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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qsggeometry.h"
#include "qsggeometry_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
# include <qopenglcontext.h>
# include <qopenglfunctions.h>
# include <private/qopenglextensions_p.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_QNX
#include <malloc.h>
QSGGeometry::Attribute QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(int attributeIndex, int tupleSize, int primitiveType, bool isPrimitive)
Attribute a = { attributeIndex, tupleSize, primitiveType, isPrimitive, UnknownAttribute, 0 };
return a;
QSGGeometry::Attribute QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(int pos, int tupleSize, int primitiveType, AttributeType attributeType)
Attribute a;
a.position = pos;
a.tupleSize = tupleSize;
a.type = primitiveType;
a.isVertexCoordinate = attributeType == PositionAttribute;
a.attributeType = attributeType;
a.reserved = 0;
return a;
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for 2D solid
color drawing.
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D()
static Attribute data[] = {
Attribute::createWithAttributeType(0, 2, FloatType, PositionAttribute)
static AttributeSet attrs = { 1, sizeof(float) * 2, data };
return attrs;
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for textured 2D drawing.
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D()
static Attribute data[] = {
Attribute::createWithAttributeType(0, 2, FloatType, PositionAttribute),
Attribute::createWithAttributeType(1, 2, FloatType, TexCoordAttribute)
static AttributeSet attrs = { 2, sizeof(float) * 4, data };
return attrs;
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for per vertex colored 2D drawing.
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_ColoredPoint2D()
static Attribute data[] = {
Attribute::createWithAttributeType(0, 2, FloatType, PositionAttribute),
Attribute::createWithAttributeType(1, 4, UnsignedByteType, ColorAttribute)
static AttributeSet attrs = { 2, 2 * sizeof(float) + 4 * sizeof(char), data };
return attrs;
\class QSGGeometry::Attribute
\brief The QSGGeometry::Attribute describes a single vertex attribute in a QSGGeometry.
\inmodule QtQuick
The QSGGeometry::Attribute struct describes the attribute register position,
the size of the attribute tuple and the attribute type.
It also contains a hint to the renderer if this attribute is the attribute
describing the position. The scene graph renderer may use this information
to perform optimizations.
It contains a number of bits which are reserved for future use.
\sa QSGGeometry
\fn QSGGeometry::Attribute QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(int pos, int tupleSize, int primitiveType, bool isPosition)
Creates a new QSGGeometry::Attribute for attribute register \a pos with \a
tupleSize. The \a primitiveType can be any of the supported types from
QSGGeometry::Type, such as QSGGeometry::FloatType or
If the attribute describes the position for the vertex, the \a isPosition
hint should be set to \c true. The scene graph renderer may use this
information to perform optimizations.
\note Scene graph backends for APIs other than OpenGL may require an
accurate description of attributes' usage, and therefore it is recommended
to use createWithAttributeType() instead.
Use the create function to construct the attribute, rather than an
initialization list, to ensure that all fields are initialized.
\fn QSGGeometry::Attribute QSGGeometry::Attribute::createWithAttributeType(int pos, int tupleSize, int primitiveType, AttributeType attributeType)
Creates a new QSGGeometry::Attribute for attribute register \a pos with \a
tupleSize. The \a primitiveType can be any of the supported types from
QSGGeometry::Type, such as QSGGeometry::FloatType or
\a attributeType describes the intended use of the attribute.
Use the create function to construct the attribute, rather than an
initialization list, to ensure that all fields are initialized.
\class QSGGeometry::AttributeSet
\brief The QSGGeometry::AttributeSet describes how the vertices in a QSGGeometry
are built up.
\inmodule QtQuick
\sa QSGGeometry
\class QSGGeometry::Point2D
\brief The QSGGeometry::Point2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing
2D Points.
\inmodule QtQuick
\fn void QSGGeometry::Point2D::set(float x, float y)
Sets the x and y values of this point to \a x and \a y.
\class QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D
\brief The QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing
2D Points with a color.
\inmodule QtQuick
\fn void QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D::set(float x, float y, uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha)
Sets the position of the vertex to \a x and \a y and the color to \a red, \a
green, \a blue, and \a alpha.
\class QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D
\brief The QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing
2D Points with texture coordinates.
\inmodule QtQuick
\fn void QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D::set(float x, float y, float tx, float ty)
Sets the position of the vertex to \a x and \a y and the texture coordinate
to \a tx and \a ty.
\class QSGGeometry
\brief The QSGGeometry class provides low-level
storage for graphics primitives in the \l{Qt Quick Scene Graph}.
\inmodule QtQuick
The QSGGeometry class stores the geometry of the primitives
rendered with the scene graph. It contains vertex data and
optionally index data. The mode used to draw the geometry is
specified with setDrawingMode(), which maps directly to the graphics API's
drawing mode, such as \c GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, \c GL_TRIANGLES, or
\c GL_POINTS in case of OpenGL.
Vertices can be as simple as points defined by x and y values or
can be more complex where each vertex contains a normal, texture
coordinates and a 3D position. The QSGGeometry::AttributeSet is
used to describe how the vertex data is built up. The attribute
set can only be specified on construction. The QSGGeometry class
provides a few convenience attributes and attribute sets by
default. The defaultAttributes_Point2D() function returns an
attribute set to be used in normal solid color rectangles, while
the defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D function returns attributes
to be used for textured 2D geometry. The vertex data is internally
stored as a \c {void *} and is accessible with the vertexData()
function. Convenience accessors for the common attribute sets are
available with vertexDataAsPoint2D() and
vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D(). Vertex data is allocated by passing
a vertex count to the constructor or by calling allocate() later.
The QSGGeometry can optionally contain indices of either unsigned
32-bit, unsigned 16-bit, or unsigned 8-bit integers. The index type
must be specified during construction and cannot be changed.
Below is a snippet illustrating how a geometry composed of
position and color vertices can be built.
struct MyPoint2D {
float x;
float y;
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
void set(float x_, float y_, float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_) {
x = x_;
y = y_;
r = r_;
g = g_;
b = b_;
a = a_;
QSGGeometry::Attribute MyPoint2D_Attributes[] = {
QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, true),
QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(1, 4, GL_FLOAT, false)
QSGGeometry::AttributeSet MyPoint2D_AttributeSet = {
geometry = new QSGGeometry(MyPoint2D_AttributeSet, 2);
MyPoint2D *vertices = static_cast<MyPoint2D *>(geometry->vertexData());
vertices[0].set(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
vertices[1].set(width(), height(), 0, 0, 1, 1);
The QSGGeometry is a software buffer and client-side in terms of
OpenGL rendering, as the buffers used in 2D graphics typically consist of
many small buffers that change every frame and do not benefit from
being uploaded to graphics memory. However, the QSGGeometry
supports hinting to the renderer that a buffer should be
uploaded using the setVertexDataPattern() and
setIndexDataPattern() functions. Whether this hint is respected or
not is implementation specific.
\sa QSGGeometryNode, {Scene Graph - Custom Geometry}
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
\fn int QSGGeometry::attributeCount() const
Returns the number of attributes in the attrbute set used by this geometry.
\fn QSGGeometry::Attribute *QSGGeometry::attributes() const
Returns an array with the attributes of this geometry. The size of the array
is given with attributeCount().
\fn uint *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUInt()
Convenience function to access the index data as a mutable array of
32-bit unsigned integers.
\fn const uint *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUInt() const
Convenience function to access the index data as an immutable array of
32-bit unsigned integers.
\fn quint16 *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUShort()
Convenience function to access the index data as a mutable array of
16-bit unsigned integers.
\fn const quint16 *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUShort() const
Convenience function to access the index data as an immutable array of
16-bit unsigned integers.
\fn const QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable
array of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D.
\fn QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable
array of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D.
\fn const QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable
array of QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D.
\fn QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable
array of QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D.
\fn const QSGGeometry::Point2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable
array of QSGGeometry::Point2D.
\fn QSGGeometry::Point2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable
array of QSGGeometry::Point2D.
Constructs a geometry object based on \a attributes.
The object allocate space for \a vertexCount vertices based on the
accumulated size in \a attributes and for \a indexCount.
The \a indexType maps to the OpenGL index type and can be
\c GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT and \c GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE. On OpenGL implementations that
support it, such as desktop OpenGL, \c GL_UNSIGNED_INT can also be used.
Geometry objects are constructed with \c GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP as default
drawing mode.
The attribute structure is assumed to be POD and the geometry object
assumes this will not go away. There is no memory management involved.
QSGGeometry::QSGGeometry(const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &attributes,
int vertexCount,
int indexCount,
int indexType)
: m_drawing_mode(DrawTriangleStrip)
, m_vertex_count(0)
, m_index_count(0)
, m_index_type(indexType)
, m_attributes(attributes)
, m_data(nullptr)
, m_index_data_offset(-1)
, m_server_data(nullptr)
, m_owns_data(false)
, m_index_usage_pattern(AlwaysUploadPattern)
, m_vertex_usage_pattern(AlwaysUploadPattern)
, m_line_width(1.0)
Q_ASSERT(m_attributes.count > 0);
Q_ASSERT(m_attributes.stride > 0);
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
|| !QOpenGLContext::currentContext() // rhi, support for uint cannot be checked here
|| static_cast<QOpenGLExtensions *>(QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions())
"GL_UNSIGNED_INT is not supported, geometry will not render"
if (indexType != UnsignedByteType
&& indexType != UnsignedShortType
&& indexType != UnsignedIntType) {
qFatal("QSGGeometry: Unsupported index type, %x.\n", indexType);
// Because allocate reads m_vertex_count, m_index_count and m_owns_data, these
// need to be set before calling allocate...
allocate(vertexCount, indexCount);
\fn int QSGGeometry::sizeOfVertex() const
Returns the size in bytes of one vertex.
This value comes from the attributes.
\fn int QSGGeometry::sizeOfIndex() const
Returns the byte size of the index type.
This value is either \c 1 when index type is \c GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE or \c 2
when index type is \c GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT. For Desktop OpenGL,
\c GL_UNSIGNED_INT with the value \c 4 is also supported.
Destroys the geometry object and the vertex and index data it has allocated.
if (m_owns_data)
if (m_server_data)
delete m_server_data;
\fn int QSGGeometry::vertexCount() const
Returns the number of vertices in this geometry object.
\fn int QSGGeometry::indexCount() const
Returns the number of indices in this geometry object.
\fn void *QSGGeometry::vertexData()
Returns a pointer to the raw vertex data of this geometry object.
\sa vertexDataAsPoint2D(), vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D()
\fn const void *QSGGeometry::vertexData() const
Returns a pointer to the raw vertex data of this geometry object.
\sa vertexDataAsPoint2D(), vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D()
Returns a pointer to the raw index data of this geometry object.
\sa indexDataAsUShort(), indexDataAsUInt()
void *QSGGeometry::indexData()
return m_index_data_offset < 0
? nullptr
: ((char *) m_data + m_index_data_offset);
Returns a pointer to the raw index data of this geometry object.
\sa indexDataAsUShort(), indexDataAsUInt()
const void *QSGGeometry::indexData() const
return m_index_data_offset < 0
? nullptr
: ((char *) m_data + m_index_data_offset);
\enum QSGGeometry::DrawingMode
The values correspond to OpenGL enum values like \c GL_POINTS, \c GL_LINES,
etc. QSGGeometry provies its own type in order to be able to provide the
same API with non-OpenGL backends as well.
\value DrawPoints
\value DrawLines
\value DrawLineLoop
\value DrawLineStrip
\value DrawTriangles
\value DrawTriangleStrip
\value DrawTriangleFan
\enum QSGGeometry::Type
The values correspond to OpenGL type constants like \c GL_BYTE, \c
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, etc. QSGGeometry provies its own type in order to be able
to provide the same API with non-OpenGL backends as well.
\value ByteType
\value UnsignedByteType
\value ShortType
\value UnsignedShortType
\value IntType
\value UnsignedIntType
\value FloatType
\value Bytes2Type Added in Qt 5.14.
\value Bytes3Type Added in Qt 5.14.
\value Bytes4Type Added in Qt 5.14.
\value DoubleType Added in Qt 5.14.
Sets the \a mode to be used for drawing this geometry.
The default value is QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip.
\sa DrawingMode
void QSGGeometry::setDrawingMode(unsigned int mode)
m_drawing_mode = mode;
Gets the current line or point width or to be used for this geometry. This
property only applies to line width when the drawingMode is DrawLines,
DarwLineStrip, or DrawLineLoop. For desktop OpenGL, it also applies to
point size when the drawingMode is DrawPoints.
The default value is \c 1.0
\note When not using OpenGL, support for point and line drawing may be
limited. For example, some APIs do not support point sprites and so setting
a size other than 1 is not possible. Some backends may be able implement
support via geometry shaders, but this is not guaranteed to be always
\sa setLineWidth(), drawingMode()
float QSGGeometry::lineWidth() const
return m_line_width;
Sets the line or point width to be used for this geometry to \a width. This
property only applies to line width when the drawingMode is DrawLines,
DrawLineStrip, or DrawLineLoop. For Desktop OpenGL, it also applies to
point size when the drawingMode is DrawPoints.
\note How line width and point size are treated is implementation
dependent: The application should not rely on these, but rather create
triangles or similar to draw areas. On OpenGL ES, line width support is
limited and point size is unsupported.
\sa lineWidth(), drawingMode()
void QSGGeometry::setLineWidth(float width)
m_line_width = width;
\fn int QSGGeometry::drawingMode() const
Returns the drawing mode of this geometry.
The default value is \c GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.
\fn int QSGGeometry::indexType() const
Returns the primitive type used for indices in this
geometry object.
Resizes the vertex and index data of this geometry object to fit \a vertexCount
vertices and \a indexCount indices.
Vertex and index data will be invalidated after this call and the caller must
mark the associated geometry node as dirty, by calling
node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry) to ensure that the renderer has
a chance to update internal buffers.
void QSGGeometry::allocate(int vertexCount, int indexCount)
if (vertexCount == m_vertex_count && indexCount == m_index_count)
m_vertex_count = vertexCount;
m_index_count = indexCount;
bool canUsePrealloc = m_index_count <= 0;
int vertexByteSize = m_attributes.stride * m_vertex_count;
if (m_owns_data)
if (canUsePrealloc && vertexByteSize <= (int) sizeof(m_prealloc)) {
m_data = (void *) &m_prealloc[0];
m_index_data_offset = -1;
m_owns_data = false;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(m_index_type == UnsignedIntType || m_index_type == UnsignedShortType);
int indexByteSize = indexCount * (m_index_type == UnsignedShortType ? sizeof(quint16) : sizeof(quint32));
m_data = (void *) malloc(vertexByteSize + indexByteSize);
m_index_data_offset = vertexByteSize;
m_owns_data = true;
// If we have associated vbo data we could potentially crash later if
// the old buffers are used with the new vertex and index count, so we force
// an update in the renderer in that case. This is really the users responsibility
// but it is cheap for us to enforce this, so why not...
if (m_server_data) {
Updates the geometry \a g with the coordinates in \a rect.
The function assumes the geometry object contains a single triangle strip
of QSGGeometry::Point2D vertices
void QSGGeometry::updateRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect)
Point2D *v = g->vertexDataAsPoint2D();
v[0].x = rect.left();
v[0].y =;
v[1].x = rect.left();
v[1].y = rect.bottom();
v[2].x = rect.right();
v[2].y =;
v[3].x = rect.right();
v[3].y = rect.bottom();
Updates the geometry \a g with the coordinates in \a rect and texture
coordinates from \a textureRect.
\a textureRect should be in normalized coordinates.
\a g is assumed to be a triangle strip of four vertices of type
void QSGGeometry::updateTexturedRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect, const QRectF &textureRect)
TexturedPoint2D *v = g->vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D();
v[0].x = rect.left();
v[0].y =;
v[0].tx = textureRect.left();
v[0].ty =;
v[1].x = rect.left();
v[1].y = rect.bottom();
v[1].tx = textureRect.left();
v[1].ty = textureRect.bottom();
v[2].x = rect.right();
v[2].y =;
v[2].tx = textureRect.right();
v[2].ty =;
v[3].x = rect.right();
v[3].y = rect.bottom();
v[3].tx = textureRect.right();
v[3].ty = textureRect.bottom();
Updates the geometry \a g with the coordinates in \a rect.
The function assumes the geometry object contains a single triangle strip
of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D vertices
void QSGGeometry::updateColoredRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect)
ColoredPoint2D *v = g->vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D();
v[0].x = rect.left();
v[0].y =;
v[1].x = rect.left();
v[1].y = rect.bottom();
v[2].x = rect.right();
v[2].y =;
v[3].x = rect.right();
v[3].y = rect.bottom();
\enum QSGGeometry::AttributeType
This enum identifies several attribute types.
\value UnknownAttribute Don't care
\value PositionAttribute Position
\value ColorAttribute Color
\value TexCoordAttribute Texture coordinate
\value TexCoord1Attribute Texture coordinate 1
\value TexCoord2Attribute Texture coordinate 2
\enum QSGGeometry::DataPattern
The DataPattern enum is used to specify the use pattern for the
vertex and index data in a geometry object.
\value AlwaysUploadPattern The data is always uploaded. This means
that the user does not need to explicitly mark index and vertex
data as dirty after changing it. This is the default.
\value DynamicPattern The data is modified repeatedly and drawn
many times. This is a hint that may provide better
performance. When set the user must make sure to mark the data as
dirty after changing it.
\value StaticPattern The data is modified once and drawn many
times. This is a hint that may provide better performance. When
set the user must make sure to mark the data as dirty after
changing it.
\value StreamPattern The data is modified for almost every time it
is drawn. This is a hint that may provide better performance. When
set, the user must make sure to mark the data as dirty after
changing it.
\fn QSGGeometry::DataPattern QSGGeometry::indexDataPattern() const
Returns the usage pattern for indices in this geometry. The default
pattern is AlwaysUploadPattern.
Sets the usage pattern for indices to \a p.
The default is AlwaysUploadPattern. When set to anything other than
the default, the user must call markIndexDataDirty() after changing
the index data, in addition to calling QSGNode::markDirty() with
void QSGGeometry::setIndexDataPattern(DataPattern p)
m_index_usage_pattern = p;
\fn QSGGeometry::DataPattern QSGGeometry::vertexDataPattern() const
Returns the usage pattern for vertices in this geometry. The default
pattern is AlwaysUploadPattern.
Sets the usage pattern for vertices to \a p.
The default is AlwaysUploadPattern. When set to anything other than
the default, the user must call markVertexDataDirty() after changing
the vertex data, in addition to calling QSGNode::markDirty() with
void QSGGeometry::setVertexDataPattern(DataPattern p)
m_vertex_usage_pattern = p;
Mark that the vertices in this geometry has changed and must be uploaded
This function only has an effect when the usage pattern for vertices is
StaticData and the renderer that renders this geometry uploads the geometry
into Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
void QSGGeometry::markIndexDataDirty()
m_dirty_index_data = true;
Mark that the vertices in this geometry has changed and must be uploaded
This function only has an effect when the usage pattern for vertices is
StaticData and the renderer that renders this geometry uploads the geometry
into Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
void QSGGeometry::markVertexDataDirty()
m_dirty_vertex_data = true;