blob: 356a675517a738ce4a4836faed273385a79604d5 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qmetatype.h"
#include "qmetatype_p.h"
#include "qobjectdefs.h"
#include "qdatetime.h"
#include "qbytearray.h"
#include "qreadwritelock.h"
#include "qstring.h"
#include "qstringlist.h"
#include "qvector.h"
#include "qlocale.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(easingcurve)
#include "qeasingcurve.h"
#include "quuid.h"
#include "qvariant.h"
#include "qdatastream.h"
#include "qregexp.h"
#include "qmetatypeswitcher_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
# include "qregularexpression.h"
# include "qbitarray.h"
# include "qurl.h"
# include "qvariant.h"
# include "qjsonvalue.h"
# include "qjsonobject.h"
# include "qjsonarray.h"
# include "qjsondocument.h"
# include "qcborvalue.h"
# include "qcborarray.h"
# include "qcbormap.h"
# include "qbytearraylist.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
# include "qabstractitemmodel.h"
# include "qsize.h"
# include "qpoint.h"
# include "qrect.h"
# include "qline.h"
namespace {
struct DefinedTypesFilter {
template<typename T>
struct Acceptor {
static const bool IsAccepted = QtMetaTypePrivate::TypeDefinition<T>::IsAvailable && QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsCore;
} // namespace
\relates QMetaType
\since 5.0
This macro enables pointers to forward-declared types (\a PointerType)
to be registered with QMetaType using either Q_DECLARE_METATYPE()
or qRegisterMetaType().
\sa Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(), qRegisterMetaType()
\relates QMetaType
This macro makes the type \a Type known to QMetaType as long as it
provides a public default constructor, a public copy constructor and
a public destructor.
It is needed to use the type \a Type as a custom type in QVariant.
This macro requires that \a Type is a fully defined type at the point where
it is used. For pointer types, it also requires that the pointed to type is
fully defined. Use in conjunction with Q_DECLARE_OPAQUE_POINTER() to
register pointers to forward declared types.
Ideally, this macro should be placed below the declaration of
the class or struct. If that is not possible, it can be put in
a private header file which has to be included every time that
type is used in a QVariant.
Adding a Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() makes the type known to all template
based functions, including QVariant. Note that if you intend to
use the type in \e queued signal and slot connections or in
QObject's property system, you also have to call
qRegisterMetaType() since the names are resolved at runtime.
This example shows a typical use case of Q_DECLARE_METATYPE():
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 0
If \c MyStruct is in a namespace, the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() macro
has to be outside the namespace:
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 1
Since \c{MyStruct} is now known to QMetaType, it can be used in QVariant:
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 2
Some types are registered automatically and do not need this macro:
\li Pointers to classes derived from QObject
\li QList<T>, QVector<T>, QQueue<T>, QStack<T>, QSet<T> or QLinkedList<T>
where T is a registered meta type
\li QHash<T1, T2>, QMap<T1, T2> or QPair<T1, T2> where T1 and T2 are
registered meta types
\li QPointer<T>, QSharedPointer<T>, QWeakPointer<T>, where T is a class that derives from QObject
\li Enumerations registered with Q_ENUM or Q_FLAG
\li Classes that have a Q_GADGET macro
\sa qRegisterMetaType()
\relates QMetaType
This macro makes the container \a Container known to QMetaType as a sequential
container. This makes it possible to put an instance of Container<T> into
a QVariant, if T itself is known to QMetaType.
Note that all of the Qt sequential containers already have built-in
support, and it is not necessary to use this macro with them. The
std::vector and std::list containers also have built-in support.
This example shows a typical use of Q_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_CONTAINER_METATYPE():
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 10
\relates QMetaType
This macro makes the container \a Container known to QMetaType as an associative
container. This makes it possible to put an instance of Container<T, U> into
a QVariant, if T and U are themselves known to QMetaType.
Note that all of the Qt associative containers already have built-in
support, and it is not necessary to use this macro with them. The
std::map container also has built-in support.
This example shows a typical use of Q_DECLARE_ASSOCIATIVE_CONTAINER_METATYPE():
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 11
\relates QMetaType
This macro makes the smart pointer \a SmartPointer known to QMetaType as a
smart pointer. This makes it possible to put an instance of SmartPointer<T> into
a QVariant, if T is a type which inherits QObject.
Note that the QWeakPointer, QSharedPointer and QPointer already have built-in
support, and it is not necessary to use this macro with them.
This example shows a typical use of Q_DECLARE_SMART_POINTER_METATYPE():
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 13
\enum QMetaType::Type
These are the built-in types supported by QMetaType:
\value Void \c void
\value Bool \c bool
\value Int \c int
\value UInt \c{unsigned int}
\value Double \c double
\value QChar QChar
\value QString QString
\value QByteArray QByteArray
\value Nullptr \c{std::nullptr_t}
\value VoidStar \c{void *}
\value Long \c{long}
\value LongLong LongLong
\value Short \c{short}
\value Char \c{char}
\value ULong \c{unsigned long}
\value ULongLong ULongLong
\value UShort \c{unsigned short}
\value SChar \c{signed char}
\value UChar \c{unsigned char}
\value Float \c float
\value QObjectStar QObject *
\value QVariant QVariant
\value QCursor QCursor
\value QDate QDate
\value QSize QSize
\value QTime QTime
\value QVariantList QVariantList
\value QPolygon QPolygon
\value QPolygonF QPolygonF
\value QColor QColor
\value QSizeF QSizeF
\value QRectF QRectF
\value QLine QLine
\value QTextLength QTextLength
\value QStringList QStringList
\value QVariantMap QVariantMap
\value QVariantHash QVariantHash
\value QIcon QIcon
\value QPen QPen
\value QLineF QLineF
\value QTextFormat QTextFormat
\value QRect QRect
\value QPoint QPoint
\value QUrl QUrl
\value QRegExp QRegExp
\value QRegularExpression QRegularExpression
\value QDateTime QDateTime
\value QPointF QPointF
\value QPalette QPalette
\value QFont QFont
\value QBrush QBrush
\value QRegion QRegion
\value QBitArray QBitArray
\value QImage QImage
\value QKeySequence QKeySequence
\value QSizePolicy QSizePolicy
\value QPixmap QPixmap
\value QLocale QLocale
\value QBitmap QBitmap
\value QMatrix QMatrix
\value QTransform QTransform
\value QMatrix4x4 QMatrix4x4
\value QVector2D QVector2D
\value QVector3D QVector3D
\value QVector4D QVector4D
\value QQuaternion QQuaternion
\value QEasingCurve QEasingCurve
\value QJsonValue QJsonValue
\value QJsonObject QJsonObject
\value QJsonArray QJsonArray
\value QJsonDocument QJsonDocument
\value QCborValue QCborValue
\value QCborArray QCborArray
\value QCborMap QCborMap
\value QCborSimpleType QCborSimpleType
\value QModelIndex QModelIndex
\value QPersistentModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex (since 5.5)
\value QUuid QUuid
\value QByteArrayList QByteArrayList
\value User Base value for user types
\value UnknownType This is an invalid type id. It is returned from QMetaType for types that are not registered
\omitvalue LastCoreType
\omitvalue LastGuiType
Additional types can be registered using Q_DECLARE_METATYPE().
\sa type(), typeName()
\enum QMetaType::TypeFlag
The enum describes attributes of a type supported by QMetaType.
\value NeedsConstruction This type has non-trivial constructors. If the flag is not set instances can be safely initialized with memset to 0.
\value NeedsDestruction This type has a non-trivial destructor. If the flag is not set calls to the destructor are not necessary before discarding objects.
\value MovableType An instance of a type having this attribute can be safely moved by memcpy.
\omitvalue SharedPointerToQObject
\value IsEnumeration This type is an enumeration
\value PointerToQObject This type is a pointer to a derived of QObject
\omitvalue WeakPointerToQObject
\omitvalue TrackingPointerToQObject
\omitvalue WasDeclaredAsMetaType
\omitvalue IsGadget \omit This type is a Q_GADGET and it's corresponding QMetaObject can be accessed with QMetaType::metaObject Since 5.5. \endomit
\omitvalue PointerToGadget
\class QMetaType
\inmodule QtCore
\brief The QMetaType class manages named types in the meta-object system.
\ingroup objectmodel
The class is used as a helper to marshall types in QVariant and
in queued signals and slots connections. It associates a type
name to a type so that it can be created and destructed
dynamically at run-time. Declare new types with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE()
to make them available to QVariant and other template-based functions.
Call qRegisterMetaType() to make types available to non-template based
functions, such as the queued signal and slot connections.
Any class or struct that has a public default
constructor, a public copy constructor, and a public destructor
can be registered.
The following code allocates and destructs an instance of
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 3
If we want the stream operators \c operator<<() and \c
operator>>() to work on QVariant objects that store custom types,
the custom type must provide \c operator<<() and \c operator>>()
\sa Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(), QVariant::setValue(), QVariant::value(), QVariant::fromValue()
\fn bool QMetaType::isValid() const
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if this QMetaType object contains valid
information about a type, false otherwise.
\fn bool QMetaType::isRegistered() const
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if this QMetaType object contains valid
information about a type, false otherwise.
\fn int QMetaType::id() const
\since 5.13
Returns id type hold by this QMetatype instance.
\fn bool QMetaType::sizeOf() const
\since 5.0
Returns the size of the type in bytes (i.e. sizeof(T),
where T is the actual type for which this QMetaType instance
was constructed for).
This function is typically used together with construct()
to perform low-level management of the memory used by a type.
\sa QMetaType::construct(), QMetaType::sizeOf()
\fn TypeFlags QMetaType::flags() const
\since 5.0
Returns flags of the type for which this QMetaType instance was constructed.
\sa QMetaType::TypeFlags, QMetaType::typeFlags()
\fn const QMetaObject *QMetaType::metaObject() const
\since 5.5
return a QMetaObject relative to this type.
If the type is a pointer type to a subclass of QObject, flags() contains
QMetaType::PointerToQObject and this function returns the corresponding QMetaObject. This can
be used to in combinaison with QMetaObject::construct to create QObject of this type.
If the type is a Q_GADGET, flags() contains QMetaType::IsGadget, and this function returns its
QMetaObject. This can be used to retrieve QMetaMethod and QMetaProperty and use them on a
pointer of this type. (given by QVariant::data for example)
If the type is an enumeration, flags() contains QMetaType::IsEnumeration, and this function
returns the QMetaObject of the enclosing object if the enum was registered as a Q_ENUM or
\nullptr otherwise
\sa QMetaType::metaObjectForType(), QMetaType::flags()
\fn void *QMetaType::create(const void *copy = 0) const
\since 5.0
Returns a copy of \a copy, assuming it is of the type that this
QMetaType instance was created for. If \a copy is \nullptr, creates
a default constructed instance.
\sa QMetaType::destroy()
\fn void QMetaType::destroy(void *data) const
\since 5.0
Destroys the \a data, assuming it is of the type that this
QMetaType instance was created for.
\sa QMetaType::create()
\fn void *QMetaType::construct(int type, const void *copy)
Constructs a value of the given type which is a copy of \a copy.
The default value for \a copy is 0.
Deprecated, use the static function QMetaType::create(int type,
const void *copy) instead.
\fn void *QMetaType::construct(void *where, const void *copy = 0) const
\since 5.0
Constructs a value of the type that this QMetaType instance
was constructed for in the existing memory addressed by \a where,
that is a copy of \a copy, and returns \a where. If \a copy is
zero, the value is default constructed.
This is a low-level function for explicitly managing the memory
used to store the type. Consider calling create() if you don't
need this level of control (that is, use "new" rather than
"placement new").
You must ensure that \a where points to a location where the new
value can be stored and that \a where is suitably aligned.
The type's size can be queried by calling sizeOf().
The rule of thumb for alignment is that a type is aligned to its
natural boundary, which is the smallest power of 2 that is bigger
than the type, unless that alignment is larger than the maximum
useful alignment for the platform. For practical purposes,
alignment larger than 2 * sizeof(void*) is only necessary for
special hardware instructions (e.g., aligned SSE loads and stores
on x86).
\fn void QMetaType::destruct(void *data) const
\since 5.0
Destructs the value, located at \a data, assuming that it is
of the type for which this QMetaType instance was constructed for.
Unlike destroy(), this function only invokes the type's
destructor, it doesn't invoke the delete operator.
\sa QMetaType::construct()
\fn QMetaType::~QMetaType()
Destructs this object.
#define QT_ADD_STATIC_METATYPE(MetaTypeName, MetaTypeId, RealName) \
{ #RealName, sizeof(#RealName) - 1, MetaTypeId },
#define QT_ADD_STATIC_METATYPE_ALIASES_ITER(MetaTypeName, MetaTypeId, AliasingName, RealNameStr) \
{ RealNameStr, sizeof(RealNameStr) - 1, QMetaType::MetaTypeName },
#define QT_ADD_STATIC_METATYPE_HACKS_ITER(MetaTypeName, TypeId, Name) \
QT_ADD_STATIC_METATYPE(MetaTypeName, MetaTypeName, Name)
static const struct { const char * typeName; int typeNameLength; int type; } types[] = {
{nullptr, 0, QMetaType::UnknownType}
Q_CORE_EXPORT const QMetaTypeInterface *qMetaTypeGuiHelper = nullptr;
Q_CORE_EXPORT const QMetaTypeInterface *qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper = nullptr;
Q_CORE_EXPORT const QMetaObject *qMetaObjectWidgetsHelper = nullptr;
class QCustomTypeInfo : public QMetaTypeInterface
: alias(-1)
QMetaTypeInterface empty = QT_METATYPE_INTERFACE_INIT(void);
*static_cast<QMetaTypeInterface*>(this) = empty;
QByteArray typeName;
int alias;
template<typename T, typename Key>
class QMetaTypeFunctionRegistry
const QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
bool contains(Key k) const
const QReadLocker locker(&lock);
return map.contains(k);
bool insertIfNotContains(Key k, const T *f)
const QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
const T* &fun = map[k];
if (fun)
return false;
fun = f;
return true;
const T *function(Key k) const
const QReadLocker locker(&lock);
return map.value(k, nullptr);
void remove(int from, int to)
const Key k(from, to);
const QWriteLocker locker(&lock);
mutable QReadWriteLock lock;
QHash<Key, const T *> map;
typedef QMetaTypeFunctionRegistry<QtPrivate::AbstractConverterFunction,QPair<int,int> >
typedef QMetaTypeFunctionRegistry<QtPrivate::AbstractComparatorFunction,int>
typedef QMetaTypeFunctionRegistry<QtPrivate::AbstractDebugStreamFunction,int>
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QVector<QCustomTypeInfo>, customTypes)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QReadWriteLock, customTypesLock)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMetaTypeConverterRegistry, customTypesConversionRegistry)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMetaTypeComparatorRegistry, customTypesComparatorRegistry)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMetaTypeDebugStreamRegistry, customTypesDebugStreamRegistry)
\fn bool QMetaType::registerConverter()
\since 5.2
Registers the possibility of an implicit conversion from type From to type To in the meta
type system. Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn template<typename MemberFunction, int> bool QMetaType::registerConverter(MemberFunction function)
\since 5.2
Registers a method \a function like To From::function() const as converter from type From
to type To in the meta type system. Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn template<typename MemberFunctionOk, char> bool QMetaType::registerConverter(MemberFunctionOk function)
\since 5.2
Registers a method \a function like To From::function(bool *ok) const as converter from type From
to type To in the meta type system. Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn template<typename UnaryFunction> bool QMetaType::registerConverter(UnaryFunction function)
\since 5.2
Registers a unary function object \a function as converter from type From
to type To in the meta type system. Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn bool QMetaType::registerComparators()
\since 5.2
Registers comparison operators for the user-registered type T. This requires T to have
both an operator== and an operator<.
Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn bool QMetaType::registerEqualsComparator()
\since 5.5
Registers equals operator for the user-registered type T. This requires T to have
an operator==.
Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\fn bool QMetaType::registerDebugStreamOperator()
Registers the debug stream operator for the user-registered type T. This requires T to have
an operator<<(QDebug dbg, T).
Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
Registers function \a f as converter function from type id \a from to \a to.
If there's already a conversion registered, this does nothing but deleting \a f.
Returns \c true if the registration succeeded, otherwise false.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::registerConverterFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractConverterFunction *f, int from, int to)
if (!customTypesConversionRegistry()->insertIfNotContains(qMakePair(from, to), f)) {
qWarning("Type conversion already registered from type %s to type %s",
QMetaType::typeName(from), QMetaType::typeName(to));
return false;
return true;
Invoked automatically when a converter function object is destroyed.
void QMetaType::unregisterConverterFunction(int from, int to)
if (customTypesConversionRegistry.isDestroyed())
customTypesConversionRegistry()->remove(from, to);
bool QMetaType::registerComparatorFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractComparatorFunction *f, int type)
if (!customTypesComparatorRegistry()->insertIfNotContains(type, f)) {
qWarning("Comparators already registered for type %s", QMetaType::typeName(type));
return false;
return true;
\fn bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredComparators()
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has registered comparators for type T.
\since 5.2
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has registered comparators for type id \a typeId.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredComparators(int typeId)
return customTypesComparatorRegistry()->contains(typeId);
bool QMetaType::registerDebugStreamOperatorFunction(const QtPrivate::AbstractDebugStreamFunction *f,
int type)
if (!customTypesDebugStreamRegistry()->insertIfNotContains(type, f)) {
qWarning("Debug stream operator already registered for type %s", QMetaType::typeName(type));
return false;
return true;
\fn bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator()
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has a registered debug stream operator for type T.
\since 5.2
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has a registered debug stream operator for type
id \a typeId.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator(int typeId)
return customTypesDebugStreamRegistry()->contains(typeId);
Converts the object at \a from from \a fromTypeId to the preallocated space at \a to
typed \a toTypeId. Returns \c true, if the conversion succeeded, otherwise false.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::convert(const void *from, int fromTypeId, void *to, int toTypeId)
const QtPrivate::AbstractConverterFunction * const f =
customTypesConversionRegistry()->function(qMakePair(fromTypeId, toTypeId));
return f && f->convert(f, from, to);
Compares the objects at \a lhs and \a rhs. Both objects need to be of type \a typeId.
\a result is set to less than, equal to or greater than zero, if \a lhs is less than, equal to
or greater than \a rhs. Returns \c true, if the comparison succeeded, otherwise \c false.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, int typeId, int* result)
const QtPrivate::AbstractComparatorFunction * const f =
if (!f)
return false;
if (f->equals(f, lhs, rhs))
*result = 0;
else if (f->lessThan)
*result = f->lessThan(f, lhs, rhs) ? -1 : 1;
return false;
return true;
Compares the objects at \a lhs and \a rhs. Both objects need to be of type \a typeId.
\a result is set to zero, if \a lhs equals to rhs. Returns \c true, if the comparison
succeeded, otherwise \c false.
\since 5.5
bool QMetaType::equals(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, int typeId, int *result)
const QtPrivate::AbstractComparatorFunction * const f
= customTypesComparatorRegistry()->function(typeId);
if (!f)
return false;
if (f->equals(f, lhs, rhs))
*result = 0;
*result = -1;
return true;
Streams the object at \a rhs of type \a typeId to the debug stream \a dbg. Returns \c true
on success, otherwise false.
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::debugStream(QDebug& dbg, const void *rhs, int typeId)
const QtPrivate::AbstractDebugStreamFunction * const f = customTypesDebugStreamRegistry()->function(typeId);
if (!f)
return false;
f->stream(f, dbg, rhs);
return true;
\fn bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction()
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has a registered conversion from type From to type To.
\since 5.2
Returns \c true, if the meta type system has a registered conversion from meta type id \a fromTypeId
to \a toTypeId
\since 5.2
bool QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(int fromTypeId, int toTypeId)
return customTypesConversionRegistry()->contains(qMakePair(fromTypeId, toTypeId));
void QMetaType::registerStreamOperators(const char *typeName, SaveOperator saveOp,
LoadOperator loadOp)
registerStreamOperators(type(typeName), saveOp, loadOp);
void QMetaType::registerStreamOperators(int idx, SaveOperator saveOp,
LoadOperator loadOp)
if (idx < User)
return; //builtin types should not be registered;
QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> *ct = customTypes();
if (!ct)
QWriteLocker locker(customTypesLock());
QCustomTypeInfo &inf = (*ct)[idx - User];
inf.saveOp = saveOp;
inf.loadOp = loadOp;
// We don't officially support constexpr in MSVC 2015, but the limited support it
// has is enough for the code below.
#define STRINGIFY_TYPE_NAME(MetaTypeName, TypeId, RealName) \
#RealName "\0"
#define CALCULATE_TYPE_LEN(MetaTypeName, TypeId, RealName) \
#define MAP_TYPE_ID_TO_IDX(MetaTypeName, TypeId, RealName) \
namespace {
// All type names in one long string.
constexpr char metaTypeStrings[] = QT_FOR_EACH_STATIC_TYPE(STRINGIFY_TYPE_NAME);
// The sizes of the strings in the metaTypeStrings string (including terminating null)
constexpr short metaTypeNameSizes[] = {
// The type IDs, in the order of the metaTypeStrings data
constexpr short metaTypeIds[] = {
constexpr int MetaTypeNameCount = sizeof(metaTypeNameSizes) / sizeof(metaTypeNameSizes[0]);
template <typename IntegerSequence> struct MetaTypeOffsets;
template <int... TypeIds> struct MetaTypeOffsets<QtPrivate::IndexesList<TypeIds...>>
// This would have been a lot easier if the meta types that the macro
// QT_FOR_EACH_STATIC_TYPE declared were in sorted, ascending order, but
// they're not (i.e., the first one declared is QMetaType::Void == 43,
// followed by QMetaType::Bool == 1)... As a consequence, we need to use
// the C++11 constexpr function calculateOffsetForTypeId below in order to
// create the offset array.
static constexpr int findTypeId(int typeId, int i = 0)
return i >= MetaTypeNameCount ? -1 :
metaTypeIds[i] == typeId ? i : findTypeId(typeId, i + 1);
static constexpr short calculateOffsetForIdx(int i)
return i < 0 ? -1 :
i == 0 ? 0 : metaTypeNameSizes[i - 1] + calculateOffsetForIdx(i - 1);
static constexpr short calculateOffsetForTypeId(int typeId)
return calculateOffsetForIdx(findTypeId(typeId));
#if 0
// same as, but this is only valid in C++14:
short offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MetaTypeNameCount; ++i) {
if (metaTypeIds[i] == typeId)
return offset;
offset += metaTypeNameSizes[i];
return -1;
short offsets[sizeof...(TypeIds)];
constexpr MetaTypeOffsets() : offsets{calculateOffsetForTypeId(TypeIds)...} {}
const char *operator[](int typeId) const noexcept
short o = offsets[typeId];
return o < 0 ? nullptr : metaTypeStrings + o;
} // anonymous namespace
constexpr MetaTypeOffsets<QtPrivate::Indexes<QMetaType::HighestInternalId + 1>::Value> metaTypeNames {};
Returns the type name associated with the given \a typeId, or a null
pointer if no matching type was found. The returned pointer must not be
\sa type(), isRegistered(), Type
const char *QMetaType::typeName(int typeId)
const uint type = typeId;
if (Q_LIKELY(type <= QMetaType::HighestInternalId)) {
return metaTypeNames[typeId];
} else if (Q_UNLIKELY(type < QMetaType::User)) {
return nullptr; // It can happen when someone cast int to QVariant::Type, we should not crash...
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
return ct && uint(ct->count()) > type - QMetaType::User && !ct->at(type - QMetaType::User).typeName.isEmpty()
? ct->at(type - QMetaType::User).typeName.constData()
: nullptr;
Similar to QMetaType::type(), but only looks in the static set of types.
static inline int qMetaTypeStaticType(const char *typeName, int length)
int i = 0;
while (types[i].typeName && ((length != types[i].typeNameLength)
|| memcmp(typeName, types[i].typeName, length))) {
return types[i].type;
Similar to QMetaType::type(), but only looks in the custom set of
types, and doesn't lock the mutex.
The extra \a firstInvalidIndex parameter is an easy way to avoid
iterating over customTypes() a second time in registerNormalizedType().
static int qMetaTypeCustomType_unlocked(const char *typeName, int length, int *firstInvalidIndex = nullptr)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (!ct)
return QMetaType::UnknownType;
if (firstInvalidIndex)
*firstInvalidIndex = -1;
for (int v = 0; v < ct->count(); ++v) {
const QCustomTypeInfo &customInfo = ct->at(v);
if ((length == customInfo.typeName.size())
&& !memcmp(typeName, customInfo.typeName.constData(), length)) {
if (customInfo.alias >= 0)
return customInfo.alias;
return v + QMetaType::User;
if (firstInvalidIndex && (*firstInvalidIndex < 0) && customInfo.typeName.isEmpty())
*firstInvalidIndex = v;
return QMetaType::UnknownType;
This function is needed until existing code outside of qtbase
has been changed to call the new version of registerType().
int QMetaType::registerType(const char *typeName, Deleter deleter,
Creator creator)
return registerType(typeName, deleter, creator,
QtMetaTypePrivate::QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<void>::Construct, 0, TypeFlags(), nullptr);
\since 5.5
Unregisters the user type with the given \a typeId and all its aliases.
Returns \c true if the type was unregistered or \c false otherwise.
This function was added for QML to be able to deregister types after
they are unloaded to prevent an infinite increase in custom types for
applications that are unloading/reloading components often.
bool QMetaType::unregisterType(int type)
QWriteLocker locker(customTypesLock());
QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> *ct = customTypes();
// check if user type
if ((type < User) || ((type - User) >= ct->size()))
return false;
// only types without Q_DECLARE_METATYPE can be unregistered
if (ct->data()[type - User].flags & WasDeclaredAsMetaType)
return false;
// invalidate type and all its alias entries
for (int v = 0; v < ct->count(); ++v) {
if (((v + User) == type) || (ct->at(v).alias == type))
return true;
\since 5.0
Registers a user type for marshalling, with \a typeName, a \a
deleter, a \a creator, a \a destructor, a \a constructor, and
a \a size. Returns the type's handle, or -1 if the type could
not be registered.
int QMetaType::registerType(const char *typeName, Deleter deleter,
Creator creator,
Destructor destructor,
Constructor constructor,
int size, TypeFlags flags, const QMetaObject *metaObject)
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = typeName;
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = QMetaObject::normalizedType(typeName);
return registerNormalizedType(normalizedTypeName, deleter, creator, destructor, constructor, size, flags, metaObject);
\since 5.12
Registers a user type for marshalling, with \a typeName, a
\a destructor, a \a constructor, and a \a size. Returns the
type's handle, or -1 if the type could not be registered.
int QMetaType::registerType(const char *typeName,
TypedDestructor destructor,
TypedConstructor constructor,
int size,
TypeFlags flags,
const QMetaObject *metaObject)
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = typeName;
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = QMetaObject::normalizedType(typeName);
return registerNormalizedType(normalizedTypeName, destructor, constructor, size, flags, metaObject);
static int registerNormalizedType(const NS(QByteArray) &normalizedTypeName,
QMetaType::Destructor destructor,
QMetaType::Constructor constructor,
QMetaType::TypedDestructor typedDestructor,
QMetaType::TypedConstructor typedConstructor,
int size, QMetaType::TypeFlags flags, const QMetaObject *metaObject)
QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> *ct = customTypes();
if (!ct || normalizedTypeName.isEmpty() || (!destructor && !typedDestructor) || (!constructor && !typedConstructor))
return -1;
int idx = qMetaTypeStaticType(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
int previousSize = 0;
QMetaType::TypeFlags::Int previousFlags = 0;
if (idx == QMetaType::UnknownType) {
QWriteLocker locker(customTypesLock());
int posInVector = -1;
idx = qMetaTypeCustomType_unlocked(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
if (idx == QMetaType::UnknownType) {
QCustomTypeInfo inf;
inf.typeName = normalizedTypeName;
inf.loadOp = 0;
inf.saveOp = 0;
inf.alias = -1;
inf.typedConstructor = typedConstructor;
inf.typedDestructor = typedDestructor;
inf.constructor = constructor;
inf.destructor = destructor;
inf.size = size;
inf.flags = flags;
inf.metaObject = metaObject;
if (posInVector == -1) {
idx = ct->size() + QMetaType::User;
} else {
idx = posInVector + QMetaType::User;
ct->data()[posInVector] = inf;
return idx;
if (idx >= QMetaType::User) {
previousSize = ct->at(idx - QMetaType::User).size;
previousFlags = ct->at(idx - QMetaType::User).flags;
// Set new/additional flags in case of old library/app.
// Ensures that older code works in conjunction with new Qt releases
// requiring the new flags.
if (flags != previousFlags) {
QCustomTypeInfo &inf = ct->data()[idx - QMetaType::User];
inf.flags |= flags;
if (metaObject)
inf.metaObject = metaObject;
if (idx < QMetaType::User) {
previousSize = QMetaType::sizeOf(idx);
previousFlags = QMetaType::typeFlags(idx);
if (Q_UNLIKELY(previousSize != size)) {
qFatal("QMetaType::registerType: Binary compatibility break "
"-- Size mismatch for type '%s' [%i]. Previously registered "
"size %i, now registering size %i.",
normalizedTypeName.constData(), idx, previousSize, size);
// these flags cannot change in a binary compatible way:
const int binaryCompatibilityFlag = QMetaType::PointerToQObject | QMetaType::IsEnumeration | QMetaType::SharedPointerToQObject
| QMetaType::WeakPointerToQObject | QMetaType::TrackingPointerToQObject;
if (Q_UNLIKELY((previousFlags ^ flags) & binaryCompatibilityFlag)) {
const char *msg = "QMetaType::registerType: Binary compatibility break. "
"\nType flags for type '%s' [%i] don't match. Previously "
"registered TypeFlags(0x%x), now registering TypeFlags(0x%x). ";
qFatal(msg, normalizedTypeName.constData(), idx, previousFlags, int(flags));
return idx;
\since 5.0
Don't use, kept for binary compatibility
### TODO Qt6: remove me
int QMetaType::registerNormalizedType(const NS(QByteArray) &normalizedTypeName, Deleter deleter,
Creator creator,
Destructor destructor,
Constructor constructor,
int size, TypeFlags flags, const QMetaObject *metaObject)
return registerNormalizedType(normalizedTypeName, destructor, constructor, size, flags, metaObject);
\since 5.5
Registers a user type for marshalling, with \a normalizedTypeName,
a \a destructor, a \a constructor, and a \a size. Returns the type's
handle, or -1 if the type could not be registered.
\note normalizedTypeName is not checked for conformance with
Qt's normalized format, so it must already conform.
### TODO Qt6: remove me
int QMetaType::registerNormalizedType(const NS(QByteArray) &normalizedTypeName,
Destructor destructor,
Constructor constructor,
int size, TypeFlags flags, const QMetaObject *metaObject)
return NS(registerNormalizedType)(normalizedTypeName, destructor, constructor, nullptr, nullptr, size, flags, metaObject);
\since 5.12
Registers a user type for marshalling, with \a normalizedTypeName,
a \a destructor, a \a constructor, and a \a size. Returns the type's
handle, or -1 if the type could not be registered.
\note normalizedTypeName is not checked for conformance with
Qt's normalized format, so it must already conform.
int QMetaType::registerNormalizedType(const NS(QByteArray) &normalizedTypeName,
TypedDestructor destructor,
TypedConstructor constructor,
int size, TypeFlags flags, const QMetaObject *metaObject)
return NS(registerNormalizedType)(normalizedTypeName, nullptr, nullptr, destructor, constructor, size, flags, metaObject);
\since 4.7
Registers a user type for marshalling, as an alias of another type (typedef)
int QMetaType::registerTypedef(const char* typeName, int aliasId)
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = typeName;
NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = QMetaObject::normalizedType(typeName);
return registerNormalizedTypedef(normalizedTypeName, aliasId);
\since 5.0
Registers a user type for marshalling, as an alias of another type (typedef).
Note that normalizedTypeName is not checked for conformance with Qt's normalized format,
so it must already conform.
int QMetaType::registerNormalizedTypedef(const NS(QByteArray) &normalizedTypeName, int aliasId)
QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> *ct = customTypes();
if (!ct || normalizedTypeName.isEmpty())
return -1;
int idx = qMetaTypeStaticType(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
if (idx == UnknownType) {
QWriteLocker locker(customTypesLock());
int posInVector = -1;
idx = qMetaTypeCustomType_unlocked(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
if (idx == UnknownType) {
QCustomTypeInfo inf;
inf.typeName = normalizedTypeName;
inf.alias = aliasId;
if (posInVector == -1)
ct->data()[posInVector] = inf;
return aliasId;
if (idx != aliasId) {
qWarning("QMetaType::registerTypedef: "
"-- Type name '%s' previously registered as typedef of '%s' [%i], "
"now registering as typedef of '%s' [%i].",
normalizedTypeName.constData(), QMetaType::typeName(idx), idx,
QMetaType::typeName(aliasId), aliasId);
return idx;
Returns \c true if the datatype with ID \a type is registered;
otherwise returns \c false.
\sa type(), typeName(), Type
bool QMetaType::isRegistered(int type)
// predefined type
if ((type >= FirstCoreType && type <= LastCoreType)
|| (type >= FirstGuiType && type <= LastGuiType)
|| (type >= FirstWidgetsType && type <= LastWidgetsType)) {
return true;
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
return ((type >= User) && (ct && ct->count() > type - User) && !ct->at(type - User).typeName.isEmpty());
template <bool tryNormalizedType>
static inline int qMetaTypeTypeImpl(const char *typeName, int length)
if (!length)
return QMetaType::UnknownType;
int type = qMetaTypeStaticType(typeName, length);
if (type == QMetaType::UnknownType) {
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
type = qMetaTypeCustomType_unlocked(typeName, length);
if ((type == QMetaType::UnknownType) && tryNormalizedType) {
const NS(QByteArray) normalizedTypeName = QMetaObject::normalizedType(typeName);
type = qMetaTypeStaticType(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
if (type == QMetaType::UnknownType) {
type = qMetaTypeCustomType_unlocked(normalizedTypeName.constData(),
return type;
Returns a handle to the type called \a typeName, or QMetaType::UnknownType if there is
no such type.
\sa isRegistered(), typeName(), Type
int QMetaType::type(const char *typeName)
return qMetaTypeTypeImpl</*tryNormalizedType=*/true>(typeName, qstrlen(typeName));
\a internal
Similar to QMetaType::type(); the only difference is that this function
doesn't attempt to normalize the type name (i.e., the lookup will fail
for type names in non-normalized form).
int qMetaTypeTypeInternal(const char *typeName)
return qMetaTypeTypeImpl</*tryNormalizedType=*/false>(typeName, qstrlen(typeName));
\since 5.5
Returns a handle to the type called \a typeName, or 0 if there is
no such type.
\sa isRegistered(), typeName()
int QMetaType::type(const QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QByteArray) &typeName)
return qMetaTypeTypeImpl</*tryNormalizedType=*/true>(typeName.constData(), typeName.size());
template<typename T>
class HasStreamOperator
struct Yes { char unused[1]; };
struct No { char unused[2]; };
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Yes) != sizeof(No));
template<class C> static decltype(std::declval<QDataStream&>().operator>>(std::declval<C&>()), Yes()) load(int);
template<class C> static decltype(operator>>(std::declval<QDataStream&>(), std::declval<C&>()), Yes()) load(int);
template<class C> static No load(...);
template<class C> static decltype(operator<<(std::declval<QDataStream&>(), std::declval<const C&>()), Yes()) saveFunction(int);
template<class C> static decltype(std::declval<QDataStream&>().operator<<(std::declval<const C&>()), Yes()) saveMethod(int);
template<class C> static No saveMethod(...);
template<class C> static No saveFunction(...);
static constexpr bool LoadValue = QtMetaTypePrivate::TypeDefinition<T>::IsAvailable && (sizeof(load<T>(0)) == sizeof(Yes));
static constexpr bool SaveValue = QtMetaTypePrivate::TypeDefinition<T>::IsAvailable &&
((sizeof(saveMethod<T>(0)) == sizeof(Yes)) || (sizeof(saveFunction<T>(0)) == sizeof(Yes)));
static constexpr bool Value = LoadValue && SaveValue;
// Quick sanity checks
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted && HasStreamOperator<T>::Value>
struct FilteredOperatorSwitch
static bool load(QDataStream &stream, T *data, int)
stream >> *data;
return true;
static bool save(QDataStream &stream, const T *data, int)
stream << *data;
return true;
template<typename T>
struct FilteredOperatorSwitch<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false>
static const QMetaTypeInterface* getMetaTypeInterface(int type)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui && qMetaTypeGuiHelper)
return &qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType];
else if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget && qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper)
return &qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType];
return nullptr;
static bool save(QDataStream &stream, const T *data, int type)
if (auto interface = getMetaTypeInterface(type)) {
interface->saveOp(stream, data);
return true;
return false;
static bool load(QDataStream &stream, T *data, int type)
if (auto interface = getMetaTypeInterface(type)) {
interface->loadOp(stream, data);
return true;
return false;
class SaveOperatorSwitch
QDataStream &stream;
int m_type;
template<typename T>
bool delegate(const T *data)
return FilteredOperatorSwitch<T>::save(stream, data, m_type);
bool delegate(const char *data)
// force a char to be signed
stream << qint8(*data);
return true;
bool delegate(const long *data)
stream << qlonglong(*data);
return true;
bool delegate(const unsigned long *data)
stream << qulonglong(*data);
return true;
bool delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType *data)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (!ct)
return false;
QMetaType::SaveOperator saveOp = nullptr;
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
saveOp = ct->at(m_type - QMetaType::User).saveOp;
if (!saveOp)
return false;
saveOp(stream, data);
return true;
bool delegate(const void*) { return false; }
bool delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return false; }
class LoadOperatorSwitch
QDataStream &stream;
int m_type;
template<typename T>
bool delegate(const T *data)
return FilteredOperatorSwitch<T>::load(stream, const_cast<T*>(data), m_type);
bool delegate(const char *data)
// force a char to be signed
qint8 c;
stream >> c;
*const_cast<char*>(data) = c;
return true;
bool delegate(const long *data)
qlonglong l;
stream >> l;
*const_cast<long*>(data) = l;
return true;
bool delegate(const unsigned long *data)
qlonglong l;
stream >> l;
*const_cast<unsigned long*>(data) = l;
return true;
bool delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType *data)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (!ct)
return false;
QMetaType::LoadOperator loadOp = nullptr;
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
loadOp = ct->at(m_type - QMetaType::User).loadOp;
if (!loadOp)
return false;
loadOp(stream, const_cast<QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType*>(data));
return true;
bool delegate(const void*) { return false; }
bool delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return false; }
} // namespace
Writes the object pointed to by \a data with the ID \a type to
the given \a stream. Returns \c true if the object is saved
successfully; otherwise returns \c false.
The type must have been registered with qRegisterMetaType() and
qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators() beforehand.
Normally, you should not need to call this function directly.
Instead, use QVariant's \c operator<<(), which relies on save()
to stream custom types.
\sa load(), qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators()
bool QMetaType::save(QDataStream &stream, int type, const void *data)
if (!data)
return false;
SaveOperatorSwitch saveOp{stream, type};
return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<bool>(saveOp, type, data);
Reads the object of the specified \a type from the given \a
stream into \a data. Returns \c true if the object is loaded
successfully; otherwise returns \c false.
The type must have been registered with qRegisterMetaType() and
qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators() beforehand.
Normally, you should not need to call this function directly.
Instead, use QVariant's \c operator>>(), which relies on load()
to stream custom types.
\sa save(), qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators()
bool QMetaType::load(QDataStream &stream, int type, void *data)
if (!data)
return false;
LoadOperatorSwitch loadOp{stream, type};
return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<bool>(loadOp, type, data);
Returns a copy of \a copy, assuming it is of type \a type. If \a
copy is zero, creates a default constructed instance.
\sa destroy(), isRegistered(), Type
void *QMetaType::create(int type, const void *copy)
QMetaType info(type);
if (int size = info.sizeOf())
return info.construct(operator new(size), copy);
return nullptr;
Destroys the \a data, assuming it is of the \a type given.
\sa create(), isRegistered(), Type
void QMetaType::destroy(int type, void *data)
QMetaType info(type);
operator delete(data);
namespace {
class TypeConstructor {
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct ConstructorImpl {
static void *Construct(const int /*type*/, void *where, const void *copy) { return QtMetaTypePrivate::QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<T>::Construct(where, copy); }
template<typename T>
struct ConstructorImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false> {
static void *Construct(const int type, void *where, const void *copy)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper)
? qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType].constructor(where, copy)
: nullptr;
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper)
? qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType].constructor(where, copy)
: nullptr;
// This point can be reached only for known types that definition is not available, for example
// in bootstrap mode. We have no other choice then ignore it.
return nullptr;
TypeConstructor(const int type, void *where)
: m_type(type)
, m_where(where)
template<typename T>
void *delegate(const T *copy) { return ConstructorImpl<T>::Construct(m_type, m_where, copy); }
void *delegate(const void *) { return m_where; }
void *delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return m_where; }
void *delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType *copy) { return customTypeConstructor(m_type, m_where, copy); }
static void *customTypeConstructor(const int type, void *where, const void *copy)
QMetaType::Constructor ctor;
QMetaType::TypedConstructor tctor;
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(type < QMetaType::User || !ct || ct->count() <= type - QMetaType::User))
return nullptr;
const auto &typeInfo = ct->at(type - QMetaType::User);
ctor = typeInfo.constructor;
tctor = typeInfo.typedConstructor;
Q_ASSERT_X((ctor || tctor) , "void *QMetaType::construct(int type, void *where, const void *copy)", "The type was not properly registered");
if (Q_UNLIKELY(tctor))
return tctor(type, where, copy);
return ctor(where, copy);
const int m_type;
void *m_where;
} // namespace
\since 5.0
Constructs a value of the given \a type in the existing memory
addressed by \a where, that is a copy of \a copy, and returns
\a where. If \a copy is zero, the value is default constructed.
This is a low-level function for explicitly managing the memory
used to store the type. Consider calling create() if you don't
need this level of control (that is, use "new" rather than
"placement new").
You must ensure that \a where points to a location that can store
a value of type \a type, and that \a where is suitably aligned.
The type's size can be queried by calling sizeOf().
The rule of thumb for alignment is that a type is aligned to its
natural boundary, which is the smallest power of 2 that is bigger
than the type, unless that alignment is larger than the maximum
useful alignment for the platform. For practical purposes,
alignment larger than 2 * sizeof(void*) is only necessary for
special hardware instructions (e.g., aligned SSE loads and stores
on x86).
\sa destruct(), sizeOf()
void *QMetaType::construct(int type, void *where, const void *copy)
if (!where)
return nullptr;
TypeConstructor constructor(type, where);
return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void*>(constructor, type, copy);
namespace {
class TypeDestructor {
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct DestructorImpl {
static void Destruct(const int /* type */, void *where) { QtMetaTypePrivate::QMetaTypeFunctionHelper<T>::Destruct(where); }
template<typename T>
struct DestructorImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false> {
static void Destruct(const int type, void *where)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui) {
if (Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper))
qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType].destructor(where);
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget) {
if (Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper))
qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType].destructor(where);
// This point can be reached only for known types that definition is not available, for example
// in bootstrap mode. We have no other choice then ignore it.
TypeDestructor(const int type)
: m_type(type)
template<typename T>
void delegate(const T *where) { DestructorImpl<T>::Destruct(m_type, const_cast<T*>(where)); }
// MSVC2013 and earlier can not const_cast a std::nullptr_t pointer.
void delegate(const std::nullptr_t *) {}
void delegate(const void *) {}
void delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) {}
void delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType *where)
{ customTypeDestructor(m_type, const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(where))); }
static void customTypeDestructor(const int type, void *where)
QMetaType::Destructor dtor;
QMetaType::TypedDestructor tdtor;
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(type < QMetaType::User || !ct || ct->count() <= type - QMetaType::User))
const auto &typeInfo = ct->at(type - QMetaType::User);
dtor = typeInfo.destructor;
tdtor = typeInfo.typedDestructor;
Q_ASSERT_X((dtor || tdtor), "void QMetaType::destruct(int type, void *where)", "The type was not properly registered");
if (Q_UNLIKELY(tdtor))
return tdtor(type, where);
const int m_type;
} // namespace
\since 5.0
Destructs the value of the given \a type, located at \a where.
Unlike destroy(), this function only invokes the type's
destructor, it doesn't invoke the delete operator.
\sa construct()
void QMetaType::destruct(int type, void *where)
if (!where)
TypeDestructor destructor(type);
QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void>(destructor, type, where);
namespace {
class SizeOf {
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct SizeOfImpl {
static int Size(const int) { return QTypeInfo<T>::sizeOf; }
template<typename T>
struct SizeOfImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false> {
static int Size(const int type)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper) ? qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType].size : 0;
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper) ? qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType].size : 0;
// This point can be reached only for known types that definition is not available, for example
// in bootstrap mode. We have no other choice then ignore it.
return 0;
SizeOf(int type)
: m_type(type)
template<typename T>
int delegate(const T*) { return SizeOfImpl<T>::Size(m_type); }
int delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return 0; }
int delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType*) { return customTypeSizeOf(m_type); }
static int customTypeSizeOf(const int type)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(type < QMetaType::User || !ct || ct->count() <= type - QMetaType::User))
return 0;
return ct->at(type - QMetaType::User).size;
const int m_type;
} // namespace
\since 5.0
Returns the size of the given \a type in bytes (i.e. sizeof(T),
where T is the actual type identified by the \a type argument).
This function is typically used together with construct()
to perform low-level management of the memory used by a type.
\sa construct()
int QMetaType::sizeOf(int type)
SizeOf sizeOf(type);
return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<int>(sizeOf, type);
namespace {
class Flags
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct FlagsImpl
static quint32 Flags(const int /* type */)
return QtPrivate::QMetaTypeTypeFlags<T>::Flags;
template<typename T>
struct FlagsImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false>
static quint32 Flags(const int type)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper) ? qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType].flags : 0;
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper) ? qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType].flags : 0;
// This point can be reached only for known types that definition is not available, for example
// in bootstrap mode. We have no other choice then ignore it.
return 0;
Flags(const int type)
: m_type(type)
template<typename T>
quint32 delegate(const T*) { return FlagsImpl<T>::Flags(m_type); }
quint32 delegate(const void*) { return 0; }
quint32 delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return 0; }
quint32 delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType*) { return customTypeFlags(m_type); }
const int m_type;
static quint32 customTypeFlags(const int type)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!ct || type < QMetaType::User))
return 0;
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(ct->count() <= type - QMetaType::User))
return 0;
return ct->at(type - QMetaType::User).flags;
} // namespace
\since 5.0
Returns flags of the given \a type.
\sa QMetaType::TypeFlags
QMetaType::TypeFlags QMetaType::typeFlags(int type)
Flags flags(type);
return static_cast<QMetaType::TypeFlags>(QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<quint32>(flags, type));
namespace {
class MetaObject
MetaObject(const int type)
: m_type(type)
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct MetaObjectImpl
static const QMetaObject *MetaObject(int /*type*/)
{ return QtPrivate::MetaObjectForType<T>::value(); }
template<typename T>
struct MetaObjectImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false>
static const QMetaObject *MetaObject(int type) {
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper)
? qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType].metaObject
: nullptr;
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget)
return Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper)
? qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType].metaObject
: nullptr;
return 0;
template <typename T>
const QMetaObject *delegate(const T *) { return MetaObjectImpl<T>::MetaObject(m_type); }
const QMetaObject *delegate(const void*) { return nullptr; }
const QMetaObject *delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) { return nullptr; }
const QMetaObject *delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType*) { return customMetaObject(m_type); }
const int m_type;
static const QMetaObject *customMetaObject(const int type)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!ct || type < QMetaType::User))
return nullptr;
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(ct->count() <= type - QMetaType::User))
return nullptr;
return ct->at(type - QMetaType::User).metaObject;
} // namespace
\since 5.0
returns QMetaType::metaObject for \a type
\sa metaObject()
const QMetaObject *QMetaType::metaObjectForType(int type)
MetaObject mo(type);
return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<const QMetaObject*>(mo, type);
return nullptr;
\fn int qRegisterMetaType(const char *typeName)
\relates QMetaType
Registers the type name \a typeName for the type \c{T}. Returns
the internal ID used by QMetaType. Any class or struct that has a
public default constructor, a public copy constructor and a public
destructor can be registered.
This function requires that \c{T} is a fully defined type at the point
where the function is called. For pointer types, it also requires that the
pointed to type is fully defined. Use Q_DECLARE_OPAQUE_POINTER() to be able
to register pointers to forward declared types.
After a type has been registered, you can create and destroy
objects of that type dynamically at run-time.
This example registers the class \c{MyClass}:
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 4
This function is useful to register typedefs so they can be used
by QMetaProperty, or in QueuedConnections
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 9
\warning This function is useful only for registering an alias (typedef)
for every other use case Q_DECLARE_METATYPE and qMetaTypeId() should be used instead.
\sa {QMetaType::}{qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators()}, {QMetaType::}{isRegistered()},
\fn void qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(const char *typeName)
\relates QMetaType
Registers the stream operators for the type \c{T} called \a
Afterward, the type can be streamed using QMetaType::load() and
QMetaType::save(). These functions are used when streaming a
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 5
The stream operators should have the following signatures:
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 6
\sa qRegisterMetaType(), QMetaType::isRegistered(), Q_DECLARE_METATYPE()
/*! \typedef QMetaType::Deleter
/*! \typedef QMetaType::Creator
/*! \typedef QMetaType::SaveOperator
/*! \typedef QMetaType::LoadOperator
/*! \typedef QMetaType::Destructor
/*! \typedef QMetaType::Constructor
\fn int qRegisterMetaType()
\relates QMetaType
\since 4.2
Call this function to register the type \c T. \c T must be declared with
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(). Returns the meta type Id.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 7
This function requires that \c{T} is a fully defined type at the point
where the function is called. For pointer types, it also requires that the
pointed to type is fully defined. Use Q_DECLARE_OPAQUE_POINTER() to be able
to register pointers to forward declared types.
After a type has been registered, you can create and destroy
objects of that type dynamically at run-time.
To use the type \c T in QVariant, using Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() is
sufficient. To use the type \c T in queued signal and slot connections,
\c{qRegisterMetaType<T>()} must be called before the first connection
is established.
Also, to use type \c T with the QObject::property() API,
\c{qRegisterMetaType<T>()} must be called before it is used, typically
in the constructor of the class that uses \c T, or in the \c{main()}
\fn int qMetaTypeId()
\relates QMetaType
\since 4.1
Returns the meta type id of type \c T at compile time. If the
type was not declared with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(), compilation will
Typical usage:
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmetatype.cpp 8
QMetaType::type() returns the same ID as qMetaTypeId(), but does
a lookup at runtime based on the name of the type.
QMetaType::type() is a bit slower, but compilation succeeds if a
type is not registered.
\sa Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(), QMetaType::type()
namespace {
class TypeInfo {
template<typename T, bool IsAcceptedType = DefinedTypesFilter::Acceptor<T>::IsAccepted>
struct TypeInfoImpl
TypeInfoImpl(const uint /* type */, QMetaTypeInterface &info)
info = tmp;
template<typename T>
struct TypeInfoImpl<T, /* IsAcceptedType = */ false>
TypeInfoImpl(const uint type, QMetaTypeInterface &info)
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsGui) {
if (Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeGuiHelper))
info = qMetaTypeGuiHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstGuiType];
if (QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsWidget) {
if (Q_LIKELY(qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper))
info = qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper[type - QMetaType::FirstWidgetsType];
QMetaTypeInterface info;
TypeInfo(const uint type)
: m_type(type)
info = tmp;
template<typename T>
void delegate(const T*) { TypeInfoImpl<T>(m_type, info); }
void delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::UnknownType*) {}
void delegate(const QMetaTypeSwitcher::NotBuiltinType*) { customTypeInfo(m_type); }
void customTypeInfo(const uint type)
const QVector<QCustomTypeInfo> * const ct = customTypes();
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!ct))
QReadLocker locker(customTypesLock());
if (Q_LIKELY(uint(ct->count()) > type - QMetaType::User))
info = ct->at(type - QMetaType::User);
const uint m_type;
} // namespace
\fn QMetaType QMetaType::typeInfo(const int type)
QMetaType QMetaType::typeInfo(const int type)
TypeInfo typeInfo(type);
QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void>(typeInfo, type);
return ( ||
? QMetaType(static_cast<ExtensionFlag>(QMetaType::CreateEx | QMetaType::DestroyEx |
( ? QMetaType::ConstructEx | QMetaType::DestructEx : 0))
, static_cast<const QMetaTypeInterface *>(nullptr) // typeInfo::info is a temporary variable, we can't return address of it.
, type
: QMetaType(UnknownType);
\fn QMetaType::QMetaType(const int typeId)
\since 5.0
Constructs a QMetaType object that contains all information about type \a typeId.
QMetaType::QMetaType(const int typeId)
: m_typeId(typeId)
if (Q_UNLIKELY(typeId == UnknownType)) {
// Constructs invalid QMetaType instance.
m_extensionFlags = 0xffffffff;
} else {
// TODO it can be better.
*this = QMetaType::typeInfo(typeId);
if (m_typeId == UnknownType)
m_extensionFlags = 0xffffffff;
else if (m_typeId == QMetaType::Void)
m_extensionFlags = CreateEx | DestroyEx | ConstructEx | DestructEx;
\fn QMetaType::QMetaType(const QMetaType &other)
\since 5.0
Copy constructs a QMetaType object.
QMetaType::QMetaType(const QMetaType &other)
: m_typedConstructor(other.m_typedConstructor)
, m_typedDestructor(other.m_typedDestructor)
, m_saveOp(other.m_saveOp)
, m_loadOp(other.m_loadOp)
, m_constructor(other.m_constructor)
, m_destructor(other.m_destructor)
, m_extension(other.m_extension) // space reserved for future use
, m_size(other.m_size)
, m_typeFlags(other.m_typeFlags)
, m_extensionFlags(other.m_extensionFlags)
, m_typeId(other.m_typeId)
, m_metaObject(other.m_metaObject)
QMetaType &QMetaType::operator =(const QMetaType &other)
m_typedConstructor = other.m_typedConstructor;
m_typedDestructor = other.m_typedDestructor;
m_saveOp = other.m_saveOp;
m_loadOp = other.m_loadOp;
m_constructor = other.m_constructor;
m_destructor = other.m_destructor;
m_size = other.m_size;
m_typeFlags = other.m_typeFlags;
m_extensionFlags = other.m_extensionFlags;
m_extension = other.m_extension; // space reserved for future use
m_typeId = other.m_typeId;
m_metaObject = other.m_metaObject;
return *this;
\fn void QMetaType::ctor(const QMetaTypeInterface *info)
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be
called from within QMetaType's constructor to force a library call from
inlined code.
void QMetaType::ctor(const QMetaTypeInterface *info)
// Special case for Void type, the type is valid but not constructible.
// In future we may consider to remove this assert and extend this function to initialize
// differently m_extensionFlags for different types. Currently it is not needed.
Q_ASSERT(m_typeId == QMetaType::Void);
m_extensionFlags = CreateEx | DestroyEx | ConstructEx | DestructEx;
\fn void QMetaType::dtor()
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be
called from within QMetaType's destructor to force a library call from
inlined code.
void QMetaType::dtor()
\fn void *QMetaType::createExtended(const void *copy) const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be called
during QMetaType::create to force library call from inlined code.
### TODO Qt6 remove the extension
void *QMetaType::createExtended(const void *copy) const
if (m_typeId == QMetaType::UnknownType)
return nullptr;
if (Q_UNLIKELY(m_typedConstructor && !m_constructor))
return m_typedConstructor(m_typeId, operator new(m_size), copy);
return m_constructor(operator new(m_size), copy);
\fn void QMetaType::destroyExtended(void *data) const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be called
during QMetaType::destroy to force library call from inlined code.
### TODO Qt6 remove the extension
void QMetaType::destroyExtended(void *data) const
if (m_typeId == QMetaType::UnknownType)
if (Q_UNLIKELY(m_typedDestructor && !m_destructor))
m_typedDestructor(m_typeId, data);
operator delete(data);
\fn void *QMetaType::constructExtended(void *where, const void *copy) const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be called
during QMetaType::construct to force library call from inlined code.
void *QMetaType::constructExtended(void *where, const void *copy) const
if (m_typeId == QMetaType::UnknownType)
return nullptr;
if (m_typedConstructor && !m_constructor)
return m_typedConstructor(m_typeId, where, copy);
return nullptr;
\fn void QMetaType::destructExtended(void *data) const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be called
during QMetaType::destruct to force library call from inlined code.
void QMetaType::destructExtended(void *data) const
if (m_typeId == QMetaType::UnknownType)
if (m_typedDestructor && !m_destructor)
m_typedDestructor(m_typeId, data);
\fn uint QMetaType::sizeExtended() const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be
called from within QMetaType::size to force a library call from
inlined code.
uint QMetaType::sizeExtended() const
return 0;
\fn QMetaType::TypeFlags QMetaType::flagsExtended() const
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be
called from within QMetaType::flags to force a library call from
inlined code.
QMetaType::TypeFlags QMetaType::flagsExtended() const
return { };
\brief QMetaType::metaObjectExtended
Method used for future binary compatible extensions. The function may be
called from within QMetaType::metaObject to force a library call from
inlined code.
const QMetaObject *QMetaType::metaObjectExtended() const
return nullptr;
namespace QtPrivate
const QMetaObject *metaObjectForQWidget()
if (!qMetaTypeWidgetsHelper)
return nullptr;
return qMetaObjectWidgetsHelper;
namespace QtMetaTypePrivate {
const bool VectorBoolElements::true_element = true;
const bool VectorBoolElements::false_element = false;