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\example itemviews/customsortfiltermodel
\title Custom Sort/Filter Model Example
\ingroup examples-itemviews
\brief The Custom Sort/Filter Model example illustrates how to subclass
QSortFilterProxyModel to perform advanced sorting and filtering.
\image customsortfiltermodel-example.png Screenshot of the Custom Sort/Filter Model Example
The QSortFilterProxyModel class provides support for sorting and
filtering data passed between another model and a view.
The model transforms the structure of a source model by mapping
the model indexes it supplies to new indexes, corresponding to
different locations, for views to use. This approach allows a
given source model to be restructured as far as views are
concerned, without requiring any transformations on the underlying
data and without duplicating the data in memory.
The Custom Sort/Filter Model example consists of two classes:
\li The \c MySortFilterProxyModel class provides a custom proxy
\li The \c Window class provides the main application window,
using the custom proxy model to sort and filter a standard
item model.
We will first take a look at the \c MySortFilterProxyModel class
to see how the custom proxy model is implemented, then we will
take a look at the \c Window class to see how the model is
used. Finally we will take a quick look at the \c main() function.
\section1 MySortFilterProxyModel Class Definition
The \c MySortFilterProxyModel class inherits the
QSortFilterProxyModel class.
Since QAbstractProxyModel and its subclasses are derived from
QAbstractItemModel, much of the same advice about subclassing
normal models also applies to proxy models.
On the other hand, it is worth noting that many of
QSortFilterProxyModel's default implementations of functions are
written so that they call the equivalent functions in the relevant
source model. This simple proxying mechanism may need to be
overridden for source models with more complex behavior. In this
example we derive from the QSortFilterProxyModel class to ensure
that our filter can recognize a valid range of dates, and to
control the sorting behavior.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.h 0
We want to be able to filter our data by specifying a given period
of time. For that reason, we implement the custom \c
setFilterMinimumDate() and \c setFilterMaximumDate() functions as
well as the corresponding \c filterMinimumDate() and \c
filterMaximumDate() functions. We reimplement
QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
function to only accept rows with valid dates, and
QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan() to be able to sort the senders
by their email addresses. Finally, we implement a \c dateInRange()
convenience function that we will use to determine if a date is
\section1 MySortFilterProxyModel Class Implementation
The \c MySortFilterProxyModel constructor is trivial, passing the
parent parameter on to the base class constructor:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 0
The most interesting parts of the \c MySortFilterProxyModel
implementation are the reimplementations of
QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
and \l {QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan()}{lessThan()}
functions. Let's first take a look at our customized \c lessThan()
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 4
We want to sort the senders by their email addresses. The \l
{QSortFilterProxyModel::}{lessThan()} function is used as the <
operator when sorting. The default implementation handles a
collection of types including QDateTime and String, but in order
to be able to sort the senders by their email addresses we must
first identify the address within the given string:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 6
We use QRegularExpression to define a pattern for the addresses we
are looking for. The \l {QRegularExpression::match()}{match()} function
returns a QRegularExpressionMatch object which contains the result of
the matching. If there is a match,
\l {QRegularExpressionMatch::hasMatch()}{hasMatch()} returns true. The
result of the match can be retrieved with QRegularExpressionMatch's
\l {QRegularExpressionMatch::captured()}{captured()} function.
The entire match has index 0 and the parenthesized
subexpressions have indexes starting from 1 (excluding
non-capturing parentheses).
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 3
The \l
function, on the other hand, is expected to return true if the
given row should be included in the model. In our example, a row
is accepted if either the subject or the sender contains the given
regular expression, and the date is valid.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 7
We use our custom \c dateInRange() function to determine if a date
is valid.
To be able to filter our data by specifying a given period of
time, we also implement functions for getting and setting the
minimum and maximum dates:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 1
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 2
The get functions, \c filterMinimumDate() and \c
filterMaximumDate(), are trivial and implemented as inline
function in the header file.
This completes our custom proxy model. Let's see how we can use it
in an application.
\section1 Window Class Definition
The \c CustomFilter class inherits QWidget, and provides this
example's main application window:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.h 0
We implement two private slots, \c textFilterChanged() and \c
dateFilterChanged(), to respond to the user changing the filter
pattern, case sensitivity, or any of the dates. In addition, we
implement a public \c setSourceModel() convenience function to set
up the model/ view relation.
\section1 Window Class Implementation
In this example, we have chosen to create and set the source model
in the \c main () function (which we will come back to later). So
when constructing the main application window, we assume that a
source model already exists and start by creating an instance of
our custom proxy model:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 0
We set the \l
property that holds whether the proxy model is dynamically sorted
and filtered. By setting this property to true, we ensure that the
model is sorted and filtered whenever the contents of the source
model change.
The main application window shows views of both the source model
and the proxy model. The source view is quite simple:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 1
The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation
of a tree view. Our view implements a tree representation of items
in the application's source model.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 2
The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation
of a tree view; our view implements a tree representation of items
in the application's source model. We add our view widget to a
layout that we install on a corresponding group box.
The proxy model view, on the other hand, contains several widgets
controlling the various aspects of transforming the source model's
data structure:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 3
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 4
Note that whenever the user changes one of the filtering options,
we must explicitly reapply the filter. This is done by connecting
the various editors to functions that update the proxy model.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 5
The sorting will be handled by the view. All we have to do is to
enable sorting for our proxy view by setting the
QTreeView::sortingEnabled property (which is false by
default). Then we add all the filtering widgets and the proxy view
to a layout that we install on a corresponding group box.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 6
Finally, after putting our two group boxes into another layout
that we install on our main application widget, we customize the
application window.
As mentioned above, we create the source model in the \c main ()
function, calling the \c Window::setSourceModel() function to make
the application use it:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 7
The QSortFilterProxyModel::setSourceModel() function makes the
proxy model process the data in the given model, in this case out
mail model. The \l {QAbstractItemView::}{setModel()} that the
view widget inherits from the QAbstractItemModel class, sets the
model for the view to present. Note that the latter function will
also create and set a new selection model.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 8
The \c textFilterChanged() function is called whenever the user
changes the filter pattern or the case sensitivity.
We first retrieve the preferred syntax (the QRegExp::PatternSyntax
enum is used to interpret the meaning of the given pattern), then
we determine the preferred case sensitivity. Based on these
preferences and the current filter pattern, we set the proxy
model's \l {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{filterRegExp} property. The
\l {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{filterRegExp} property holds the
regular expression used to filter the contents of the source
model. Note that calling QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
{QSortFilterProxyModel::}{setFilterRegExp()} function also updates
the model.
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 9
The \c dateFilterChanged() function is called whenever the user
modifies the range of valid dates. We retrieve the new dates from
the user interface, and call the corresponding functions (provided
by our custom proxy model) to set the proxy model's minimum and
maximum dates. As we explained above, calling these functions also
updates the model.
\section1 The Main() Function
In this example, we have separated the application from the source
model by creating the model in the \c main () function. First we
create the application, then we create the source model:
\snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/main.cpp 0
The \c createMailModel() function is a convenience function
provided to simplify the constructor. All it does is to create and
return a model describing a collection of emails. The model is an
instance of the QStandardItemModel class, i.e., a generic model
for storing custom data typically used as a repository for
standard Qt data types. Each mail description is added to the
model using \c addMail(), another convenience function. See \c
{itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/main.cpp} for details.