blob: 236e4331018ac918661834078531f38dce0203f4 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2015 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,, author Marc Mutz <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#ifndef QHASH_H
#define QHASH_H
#include <QtCore/qchar.h>
#include <QtCore/qiterator.h>
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qrefcount.h>
#include <QtCore/qhashfunctions.h>
#include <QtCore/qcontainertools_impl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 ) // disable pointer truncation warning
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant
struct Q_CORE_EXPORT QHashData
struct Node {
Node *next;
uint h;
Node *fakeNext;
Node **buckets;
QtPrivate::RefCount ref;
int size;
int nodeSize;
short userNumBits;
short numBits;
int numBuckets;
uint seed;
uint sharable : 1;
uint strictAlignment : 1;
uint reserved : 30;
void *allocateNode(int nodeAlign);
void freeNode(void *node);
QHashData *detach_helper(void (*node_duplicate)(Node *, void *), void (*node_delete)(Node *),
int nodeSize, int nodeAlign);
bool willGrow();
void hasShrunk();
void rehash(int hint);
void free_helper(void (*node_delete)(Node *));
Node *firstNode();
void dump();
void checkSanity();
static Node *nextNode(Node *node);
static Node *previousNode(Node *node);
static const QHashData shared_null;
inline bool QHashData::willGrow()
if (size >= numBuckets) {
rehash(numBits + 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline void QHashData::hasShrunk()
if (size <= (numBuckets >> 3) && numBits > userNumBits) {
rehash(qMax(int(numBits) - 2, int(userNumBits)));
} QT_CATCH(const std::bad_alloc &) {
// ignore bad allocs - shrinking shouldn't throw. rehash is exception safe.
inline QHashData::Node *QHashData::firstNode()
Node *e = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(this);
Node **bucket = buckets;
int n = numBuckets;
while (n--) {
if (*bucket != e)
return *bucket;
return e;
struct QHashDummyValue
constexpr bool operator==(const QHashDummyValue &, const QHashDummyValue &) noexcept
return true;
template <class Key, class T>
struct QHashNode
QHashNode *next;
const uint h;
const Key key;
T value;
inline QHashNode(const Key &key0, const T &value0, uint hash, QHashNode *n)
: next(n), h(hash), key(key0), value(value0) {}
inline bool same_key(uint h0, const Key &key0) const { return h0 == h && key0 == key; }
// Specialize for QHashDummyValue in order to save some memory
template <class Key>
struct QHashNode<Key, QHashDummyValue>
union {
QHashNode *next;
QHashDummyValue value;
const uint h;
const Key key;
inline QHashNode(const Key &key0, const QHashDummyValue &, uint hash, QHashNode *n)
: next(n), h(hash), key(key0) {}
inline bool same_key(uint h0, const Key &key0) const { return h0 == h && key0 == key; }
#if 0
// ###
// The introduction of the QHash random seed breaks this optimization, as it
// relies on qHash(int i) = i. If the hash value is salted, then the hash
// table becomes corrupted.
// A bit more research about whether it makes sense or not to salt integer
// keys (and in general keys whose hash value is easy to invert)
// is needed, or about how keep this optimization and the seed (f.i. by
// specializing QHash for integer values, and re-apply the seed during lookup).
// Be aware that such changes can easily be binary incompatible, and therefore
// cannot be made during the Qt 5 lifetime.
#define Q_HASH_DECLARE_INT_NODES(key_type) \
template <class T> \
struct QHashDummyNode<key_type, T> { \
QHashDummyNode *next; \
union { uint h; key_type key; }; \
inline QHashDummyNode(key_type /* key0 */) {} \
}; \
template <class T> \
struct QHashNode<key_type, T> { \
QHashNode *next; \
union { uint h; key_type key; }; \
T value; \
inline QHashNode(key_type /* key0 */) {} \
inline QHashNode(key_type /* key0 */, const T &value0) : value(value0) {} \
inline bool same_key(uint h0, key_type) const { return h0 == h; } \
#endif // #if 0
template <class Key, class T>
class QHash
typedef QHashNode<Key, T> Node;
union {
QHashData *d;
QHashNode<Key, T> *e;
static inline Node *concrete(QHashData::Node *node) {
return reinterpret_cast<Node *>(node);
static inline int alignOfNode() { return qMax<int>(sizeof(void*), Q_ALIGNOF(Node)); }
inline QHash() noexcept : d(const_cast<QHashData *>(&QHashData::shared_null)) { }
inline QHash(std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key,T> > list)
: d(const_cast<QHashData *>(&QHashData::shared_null))
for (typename std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key,T> >::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
insert(it->first, it->second);
QHash(const QHash &other) : d(other.d) { d->ref.ref(); if (!d->sharable) detach(); }
~QHash() { if (!d->ref.deref()) freeData(d); }
QHash &operator=(const QHash &other);
QHash(QHash &&other) noexcept : d(other.d) { other.d = const_cast<QHashData *>(&QHashData::shared_null); }
QHash &operator=(QHash &&other) noexcept
{ QHash moved(std::move(other)); swap(moved); return *this; }
#ifdef Q_QDOC
template <typename InputIterator>
QHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l);
template <typename InputIterator, QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasKeyAndValue<InputIterator> = true>
QHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
: QHash()
QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator(this, f, l);
for (; f != l; ++f)
insert(f.key(), f.value());
template <typename InputIterator, QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasFirstAndSecond<InputIterator> = true>
QHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
: QHash()
QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator(this, f, l);
for (; f != l; ++f)
insert(f->first, f->second);
void swap(QHash &other) noexcept { qSwap(d, other.d); }
bool operator==(const QHash &other) const;
bool operator!=(const QHash &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline int size() const { return d->size; }
inline bool isEmpty() const { return d->size == 0; }
inline int capacity() const { return d->numBuckets; }
void reserve(int size);
inline void squeeze() { reserve(1); }
inline void detach() { if (d->ref.isShared()) detach_helper(); }
inline bool isDetached() const { return !d->ref.isShared(); }
inline void setSharable(bool sharable) { if (!sharable) detach(); if (d != &QHashData::shared_null) d->sharable = sharable; }
bool isSharedWith(const QHash &other) const { return d == other.d; }
void clear();
int remove(const Key &key);
T take(const Key &key);
bool contains(const Key &key) const;
const Key key(const T &value) const;
const Key key(const T &value, const Key &defaultKey) const;
const T value(const Key &key) const;
const T value(const Key &key, const T &defaultValue) const;
T &operator[](const Key &key);
const T operator[](const Key &key) const;
QList<Key> uniqueKeys() const;
QList<Key> keys() const;
QList<Key> keys(const T &value) const;
QList<T> values() const;
QList<T> values(const Key &key) const;
int count(const Key &key) const;
class const_iterator;
class iterator
friend class const_iterator;
friend class QHash<Key, T>;
friend class QSet<Key>;
QHashData::Node *i;
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T *pointer;
typedef T &reference;
inline iterator() : i(nullptr) { }
explicit inline iterator(void *node) : i(reinterpret_cast<QHashData::Node *>(node)) { }
inline const Key &key() const { return concrete(i)->key; }
inline T &value() const { return concrete(i)->value; }
inline T &operator*() const { return concrete(i)->value; }
inline T *operator->() const { return &concrete(i)->value; }
inline bool operator==(const iterator &o) const { return i == o.i; }
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &o) const { return i != o.i; }
inline iterator &operator++() {
i = QHashData::nextNode(i);
return *this;
inline iterator operator++(int) {
iterator r = *this;
i = QHashData::nextNode(i);
return r;
inline iterator &operator--() {
i = QHashData::previousNode(i);
return *this;
inline iterator operator--(int) {
iterator r = *this;
i = QHashData::previousNode(i);
return r;
inline iterator operator+(int j) const
{ iterator r = *this; if (j > 0) while (j--) ++r; else while (j++) --r; return r; }
inline iterator operator-(int j) const { return operator+(-j); }
inline iterator &operator+=(int j) { return *this = *this + j; }
inline iterator &operator-=(int j) { return *this = *this - j; }
friend inline iterator operator+(int j, iterator k) { return k + j; }
inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const
{ return i == o.i; }
inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const
{ return i != o.i; }
friend class iterator;
class const_iterator
friend class iterator;
friend class QHash<Key, T>;
friend class QSet<Key>;
QHashData::Node *i;
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef const T *pointer;
typedef const T &reference;
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const_iterator() : i(nullptr) { }
explicit inline const_iterator(void *node)
: i(reinterpret_cast<QHashData::Node *>(node)) { }
explicit inline const_iterator(const iterator &o)
inline const_iterator(const iterator &o)
{ i = o.i; }
inline const Key &key() const { return concrete(i)->key; }
inline const T &value() const { return concrete(i)->value; }
inline const T &operator*() const { return concrete(i)->value; }
inline const T *operator->() const { return &concrete(i)->value; }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const { return i == o.i; }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const { return i != o.i; }
inline const_iterator &operator++() {
i = QHashData::nextNode(i);
return *this;
inline const_iterator operator++(int) {
const_iterator r = *this;
i = QHashData::nextNode(i);
return r;
inline const_iterator &operator--() {
i = QHashData::previousNode(i);
return *this;
inline const_iterator operator--(int) {
const_iterator r = *this;
i = QHashData::previousNode(i);
return r;
inline const_iterator operator+(int j) const
{ const_iterator r = *this; if (j > 0) while (j--) ++r; else while (j++) --r; return r; }
inline const_iterator operator-(int j) const { return operator+(-j); }
inline const_iterator &operator+=(int j) { return *this = *this + j; }
inline const_iterator &operator-=(int j) { return *this = *this - j; }
friend inline const_iterator operator+(int j, const_iterator k) { return k + j; }
// ### Qt 5: not sure this is necessary anymore
inline bool operator==(const iterator &o) const { return operator==(const_iterator(o)); }
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &o) const { return operator!=(const_iterator(o)); }
friend class const_iterator;
class key_iterator
const_iterator i;
typedef typename const_iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename const_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef Key value_type;
typedef const Key *pointer;
typedef const Key &reference;
key_iterator() = default;
explicit key_iterator(const_iterator o) : i(o) { }
const Key &operator*() const { return i.key(); }
const Key *operator->() const { return &i.key(); }
bool operator==(key_iterator o) const { return i == o.i; }
bool operator!=(key_iterator o) const { return i != o.i; }
inline key_iterator &operator++() { ++i; return *this; }
inline key_iterator operator++(int) { return key_iterator(i++);}
inline key_iterator &operator--() { --i; return *this; }
inline key_iterator operator--(int) { return key_iterator(i--); }
const_iterator base() const { return i; }
typedef QKeyValueIterator<const Key&, const T&, const_iterator> const_key_value_iterator;
typedef QKeyValueIterator<const Key&, T&, iterator> key_value_iterator;
// STL style
inline iterator begin() { detach(); return iterator(d->firstNode()); }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(d->firstNode()); }
inline const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(d->firstNode()); }
inline const_iterator constBegin() const { return const_iterator(d->firstNode()); }
inline iterator end() { detach(); return iterator(e); }
inline const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(e); }
inline const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(e); }
inline const_iterator constEnd() const { return const_iterator(e); }
inline key_iterator keyBegin() const { return key_iterator(begin()); }
inline key_iterator keyEnd() const { return key_iterator(end()); }
inline key_value_iterator keyValueBegin() { return key_value_iterator(begin()); }
inline key_value_iterator keyValueEnd() { return key_value_iterator(end()); }
inline const_key_value_iterator keyValueBegin() const { return const_key_value_iterator(begin()); }
inline const_key_value_iterator constKeyValueBegin() const { return const_key_value_iterator(begin()); }
inline const_key_value_iterator keyValueEnd() const { return const_key_value_iterator(end()); }
inline const_key_value_iterator constKeyValueEnd() const { return const_key_value_iterator(end()); }
QPair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const Key &key);
QPair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const Key &key) const noexcept;
iterator erase(iterator it) { return erase(const_iterator(it.i)); }
iterator erase(const_iterator it);
// more Qt
typedef iterator Iterator;
typedef const_iterator ConstIterator;
inline int count() const { return d->size; }
iterator find(const Key &key);
const_iterator find(const Key &key) const;
const_iterator constFind(const Key &key) const;
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value);
iterator insertMulti(const Key &key, const T &value);
QHash &unite(const QHash &other);
// STL compatibility
typedef T mapped_type;
typedef Key key_type;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
typedef int size_type;
inline bool empty() const { return isEmpty(); }
inline void dump() const { d->dump(); }
inline void checkSanity() const { d->checkSanity(); }
void detach_helper();
void freeData(QHashData *d);
Node **findNode(const Key &key, uint *hp = nullptr) const;
Node **findNode(const Key &key, uint h) const;
Node *createNode(uint h, const Key &key, const T &value, Node **nextNode);
void deleteNode(Node *node);
static void deleteNode2(QHashData::Node *node);
static void duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *originalNode, void *newNode);
bool isValidIterator(const iterator &it) const noexcept
{ return isValidNode(it.i); }
bool isValidIterator(const const_iterator &it) const noexcept
{ return isValidNode(it.i); }
bool isValidNode(QHashData::Node *node) const noexcept
#if defined(QT_DEBUG) && !defined(Q_HASH_NO_ITERATOR_DEBUG)
while (node->next)
node = node->next;
return (static_cast<void *>(node) == d);
return true;
friend class QSet<Key>;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::deleteNode(Node *node)
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::deleteNode2(QHashData::Node *node)
#ifdef Q_CC_BOR
concrete(node)->~QHashNode<Key, T>();
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::duplicateNode(QHashData::Node *node, void *newNode)
Node *concreteNode = concrete(node);
new (newNode) Node(concreteNode->key, concreteNode->value, concreteNode->h, nullptr);
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::Node *
QHash<Key, T>::createNode(uint ah, const Key &akey, const T &avalue, Node **anextNode)
Node *node = new (d->allocateNode(alignOfNode())) Node(akey, avalue, ah, *anextNode);
*anextNode = node;
return node;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QHash<Key, T> &QHash<Key, T>::unite(const QHash &other)
if (d == &QHashData::shared_null) {
*this = other;
} else {
QHash copy(other);
const_iterator it = copy.constEnd();
while (it != copy.constBegin()) {
insertMulti(it.key(), it.value());
return *this;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::freeData(QHashData *x)
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::clear()
*this = QHash();
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::detach_helper()
QHashData *x = d->detach_helper(duplicateNode, deleteNode2, sizeof(Node), alignOfNode());
if (!d->ref.deref())
d = x;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QHash<Key, T> &QHash<Key, T>::operator=(const QHash &other)
if (d != other.d) {
QHashData *o = other.d;
if (!d->ref.deref())
d = o;
if (!d->sharable)
return *this;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE const T QHash<Key, T>::value(const Key &akey) const
Node *node;
if (d->size == 0 || (node = *findNode(akey)) == e) {
return T();
} else {
return node->value;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE const T QHash<Key, T>::value(const Key &akey, const T &adefaultValue) const
Node *node;
if (d->size == 0 || (node = *findNode(akey)) == e) {
return adefaultValue;
} else {
return node->value;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<Key> QHash<Key, T>::uniqueKeys() const
QList<Key> res;
res.reserve(size()); // May be too much, but assume short lifetime
const_iterator i = begin();
if (i != end()) {
for (;;) {
const Key &aKey = i.key();
do {
if (++i == end())
goto break_out_of_outer_loop;
} while (aKey == i.key());
return res;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<Key> QHash<Key, T>::keys() const
QList<Key> res;
const_iterator i = begin();
while (i != end()) {
return res;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<Key> QHash<Key, T>::keys(const T &avalue) const
QList<Key> res;
const_iterator i = begin();
while (i != end()) {
if (i.value() == avalue)
return res;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE const Key QHash<Key, T>::key(const T &avalue) const
return key(avalue, Key());
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE const Key QHash<Key, T>::key(const T &avalue, const Key &defaultValue) const
const_iterator i = begin();
while (i != end()) {
if (i.value() == avalue)
return i.key();
return defaultValue;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<T> QHash<Key, T>::values() const
QList<T> res;
const_iterator i = begin();
while (i != end()) {
return res;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<T> QHash<Key, T>::values(const Key &akey) const
QList<T> res;
Node *node = *findNode(akey);
if (node != e) {
do {
} while ((node = node->next) != e && node->key == akey);
return res;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE int QHash<Key, T>::count(const Key &akey) const
int cnt = 0;
Node *node = *findNode(akey);
if (node != e) {
do {
} while ((node = node->next) != e && node->key == akey);
return cnt;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE const T QHash<Key, T>::operator[](const Key &akey) const
return value(akey);
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE T &QHash<Key, T>::operator[](const Key &akey)
uint h;
Node **node = findNode(akey, &h);
if (*node == e) {
if (d->willGrow())
node = findNode(akey, h);
return createNode(h, akey, T(), node)->value;
return (*node)->value;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator QHash<Key, T>::insert(const Key &akey,
const T &avalue)
uint h;
Node **node = findNode(akey, &h);
if (*node == e) {
if (d->willGrow())
node = findNode(akey, h);
return iterator(createNode(h, akey, avalue, node));
if (!std::is_same<T, QHashDummyValue>::value)
(*node)->value = avalue;
return iterator(*node);
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator QHash<Key, T>::insertMulti(const Key &akey,
const T &avalue)
uint h;
Node **nextNode = findNode(akey, &h);
return iterator(createNode(h, akey, avalue, nextNode));
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE int QHash<Key, T>::remove(const Key &akey)
if (isEmpty()) // prevents detaching shared null
return 0;
int oldSize = d->size;
Node **node = findNode(akey);
if (*node != e) {
bool deleteNext = true;
do {
Node *next = (*node)->next;
deleteNext = (next != e && next->key == (*node)->key);
*node = next;
} while (deleteNext);
return oldSize - d->size;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE T QHash<Key, T>::take(const Key &akey)
if (isEmpty()) // prevents detaching shared null
return T();
Node **node = findNode(akey);
if (*node != e) {
T t = std::move((*node)->value);
Node *next = (*node)->next;
*node = next;
return t;
return T();
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator QHash<Key, T>::erase(const_iterator it)
Q_ASSERT_X(isValidIterator(it), "QHash::erase", "The specified iterator argument 'it' is invalid");
if (it == const_iterator(e))
return iterator(it.i);
if (d->ref.isShared()) {
// save 'it' across the detach:
int bucketNum = (it.i->h % d->numBuckets);
const_iterator bucketIterator(*(d->buckets + bucketNum));
int stepsFromBucketStartToIte = 0;
while (bucketIterator != it) {
it = const_iterator(*(d->buckets + bucketNum));
while (stepsFromBucketStartToIte > 0) {
iterator ret(it.i);
Node *node = concrete(it.i);
Node **node_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Node **>(&d->buckets[node->h % d->numBuckets]);
while (*node_ptr != node)
node_ptr = &(*node_ptr)->next;
*node_ptr = node->next;
return ret;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE void QHash<Key, T>::reserve(int asize)
d->rehash(-qMax(asize, 1));
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator QHash<Key, T>::find(const Key &akey) const
return const_iterator(*findNode(akey));
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator QHash<Key, T>::constFind(const Key &akey) const
return const_iterator(*findNode(akey));
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator QHash<Key, T>::find(const Key &akey)
return iterator(*findNode(akey));
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE bool QHash<Key, T>::contains(const Key &akey) const
return *findNode(akey) != e;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::Node **QHash<Key, T>::findNode(const Key &akey, uint h) const
Node **node;
if (d->numBuckets) {
node = reinterpret_cast<Node **>(&d->buckets[h % d->numBuckets]);
Q_ASSERT(*node == e || (*node)->next);
while (*node != e && !(*node)->same_key(h, akey))
node = &(*node)->next;
} else {
node = const_cast<Node **>(reinterpret_cast<const Node * const *>(&e));
return node;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE typename QHash<Key, T>::Node **QHash<Key, T>::findNode(const Key &akey,
uint *ahp) const
uint h = 0;
if (d->numBuckets || ahp) {
h = qHash(akey, d->seed);
if (ahp)
*ahp = h;
return findNode(akey, h);
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE bool QHash<Key, T>::operator==(const QHash &other) const
if (d == other.d)
return true;
if (size() != other.size())
return false;
const_iterator it = begin();
while (it != end()) {
// Build two equal ranges for i.key(); one for *this and one for other.
// For *this we can avoid a lookup via equal_range, as we know the beginning of the range.
auto thisEqualRangeStart = it;
const Key &thisEqualRangeKey = it.key();
size_type n = 0;
do {
} while (it != end() && it.key() == thisEqualRangeKey);
const auto otherEqualRange = other.equal_range(thisEqualRangeKey);
if (n != std::distance(otherEqualRange.first, otherEqualRange.second))
return false;
// Keys in the ranges are equal by construction; this checks only the values.
if (!qt_is_permutation(thisEqualRangeStart, it, otherEqualRange.first, otherEqualRange.second))
return false;
return true;
template <class Key, class T>
QPair<typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator, typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator> QHash<Key, T>::equal_range(const Key &akey)
auto pair = qAsConst(*this).equal_range(akey);
return qMakePair(iterator(pair.first.i), iterator(pair.second.i));
template <class Key, class T>
QPair<typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator, typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator> QHash<Key, T>::equal_range(const Key &akey) const noexcept
Node *node = *findNode(akey);
const_iterator firstIt = const_iterator(node);
if (node != e) {
// equal keys must hash to the same value and so they all
// end up in the same bucket. So we can use node->next,
// which only works within a bucket, instead of (out-of-line)
// QHashData::nextNode()
while (node->next != e && node->next->key == akey)
node = node->next;
// 'node' may be the last node in the bucket. To produce the end iterator, we'd
// need to enter the next bucket in this case, so we need to use
// QHashData::nextNode() here, which, unlike node->next above, can move between
// buckets.
node = concrete(QHashData::nextNode(reinterpret_cast<QHashData::Node *>(node)));
return qMakePair(firstIt, const_iterator(node));
template <class Key, class T>
class QMultiHash : public QHash<Key, T>
QMultiHash() noexcept {}
inline QMultiHash(std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key,T> > list)
for (typename std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key,T> >::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
insert(it->first, it->second);
#ifdef Q_QDOC
template <typename InputIterator>
QMultiHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l);
template <typename InputIterator, QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasKeyAndValue<InputIterator> = true>
QMultiHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator(this, f, l);
for (; f != l; ++f)
insert(f.key(), f.value());
template <typename InputIterator, QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasFirstAndSecond<InputIterator> = true>
QMultiHash(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator(this, f, l);
for (; f != l; ++f)
insert(f->first, f->second);
// compiler-generated copy/move ctors/assignment operators are fine!
// compiler-generated destructor is fine!
QMultiHash(const QHash<Key, T> &other) : QHash<Key, T>(other) {}
QMultiHash(QHash<Key, T> &&other) noexcept : QHash<Key, T>(std::move(other)) {}
void swap(QMultiHash &other) noexcept { QHash<Key, T>::swap(other); } // prevent QMultiHash<->QHash swaps
inline typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator replace(const Key &key, const T &value)
{ return QHash<Key, T>::insert(key, value); }
inline typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
{ return QHash<Key, T>::insertMulti(key, value); }
inline QMultiHash &operator+=(const QMultiHash &other)
{ this->unite(other); return *this; }
inline QMultiHash operator+(const QMultiHash &other) const
{ QMultiHash result = *this; result += other; return result; }
using QHash<Key, T>::contains;
using QHash<Key, T>::remove;
using QHash<Key, T>::count;
using QHash<Key, T>::find;
using QHash<Key, T>::constFind;
bool contains(const Key &key, const T &value) const;
int remove(const Key &key, const T &value);
int count(const Key &key, const T &value) const;
typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator find(const Key &key, const T &value) {
typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator i(find(key));
typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator end(this->end());
while (i != end && i.key() == key) {
if (i.value() == value)
return i;
return end;
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator find(const Key &key, const T &value) const {
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator i(constFind(key));
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator end(QHash<Key, T>::constEnd());
while (i != end && i.key() == key) {
if (i.value() == value)
return i;
return end;
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator constFind(const Key &key, const T &value) const
{ return find(key, value); }
T &operator[](const Key &key);
const T operator[](const Key &key) const;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE bool QMultiHash<Key, T>::contains(const Key &key, const T &value) const
return constFind(key, value) != QHash<Key, T>::constEnd();
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE int QMultiHash<Key, T>::remove(const Key &key, const T &value)
int n = 0;
typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator i(find(key));
typename QHash<Key, T>::iterator end(QHash<Key, T>::end());
while (i != end && i.key() == key) {
if (i.value() == value) {
i = this->erase(i);
} else {
return n;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE int QMultiHash<Key, T>::count(const Key &key, const T &value) const
int n = 0;
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator i(constFind(key));
typename QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator end(QHash<Key, T>::constEnd());
while (i != end && i.key() == key) {
if (i.value() == value)
return n;
template <class Key, class T>
uint qHash(const QHash<Key, T> &key, uint seed = 0)
noexcept(noexcept(qHash(std::declval<Key&>())) && noexcept(qHash(std::declval<T&>())))
QtPrivate::QHashCombineCommutative hash;
for (auto it = key.begin(), end = key.end(); it != end; ++it) {
const Key &k = it.key();
const T &v = it.value();
seed = hash(seed, std::pair<const Key&, const T&>(k, v));
return seed;
template <class Key, class T>
inline uint qHash(const QMultiHash<Key, T> &key, uint seed = 0)
noexcept(noexcept(qHash(std::declval<Key&>())) && noexcept(qHash(std::declval<T&>())))
const QHash<Key, T> &key2 = key;
return qHash(key2, seed);
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // QHASH_H