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\example desktop/screenshot
\title Screenshot Example
\ingroup examples-desktop
\brief The Screenshot example shows how to take a screenshot of the
\brief The Screenshot example shows how to take a screenshot of the
desktop using QScreen. It also shows how
to use QTimer to provide a single-shot timer, and how to
reimplement the QWidget::resizeEvent() event handler to make sure
that an application resizes smoothly and without data loss.
\image screenshot-example.png
With the application the users can take a screenshot of their
desktop. They are provided with a couple of options:
\li Delaying the screenshot, giving them time to rearrange
their desktop.
\li Hiding the application's window while the screenshot is taken.
In addition the application allows the users to save their
screenshot if they want to.
\section1 Screenshot Class Definition
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.h 0
The \c Screenshot class inherits QWidget and is the application's
main widget. It displays the application options and a preview of
the screenshot.
We reimplement the QWidget::resizeEvent() function to make sure
that the preview of the screenshot scales properly when the user
resizes the application widget. We also need several private slots
to facilitate the options:
\li The \c newScreenshot() slot prepares a new screenshot.
\li The \c saveScreenshot() slot saves the last screenshot.
\li The \c shootScreen() slot takes the screenshot.
\li The \c updateCheckBox() slot enables or disables the
\uicontrol {Hide This Window} option.
We also declare the private function \c updateScreenshotLabel() which
is called whenever a new screenshot is taken or when a resize event
changes the size of the screenshot preview label.
In addition we need to store the screenshot's original pixmap. The
reason is that when we display the preview of the screenshot, we
need to scale its pixmap, storing the original we make sure that
no data are lost in that process.
\section1 Screenshot Class Implementation
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 0
In the constructor we first create the QLabel displaying the
screenshot preview.
We set the QLabel's size policy to be QSizePolicy::Expanding both
horizontally and vertically. This means that the QLabel's size
hint is a sensible size, but the widget can be shrunk and still be
useful. Also, the widget can make use of extra space, so it should
get as much space as possible. Then we make sure the QLabel is
aligned in the center of the \c Screenshot widget, and set its
minimum size.
Next, we create a group box that will contain all of the options'
widgets. Then we create a QSpinBox and a QLabel for the \uicontrol
{Screenshot Delay} option, and connect the spinbox to the \c
updateCheckBox() slot. Finally, we create a QCheckBox for the \uicontrol
{Hide This Window} option, add all the options' widgets to a
QGridLayout installed on the group box.
We create the applications's buttons and the group box containing
the application's options, and put it all into a main
layout. Finally we take the initial screenshot, and set the initial
delay and the window title, before we resize the widget to a
suitable size depending on the screen geometry.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 1
The \c resizeEvent() function is reimplemented to receive the
resize events dispatched to the widget. The purpose is to scale
the preview screenshot pixmap without deformation of its content,
and also make sure that the application can be resized smoothly.
To achieve the first goal, we scale the screenshot pixmap using
Qt::KeepAspectRatio. We scale the pixmap to a rectangle as large
as possible inside the current size of the screenshot preview
label, preserving the aspect ratio. This means that if the user
resizes the application window in only one direction, the preview
screenshot keeps the same size.
To reach our second goal, we make sure that the preview screenshot
only is repainted (using the private \c updateScreenshotLabel()
function) when it actually changes its size.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 2
The private \c newScreenshot() slot is called when the user
requests a new screenshot; but the slot only prepares a new
First we see if the \uicontrol {Hide This Window} option is checked, if
it is we hide the \c Screenshot widget. Then we disable the \uicontrol
{New Screenshot} button, to make sure the user only can request
one screenshot at a time.
We create a timer using the QTimer class which provides repetitive
and single-shot timers. We set the timer to time out only once,
using the static QTimer::singleShot() function. This function
calls the private \c shootScreen() slot after the time interval
specified by the \uicontrol {Screenshot Delay} option. It is \c
shootScreen() that actually performs the screenshot.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 3
The \c saveScreenshot() slot is called when the user push the \uicontrol
Save button, and it presents a file dialog using the QFileDialog
QFileDialog enables a user to traverse the file system in order to
select one or many files or a directory. The easiest way to create
a QFileDialog is to use the convenience static
functions. Here, we instantiate the dialog on the stack in order
to be able to set up the supported mime types of QImageWriter,
allowing the user to save in a variety of formats.
We define the default file format to be png, and we make the file
dialog's initial path the location of pictures as obtained from
QStandardPaths, defaulting to the path the application is run from.
We run the dialog by invoking QDialog::exec() and return if the
user canceled the dialog. If the dialog has been accepted, we
obtain a file name by calling QFileDialog::selectedFiles().
The file does not have to exist. If the file
name is valid, we use the QPixmap::save() function to save the
screenshot's original pixmap in that file.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 4
The \c shootScreen() slot is called to take the screenshot.
First, we find the instance of QScreen the window is located
by retrieving the QWindow and its QScreen, defaulting
to the primary screen. If no screen can be found, we return.
Although this is unlikely to happen, applications should check
for null pointers since there might be situations in which no
screen is connected.
If the user has chosen to delay the screenshot, we make the application
beep when the screenshot is taken using the static
QApplication::beep() function.
We then take the screenshot using the QScreen::grabWindow()
function. The function grabs the contents of the window passed as
an argument, makes a pixmap out of it and returns that pixmap.
The window id can be obtained with QWidget::winId() or QWindow::winId().
Here, however, we just pass 0 as the window id, indicating that we
want to grab the entire screen.
We update the screenshot preview label using the private \c
updateScreenshotLabel() function. Then we enable the \uicontrol {New
Screenshot} button, and finally we make the \c Screenshot widget
visible if it was hidden during the screenshot.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 6
The \uicontrol {Hide This Window} option is enabled or disabled
depending on the delay of the screenshot. If there is no delay,
the application window cannot be hidden and the option's checkbox
is disabled.
The \c updateCheckBox() slot is called whenever the user changes
the delay using the \uicontrol {Screenshot Delay} option.
\snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 10
The private \c updateScreenshotLabel() function is called whenever
the screenshot changes, or when a resize event changes the size of
the screenshot preview label. It updates the screenshot preview's
label using the QLabel::setPixmap() and QPixmap::scaled()
QPixmap::scaled() returns a copy of the given pixmap scaled to a
rectangle of the given size according to the given
Qt::AspectRatioMode and Qt::TransformationMode.
We scale the original pixmap to fit the current screenshot label's
size, preserving the aspect ratio and giving the resulting pixmap
smoothed edges.