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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtBluetooth module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qbluetoothlocaldevice.h"
#include "qbluetoothlocaldevice_p.h"
#include "qbluetoothaddress.h"
#include <QtCore/QString>
\class QBluetoothLocalDevice
\inmodule QtBluetooth
\brief The QBluetoothLocalDevice class enables access to the local Bluetooth
\since 5.2
QBluetoothLocalDevice provides functions for getting and setting the state of local Bluetooth
On iOS and Windows, this class cannot be used because the platform does not expose
any data or API which may provide information on the local Bluetooth device.
\enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing
This enum describes the pairing state between the two Bluetooth devices.
\value Unpaired The Bluetooth devices are not paired.
\value Paired The Bluetooth devices are paired. The system will prompt the user for
authorization when the remote device initiates a connection to the
local device.
\value AuthorizedPaired The Bluetooth devices are paired. The system will not prompt the user
for authorization when the remote device initiates a connection to the
local device.
\enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::Error
This enum describes errors that maybe returned
\value NoError No known error
\value PairingError Error in pairing
\value UnknownError Unknown error
\enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode
This enum describes the most of the local Bluetooth device.
\value HostPoweredOff Power off the device
\value HostConnectable Remote Bluetooth devices can connect to the local Bluetooth device
if they have previously been paired with it or otherwise know its address. This powers up the
device if it was powered off.
\value HostDiscoverable Remote Bluetooth devices can discover the presence of the local
Bluetooth device. The device will also be connectable, and powered on. On Android, this mode can only be active
for a maximum of 5 minutes.
\value HostDiscoverableLimitedInquiry Remote Bluetooth devices can discover the presence of the local
Bluetooth device when performing a limited inquiry. This should be used for locating services that are
only made discoverable for a limited period of time. This can speed up discovery between gaming devices,
as service discovery can be skipped on devices not in LimitedInquiry mode. In this mode, the device will
be connectable and powered on, if required. This mode is is not supported on Android.
On \macos, it is not possible to set the \l hostMode() to HostConnectable or HostPoweredOff.
void registerQBluetoothLocalDeviceMetaType()
static bool initDone = false;
if (!initDone) {
initDone = true;
Destroys the QBluetoothLocalDevice.
delete d_ptr;
Returns \c true if the QBluetoothLocalDevice represents an available local Bluetooth device;
otherwise return false.
If the local Bluetooth adapter represented by an instance of this class
is removed from the system (e.g. removal of the underlying Bluetooth dongle)
then this instance will become invalid. An already invalid QBluetoothLocalDevice instance
remains invalid even if the same Bluetooth adapter is returned to
the system.
\sa allDevices()
bool QBluetoothLocalDevice::isValid() const
if (d_ptr)
return d_ptr->isValid();
return false;
\fn void QBluetoothLocalDevice::setHostMode(QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode mode)
Sets the host mode of this local Bluetooth device to \a mode.
\note Due to varying security policies on the supported platforms, this method may have
differing behaviors on the various platforms. For example the system may ask the user for
confirmation before turning Bluetooth on or off and not all host modes may be supported.
On \macos, it is not possbile to programmatically change the \l hostMode().
A user can only switch Bluetooth on/off in the System Preferences.
Please refer to the platform specific Bluetooth documentation for details.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode QBluetoothLocalDevice::hostMode() const
Returns the current host mode of this local Bluetooth device. On \macos, it is either
HostPoweredOff or HostConnectable.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::name() const
Returns the name assgined by the user to this Bluetooth device.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::address() const
Returns the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
\note On Android, this function always returns the constant
value \c {02:00:00:00:00:00} as local address starting with Android 6.0.
The programmatic access to the device's local MAC address was removed.
\fn QList<QBluetoothLocalDevice> QBluetoothLocalDevice::allDevices()
Returns a list of all available local Bluetooth devices. On \macos, there is
only the "default" local device.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::powerOn()
Powers on the device after returning it to the hostMode() state, if it was powered off.
\note Due to varying security policies on the supported platforms, this method may have
differing behaviors on the various platforms. For example
the system may ask the user for confirmation before turning Bluetooth on or off.
On \macos it is not possible to power on/off Bluetooth.
Please refer to the platform specific Bluetooth documentation for details.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::QBluetoothLocalDevice(QObject *parent)
Constructs a QBluetoothLocalDevice with \a parent.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::hostModeStateChanged(QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode state)
The \a state of the host has transitioned to a different HostMode.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::deviceConnected(const QBluetoothAddress &address)
\since 5.3
This signal is emitted when the local device establishes a connection to a remote device
with \a address.
\sa deviceDisconnected(), connectedDevices()
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::deviceDisconnected(const QBluetoothAddress &address)
\since 5.3
This signal is emitted when the local device disconnects from a remote Bluetooth device
with \a address.
\sa deviceConnected(), connectedDevices()
\fn QList<QBluetoothAddress> QBluetoothLocalDevice::connectedDevices() const
\since 5.3
Returns the list of connected devices. This list is different from the list of currently
paired devices.
On Android and \macos, it is not possible to retrieve a list of connected devices. It is only possible to
listen to (dis)connect changes. For convenience, this class monitors all connect
and disconnect events since its instanciation and returns the current list when calling this function.
Therefore it is possible that this function returns an empty list shortly after creating an
\sa deviceConnected(), deviceDisconnected()
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingStatus(const QBluetoothAddress &address) const
Returns the current bluetooth pairing status of \a address, if it's unpaired, paired, or paired and authorized.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingDisplayConfirmation(const QBluetoothAddress &address, QString pin)
Signal by some platforms to display a pairing confirmation dialog for \a address. The user
is asked to confirm the \a pin is the same on both devices. The \l pairingConfirmation() function
must be called to indicate if the user accepts or rejects the displayed pin.
This signal is only emitted for pairing requests issues by calling \l requestPairing().
On \macos, this method never gets called - there is a callback with a PIN (IOBluetooth),
but it expects immediate reply yes/no - and there is no time to show any dialog or compare PINs.
\sa pairingConfirmation()
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingConfirmation(bool confirmation)
To be called after getting a pairingDisplayConfirmation(). The \a confirmation parameter either
accepts the pairing or rejects it.
Accepting a pairing always refers to the last pairing request issued via \l requestPairing().
\note This function requires BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED permission on Android which is generally not
obtainable for 3rdparty. Android's default handler for pairing requests will do this on behalf
of the user and the application can ignore this call. Nevertheless the proper Android calls are made
in case the application does have the required permissions.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingDisplayPinCode(const QBluetoothAddress &address, QString pin)
Signal by some platforms to display the \a pin to the user for \a address. The pin is automatically
generated, and does not need to be confirmed.
This signal is only emitted for pairing requests issues by calling \l requestPairing().
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::requestPairing(const QBluetoothAddress &address, Pairing pairing)
Set the \a pairing status with \a address. The results are returned by the signal, pairingFinished().
On Android and \macos, AuthorizedPaired is not possible and will have the same behavior as Paired.
On \macos, it is not possible to unpair a device. If Unpaired is requested, \l pairingFinished()
is immediately emitted although the device remains paired. It is possible to request the pairing
for a previously unpaired device. In addition \l AuthorizedPaired has the same behavior as \l Paired.
Caution: creating a pairing may take minutes, and may require the user to acknowledge.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingFinished(const QBluetoothAddress &address, QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing pairing)
Pairing or unpairing has completed with \a address. Current pairing status is in \a pairing.
If the pairing request was not successful, this signal will not be emitted. The error() signal
is emitted if the pairing request failed. The signal is only ever emitted for pairing requests
which have previously requested by calling \l requestPairing() of the current object instance.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::error(QBluetoothLocalDevice::Error error)
Signal emitted if there's an exceptional \a error while pairing.
\fn QBluetoothLocalDevice::QBluetoothLocalDevice(const QBluetoothAddress &address, QObject *parent = 0)
Construct new QBluetoothLocalDevice for \a address. If \a address is default constructed
the resulting local device selects the local default device.
#include "moc_qbluetoothlocaldevice.cpp"