blob: 2c4c0aa5c14f682e5dfe6c730b0e9bf770f93afa [file] [log] [blame]
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: root
property bool test1
property bool test2
property bool test3
property bool test4
property bool test5
property bool test6
Component.onCompleted: {
test1 = (root.resources.length === 4)
test2 = root.resources[0] === item1
test3 = root.resources[1] === item2
test4 = root.resources[2] === item3
test5 = root.resources[3] === otherObject
test6 = root.resources[10] == null
//Resources can be used explicitly
resources: [ Item { id: item1 }, Item { id: item2 }, Item { id: item3 } ]
Item {
//Item in Data go the children property.
QtObject {
//Objects in Data which are not items are put in resources.
id: otherObject
objectName: "subObject";