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\headerfile <QtMath>
\title Generic Math Functions
\ingroup funclists
\brief The <QtMath> header file provides various math functions.
These functions are partly convenience definitions for basic math operations
not available in the C or Standard Template Libraries.
The header also ensures some constants specified in POSIX, but not present
in C++ standards (so absent from <math.h> on some platforms), are defined:
\value M_E The base of the natural logarithms, e = exp(1)
\value M_LOG2E The base-two logarithm of e
\value M_LOG10E The base-ten logarithm of e
\value M_LN2 The natural logarithm of two
\value M_LN10 The natural logarithm of ten
\value M_PI The ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter, \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_PI_2 Half M_PI, \unicode{0x3C0} / 2
\value M_PI_4 Quarter M_PI, \unicode{0x3C0} / 4
\value M_1_PI The inverse of M_PI, 1 / \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_2_PI Twice the inverse of M_PI, 2 / \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_2_SQRTPI Two divided by the square root of pi, 2 / \unicode{0x221A}\unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_SQRT2 The square root of two, \unicode{0x221A}2
\value M_SQRT1_2 The square roof of half, 1 / \unicode{0x221A}2
\pagekeywords math trigonometry qmath floor ceiling absolute sine cosine tangent inverse tan exponent power natural logarithm pi
\fn int qCeil(qreal v)
Return the ceiling of the value \a v.
The ceiling is the smallest integer that is not less than \a v.
For example, if \a v is 41.2, then the ceiling is 42.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qFloor()
\fn int qFloor(qreal v)
Return the floor of the value \a v.
The floor is the largest integer that is not greater than \a v.
For example, if \a v is 41.2, then the floor is 41.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qCeil()
\fn qreal qFabs(qreal v)
Returns the absolute value of \a v as a qreal.
\relates <QtMath>
\fn qreal qSin(qreal v)
Returns the sine of the angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qCos(), qTan()
\fn qreal qCos(qreal v)
Returns the cosine of an angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qTan()
\fn qreal qTan(qreal v)
Returns the tangent of an angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qCos()
\fn qreal qAcos(qreal v)
Returns the arccosine of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arccosine is the inverse operation of cosine.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qAtan(), qAsin(), qCos()
\fn qreal qAsin(qreal v)
Returns the arcsine of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arcsine is the inverse operation of sine.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qAtan(), qAcos()
\fn qreal qAtan(qreal v)
Returns the arctangent of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arctangent is the inverse operation of tangent.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qTan(), qAcos(), qAsin()
\fn qreal qAtan2(qreal y, qreal x)
Returns the arctangent of a point specified by the coordinates \a y and \a x.
This function will return the angle (argument) of that point.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qAtan()
\fn qreal qSqrt(qreal v)
Returns the square root of \a v.
This function returns a NaN if \a v is a negative number.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qPow()
\fn qreal qLn(qreal v)
Returns the natural logarithm of \a v. Natural logarithm uses base e.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qExp()
\fn qreal qExp(qreal v)
Returns the exponential function of \c e to the power of \a v.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qLn()
\fn qreal qPow(qreal x, qreal y)
Returns the value of \a x raised to the power of \a y.
That is, \a x is the base and \a y is the exponent.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSqrt()
\fn float qDegreesToRadians(float degrees)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a degrees in float to radians.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 0
\sa qRadiansToDegrees()
\fn double qDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a degrees in double to radians.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 1
\sa qRadiansToDegrees()
\fn float qRadiansToDegrees(float radians)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a radians in float to degrees.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 2
\sa qDegreesToRadians()
\fn double qRadiansToDegrees(double radians)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a radians in double to degrees.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 3
\sa qDegreesToRadians()
\fn quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint32 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^31 it returns 0.
\fn quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint32 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For negative values it returns 0.
\fn quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint64 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^63 it returns 0.
\fn quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint64 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For negative values it returns 0.