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#include "qwindowsscreen.h"
#include "qwindowscontext.h"
#include "qwindowswindow.h"
#include "qwindowsintegration.h"
#include "qwindowscursor.h"
#include "qwindowstheme.h"
#include <QtCore/qt_windows.h>
#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
#include <QtGui/qpixmap.h>
#include <QtGui/qguiapplication.h>
#include <qpa/qwindowsysteminterface.h>
#include <private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>
#include <QtGui/qscreen.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
static inline QDpi deviceDPI(HDC hdc)
return QDpi(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY));
static inline QDpi monitorDPI(HMONITOR hMonitor)
if (QWindowsContext::shcoredll.isValid()) {
UINT dpiX;
UINT dpiY;
if (SUCCEEDED(QWindowsContext::shcoredll.getDpiForMonitor(hMonitor, 0, &dpiX, &dpiY)))
return QDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
return {0, 0};
using WindowsScreenDataList = QList<QWindowsScreenData>;
static bool monitorData(HMONITOR hMonitor, QWindowsScreenData *data)
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(MONITORINFOEX));
info.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &info) == FALSE)
return false;
data->hMonitor = hMonitor;
data->geometry = QRect(QPoint(info.rcMonitor.left,, QPoint(info.rcMonitor.right - 1, info.rcMonitor.bottom - 1));
data->availableGeometry = QRect(QPoint(info.rcWork.left,, QPoint(info.rcWork.right - 1, info.rcWork.bottom - 1));
data->name = QString::fromWCharArray(info.szDevice);
if (data->name == QLatin1String("WinDisc")) {
data->flags |= QWindowsScreenData::LockScreen;
} else {
if (const HDC hdc = CreateDC(info.szDevice, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
const QDpi dpi = monitorDPI(hMonitor);
data->dpi = dpi.first > 0 ? dpi : deviceDPI(hdc);
data->depth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL);
data->format = data->depth == 16 ? QImage::Format_RGB16 : QImage::Format_RGB32;
data->physicalSizeMM = QSizeF(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZSIZE), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTSIZE));
const int refreshRate = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VREFRESH);
if (refreshRate > 1) // 0,1 means hardware default.
data->refreshRateHz = refreshRate;
} else {
qWarning("%s: Unable to obtain handle for monitor '%s', defaulting to %g DPI.",
__FUNCTION__, qPrintable(QString::fromWCharArray(info.szDevice)),
} // CreateDC() failed
} // not lock screen
data->orientation = data->geometry.height() > data->geometry.width() ?
Qt::PortraitOrientation : Qt::LandscapeOrientation;
// EnumDisplayMonitors (as opposed to EnumDisplayDevices) enumerates only
// virtual desktop screens.
data->flags |= QWindowsScreenData::VirtualDesktop;
if (info.dwFlags & MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY)
data->flags |= QWindowsScreenData::PrimaryScreen;
return true;
// from QDesktopWidget, taking WindowsScreenDataList as LPARAM
QWindowsScreenData data;
if (monitorData(hMonitor, &data)) {
auto *result = reinterpret_cast<WindowsScreenDataList *>(p);
// QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenAdded() documentation specifies that first
// added screen will be the primary screen, so order accordingly.
// Note that the side effect of this policy is that there is no way to change primary
// screen reported by Qt, unless we want to delete all existing screens and add them
// again whenever primary screen changes.
if (data.flags & QWindowsScreenData::PrimaryScreen)
return TRUE;
static inline WindowsScreenDataList monitorData()
WindowsScreenDataList result;
EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, monitorEnumCallback, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&result));
return result;
static QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QWindowsScreenData &d)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg << "Screen \"" << << "\" "
<< d.geometry.width() << 'x' << d.geometry.height() << '+' << d.geometry.x() << '+' << d.geometry.y()
<< " avail: "
<< d.availableGeometry.width() << 'x' << d.availableGeometry.height() << '+' << d.availableGeometry.x() << '+' << d.availableGeometry.y()
<< " physical: " << d.physicalSizeMM.width() << 'x' << d.physicalSizeMM.height()
<< " DPI: " << d.dpi.first << 'x' << d.dpi.second << " Depth: " << d.depth
<< " Format: " << d.format
<< " hMonitor: " << d.hMonitor;
if (d.flags & QWindowsScreenData::PrimaryScreen)
dbg << " primary";
if (d.flags & QWindowsScreenData::VirtualDesktop)
dbg << " virtual desktop";
if (d.flags & QWindowsScreenData::LockScreen)
dbg << " lock screen";
return dbg;
\class QWindowsScreen
\brief Windows screen.
\sa QWindowsScreenManager
\ingroup qt-lighthouse-win
QWindowsScreen::QWindowsScreen(const QWindowsScreenData &data) :
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
, m_cursor(new QWindowsCursor(this))
Q_GUI_EXPORT QPixmap qt_pixmapFromWinHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap, int hbitmapFormat = 0);
QPixmap QWindowsScreen::grabWindow(WId window, int xIn, int yIn, int width, int height) const
QSize windowSize;
int x = xIn;
int y = yIn;
HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window);
if (hwnd) {
GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);
windowSize = QSize(r.right - r.left, r.bottom -;
} else {
// Grab current screen. The client rectangle of GetDesktopWindow() is the
// primary screen, but it is possible to grab other screens from it.
hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
const QRect screenGeometry = geometry();
windowSize = screenGeometry.size();
x += screenGeometry.x();
y += screenGeometry.y();
if (width < 0)
width = windowSize.width() - xIn;
if (height < 0)
height = windowSize.height() - yIn;
// Create and setup bitmap
HDC display_dc = GetDC(nullptr);
HDC bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(display_dc);
HBITMAP bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(display_dc, width, height);
HGDIOBJ null_bitmap = SelectObject(bitmap_dc, bitmap);
// copy data
HDC window_dc = GetDC(hwnd);
BitBlt(bitmap_dc, 0, 0, width, height, window_dc, x, y, SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT);
// clean up all but bitmap
ReleaseDC(hwnd, window_dc);
SelectObject(bitmap_dc, null_bitmap);
const QPixmap pixmap = qt_pixmapFromWinHBITMAP(bitmap);
ReleaseDC(nullptr, display_dc);
return pixmap;
\brief Find a top level window taking the flags of ChildWindowFromPointEx.
QWindow *QWindowsScreen::topLevelAt(const QPoint &point) const
QWindow *result = nullptr;
if (QWindow *child = QWindowsScreen::windowAt(point, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE))
result = QWindowsWindow::topLevelOf(child);
if (QWindowsContext::verbose > 1)
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) <<__FUNCTION__ << point << result;
return result;
QWindow *QWindowsScreen::windowAt(const QPoint &screenPoint, unsigned flags)
QWindow* result = nullptr;
if (QPlatformWindow *bw = QWindowsContext::instance()->
findPlatformWindowAt(GetDesktopWindow(), screenPoint, flags))
result = bw->window();
if (QWindowsContext::verbose > 1)
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) <<__FUNCTION__ << screenPoint << " returns " << result;
return result;
\brief Determine siblings in a virtual desktop system.
Self is by definition a sibling, else collect all screens
within virtual desktop.
QList<QPlatformScreen *> QWindowsScreen::virtualSiblings() const
QList<QPlatformScreen *> result;
if (m_data.flags & QWindowsScreenData::VirtualDesktop) {
const QWindowsScreenManager::WindowsScreenList screens
= QWindowsContext::instance()->screenManager().screens();
for (QWindowsScreen *screen : screens) {
if (screen->data().flags & QWindowsScreenData::VirtualDesktop)
} else {
result.push_back(const_cast<QWindowsScreen *>(this));
return result;
\brief Notify QWindowSystemInterface about changes of a screen and synchronize data.
void QWindowsScreen::handleChanges(const QWindowsScreenData &newData)
m_data.physicalSizeMM = newData.physicalSizeMM;
if (m_data.hMonitor != newData.hMonitor) {
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) << "Monitor" <<
<< "has had its hMonitor handle changed from"
<< m_data.hMonitor << "to" << newData.hMonitor;
m_data.hMonitor = newData.hMonitor;
// QGuiApplicationPrivate::processScreenGeometryChange() checks and emits
// DPI and orientation as well, so, assign new values and emit DPI first.
const bool geometryChanged = m_data.geometry != newData.geometry
|| m_data.availableGeometry != newData.availableGeometry;
const bool dpiChanged = !qFuzzyCompare(m_data.dpi.first, newData.dpi.first)
|| !qFuzzyCompare(m_data.dpi.second, newData.dpi.second);
const bool orientationChanged = m_data.orientation != newData.orientation;
m_data.dpi = newData.dpi;
m_data.orientation = newData.orientation;
m_data.geometry = newData.geometry;
m_data.availableGeometry = newData.availableGeometry;
if (dpiChanged) {
if (orientationChanged)
QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenOrientationChange(screen(), newData.orientation);
if (geometryChanged) {
newData.geometry, newData.availableGeometry);
HMONITOR QWindowsScreen::handle() const
return m_data.hMonitor;
QRect QWindowsScreen::virtualGeometry(const QPlatformScreen *screen) // cf QScreen::virtualGeometry()
QRect result;
const auto siblings = screen->virtualSiblings();
for (const QPlatformScreen *sibling : siblings)
result |= sibling->geometry();
return result;
enum OrientationPreference : DWORD // matching Win32 API ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE
orientationPreferenceNone = 0,
orientationPreferenceLandscape = 0x1,
orientationPreferencePortrait = 0x2,
orientationPreferenceLandscapeFlipped = 0x4,
orientationPreferencePortraitFlipped = 0x8
bool QWindowsScreen::setOrientationPreference(Qt::ScreenOrientation o)
bool result = false;
if (QWindowsContext::user32dll.setDisplayAutoRotationPreferences) {
DWORD orientationPreference = 0;
switch (o) {
case Qt::PrimaryOrientation:
orientationPreference = orientationPreferenceNone;
case Qt::PortraitOrientation:
orientationPreference = orientationPreferencePortrait;
case Qt::LandscapeOrientation:
orientationPreference = orientationPreferenceLandscape;
case Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation:
orientationPreference = orientationPreferencePortraitFlipped;
case Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation:
orientationPreference = orientationPreferenceLandscapeFlipped;
result = QWindowsContext::user32dll.setDisplayAutoRotationPreferences(orientationPreference);
return result;
Qt::ScreenOrientation QWindowsScreen::orientationPreference()
Qt::ScreenOrientation result = Qt::PrimaryOrientation;
if (QWindowsContext::user32dll.getDisplayAutoRotationPreferences) {
DWORD orientationPreference = 0;
if (QWindowsContext::user32dll.getDisplayAutoRotationPreferences(&orientationPreference)) {
switch (orientationPreference) {
case orientationPreferenceLandscape:
result = Qt::LandscapeOrientation;
case orientationPreferencePortrait:
result = Qt::PortraitOrientation;
case orientationPreferenceLandscapeFlipped:
result = Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation;
case orientationPreferencePortraitFlipped:
result = Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation;
return result;
\brief Queries ClearType settings to check the pixel layout
QPlatformScreen::SubpixelAntialiasingType QWindowsScreen::subpixelAntialiasingTypeHint() const
QPlatformScreen::SubpixelAntialiasingType type = QPlatformScreen::subpixelAntialiasingTypeHint();
if (type == QPlatformScreen::Subpixel_None) {
QSettings settings(QLatin1String(R"(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Avalon.Graphics\DISPLAY1)"),
int registryValue = settings.value(QLatin1String("PixelStructure"), -1).toInt();
switch (registryValue) {
case 0:
type = QPlatformScreen::Subpixel_None;
case 1:
type = QPlatformScreen::Subpixel_RGB;
case 2:
type = QPlatformScreen::Subpixel_BGR;
type = QPlatformScreen::Subpixel_None;
return type;
\class QWindowsScreenManager
\brief Manages a list of QWindowsScreen.
Listens for changes and notifies QWindowSystemInterface about changed/
added/deleted screens.
\sa QWindowsScreen
\ingroup qt-lighthouse-win
QWindowsScreenManager::QWindowsScreenManager() = default;
bool QWindowsScreenManager::isSingleScreen()
return QWindowsContext::instance()->screenManager().screens().size() < 2;
\brief Triggers synchronization of screens (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE).
Subsequent events are compressed since WM_DISPLAYCHANGE is sent to
each top level window.
bool QWindowsScreenManager::handleDisplayChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
const int newDepth = int(wParam);
const WORD newHorizontalResolution = LOWORD(lParam);
const WORD newVerticalResolution = HIWORD(lParam);
if (newDepth != m_lastDepth || newHorizontalResolution != m_lastHorizontalResolution
|| newVerticalResolution != m_lastVerticalResolution) {
m_lastDepth = newDepth;
m_lastHorizontalResolution = newHorizontalResolution;
m_lastVerticalResolution = newVerticalResolution;
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) << __FUNCTION__ << "Depth=" << newDepth
<< ", resolution " << newHorizontalResolution << 'x' << newVerticalResolution;
return false;
static inline int indexOfMonitor(const QList<QWindowsScreen *> &screens,
const QString &monitorName)
for (int i= 0; i < screens.size(); ++i)
if (>data().name == monitorName)
return i;
return -1;
static inline int indexOfMonitor(const QList<QWindowsScreenData> &screenData,
const QString &monitorName)
for (int i = 0; i < screenData.size(); ++i)
if ( == monitorName)
return i;
return -1;
// Move a window to a new virtual screen, accounting for varying sizes.
static void moveToVirtualScreen(QWindow *w, const QScreen *newScreen)
QRect geometry = w->geometry();
const QRect oldScreenGeometry = w->screen()->geometry();
const QRect newScreenGeometry = newScreen->geometry();
QPoint relativePosition = geometry.topLeft() - oldScreenGeometry.topLeft();
if (oldScreenGeometry.size() != newScreenGeometry.size()) {
const qreal factor =
qreal(QPoint(newScreenGeometry.width(), newScreenGeometry.height()).manhattanLength()) /
qreal(QPoint(oldScreenGeometry.width(), oldScreenGeometry.height()).manhattanLength());
relativePosition = (QPointF(relativePosition) * factor).toPoint();
void QWindowsScreenManager::removeScreen(int index)
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) << "Removing Monitor:" <<>data();
QScreen *screen =>screen();
QScreen *primaryScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
// QTBUG-38650: When a screen is disconnected, Windows will automatically
// move the Window to another screen. This will trigger a geometry change
// event, but unfortunately after the screen destruction signal. To prevent
// QtGui from automatically hiding the QWindow, pretend all Windows move to
// the primary screen first (which is likely the correct, final screen).
// QTBUG-39320: Windows does not automatically move WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW (dock) windows;
// move those manually.
if (screen != primaryScreen) {
unsigned movedWindowCount = 0;
const QWindowList tlws = QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows();
for (QWindow *w : tlws) {
if (w->screen() == screen && w->handle() && w->type() != Qt::Desktop) {
if (w->isVisible() && w->windowState() != Qt::WindowMinimized
&& (QWindowsWindow::baseWindowOf(w)->exStyle() & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
moveToVirtualScreen(w, primaryScreen);
} else {
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged(w, primaryScreen);
if (movedWindowCount)
\brief Synchronizes the screen list, adds new screens, removes deleted
ones and propagates resolution changes to QWindowSystemInterface.
bool QWindowsScreenManager::handleScreenChanges()
// Look for changed monitors, add new ones
const WindowsScreenDataList newDataList = monitorData();
const bool lockScreen = newDataList.size() == 1 && (newDataList.front().flags & QWindowsScreenData::LockScreen);
bool primaryScreenChanged = false;
for (const QWindowsScreenData &newData : newDataList) {
const int existingIndex = indexOfMonitor(m_screens,;
if (existingIndex != -1) {>handleChanges(newData);
if (existingIndex == 0)
primaryScreenChanged = true;
} else {
auto *newScreen = new QWindowsScreen(newData);
newData.flags & QWindowsScreenData::PrimaryScreen);
qCDebug(lcQpaWindows) << "New Monitor: " << newData;
} // exists
} // for new screens.
// Remove deleted ones but keep main monitors if we get only the
// temporary lock screen to avoid window recreation (QTBUG-33062).
if (!lockScreen) {
for (int i = m_screens.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (indexOfMonitor(newDataList,>data().name) == -1)
} // for existing screens
} // not lock screen
if (primaryScreenChanged)
return true;
void QWindowsScreenManager::clearScreens()
// Delete screens in reverse order to avoid crash in case of multiple screens
while (!m_screens.isEmpty())
const QWindowsScreen *QWindowsScreenManager::screenAtDp(const QPoint &p) const
for (QWindowsScreen *scr : m_screens) {
if (scr->geometry().contains(p))
return scr;
return nullptr;
const QWindowsScreen *QWindowsScreenManager::screenForHwnd(HWND hwnd) const
HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL);
if (hMonitor == nullptr)
return nullptr;
const auto it =
std::find_if(m_screens.cbegin(), m_screens.cend(),
[hMonitor](const QWindowsScreen *s)
return s->data().hMonitor == hMonitor
&& (s->data().flags & QWindowsScreenData::VirtualDesktop) != 0;
return it != m_screens.cend() ? *it : nullptr;