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#ifndef QSGD3D12ENGINE_P_H
#define QSGD3D12ENGINE_P_H
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QWindow>
#include <QImage>
#include <QVector4D>
#include <qsggeometry.h>
#include <qsgrendererinterface.h>
#include <qt_windows.h>
// No D3D or COM headers must be pulled in here. All that has to be isolated
// to engine_p_p.h and engine.cpp.
class QSGD3D12EnginePrivate;
// Shader bytecode and other strings are expected to be static so that a
// different pointer means a different shader.
enum QSGD3D12Format {
FmtUnknown = 0,
FmtFloat4 = 2, // DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT
FmtFloat3 = 6, // DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT
FmtFloat2 = 16, // DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT
FmtFloat = 41, // DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT
// glVertexAttribPointer with GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE and normalized == true maps to the UNORM formats below
FmtUNormByte4 = 28, // DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
FmtUNormByte2 = 49, // DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM
FmtUNormByte = 61, // DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM
// Index data types
FmtUnsignedShort = 57, // DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT
FmtUnsignedInt = 42 // DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT
struct QSGD3D12InputElement
const char *semanticName = nullptr;
int semanticIndex = 0;
QSGD3D12Format format = FmtFloat4;
quint32 slot = 0;
quint32 offset = 0;
bool operator==(const QSGD3D12InputElement &other) const {
return semanticName == other.semanticName && semanticIndex == other.semanticIndex
&& format == other.format && slot == other.slot && offset == other.offset;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12InputElement &key, uint seed = 0)
return qHash(key.semanticName, seed) + key.semanticIndex + key.format + key.offset;
struct QSGD3D12TextureView
enum Filter {
FilterNearest = 0,
FilterLinear = 0x15,
FilterMinMagNearestMipLinear = 0x1,
FilterMinMagLinearMipNearest = 0x14
enum AddressMode {
AddressWrap = 1,
AddressClamp = 3
Filter filter = FilterLinear;
AddressMode addressModeHoriz = AddressClamp;
AddressMode addressModeVert = AddressClamp;
bool operator==(const QSGD3D12TextureView &other) const {
return filter == other.filter
&& addressModeHoriz == other.addressModeHoriz
&& addressModeVert == other.addressModeVert;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12TextureView &key, uint seed = 0)
return key.filter + key.addressModeHoriz + key.addressModeVert;
const int QSGD3D12_MAX_TEXTURE_VIEWS = 8;
struct QSGD3D12RootSignature
int textureViewCount = 0;
QSGD3D12TextureView textureViews[QSGD3D12_MAX_TEXTURE_VIEWS];
bool operator==(const QSGD3D12RootSignature &other) const {
if (textureViewCount != other.textureViewCount)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < textureViewCount; ++i)
if (!(textureViews[i] == other.textureViews[i]))
return false;
return true;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12RootSignature &key, uint seed = 0)
return key.textureViewCount + (key.textureViewCount > 0 ? qHash(key.textureViews[0], seed) : 0);
// Shader bytecode blobs and root signature-related data.
struct QSGD3D12ShaderState
const quint8 *vs = nullptr;
quint32 vsSize = 0;
const quint8 *ps = nullptr;
quint32 psSize = 0;
QSGD3D12RootSignature rootSig;
bool operator==(const QSGD3D12ShaderState &other) const {
return vs == other.vs && vsSize == other.vsSize
&& ps == && psSize == other.psSize
&& rootSig == other.rootSig;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12ShaderState &key, uint seed = 0)
return qHash(key.vs, seed) + key.vsSize + qHash(, seed) + key.psSize + qHash(key.rootSig, seed);
const int QSGD3D12_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS = 8;
struct QSGD3D12PipelineState
enum CullMode {
CullNone = 1,
enum CompareFunc {
CompareNever = 1,
enum StencilOp {
StencilKeep = 1,
enum TopologyType {
TopologyTypePoint = 1,
enum BlendType {
QSGD3D12ShaderState shaders;
int inputElementCount = 0;
QSGD3D12InputElement inputElements[QSGD3D12_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS];
CullMode cullMode = CullNone;
bool frontCCW = true;
bool colorWrite = true;
BlendType blend = BlendNone;
bool depthEnable = true;
CompareFunc depthFunc = CompareLess;
bool depthWrite = true;
bool stencilEnable = false;
CompareFunc stencilFunc = CompareEqual;
StencilOp stencilFailOp = StencilKeep;
StencilOp stencilDepthFailOp = StencilKeep;
StencilOp stencilPassOp = StencilKeep;
TopologyType topologyType = TopologyTypeTriangle;
bool operator==(const QSGD3D12PipelineState &other) const {
bool eq = shaders == other.shaders
&& inputElementCount == other.inputElementCount
&& cullMode == other.cullMode
&& frontCCW == other.frontCCW
&& colorWrite == other.colorWrite
&& blend == other.blend
&& depthEnable == other.depthEnable
&& (!depthEnable || depthFunc == other.depthFunc)
&& depthWrite == other.depthWrite
&& stencilEnable == other.stencilEnable
&& (!stencilEnable || stencilFunc == other.stencilFunc)
&& (!stencilEnable || stencilFailOp == other.stencilFailOp)
&& (!stencilEnable || stencilDepthFailOp == other.stencilDepthFailOp)
&& (!stencilEnable || stencilPassOp == other.stencilPassOp)
&& topologyType == other.topologyType;
if (eq) {
for (int i = 0; i < inputElementCount; ++i) {
if (!(inputElements[i] == other.inputElements[i])) {
eq = false;
return eq;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12PipelineState &key, uint seed = 0)
return qHash(key.shaders, seed) + key.inputElementCount
+ key.cullMode + key.frontCCW
+ key.colorWrite + key.blend
+ key.depthEnable + key.depthWrite
+ key.stencilEnable
+ key.topologyType;
class QSGD3D12Engine
bool attachToWindow(WId window, const QSize &size, float dpr, int surfaceFormatSamples, bool alpha);
void releaseResources();
bool hasResources() const;
void setWindowSize(const QSize &size, float dpr);
WId window() const;
QSize windowSize() const;
float windowDevicePixelRatio() const;
uint windowSamples() const;
void beginFrame();
void endFrame();
void beginLayer();
void endLayer();
void invalidateCachedFrameState();
void restoreFrameState(bool minimal = false);
uint genBuffer();
void releaseBuffer(uint id);
void resetBuffer(uint id, const quint8 *data, int size);
void markBufferDirty(uint id, int offset, int size);
enum ClearFlag {
ClearDepth = 0x1,
ClearStencil = 0x2
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ClearFlags, ClearFlag)
void queueViewport(const QRect &rect);
void queueScissor(const QRect &rect);
void queueSetRenderTarget(uint id = 0);
void queueClearRenderTarget(const QColor &color);
void queueClearDepthStencil(float depthValue, quint8 stencilValue, ClearFlags which);
void queueSetBlendFactor(const QVector4D &factor);
void queueSetStencilRef(quint32 ref);
void finalizePipeline(const QSGD3D12PipelineState &pipelineState);
struct DrawParams {
QSGGeometry::DrawingMode mode = QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles;
int count = 0;
uint vertexBuf = 0;
uint indexBuf = 0;
uint constantBuf = 0;
int vboOffset = 0;
int vboSize = 0;
int vboStride = 0;
int cboOffset = 0;
int startIndexIndex = -1;
QSGD3D12Format indexFormat = FmtUnsignedShort;
void queueDraw(const DrawParams &params);
void present();
void waitGPU();
static quint32 alignedConstantBufferSize(quint32 size);
static QSGD3D12Format toDXGIFormat(QSGGeometry::Type sgtype, int tupleSize = 1, int *size = nullptr);
static int mipMapLevels(const QSize &size);
static QSize mipMapAdjustedSourceSize(const QSize &size);
enum TextureCreateFlag {
TextureWithAlpha = 0x01,
TextureWithMipMaps = 0x02,
TextureAlways32Bit = 0x04
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TextureCreateFlags, TextureCreateFlag)
enum TextureUploadFlag {
TextureUploadAlways32Bit = 0x01
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TextureUploadFlags, TextureUploadFlag)
uint genTexture();
void createTexture(uint id, const QSize &size, QImage::Format format, TextureCreateFlags flags);
void queueTextureResize(uint id, const QSize &size);
void queueTextureUpload(uint id, const QImage &image, const QPoint &dstPos = QPoint(), TextureUploadFlags flags = 0);
void queueTextureUpload(uint id, const QVector<QImage> &images, const QVector<QPoint> &dstPos, TextureUploadFlags flags = 0);
void releaseTexture(uint id);
void useTexture(uint id);
uint genRenderTarget();
void createRenderTarget(uint id, const QSize &size, const QVector4D &clearColor, uint samples);
void releaseRenderTarget(uint id);
void useRenderTargetAsTexture(uint id);
uint activeRenderTarget() const;
QImage executeAndWaitReadbackRenderTarget(uint id = 0);
void simulateDeviceLoss();
void *getResource(QQuickWindow *window, QSGRendererInterface::Resource resource) const;
QSGD3D12EnginePrivate *d;
#endif // QSGD3D12ENGINE_P_H