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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#ifndef QSGD3D12ENGINE_P_P_H
#define QSGD3D12ENGINE_P_P_H
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include "qsgd3d12engine_p.h"
#include <QCache>
#include <d3d12.h>
#include <dxgi1_4.h>
#include <dcomp.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
// No moc-related features (Q_OBJECT, signals, etc.) can be used here to due
// moc-generated code failing to compile when combined with COM stuff.
// Recommended reading before moving further:
// Note esp. operator= vs. Attach and operator& vs. GetAddressOf
// ID3D12* is never passed to Qt containers directly. Always use ComPtr and put it into a struct.
class QSGD3D12CPUDescriptorHeapManager
void initialize(ID3D12Device *device);
void releaseResources();
void release(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle, D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE type);
quint32 handleSize(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE type) const { return m_handleSizes[type]; }
ID3D12Device *m_device = nullptr;
struct Heap {
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> heap;
quint32 handleSize;
quint32 freeMap[8];
QVector<Heap> m_heaps;
quint32 m_handleSizes[D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_NUM_TYPES];
class QSGD3D12DeviceManager
ID3D12Device *ref();
void unref();
void deviceLossDetected();
IDXGIFactory4 *dxgi();
struct DeviceLossObserver {
virtual void deviceLost() = 0;
virtual ~DeviceLossObserver() = default;
void registerDeviceLossObserver(DeviceLossObserver *observer);
void ensureCreated();
ComPtr<ID3D12Device> m_device;
ComPtr<IDXGIFactory4> m_factory;
QAtomicInt m_ref;
QVector<DeviceLossObserver *> m_observers;
struct QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence
~QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence() {
if (event)
ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> fence;
HANDLE event = nullptr;
QAtomicInt value;
class QSGD3D12EnginePrivate : public QSGD3D12DeviceManager::DeviceLossObserver
void initialize(WId w, const QSize &size, float dpr, int surfaceFormatSamples, bool alpha);
bool isInitialized() const { return initialized; }
void releaseResources();
void setWindowSize(const QSize &size, float dpr);
WId currentWindow() const { return window; }
QSize currentWindowSize() const { return windowSize; }
float currentWindowDpr() const { return windowDpr; }
uint currentWindowSamples() const { return windowSamples; }
void beginFrame();
void endFrame();
void beginLayer();
void endLayer();
void invalidateCachedFrameState();
void restoreFrameState(bool minimal = false);
uint genBuffer();
void releaseBuffer(uint id);
void resetBuffer(uint id, const quint8 *data, int size);
void markBufferDirty(uint id, int offset, int size);
void queueViewport(const QRect &rect);
void queueScissor(const QRect &rect);
void queueSetRenderTarget(uint id);
void queueClearRenderTarget(const QColor &color);
void queueClearDepthStencil(float depthValue, quint8 stencilValue, QSGD3D12Engine::ClearFlags which);
void queueSetBlendFactor(const QVector4D &factor);
void queueSetStencilRef(quint32 ref);
void finalizePipeline(const QSGD3D12PipelineState &pipelineState);
void queueDraw(const QSGD3D12Engine::DrawParams &params);
void present();
void waitGPU();
uint genTexture();
void createTexture(uint id, const QSize &size, QImage::Format format, QSGD3D12Engine::TextureCreateFlags flags);
void queueTextureResize(uint id, const QSize &size);
void queueTextureUpload(uint id, const QVector<QImage> &images, const QVector<QPoint> &dstPos,
QSGD3D12Engine::TextureUploadFlags flags);
void releaseTexture(uint id);
void useTexture(uint id);
uint genRenderTarget();
void createRenderTarget(uint id, const QSize &size, const QVector4D &clearColor, uint samples);
void releaseRenderTarget(uint id);
void useRenderTargetAsTexture(uint id);
uint activeRenderTarget() const { return currentRenderTarget; }
QImage executeAndWaitReadbackRenderTarget(uint id);
void simulateDeviceLoss();
void *getResource(QSGRendererInterface::Resource resource) const;
// the device is intentionally hidden here. all resources have to go
// through the engine and, unlike with GL, cannot just be created in random
// places due to the need for proper tracking, managing and releasing.
void ensureDevice();
void setupDefaultRenderTargets();
void deviceLost() override;
bool createCbvSrvUavHeap(int pframeIndex, int descriptorCount);
void setDescriptorHeaps(bool force = false);
void ensureGPUDescriptorHeap(int cbvSrvUavDescriptorCount);
DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC makeSampleDesc(DXGI_FORMAT format, uint samples);
ID3D12Resource *createColorBuffer(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE viewHandle, const QSize &size,
const QVector4D &clearColor, uint samples);
ID3D12Resource *createDepthStencil(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE viewHandle, const QSize &size, uint samples);
QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence *createCPUWaitableFence() const;
void waitForGPU(QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence *f) const;
void transitionResource(ID3D12Resource *resource, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *commandList,
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES before, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES after) const;
void resolveMultisampledTarget(ID3D12Resource *msaa, ID3D12Resource *resolve, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES resolveUsage,
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *commandList) const;
void uavBarrier(ID3D12Resource *resource, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *commandList) const;
ID3D12Resource *createBuffer(int size);
typedef QVector<QPair<int, int> > DirtyList;
void addDirtyRange(DirtyList *dirty, int offset, int size, int bufferSize);
struct PersistentFrameData {
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> gpuCbvSrvUavHeap;
int gpuCbvSrvUavHeapSize;
int cbvSrvUavNextFreeDescriptorIndex;
QSet<uint> pendingTextureUploads;
QSet<uint> pendingTextureMipMap;
struct DeleteQueueEntry {
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> res;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> descHeap;
SIZE_T cpuDescriptorPtr = 0;
QVector<DeleteQueueEntry> deleteQueue;
QVector<DeleteQueueEntry> outOfFrameDeleteQueue;
QSet<uint> buffersUsedInDrawCallSet;
QSet<uint> buffersUsedInFrame;
struct PendingRelease {
enum Type {
Type type = TypeTexture;
uint id = 0;
PendingRelease(Type type, uint id) : type(type), id(id) { }
PendingRelease() { }
bool operator==(const PendingRelease &other) const { return type == other.type && id ==; }
QSet<PendingRelease> pendingReleases;
QSet<PendingRelease> outOfFramePendingReleases;
friend uint qHash(const PersistentFrameData::PendingRelease &pr, uint seed);
void deferredDelete(ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> res);
void deferredDelete(ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> dh);
void deferredDelete(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE h, D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE type);
struct Buffer;
void ensureBuffer(Buffer *buf);
void updateBuffer(Buffer *buf);
void beginDrawCalls();
void beginFrameDraw();
void endDrawCalls(bool lastInFrame = false);
static const int MAX_SWAP_CHAIN_BUFFER_COUNT = 4;
static const int MAX_FRAME_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT = 4;
bool initialized = false;
bool inFrame = false;
WId window = 0;
QSize windowSize;
float windowDpr;
uint windowSamples;
bool windowAlpha;
int swapChainBufferCount;
int frameInFlightCount;
int waitableSwapChainMaxLatency;
ID3D12Device *device;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> commandQueue;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> copyCommandQueue;
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain3> swapChain;
HANDLE swapEvent;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> backBufferRT[MAX_SWAP_CHAIN_BUFFER_COUNT];
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> defaultRT[MAX_SWAP_CHAIN_BUFFER_COUNT];
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> defaultDS;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> frameCommandAllocator[MAX_FRAME_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT];
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> copyCommandAllocator;
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> frameCommandList;
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> copyCommandList;
QSGD3D12CPUDescriptorHeapManager cpuDescHeapManager;
quint64 presentFrameIndex;
quint64 frameIndex;
QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence *presentFence = nullptr;
QSGD3D12CPUWaitableFence *frameFence[MAX_FRAME_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT];
PersistentFrameData pframeData[MAX_FRAME_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT];
int currentPFrameIndex;
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *commandList = nullptr;
int activeLayers = 0;
int currentLayerDepth = 0;
struct PSOCacheEntry {
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> pso;
QCache<QSGD3D12PipelineState, PSOCacheEntry> psoCache;
struct RootSigCacheEntry {
ComPtr<ID3D12RootSignature> rootSig;
QCache<QSGD3D12RootSignature, RootSigCacheEntry> rootSigCache;
struct Texture {
enum Flag {
EntryInUse = 0x01,
Alpha = 0x02,
MipMap = 0x04
int flags = 0;
bool entryInUse() const { return flags & EntryInUse; }
bool alpha() const { return flags & Alpha; }
bool mipmap() const { return flags & MipMap; }
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> texture;
quint64 fenceValue = 0;
quint64 lastWaitFenceValue = 0;
struct StagingHeap {
ComPtr<ID3D12Heap> heap;
QVector<StagingHeap> stagingHeaps;
struct StagingBuffer {
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> buffer;
QVector<StagingBuffer> stagingBuffers;
QVector<Texture> textures;
ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> textureUploadFence;
QAtomicInt nextTextureUploadFenceValue;
struct TransientFrameData {
QSGGeometry::DrawingMode drawingMode;
uint currentIndexBuffer;
struct ActiveTexture {
enum Type {
Type type = TypeTexture;
uint id = 0;
ActiveTexture(Type type, uint id) : type(type), id(id) { }
ActiveTexture() { }
int activeTextureCount;
ActiveTexture activeTextures[QSGD3D12_MAX_TEXTURE_VIEWS];
int drawCount;
ID3D12PipelineState *lastPso;
ID3D12RootSignature *lastRootSig;
bool descHeapSet;
QRect viewport;
QRect scissor;
QVector4D blendFactor = QVector4D(1, 1, 1, 1);
quint32 stencilRef = 1;
QSGD3D12PipelineState pipelineState;
TransientFrameData tframeData;
struct MipMapGen {
bool initialize(QSGD3D12EnginePrivate *enginePriv);
void releaseResources();
void queueGenerate(const Texture &t);
QSGD3D12EnginePrivate *engine;
ComPtr<ID3D12RootSignature> rootSig;
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> pipelineState;
MipMapGen mipmapper;
struct RenderTarget {
enum Flag {
EntryInUse = 0x01,
NeedsReadBarrier = 0x02,
Multisample = 0x04
int flags = 0;
bool entryInUse() const { return flags & EntryInUse; }
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> color;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> colorResolve;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> ds;
QVector<RenderTarget> renderTargets;
uint currentRenderTarget;
struct CPUBufferRef {
const quint8 *p = nullptr;
quint32 size = 0;
DirtyList dirty;
CPUBufferRef() { dirty.reserve(16); }
struct Buffer {
enum Flag {
EntryInUse = 0x01
int flags = 0;
bool entryInUse() const { return flags & EntryInUse; }
struct InFlightData {
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> buffer;
DirtyList dirty;
quint32 dataSize = 0;
quint32 resourceSize = 0;
InFlightData() { dirty.reserve(16); }
CPUBufferRef cpuDataRef;
QVector<Buffer> buffers;
struct DeviceLossTester {
bool initialize(QSGD3D12EnginePrivate *enginePriv);
void releaseResources();
void killDevice();
QSGD3D12EnginePrivate *engine;
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> computeState;
ComPtr<ID3D12RootSignature> computeRootSignature;
DeviceLossTester devLossTest;
#ifndef Q_OS_WINRT
ComPtr<IDCompositionDevice> dcompDevice;
ComPtr<IDCompositionTarget> dcompTarget;
ComPtr<IDCompositionVisual> dcompVisual;
inline uint qHash(const QSGD3D12EnginePrivate::PersistentFrameData::PendingRelease &pr, uint seed = 0)
return + pr.type;