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\example graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout
\title Simple Anchor Layout Example
\ingroup examples-graphicsview-layout
\brief Demonstrates anchor layout on a graphics view scene.
The Simple Anchor Layout example shows the basic use of the
QGraphicsAnchorLayout class.
\image graphicssimpleanchorlayout-example.png
The example starts by creating a QGraphicsScene (\c scene), 3 widgets
(\c a, \c b, and \c c), and a QGraphicsAnchorlayout (\c layout).
\quotefromfile graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout/main.cpp
\skipto QGraphicsScene
\printuntil QGraphicsAnchorLayout
First it anchors the top left corner of item \c a to the top left
corner of \c layout. This can be done in two steps:
\skipto layout->addAnchor(a
\printto adding
Or in one step:
\skipuntil [adding a corner anchor]
\printline layout->addCornerAnchors(a, Qt::T
Then the right anchor of \c a is anchored to the left anchor of
\c b, and the top of item \c b is anchored to the bottom of \c a.
\skipuntil [adding anchors]
\printto adding anchors
Place a third widget \c c under widget \c b:
\skipuntil third widget
\printline AnchorBottom
Items \c b and \c c are anchored to each other horizontally:
\skipto Qt::Horizontal
\printline Qt::Horizontal
Item c is anchored to the bottom right point of \c layout
\skipuntil corner of the layout
\printline Qt::BottomRightCorner
Finally, QGraphicsWidget \c w is displayed in QGraphicsView \c view.
\skipto QGraphicsWidget
\printuntil app.exec()
\sa {Anchor Layout Example}