINT);
bool AssimpImporter::load(const QString &filename)
uint flags = aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_SortByPType
| aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices
| aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
| aiProcess_GenUVCoords
| aiProcess_FlipUVs
| aiProcess_FindDegenerates;
if (opts.genTangents)
flags |= aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace;
const aiScene *scene = m_importer->ReadFile(filename.toUtf8().constData(), flags);
if (!scene)
return false;
if (opts.showLog) {
qDebug().noquote() << filename
<< scene->mNumMeshes << "meshes,"
<< scene->mNumMaterials << "materials,"
<< scene->mNumTextures << "embedded textures,"
<< scene->mNumCameras << "cameras,"
<< scene->mNumLights << "lights,"
<< scene->mNumAnimations << "animations";
qDebug() << "Scene:";
return true;
void AssimpImporter::printNodes(const aiNode *node, int level)
qDebug().noquote() << QString().fill('-', level * 4) << ai2qt(node->mName) << node->mNumMeshes << "mesh refs";
for (uint i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i)
printNodes(node->mChildren[i], level + 1);
template<class T> void copyIndexBuf(T *dst, const aiMesh *src)
for (uint j = 0; j < src->mNumFaces; ++j) {
const aiFace *f = &src->mFaces[j];
if (f->mNumIndices != 3)
qFatal("Face %d is not a triangle (index count %d instead of 3)", j, f->mNumIndices);
*dst++ = f->mIndices[0];
*dst++ = f->mIndices[1];
*dst++ = f->mIndices[2];
static QString newBufferViewName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("bufferView_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newAccessorName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("accessor_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newMeshName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("mesh_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newMaterialName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("material_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newTechniqueName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("technique_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newTextureName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("texture_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newImageName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("image_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newShaderName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("shader_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newProgramName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("program_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newNodeName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("node_%1")).arg(++cnt);
static QString newAnimationName()
static int cnt = 0;
return QString(QStringLiteral("animation_%1")).arg(++cnt);
template<class T> void calcBB(QVector<float> &minVal, QVector<float> &maxVal, T *data, int vertexCount, int compCount)
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < compCount; ++j) {
if (i == 0) {
minVal[j] = maxVal[j] = data[i][j];
} else {
if (data[i][j] < minVal[j])
minVal[j] = data[i][j];
if (data[i][j] > maxVal[j])
maxVal[j] = data[i][j];
// One buffer per importer (scene).
// Two buffer views (array, index) + three or more accessors per mesh.
void AssimpImporter::buildBuffer()
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Meshes:";
const aiScene *sc = scene();
for (uint i = 0; i < sc->mNumMeshes; ++i) {
aiMesh *m = sc->mMeshes[i];
MeshInfo meshInfo;
meshInfo.originalName = ai2qt(m->mName); = newMeshName();
meshInfo.materialIndex = m->mMaterialIndex;
aiVector3D *vertices = m->mVertices;
aiVector3D *normals = m->mNormals;
aiVector3D *textureCoords = m->mTextureCoords[0];
aiColor4D *colors = m->mColors[0];
aiVector3D *tangents = m->mTangents;
if (opts.scale != 1) {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
vertices[j].x *= opts.scale;
vertices[j].y *= opts.scale;
vertices[j].z *= opts.scale;
// Vertex (3), Normal (3), Coord? (2), Color? (4), Tangent? (3)
uint stride = 3 + 3 + (textureCoords ? 2 : 0) + (colors ? 4 : 0) + (tangents ? 3 : 0);
QByteArray vertexBuf;
vertexBuf.resize(stride * m->mNumVertices * sizeof(float));
float *p = reinterpret_cast<float *>(;
if (opts.interleave) {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
// Vertex
*p++ = vertices[j].x;
*p++ = vertices[j].y;
*p++ = vertices[j].z;
// Normal
*p++ = normals[j].x;
*p++ = normals[j].y;
*p++ = normals[j].z;
// Coord
if (textureCoords) {
*p++ = textureCoords[j].x;
*p++ = textureCoords[j].y;
// Color
if (colors) {
*p++ = colors[j].r;
*p++ = colors[j].g;
*p++ = colors[j].b;
*p++ = colors[j].a;
// Tangent
if (tangents) {
*p++ = tangents[j].x;
*p++ = tangents[j].y;
*p++ = tangents[j].z;
} else {
// Vertex
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
*p++ = vertices[j].x;
*p++ = vertices[j].y;
*p++ = vertices[j].z;
// Normal
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
*p++ = normals[j].x;
*p++ = normals[j].y;
*p++ = normals[j].z;
// Coord
if (textureCoords) {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
*p++ = textureCoords[j].x;
*p++ = textureCoords[j].y;
// Color
if (colors) {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
*p++ = colors[j].r;
*p++ = colors[j].g;
*p++ = colors[j].b;
*p++ = colors[j].a;
// Tangent
if (tangents) {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->mNumVertices; ++j) {
*p++ = tangents[j].x;
*p++ = tangents[j].y;
*p++ = tangents[j].z;
MeshInfo::BufferView vertexBufView; = newBufferViewName();
vertexBufView.length = vertexBuf.size();
vertexBufView.offset = m_buffer.size();
vertexBufView.componentType = GLT_FLOAT; = GLT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
QByteArray indexBuf;
uint indexCount = m->mNumFaces * 3;
if (indexCount >= USHRT_MAX) {
indexBuf.resize(indexCount * sizeof(quint32));
quint32 *p = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(;
copyIndexBuf(p, m);
} else {
indexBuf.resize(indexCount * sizeof(quint16));
quint16 *p = reinterpret_cast<quint16 *>(;
copyIndexBuf(p, m);
MeshInfo::BufferView indexBufView; = newBufferViewName();
indexBufView.length = indexBuf.size();
indexBufView.offset = vertexBufView.offset + vertexBufView.length;
MeshInfo::Accessor acc;
uint startOffset = 0;
// Vertex = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("POSITION");
acc.bufferView =;
acc.offset = 0;
acc.stride = opts.interleave ? stride * sizeof(float) : 3 * sizeof(float);
acc.count = m->mNumVertices;
acc.componentType = vertexBufView.componentType;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC3");
calcBB(acc.minVal, acc.maxVal, vertices, m->mNumVertices, 3);
startOffset += opts.interleave ? 3 : 3 * m->mNumVertices;
// Normal = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("NORMAL");
acc.offset = startOffset * sizeof(float);
if (!opts.interleave)
acc.stride = 3 * sizeof(float);
calcBB(acc.minVal, acc.maxVal, normals, m->mNumVertices, 3);
startOffset += opts.interleave ? 3 : 3 * m->mNumVertices;
// Coord
if (textureCoords) { = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("TEXCOORD_0");
acc.offset = startOffset * sizeof(float);
if (!opts.interleave)
acc.stride = 2 * sizeof(float);
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC2");
calcBB(acc.minVal, acc.maxVal, textureCoords, m->mNumVertices, 2);
startOffset += opts.interleave ? 2 : 2 * m->mNumVertices;
// Color
if (colors) { = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("COLOR");
acc.offset = startOffset * sizeof(float);
if (!opts.interleave)
acc.stride = 4 * sizeof(float);
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC4");
calcBB(acc.minVal, acc.maxVal, colors, m->mNumVertices, 4);
startOffset += opts.interleave ? 4 : 4 * m->mNumVertices;
// Tangent
if (tangents) { = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("TANGENT");
acc.offset = startOffset * sizeof(float);
if (!opts.interleave)
acc.stride = 3 * sizeof(float);
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC3");
calcBB(acc.minVal, acc.maxVal, tangents, m->mNumVertices, 3);
startOffset += opts.interleave ? 3 : 3 * m->mNumVertices;
// Index = newAccessorName();
acc.usage = QStringLiteral("INDEX");
acc.bufferView =;
acc.offset = 0;
acc.stride = 0;
acc.count = indexCount;
acc.componentType = indexBufView.componentType;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("SCALAR");
acc.minVal = acc.maxVal = QVector<float>();
if (opts.showLog) {
qDebug().noquote() << "#" << i << "(" << << "/" << meshInfo.originalName << ")"
<< m->mNumVertices << "vertices,"
<< m->mNumFaces << "faces," << stride << "bytes per vertex,"
<< vertexBuf.size() << "vertex bytes," << indexBuf.size() << "index bytes";
if (opts.scale != 1)
qDebug() << " scaled by" << opts.scale;
if (!opts.interleave)
qDebug() << " non-interleaved layout";
QStringList sl;
for (const MeshInfo::BufferView &bv : qAsConst(meshInfo.views)) sl <<;
qDebug() << " buffer views:" << sl;
for (const MeshInfo::Accessor &acc : qAsConst(meshInfo.accessors)) sl <<;
qDebug() << " accessors:" << sl;
qDebug() << " material: #" << meshInfo.materialIndex;
m_meshInfo.insert(i, meshInfo);
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Total buffer size" << m_buffer.size();
void AssimpImporter::parseEmbeddedTextures()
const aiScene *sc = scene();
if (opts.showLog && sc->mNumTextures)
qDebug() << "Embedded textures:";
for (uint i = 0; i < sc->mNumTextures; ++i) {
aiTexture *t = sc->mTextures[i];
QImage img;
if (t->mHeight == 0) {
img = QImage::fromData(reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(t->pcData), t->mWidth);
} else {
uint sz = t->mWidth * t->mHeight;
QByteArray data;
data.resize(sz * 4);
uchar *p = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(;
for (uint j = 0; j < sz; ++j) {
*p++ = t->pcData[j].r;
*p++ = t->pcData[j].g;
*p++ = t->pcData[j].b;
*p++ = t->pcData[j].a;
img = QImage(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(data.constData()), t->mWidth, t->mHeight, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
QString name;
static int imgCnt = 0;
name = QString(QStringLiteral("texture_%1.png")).arg(++imgCnt);
QString embeddedTextureRef = QStringLiteral("*") + QString::number(i); // see AI_MAKE_EMBEDDED_TEXNAME
m_embeddedTextures.insert(embeddedTextureRef, EmbeddedTextureInfo(name, img));
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "#" << i << name << img;
if (scene()->mNumTextures)
qWarning() << "WARNING: No image support, ignoring" << scene()->mNumTextures << "embedded textures";
void AssimpImporter::parseMaterials()
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Materials:";
const aiScene *sc = scene();
for (uint i = 0; i < sc->mNumMaterials; ++i) {
const aiMaterial *mat = sc->mMaterials[i];
MaterialInfo matInfo; = newMaterialName();
aiString s;
if (mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, s) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.originalName = ai2qt(s);
aiColor4D color;
if (mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, color) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_colors.insert("diffuse", QVector<float>() << color.r << color.g << color.b << color.a);
if (mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, color) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_colors.insert("specular", QVector<float>() << color.r << color.g << color.b);
if (mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT, color) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_colors.insert("ambient", QVector<float>() << color.r << color.g << color.b);
float f;
if (mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, f) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_values.insert("shininess", f);
if (mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &s) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_textures.insert("diffuse", ai2qt(s));
if (mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_SPECULAR, 0, &s) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_textures.insert("specular", ai2qt(s));
if (mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_NORMALS, 0, &s) == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
matInfo.m_textures.insert("normal", ai2qt(s));
QHash<QByteArray, QString>::iterator texIt = matInfo.m_textures.begin();
while (texIt != matInfo.m_textures.end()) {
// Map embedded texture references to real files.
if (texIt->startsWith('*'))
*texIt = m_embeddedTextures[*texIt].name;
m_materialInfo.insert(i, matInfo);
if (opts.showLog) {
qDebug().noquote() << "#" << i << "(" << << "/" << matInfo.originalName << ")";
qDebug() << " colors:" << matInfo.m_colors;
qDebug() << " values:" << matInfo.m_values;
qDebug() << " textures:" << matInfo.m_textures;
void AssimpImporter::parseCameras()
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Cameras:";
const aiScene *sc = scene();
for (uint i = 0; i < sc->mNumCameras; ++i) {
const aiCamera *cam = sc->mCameras[i];
QString name = ai2qt(cam->mName);
CameraInfo c; = name + QStringLiteral("_cam");
c.aspectRatio = qFuzzyIsNull(cam->mAspect) ? 1.5f : cam->mAspect;
c.yfov = cam->mHorizontalFOV;
if (c.yfov < (M_PI / 10.0)) // this can't be right (probably orthographic source camera)
c.yfov = float(M_PI / 4.0);
c.znear = cam->mClipPlaneNear;
c.zfar = cam->mClipPlaneFar;
// Collada / glTF cameras point in -Z by default, the rest is in the
// node matrix, no separate look-at params given here.
m_cameraInfo.insert(name, c);
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "#" << i << "(" << name << ")" << c.aspectRatio << c.yfov << c.znear << c.zfar;
void AssimpImporter::parseNode(Importer::Node *dst, const aiNode *src)
dst->name = ai2qt(src->mName);
dst->uniqueName = newNodeName();
for (uint j = 0; j < src->mNumChildren; ++j) {
Node *c = new Node;
parseNode(c, src->mChildren[j]);
dst->children << c;
dst->transformation = ai2qt(src->mTransformation);
for (uint j = 0; j < src->mNumMeshes; ++j)
dst->meshes << src->mMeshes[j];
void AssimpImporter::parseScene()
const aiScene *sc = scene();
m_rootNode = new Node;
parseNode(m_rootNode, sc->mRootNode);
void AssimpImporter::addKeyFrame(QVector<KeyFrame> &keyFrames, float t, aiVector3D *vt, aiQuaternion *vr, aiVector3D *vs)
KeyFrame kf;
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < keyFrames.count(); ++i) {
if (qFuzzyCompare(keyFrames[i].t, t)) {
kf = keyFrames[i];
idx = i;
kf.t = t;
if (vt) {
kf.transValid = true;
kf.trans = QVector<float>() << vt->x << vt->y << vt->z;
if (vr) {
kf.rotValid = true;
kf.rot = QVector<float>() << vr->w << vr->x << vr->y << vr->z;
if (vs) {
kf.scaleValid = true;
kf.scale = QVector<float>() << vs->x << vs->y << vs->z;
if (idx >= 0)
keyFrames[idx] = kf;
void AssimpImporter::parseAnimations()
const aiScene *sc = scene();
if (opts.showLog && sc->mNumAnimations)
qDebug() << "Animations:";
for (uint i = 0; i < sc->mNumAnimations; ++i) {
const aiAnimation *anim = sc->mAnimations[i];
// Only care about node animations.
for (uint j = 0; j < anim->mNumChannels; ++j) {
const aiNodeAnim *a = anim->mChannels[j];
AnimationInfo animInfo;
QVector<KeyFrame> keyFrames;
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << ai2qt(anim->mName) << "->" << ai2qt(a->mNodeName);
// Target values in the keyframes are local absolute (relative to parent, like node.matrix).
for (uint kf = 0; kf < a->mNumPositionKeys; ++kf) {
float t = float(a->mPositionKeys[kf].mTime);
aiVector3D v = a->mPositionKeys[kf].mValue;
animInfo.hasTranslation = true;
addKeyFrame(keyFrames, t, &v, nullptr, nullptr);
for (uint kf = 0; kf < a->mNumRotationKeys; ++kf) {
float t = float(a->mRotationKeys[kf].mTime);
aiQuaternion v = a->mRotationKeys[kf].mValue;
animInfo.hasRotation = true;
addKeyFrame(keyFrames, t, nullptr, &v, nullptr);
for (uint kf = 0; kf < a->mNumScalingKeys; ++kf) {
float t = float(a->mScalingKeys[kf].mTime);
aiVector3D v = a->mScalingKeys[kf].mValue;
animInfo.hasScale = true;
addKeyFrame(keyFrames, t, nullptr, nullptr, &v);
// Here we should ideally get rid of non-animated properties (that
// just set the t-r-s value from node.matrix in every frame) but
// let's leave that as a future exercise.
if (!keyFrames.isEmpty()) { = ai2qt(anim->mName);
QString nodeName = ai2qt(a->mNodeName); // have to map to our generated, unique node names
const Node *targetNode = findNode(m_rootNode, nodeName);
if (targetNode)
animInfo.targetNode = targetNode->uniqueName;
qWarning().noquote() << "ERROR: Cannot find target node" << nodeName << "for animation" <<;
animInfo.keyFrames = keyFrames;
m_animations << animInfo;
if (opts.showLog) {
for (const KeyFrame &kf : qAsConst(keyFrames)) {
QString msg;
QTextStream s(&msg);
s << " @ " << kf.t;
if (kf.transValid)
s << " T=(" << kf.trans[0] << ", " << kf.trans[1] << ", " << kf.trans[2] << ")";
if (kf.rotValid)
s << " R=(w=" << kf.rot[0] << ", " << kf.rot[1] << ", " << kf.rot[2] << ", " << kf.rot[3] << ")";
if (kf.scaleValid)
s << " S=(" << kf.scale[0] << ", " << kf.scale[1] << ", " << kf.scale[2] << ")";
qDebug().noquote() << msg;
const aiScene *AssimpImporter::scene() const
return m_importer->GetScene();
class Exporter
Exporter(Importer *importer) : m_importer(importer) { }
virtual ~Exporter() { }
virtual void save(const QString &inputFilename) = 0;
bool nodeIsUseful(const Importer::Node *n) const;
void copyExternalTextures(const QString &inputFilename);
void exportEmbeddedTextures();
void compressTextures();
Importer *m_importer;
QSet<QString> m_files;
QHash<QString, QString> m_compressedTextures;
bool Exporter::nodeIsUseful(const Importer::Node *n) const
if (!n->meshes.isEmpty() || m_importer->cameraInfo().contains(n->name))
return true;
for (const Importer::Node *c : n->children) {
if (nodeIsUseful(c))
return true;
return false;
void Exporter::copyExternalTextures(const QString &inputFilename)
const auto textureFilenames = m_importer->externalTextures();
for (const QString &textureFilename : textureFilenames) {
const QString dst = opts.outDir + textureFilename;
// External textures need copying only when output dir was specified.
if (!opts.outDir.isEmpty()) {
const QString src = QFileInfo(inputFilename).path() + QStringLiteral("/") + textureFilename;
if (QFileInfo(src).absolutePath() != QFileInfo(dst).absolutePath()) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Copying" << src << "to" << dst;
void Exporter::exportEmbeddedTextures()
const auto embeddedTextures = m_importer->embeddedTextures();
for (const Importer::EmbeddedTextureInfo &embTex : embeddedTextures) {
QString fn = opts.outDir +;
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Writing" << fn;;
void Exporter::compressTextures()
if (opts.texComp != Options::ETC1)
const auto textureFilenames = m_importer->externalTextures();
const auto embeddedTextures = m_importer->embeddedTextures();
QStringList imageList;
imageList.reserve(textureFilenames.size() + embeddedTextures.size());
for (const QString &textureFilename : textureFilenames)
imageList << opts.outDir + textureFilename;
for (const Importer::EmbeddedTextureInfo &embTex : embeddedTextures)
imageList << opts.outDir +;
for (const QString &filename : qAsConst(imageList)) {
if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toLower() != QStringLiteral("png"))
QByteArray cmd = QByteArrayLiteral("etc1tool ");
cmd += filename.toUtf8();
qDebug().noquote() << "Invoking" << cmd;
// No QProcess in bootstrap
if (system(cmd.constData()) == -1) {
qWarning() << "ERROR: Failed to launch etc1tool";
} else {
QString src = QFileInfo(filename).fileName();
QString dst = QFileInfo(src).baseName() + QStringLiteral(".pkm");
m_compressedTextures.insert(src, dst);
class GltfExporter : public Exporter
GltfExporter(Importer *importer);
void save(const QString &inputFilename) override;
struct ProgramInfo {
struct Param {
Param() : type(0) { }
Param(QString name, QString nameInShader, QString semantic, uint type)
: name(name), nameInShader(nameInShader), semantic(semantic), type(type) { }
QString name;
QString nameInShader;
QString semantic;
uint type;
QString commonTechniqueName;
QString vertShader;
QString fragShader;
QVector<Param> attributes;
QVector<Param> uniforms;
friend class QTypeInfo<ProgramInfo>;
friend class QTypeInfo<ProgramInfo::Param>;
void writeShader(const QString &src, const QString &dst, const QVector<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > &substTab);
QString exportNode(const Importer::Node *n, QJsonObject &nodes);
void exportMaterials(QJsonObject &materials, QHash<QString, QString> *textureNameMap);
void exportParameter(QJsonObject &dst, const QVector<ProgramInfo::Param> &params);
void exportTechniques(QJsonObject &obj, const QString &basename);
void exportAnimations(QJsonObject &obj, QVector<Importer::BufferInfo> &bufList,
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView> &bvList,
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor> &accList);
void initShaderInfo();
ProgramInfo *chooseProgram(uint materialIndex);
QJsonObject m_obj;
QJsonDocument m_doc;
QVector<ProgramInfo> m_progs;
struct TechniqueInfo {
TechniqueInfo() : opaque(true), prog(nullptr) { }
TechniqueInfo(const QString &name, bool opaque, ProgramInfo *prog)
: name(name)
, opaque(opaque)
, prog(prog)
coreName = name + QStringLiteral("_core");
gl2Name = name + QStringLiteral("_gl2");
QString name;
QString coreName;
QString gl2Name;
bool opaque;
ProgramInfo *prog;
friend class QTypeInfo<TechniqueInfo>;
QVector<TechniqueInfo> m_techniques;
QSet<ProgramInfo *> m_usedPrograms;
QVector<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > m_subst_es2;
QVector<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > m_subst_core;
QHash<QString, bool> m_imageHasAlpha;
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(GltfExporter::ProgramInfo::Param, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(GltfExporter::TechniqueInfo, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
GltfExporter::GltfExporter(Importer *importer)
: Exporter(importer)
struct Shader {
const char *name;
const char *text;
} shaders[] = {
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexPosition;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexNormal;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 vPosition;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 vNormal;\n"
"uniform mat4 projection;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelView;\n"
"uniform mat3 modelViewNormal;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vNormal = normalize( modelViewNormal * vertexNormal );\n"
" vPosition = vec3( modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 ) );\n"
" gl_Position = projection * modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 );\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec4 lightPosition;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 lightIntensity;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ka;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec4 kd;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ks;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP float shininess;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vPosition;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vNormal;\n"
"$HIGHP vec3 adsModel( const $HIGHP vec3 pos, const $HIGHP vec3 n )\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 s = normalize( vec3( lightPosition ) - pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 v = normalize( -pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 r = reflect( -s, n );\n"
" $HIGHP float diffuse = max( dot( s, n ), 0.0 );\n"
" $HIGHP float specular = 0.0;\n"
" if ( dot( s, n ) > 0.0 )\n"
" specular = pow( max( dot( r, v ), 0.0 ), shininess );\n"
" return lightIntensity * ( ka + kd.rgb * diffuse + ks * specular );\n"
"void main()\n"
" $FRAGCOLOR = vec4( adsModel( vPosition, normalize( vNormal ) ) * kd.a, kd.a );\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexPosition;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexNormal;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec2 vertexTexCoord;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 vPosition;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 vNormal;\n"
"$VVARYING vec2 vTexCoord;\n"
"uniform mat4 projection;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelView;\n"
"uniform mat3 modelViewNormal;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vTexCoord = vertexTexCoord;\n"
" vNormal = normalize( modelViewNormal * vertexNormal );\n"
" vPosition = vec3( modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 ) );\n"
" gl_Position = projection * modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 );\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec4 lightPosition;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 lightIntensity;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ka;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ks;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP float shininess;\n"
"uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vPosition;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vNormal;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec2 vTexCoord;\n"
"$HIGHP vec4 adsModel( const $HIGHP vec3 pos, const $HIGHP vec3 n )\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 s = normalize( vec3( lightPosition ) - pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 v = normalize( -pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 r = reflect( -s, n );\n"
" $HIGHP float diffuse = max( dot( s, n ), 0.0 );\n"
" $HIGHP float specular = 0.0;\n"
" if ( dot( s, n ) > 0.0 )\n"
" specular = pow( max( dot( r, v ), 0.0 ), shininess );\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 kd = $TEXTURE2D( diffuseTexture, vTexCoord );\n"
" return vec4( lightIntensity * ( ka + kd.rgb * diffuse + ks * specular ) * kd.a, kd.a );\n"
"void main()\n"
" $FRAGCOLOR = adsModel( vPosition, normalize( vNormal ) );\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec4 lightPosition;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 lightIntensity;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ka;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP float shininess;\n"
"uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;\n"
"uniform sampler2D specularTexture;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vPosition;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 vNormal;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec2 vTexCoord;\n"
"$HIGHP vec4 adsModel( const in $HIGHP vec3 pos, const in $HIGHP vec3 n )\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 s = normalize( vec3( lightPosition ) - pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 v = normalize( -pos );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 r = reflect( -s, n );\n"
" $HIGHP float diffuse = max( dot( s, n ), 0.0 );\n"
" $HIGHP float specular = 0.0;\n"
" if ( dot( s, n ) > 0.0 )\n"
" specular = ( shininess / ( 8.0 * 3.14 ) ) * pow( max( dot( r, v ), 0.0 ), shininess );\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 kd = $TEXTURE2D( diffuseTexture, vTexCoord );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ks = $TEXTURE2D( specularTexture, vTexCoord );\n"
" return vec4( lightIntensity * ( ka + kd.rgb * diffuse + ks * specular ) * kd.a, kd.a );\n"
"void main()\n"
" $FRAGCOLOR = vec4( adsModel( vPosition, normalize( vNormal ) ), 1.0 );\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexPosition;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec3 vertexNormal;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec2 vertexTexCoord;\n"
"$ATTRIBUTE vec4 vertexTangent;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 lightDir;\n"
"$VVARYING vec3 viewDir;\n"
"$VVARYING vec2 texCoord;\n"
"uniform mat4 projection;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelView;\n"
"uniform mat3 modelViewNormal;\n"
"uniform vec4 lightPosition;\n"
"void main()\n"
" texCoord = vertexTexCoord;\n"
" vec3 normal = normalize( modelViewNormal * vertexNormal );\n"
" vec3 tangent = normalize( modelViewNormal * );\n"
" vec3 position = vec3( modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 ) );\n"
" vec3 binormal = normalize( cross( normal, tangent ) );\n"
" mat3 tangentMatrix = mat3 (\n"
" tangent.x, binormal.x, normal.x,\n"
" tangent.y, binormal.y, normal.y,\n"
" tangent.z, binormal.z, normal.z );\n"
" vec3 s = vec3( lightPosition ) - position;\n"
" lightDir = normalize( tangentMatrix * s );\n"
" vec3 v = -position;\n"
" viewDir = normalize( tangentMatrix * v );\n"
" gl_Position = projection * modelView * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 );\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 lightIntensity;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ka;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ks;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP float shininess;\n"
"uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;\n"
"uniform sampler2D normalTexture;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 lightDir;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 viewDir;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec2 texCoord;\n"
"$HIGHP vec3 adsModel( const $HIGHP vec3 norm, const $HIGHP vec3 diffuseReflect)\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 r = reflect( -lightDir, norm );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ambient = lightIntensity * ka;\n"
" $HIGHP float sDotN = max( dot( lightDir, norm ), 0.0 );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 diffuse = lightIntensity * diffuseReflect * sDotN;\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ambientAndDiff = ambient + diffuse;\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 spec = vec3( 0.0 );\n"
" if ( sDotN > 0.0 )\n"
" spec = lightIntensity * ks * pow( max( dot( r, viewDir ), 0.0 ), shininess );\n"
" return ambientAndDiff + spec;\n"
"void main()\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 kd = $TEXTURE2D( diffuseTexture, texCoord );\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 normal = 2.0 * $TEXTURE2D( normalTexture, texCoord ) - vec4( 1.0 );\n"
" $FRAGCOLOR = vec4( adsModel( normalize( ), kd.rgb) * kd.a, kd.a );\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 lightIntensity;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP vec3 ka;\n"
"uniform $HIGHP float shininess;\n"
"uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;\n"
"uniform sampler2D specularTexture;\n"
"uniform sampler2D normalTexture;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 lightDir;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec3 viewDir;\n"
"$FVARYING $HIGHP vec2 texCoord;\n"
"$HIGHP vec3 adsModel( const $HIGHP vec3 norm, const $HIGHP vec3 diffuseReflect, const $HIGHP vec3 specular )\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 r = reflect( -lightDir, norm );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ambient = lightIntensity * ka;\n"
" $HIGHP float sDotN = max( dot( lightDir, norm ), 0.0 );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 diffuse = lightIntensity * diffuseReflect * sDotN;\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ambientAndDiff = ambient + diffuse;\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 spec = vec3( 0.0 );\n"
" if ( sDotN > 0.0 )\n"
" spec = lightIntensity * ( shininess / ( 8.0 * 3.14 ) ) * pow( max( dot( r, viewDir ), 0.0 ), shininess );\n"
" return (ambientAndDiff + spec * specular.rgb);\n"
"void main()\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 kd = $TEXTURE2D( diffuseTexture, texCoord );\n"
" $HIGHP vec3 ks = $TEXTURE2D( specularTexture, texCoord );\n"
" $HIGHP vec4 normal = 2.0 * $TEXTURE2D( normalTexture, texCoord ) - vec4( 1.0 );\n"
" $FRAGCOLOR = vec4( adsModel( normalize( ), kd.rgb, ks ) * kd.a, kd.a );\n"
void GltfExporter::initShaderInfo()
ProgramInfo p;
p = ProgramInfo();
p.commonTechniqueName = "PHONG"; // diffuse RGBA, specular RGBA
p.vertShader = "color.vert";
p.fragShader = "color.frag";
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("position", "vertexPosition", "POSITION", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("normal", "vertexNormal", "NORMAL", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("projection", "projection", "PROJECTION", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("modelView", "modelView", "MODELVIEW", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalMatrix", "modelViewNormal", "MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE", GLT_FLOAT_MAT3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightPosition", "lightPosition", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightIntensity", "lightIntensity", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("ambient", "ka", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("diffuse", "kd", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("specular", "ks", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("shininess", "shininess", QString(), GLT_FLOAT);
m_progs << p;
p = ProgramInfo();
p.commonTechniqueName = "PHONG"; // diffuse texture, specular RGBA
p.vertShader = "diffusemap.vert";
p.fragShader = "diffusemap.frag";
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("position", "vertexPosition", "POSITION", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("normal", "vertexNormal", "NORMAL", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("texcoord0", "vertexTexCoord", "TEXCOORD_0", GLT_FLOAT_VEC2);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("projection", "projection", "PROJECTION", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("modelView", "modelView", "MODELVIEW", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalMatrix", "modelViewNormal", "MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE", GLT_FLOAT_MAT3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightPosition", "lightPosition", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightIntensity", "lightIntensity", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("ambient", "ka", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("specular", "ks", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("shininess", "shininess", QString(), GLT_FLOAT);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("diffuse", "diffuseTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
m_progs << p;
p = ProgramInfo();
p.commonTechniqueName = "PHONG"; // diffuse texture, specular texture
p.vertShader = "diffusemap.vert";
p.fragShader = "diffusespecularmap.frag";
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("position", "vertexPosition", "POSITION", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("normal", "vertexNormal", "NORMAL", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("texcoord0", "vertexTexCoord", "TEXCOORD_0", GLT_FLOAT_VEC2);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("projection", "projection", "PROJECTION", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("modelView", "modelView", "MODELVIEW", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalMatrix", "modelViewNormal", "MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE", GLT_FLOAT_MAT3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightPosition", "lightPosition", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightIntensity", "lightIntensity", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("ambient", "ka", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("shininess", "shininess", QString(), GLT_FLOAT);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("diffuse", "diffuseTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("specular", "specularTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
m_progs << p;
p = ProgramInfo();
p.commonTechniqueName = "PHONG"; // diffuse texture, specular RGBA, normalmap texture
p.vertShader = "normaldiffusemap.vert";
p.fragShader = "normaldiffusemap.frag";
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("position", "vertexPosition", "POSITION", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("normal", "vertexNormal", "NORMAL", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("texcoord0", "vertexTexCoord", "TEXCOORD_0", GLT_FLOAT_VEC2);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("tangent", "vertexTangent", "TANGENT", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("projection", "projection", "PROJECTION", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("modelView", "modelView", "MODELVIEW", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalMatrix", "modelViewNormal", "MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE", GLT_FLOAT_MAT3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightPosition", "lightPosition", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightIntensity", "lightIntensity", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("ambient", "ka", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("specular", "ks", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("shininess", "shininess", QString(), GLT_FLOAT);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("diffuse", "diffuseTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalmap", "normalTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
m_progs << p;
p = ProgramInfo();
p.commonTechniqueName = "PHONG"; // diffuse texture, specular texture, normalmap texture
p.vertShader = "normaldiffusemap.vert";
p.fragShader = "normaldiffusespecularmap.frag";
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("position", "vertexPosition", "POSITION", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("normal", "vertexNormal", "NORMAL", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("texcoord0", "vertexTexCoord", "TEXCOORD_0", GLT_FLOAT_VEC2);
p.attributes << ProgramInfo::Param("tangent", "vertexTangent", "TANGENT", GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("projection", "projection", "PROJECTION", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("modelView", "modelView", "MODELVIEW", GLT_FLOAT_MAT4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalMatrix", "modelViewNormal", "MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE", GLT_FLOAT_MAT3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightPosition", "lightPosition", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC4);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("lightIntensity", "lightIntensity", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("ambient", "ka", QString(), GLT_FLOAT_VEC3);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("shininess", "shininess", QString(), GLT_FLOAT);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("diffuse", "diffuseTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("specular", "specularTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
p.uniforms << ProgramInfo::Param("normalmap", "normalTexture", QString(), GLT_SAMPLER_2D);
m_progs << p;
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$VERSION"), QByteArray());
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$ATTRIBUTE"), QByteArrayLiteral("attribute"));
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$VVARYING"), QByteArrayLiteral("varying"));
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$FVARYING"), QByteArrayLiteral("varying"));
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$TEXTURE2D"), QByteArrayLiteral("texture2D"));
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$DECL_FRAGCOLOR"), QByteArray());
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$FRAGCOLOR"), QByteArrayLiteral("gl_FragColor"));
m_subst_es2 << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$HIGHP"), QByteArrayLiteral("highp"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$VERSION"), QByteArrayLiteral("#version 150 core"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$ATTRIBUTE"), QByteArrayLiteral("in"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$VVARYING"), QByteArrayLiteral("out"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$FVARYING"), QByteArrayLiteral("in"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$TEXTURE2D"), QByteArrayLiteral("texture"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$DECL_FRAGCOLOR"), QByteArrayLiteral("out vec4 fragColor;"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$FRAGCOLOR"), QByteArrayLiteral("fragColor"));
m_subst_core << qMakePair(QByteArrayLiteral("$HIGHP "), QByteArray());
GltfExporter::ProgramInfo *GltfExporter::chooseProgram(uint materialIndex)
Importer::MaterialInfo matInfo = m_importer->materialInfo(materialIndex);
const bool hasNormalTexture = matInfo.m_textures.contains("normal");
const bool hasSpecularTexture = matInfo.m_textures.contains("specular");
const bool hasDiffuseTexture = matInfo.m_textures.contains("diffuse");
if (hasNormalTexture && !m_importer->allMeshesForMaterialHaveTangents(materialIndex))
qWarning() << "WARNING: Tangent vectors not exported while the material requires it. (hint: try -t)";
if (hasNormalTexture && hasSpecularTexture && hasDiffuseTexture) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Using program taking diffuse, specular, normal textures";
return &m_progs[4];
if (hasNormalTexture && hasDiffuseTexture) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Using program taking diffuse, normal textures";
return &m_progs[3];
if (hasSpecularTexture && hasDiffuseTexture) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Using program taking diffuse, specular textures";
return &m_progs[2];
if (hasDiffuseTexture) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Using program taking diffuse texture";
return &m_progs[1];
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Using program without textures";
return &m_progs[0];
QString GltfExporter::exportNode(const Importer::Node *n, QJsonObject &nodes)
QJsonObject node;
node["name"] = n->name;
QJsonArray children;
for (const Importer::Node *c : n->children) {
if (nodeIsUseful(c))
children << exportNode(c, nodes);
node["children"] = children;
QJsonArray matrix;
const float *mtxp = n->transformation.constData();
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
node["matrix"] = matrix;
QJsonArray meshList;
for (int j = 0; j < n->meshes.count(); ++j)
if (!meshList.isEmpty()) {
node["meshes"] = meshList;
} else {
QHash<QString, Importer::CameraInfo> cam = m_importer->cameraInfo();
if (cam.contains(n->name))
node["camera"] = cam[n->name].name;
nodes[n->uniqueName] = node;
return n->uniqueName;
static inline QJsonArray col2jsvec(const QVector<float> &color, bool alpha = false)
QJsonArray arr;
arr << color[0] << color[1] << color[2];
if (alpha)
arr << color[3];
return arr;
static inline QJsonArray vec2jsvec(const QVector<float> &v)
QJsonArray arr;
for (int i = 0; i < v.count(); ++i)
arr << v[i];
return arr;
static inline void promoteColorsToRGBA(QJsonObject *obj)
QJsonObject::iterator it = obj->begin(), itEnd = obj->end();
while (it != itEnd) {
QJsonArray arr = it.value().toArray();
if (arr.count() == 3) {
const QString key = it.key();
if (key == QStringLiteral("ambient")
|| key == QStringLiteral("diffuse")
|| key == QStringLiteral("specular")) {
*it = arr;
void GltfExporter::exportMaterials(QJsonObject &materials, QHash<QString, QString> *textureNameMap)
for (uint i = 0; i < m_importer->materialCount(); ++i) {
Importer::MaterialInfo matInfo = m_importer->materialInfo(i);
QJsonObject material;
material["name"] = matInfo.originalName;
bool opaque = true;
QJsonObject vals;
for (QHash<QByteArray, QString>::const_iterator it = matInfo.m_textures.constBegin(); it != matInfo.m_textures.constEnd(); ++it) {
if (!textureNameMap->contains(it.value()))
textureNameMap->insert(it.value(), newTextureName());
QByteArray key = it.key();
if (key == QByteArrayLiteral("normal")) // avoid clashing with the vertex normals
key = QByteArrayLiteral("normalmap");
// alpha is supported for diffuse textures, but have to check the image data to decide if blending is needed
if (key == QByteArrayLiteral("diffuse")) {
QString imgFn = opts.outDir + it.value();
if (m_imageHasAlpha.contains(imgFn)) {
if (m_imageHasAlpha[imgFn])
opaque = false;
} else {
QImage img(imgFn);
if (!img.isNull()) {
if (img.hasAlphaChannel()) {
for (int y = 0; opaque && y < img.height(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; opaque && x < img.width(); ++x)
if (qAlpha(img.pixel(x, y)) < 255)
opaque = false;
m_imageHasAlpha[imgFn] = !opaque;
} else {
qWarning() << "WARNING: Cannot determine presence of alpha for" << imgFn;
qWarning() << "WARNING: No image support, assuming all textures are opaque";
vals[key] = textureNameMap->value(it.value());
for (QHash<QByteArray, float>::const_iterator it = matInfo.m_values.constBegin();
it != matInfo.m_values.constEnd(); ++it) {
if (vals.contains(it.key()))
vals[it.key()] = it.value();
for (QHash<QByteArray, QVector<float> >::const_iterator it = matInfo.m_colors.constBegin();
it != matInfo.m_colors.constEnd(); ++it) {
if (vals.contains(it.key()))
// alpha is supported for the diffuse color. < 1 will enable blending.
const bool alpha = it.key() == QStringLiteral("diffuse");
if (alpha && it.value()[3] < 1.0f)
opaque = false;
vals[it.key()] = col2jsvec(it.value(), alpha);
if (opts.shaders)
material["values"] = vals;
ProgramInfo *prog = chooseProgram(i);
TechniqueInfo techniqueInfo;
bool needsNewTechnique = true;
for (int j = 0; j < m_techniques.count(); ++j) {
if (m_techniques[j].prog == prog) {
techniqueInfo = m_techniques[j];
needsNewTechnique = opaque != techniqueInfo.opaque;
if (!needsNewTechnique)
if (needsNewTechnique) {
QString techniqueName = newTechniqueName();
techniqueInfo = TechniqueInfo(techniqueName, opaque, prog);
if (opts.shaders) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Material #" << i << "->" <<;
material["technique"] =;
if (opts.genCore) {
material["techniqueCore"] = techniqueInfo.coreName;
material["techniqueGL2"] = techniqueInfo.gl2Name;
if (opts.commonMat) {
// The built-in shaders we output are of little use in practice.
// Ideally we want Qt3D's own standard materials in order to have our
// models participate in lighting for example. To achieve this, output
// a KHR_materials_common block which Qt3D's loader will recognize and
// prefer over the shader-based techniques.
if (!prog->commonTechniqueName.isEmpty()) {
QJsonObject commonMat;
commonMat["technique"] = prog->commonTechniqueName;
// Set the values as-is. "normalmap" is our own extension, not in the spec.
// However, RGB colors have to be promoted to RGBA since the spec uses
// vec4, and all types are pre-defined for common material values.
commonMat["values"] = vals;
if (!opaque)
commonMat["transparent"] = true;
QJsonObject extensions;
extensions["KHR_materials_common"] = commonMat;
material["extensions"] = extensions;
materials[] = material;
void GltfExporter::writeShader(const QString &src, const QString &dst, const QVector<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > &substTab)
for (const Shader shader : shaders) {
QByteArray name = src.toUtf8();
if (!qstrcmp(, name.constData())) {
QString outfn = opts.outDir + dst;
QFile outf(outfn);
if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Writing" << outfn;
const auto lines = QString::fromUtf8(shader.text).split('\n');
for (QString line : lines) {
for (const auto &subst : substTab)
line.replace(subst.first, subst.second);
line += QStringLiteral("\n");
qWarning() << "ERROR: No shader found for" << src;
void GltfExporter::exportParameter(QJsonObject &dst, const QVector<ProgramInfo::Param> &params)
for (const ProgramInfo::Param &param : params) {
QJsonObject parameter;
parameter["type"] = int(param.type);
if (!param.semantic.isEmpty())
parameter["semantic"] = param.semantic;
if ( == QStringLiteral("lightIntensity"))
parameter["value"] = QJsonArray() << 1 << 1 << 1;
if ( == QStringLiteral("lightPosition"))
parameter["value"] = QJsonArray() << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1;
dst[] = parameter;
namespace {
struct ProgramNames
QString name;
QString coreName;
void GltfExporter::exportTechniques(QJsonObject &obj, const QString &basename)
if (!opts.shaders)
QJsonObject shaders;
QHash<QString, QString> shaderMap;
for (ProgramInfo *prog : qAsConst(m_usedPrograms)) {
QString newName;
if (!shaderMap.contains(prog->vertShader)) {
QJsonObject vertexShader;
vertexShader["type"] = 35633;
if (newName.isEmpty())
newName = newShaderName();
QString key = basename + QStringLiteral("_") + newName + QStringLiteral("_v");
QString fn = QString(QStringLiteral("%1.vert")).arg(key);
vertexShader["uri"] = fn;
writeShader(prog->vertShader, fn, m_subst_es2);
if (opts.genCore) {
QJsonObject coreVertexShader;
QString coreKey = QString(QStringLiteral("%1_core").arg(key));
fn = QString(QStringLiteral("%1.vert")).arg(coreKey);
coreVertexShader["type"] = 35633;
coreVertexShader["uri"] = fn;
writeShader(prog->vertShader, fn, m_subst_core);
shaders[coreKey] = coreVertexShader;
shaderMap.insert(QString(prog->vertShader + QStringLiteral("_core")), coreKey);
shaders[key] = vertexShader;
shaderMap.insert(prog->vertShader, key);
if (!shaderMap.contains(prog->fragShader)) {
QJsonObject fragmentShader;
fragmentShader["type"] = 35632;
if (newName.isEmpty())
newName = newShaderName();
QString key = basename + QStringLiteral("_") + newName + QStringLiteral("_f");
QString fn = QString(QStringLiteral("%1.frag")).arg(key);
fragmentShader["uri"] = fn;
writeShader(prog->fragShader, fn, m_subst_es2);
if (opts.genCore) {
QJsonObject coreFragmentShader;
QString coreKey = QString(QStringLiteral("%1_core").arg(key));
fn = QString(QStringLiteral("%1.frag")).arg(coreKey);
coreFragmentShader["type"] = 35632;
coreFragmentShader["uri"] = fn;
writeShader(prog->fragShader, fn, m_subst_core);
shaders[coreKey] = coreFragmentShader;
shaderMap.insert(QString(prog->fragShader + QStringLiteral("_core")), coreKey);
shaders[key] = fragmentShader;
shaderMap.insert(prog->fragShader, key);
obj["shaders"] = shaders;
QJsonObject programs;
QHash<const ProgramInfo *, ProgramNames> programMap;
for (const ProgramInfo *prog : qAsConst(m_usedPrograms)) {
QJsonObject program;
program["vertexShader"] = shaderMap[prog->vertShader];
program["fragmentShader"] = shaderMap[prog->fragShader];
QJsonArray attrs;
for (const ProgramInfo::Param &param : prog->attributes) {
attrs << param.nameInShader;
program["attributes"] = attrs;
QString programName = newProgramName();
programMap[prog].name = programName;
programs[programMap[prog].name] = program;
if (opts.genCore) {
program["vertexShader"] = shaderMap[QString(prog->vertShader + QLatin1String("_core"))];
program["fragmentShader"] = shaderMap[QString(prog->fragShader + QLatin1String("_core"))];
QJsonArray attrs;
for (const ProgramInfo::Param &param : prog->attributes) {
attrs << param.nameInShader;
program["attributes"] = attrs;
programMap[prog].coreName = programName + QLatin1String("_core");
programs[programMap[prog].coreName] = program;
obj["programs"] = programs;
QJsonObject techniques;
for (const TechniqueInfo &techniqueInfo : qAsConst(m_techniques)) {
QJsonObject technique;
QJsonObject parameters;
const ProgramInfo *prog = techniqueInfo.prog;
exportParameter(parameters, prog->attributes);
exportParameter(parameters, prog->uniforms);
technique["parameters"] = parameters;
technique["program"] = programMap[prog].name;
QJsonObject progAttrs;
for (const ProgramInfo::Param &param : prog->attributes) {
progAttrs[param.nameInShader] =;
technique["attributes"] = progAttrs;
QJsonObject progUniforms;
for (const ProgramInfo::Param &param : prog->uniforms) {
progUniforms[param.nameInShader] =;
technique["uniforms"] = progUniforms;
QJsonObject states;
QJsonArray enabledStates;
enabledStates << GLT_DEPTH_TEST << GLT_CULL_FACE;
if (!techniqueInfo.opaque) {
enabledStates << GLT_BLEND;
QJsonObject funcs;
funcs["blendFuncSeparate"] = QJsonArray() << 1 << 771 << 1 << 771;
states["functions"] = funcs;
states["enable"] = enabledStates;
technique["states"] = states;
techniques[] = technique;
if (opts.genCore) {
//GL2 (same as ES2)
techniques[techniqueInfo.gl2Name] = technique;
technique["program"] = programMap[prog].coreName;
techniques[techniqueInfo.coreName] = technique;
obj["techniques"] = techniques;
void GltfExporter::exportAnimations(QJsonObject &obj,
QVector<Importer::BufferInfo> &bufList,
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView> &bvList,
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor> &accList)
const auto animationInfos = m_importer->animations();
if (animationInfos.empty()) {
obj["animations"] = QJsonObject();
QString bvName = newBufferViewName();
QByteArray extraData;
int sz = 0;
for (const Importer::AnimationInfo &ai : animationInfos)
sz += ai.keyFrames.count() * (1 + 3 + 4 + 3) * sizeof(float);
float *base = reinterpret_cast<float *>(;
float *p = base;
QJsonObject animations;
for (const Importer::AnimationInfo &ai : animationInfos) {
QJsonObject animation;
animation["name"] =;
animation["count"] = ai.keyFrames.count();
QJsonObject samplers;
QJsonArray channels;
if (ai.hasTranslation) {
QJsonObject sampler;
sampler["input"] = QStringLiteral("TIME");
sampler["interpolation"] = QStringLiteral("LINEAR");
sampler["output"] = QStringLiteral("translation");
samplers["sampler_translation"] = sampler;
QJsonObject channel;
channel["sampler"] = QStringLiteral("sampler_translation");
QJsonObject target;
target["id"] = ai.targetNode;
target["path"] = QStringLiteral("translation");
channel["target"] = target;
channels << channel;
if (ai.hasRotation) {
QJsonObject sampler;
sampler["input"] = QStringLiteral("TIME");
sampler["interpolation"] = QStringLiteral("LINEAR");
sampler["output"] = QStringLiteral("rotation");
samplers["sampler_rotation"] = sampler;
QJsonObject channel;
channel["sampler"] = QStringLiteral("sampler_rotation");
QJsonObject target;
target["id"] = ai.targetNode;
target["path"] = QStringLiteral("rotation");
channel["target"] = target;
channels << channel;
if (ai.hasScale) {
QJsonObject sampler;
sampler["input"] = QStringLiteral("TIME");
sampler["interpolation"] = QStringLiteral("LINEAR");
sampler["output"] = QStringLiteral("scale");
samplers["sampler_scale"] = sampler;
QJsonObject channel;
channel["sampler"] = QStringLiteral("sampler_scale");
QJsonObject target;
target["id"] = ai.targetNode;
target["path"] = QStringLiteral("scale");
channel["target"] = target;
channels << channel;
animation["samplers"] = samplers;
animation["channels"] = channels;
QJsonObject parameters;
// Multiple animations sharing the same data should ideally use the
// same accessors. This we unfortunately cannot do due to assimp's/our
// own data structures so everything will get its own accessor and data
// for now.
Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor acc; = newAccessorName();
acc.bufferView = bvName;
acc.count = ai.keyFrames.count();
acc.componentType = GLT_FLOAT;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("SCALAR");
acc.offset = uint((p - base) * sizeof(float));
for (const Importer::KeyFrame &kf : ai.keyFrames)
*p++ = kf.t;
parameters["TIME"] =;
accList << acc;
if (ai.hasTranslation) { = newAccessorName();
acc.componentType = GLT_FLOAT;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC3");
acc.offset = uint((p - base) * sizeof(float));
QVector<float> lastV;
for (const Importer::KeyFrame &kf : ai.keyFrames) {
const QVector<float> *v = kf.transValid ? &kf.trans : &lastV;
*p++ = v->at(0);
*p++ = v->at(1);
*p++ = v->at(2);
if (kf.transValid)
lastV = *v;
parameters["translation"] =;
accList << acc;
if (ai.hasRotation) { = newAccessorName();
acc.componentType = GLT_FLOAT;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC4");
acc.offset = uint((p - base) * sizeof(float));
QVector<float> lastV;
for (const Importer::KeyFrame &kf : ai.keyFrames) {
const QVector<float> *v = kf.rotValid ? &kf.rot : &lastV;
*p++ = v->at(1); // x
*p++ = v->at(2); // y
*p++ = v->at(3); // z
*p++ = v->at(0); // w
if (kf.rotValid)
lastV = *v;
parameters["rotation"] =;
accList << acc;
if (ai.hasScale) { = newAccessorName();
acc.componentType = GLT_FLOAT;
acc.type = QStringLiteral("VEC3");
acc.offset = uint((p - base) * sizeof(float));
QVector<float> lastV;
for (const Importer::KeyFrame &kf : ai.keyFrames) {
const QVector<float> *v = kf.scaleValid ? &kf.scale : &lastV;
*p++ = v->at(0);
*p++ = v->at(1);
*p++ = v->at(2);
if (kf.scaleValid)
lastV = *v;
parameters["scale"] =;
accList << acc;
animation["parameters"] = parameters;
animations[newAnimationName()] = animation;
obj["animations"] = animations;
// Now all the key frame data is in extraData. Append it to the first buffer
// and create a single buffer view for it.
if (!extraData.isEmpty()) {
if (bufList.isEmpty()) {
Importer::BufferInfo b; = QStringLiteral("buf");
bufList << b;
Importer::BufferInfo &buf(bufList[0]);
Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView bv; = bvName;
bv.offset =;
bv.length = uint((p - base) * sizeof(float));
bv.componentType = GLT_FLOAT;
bvList << bv;
extraData.resize(bv.length); += extraData;
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Animation data in buffer uses" << extraData.size() << "bytes";
void GltfExporter::save(const QString &inputFilename)
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Exporting";
QFile f;
QString basename = QFileInfo(inputFilename).baseName();
QString bufNameTempl = basename + QStringLiteral("_%1.bin");
m_obj = QJsonObject();
QVector<Importer::BufferInfo> bufList = m_importer->buffers();
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView> bvList = m_importer->bufferViews();
QVector<Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor> accList = m_importer->accessors();
// Animations add data to the buffer so process them first.
exportAnimations(m_obj, bufList, bvList, accList);
QJsonObject asset;
asset["generator"] = QString(QStringLiteral("qgltf %1")).arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion());
asset["version"] = QStringLiteral("1.0");
asset["premultipliedAlpha"] = true;
m_obj["asset"] = asset;
for (int i = 0; i < bufList.count(); ++i) {
QString bufName = bufNameTempl.arg(i + 1);
f.setFileName(opts.outDir + bufName);
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << (opts.compress ? "Writing (compressed)" : "Writing") << (opts.outDir + bufName);
if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
QByteArray data = bufList[i].data;
if (opts.compress)
data = qCompress(data);
QJsonObject buffers;
for (int i = 0; i < bufList.count(); ++i) {
QJsonObject buffer;
buffer["byteLength"] = bufList[i].data.size();
buffer["type"] = QStringLiteral("arraybuffer");
buffer["uri"] = bufNameTempl.arg(i + 1);
if (opts.compress)
buffer["compression"] = QStringLiteral("Qt");
buffers[bufList[i].name] = buffer;
m_obj["buffers"] = buffers;
QJsonObject bufferViews;
for (const Importer::MeshInfo::BufferView &bv : qAsConst(bvList)) {
QJsonObject bufferView;
bufferView["buffer"] = bufList[bv.bufIndex].name;
bufferView["byteLength"] = int(bv.length);
bufferView["byteOffset"] = int(bv.offset);
if (
bufferView["target"] = int(;
bufferViews[] = bufferView;
m_obj["bufferViews"] = bufferViews;
QJsonObject accessors;
for (const Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor &acc : qAsConst(accList)) {
QJsonObject accessor;
accessor["bufferView"] = acc.bufferView;
accessor["byteOffset"] = int(acc.offset);
accessor["byteStride"] = int(acc.stride);
accessor["count"] = int(acc.count);
accessor["componentType"] = int(acc.componentType);
accessor["type"] = acc.type;
if (!acc.minVal.isEmpty() && !acc.maxVal.isEmpty()) {
accessor["min"] = vec2jsvec(acc.minVal);
accessor["max"] = vec2jsvec(acc.maxVal);
accessors[] = accessor;
m_obj["accessors"] = accessors;
QJsonObject meshes;
for (uint i = 0; i < m_importer->meshCount(); ++i) {
const Importer::MeshInfo meshInfo = m_importer->meshInfo(i);
QJsonObject mesh;
mesh["name"] = meshInfo.originalName;
QJsonArray prims;
QJsonObject prim;
prim["mode"] = 4; // triangles
QJsonObject attrs;
for (const Importer::MeshInfo::Accessor &acc : meshInfo.accessors) {
if (acc.usage != QStringLiteral("INDEX"))
attrs[acc.usage] =;
prim["indices"] =;
prim["attributes"] = attrs;
prim["material"] = m_importer->materialInfo(meshInfo.materialIndex).name;
mesh["primitives"] = prims;
meshes[] = mesh;
m_obj["meshes"] = meshes;
QJsonObject cameras;
const auto cameraInfos = m_importer->cameraInfo();
for (const Importer::CameraInfo &camInfo : cameraInfos) {
QJsonObject camera;
QJsonObject persp;
persp["aspect_ratio"] = camInfo.aspectRatio;
persp["yfov"] = camInfo.yfov;
persp["znear"] = camInfo.znear;
persp["zfar"] = camInfo.zfar;
camera["perspective"] = persp;
camera["type"] = QStringLiteral("perspective");
cameras[] = camera;
m_obj["cameras"] = cameras;
QJsonArray sceneNodes;
QJsonObject nodes;
for (const Importer::Node *n : qAsConst(m_importer->rootNode()->children)) {
if (nodeIsUseful(n))
sceneNodes << exportNode(n, nodes);
m_obj["nodes"] = nodes;
QJsonObject scenes;
QJsonObject defaultScene;
defaultScene["nodes"] = sceneNodes;
scenes["defaultScene"] = defaultScene;
m_obj["scenes"] = scenes;
m_obj["scene"] = QStringLiteral("defaultScene");
QJsonObject materials;
QHash<QString, QString> textureNameMap;
exportMaterials(materials, &textureNameMap);
m_obj["materials"] = materials;
QJsonObject textures;
QHash<QString, QString> imageMap; // uri -> key
for (QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = textureNameMap.constBegin(); it != textureNameMap.constEnd(); ++it) {
QJsonObject texture;
if (!imageMap.contains(it.key()))
imageMap[it.key()] = newImageName();
texture["source"] = imageMap[it.key()];
texture["format"] = 0x1908; // RGBA
const bool compressed = m_compressedTextures.contains(it.key());
texture["internalFormat"] = !compressed ? 0x1908 : 0x8D64; // RGBA / ETC1
texture["sampler"] = !compressed ? QStringLiteral("sampler_mip_rep") : QStringLiteral("sampler_nonmip_rep");
texture["target"] = 3553; // TEXTURE_2D
texture["type"] = 5121; // UNSIGNED_BYTE
textures[it.value()] = texture;
m_obj["textures"] = textures;
QJsonObject images;
for (QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = imageMap.constBegin(); it != imageMap.constEnd(); ++it) {
QJsonObject image;
image["uri"] = m_compressedTextures.contains(it.key()) ? m_compressedTextures[it.key()] : it.key();
images[it.value()] = image;
m_obj["images"] = images;
QJsonObject samplers;
QJsonObject sampler;
sampler["magFilter"] = 9729; // LINEAR
sampler["minFilter"] = 9987; // LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
sampler["wrapS"] = 10497; // REPEAT
sampler["wrapT"] = 10497;
samplers["sampler_mip_rep"] = sampler;
// Compressed textures may not support mipmapping with GLES.
if (!m_compressedTextures.isEmpty()) {
sampler["minFilter"] = 9729; // LINEAR
samplers["sampler_nonmip_rep"] = sampler;
m_obj["samplers"] = samplers;
exportTechniques(m_obj, basename);
QString gltfName = opts.outDir + basename + QStringLiteral(".qgltf");
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << (opts.genBin ? "Writing (binary JSON)" : "Writing") << gltfName;
if (opts.genBin) {
if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
QByteArray json = m_doc.toBinaryData();
} else {
if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
QByteArray json = m_doc.toJson(opts.compact ? QJsonDocument::Compact : QJsonDocument::Indented);
QString qrcName = opts.outDir + basename + QStringLiteral(".qrc");
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug().noquote() << "Writing" << qrcName;
if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
QByteArray pre = "<RCC><qresource prefix=\"/models\">\n";
QByteArray post = "</qresource></RCC>\n";
for (const QString &file : qAsConst(m_files)) {
QString line = QString(QStringLiteral(" <file>%1</file>\n")).arg(file);
if (opts.showLog)
qDebug() << "Done\n";
static const char *description =
"qgltf uses Assimp to import a variety of 3D model formats "
"and export it into fast-to-load, optimized glTF "
"assets embedded into Qt resource files.\n\n"
"Note: this tool should typically not be invoked directly. Instead, "
"let qmake manage it based on QT3D_MODELS in the .pro file.\n\n"
"For standard Qt 3D usage the recommended options are -b -S.";
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
app.setApplicationName(QStringLiteral("Qt glTF converter"));
QCommandLineParser cmdLine;
QCommandLineOption outDirOpt(QStringLiteral("d"), QStringLiteral("Place all output data into <dir>"), QStringLiteral("dir"));
QCommandLineOption binOpt(QStringLiteral("b"), QStringLiteral("Store binary JSON data in the .qgltf file"));
QCommandLineOption compactOpt(QStringLiteral("m"), QStringLiteral("Store compact JSON in the .qgltf file"));
QCommandLineOption compOpt(QStringLiteral("c"), QStringLiteral("qCompress() vertex/index data in the .bin file"));
QCommandLineOption tangentOpt(QStringLiteral("t"), QStringLiteral("Generate tangent vectors"));
QCommandLineOption nonInterleavedOpt(QStringLiteral("n"), QStringLiteral("Use non-interleaved buffer layout"));
QCommandLineOption scaleOpt(QStringLiteral("e"), QStringLiteral("Scale vertices by the float scale factor <factor>"), QStringLiteral("factor"));
QCommandLineOption coreOpt(QStringLiteral("g"), QStringLiteral("Generate OpenGL 3.2+ core profile shaders too"));
QCommandLineOption etc1Opt(QStringLiteral("1"), QStringLiteral("Generate ETC1 compressed textures by invoking etc1tool (PNG only)"));
QCommandLineOption noCommonMatOpt(QStringLiteral("T"), QStringLiteral("Do not generate KHR_materials_common block"));
QCommandLineOption noShadersOpt(QStringLiteral("S"), QStringLiteral("Do not generate shaders/programs/techniques"));
QCommandLineOption silentOpt(QStringLiteral("s"), QStringLiteral("Silence debug output"));
opts.outDir = cmdLine.value(outDirOpt);
opts.genBin = cmdLine.isSet(binOpt);
opts.compact = cmdLine.isSet(compactOpt);
opts.compress = cmdLine.isSet(compOpt);
opts.genTangents = cmdLine.isSet(tangentOpt);
opts.interleave = !cmdLine.isSet(nonInterleavedOpt);
opts.scale = 1;
if (cmdLine.isSet(scaleOpt)) {
bool ok = false;
float v;
v = cmdLine.value(scaleOpt).toFloat(&ok);
if (ok)
opts.scale = v;
opts.genCore = cmdLine.isSet(coreOpt);
opts.texComp = cmdLine.isSet(etc1Opt) ? Options::ETC1 : Options::NoTextureCompression;
opts.commonMat = !cmdLine.isSet(noCommonMatOpt);
opts.shaders = !cmdLine.isSet(noShadersOpt);
opts.showLog = !cmdLine.isSet(silentOpt);
if (!opts.outDir.isEmpty()) {
if (!opts.outDir.endsWith('/'))
const auto fileNames = cmdLine.positionalArguments();
if (fileNames.isEmpty())
AssimpImporter importer;
GltfExporter exporter(&importer);
for (const QString &fn : fileNames) {
if (!importer.load(fn)) {
qWarning() << "Failed to import" << fn;
return 0;