blob: 1c8a5a016aea02044ee8947491481d66350d884e [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QStack>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QSaveFile>
#include <algorithm>
* \internal
* Mangles \a str to be a unique C++ identifier. Characters that are invalid for C++ identifiers
* are replaced by the pattern \c _0x<hex>_ where <hex> is the hexadecimal unicode
* representation of the character. As identifiers with leading underscores followed by either
* another underscore or a capital letter are reserved in C++, we also escape those, by escaping
* the first underscore, using the above method.
* \note
* Although C++11 allows for non-ascii (unicode) characters to be used in identifiers,
* many compilers forgot to read the spec and do not implement this. Some also do not
* implement C99 identifiers, because that is \e {at the implementation's discretion}. So,
* we are stuck with plain old boring identifiers.
QString mangledIdentifier(const QString &str)
QString mangled;
int i = 0;
if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('_')) && str.size() > 1) {
QChar ch =;
if (ch == QLatin1Char('_')
|| (ch >= QLatin1Char('A') && ch <= QLatin1Char('Z'))) {
mangled += QLatin1String("_0x5f_");
for (int ei = str.length(); i != ei; ++i) {
auto c =;
if ((c >= QLatin1Char('0') && c <= QLatin1Char('9'))
|| (c >= QLatin1Char('a') && c <= QLatin1Char('z'))
|| (c >= QLatin1Char('A') && c <= QLatin1Char('Z'))
|| c == QLatin1Char('_')) {
mangled += QChar(c);
} else {
mangled += QLatin1String("_0x") + QString::number(c, 16) + QLatin1Char('_');
return mangled;
QString symbolNamespaceForPath(const QString &relativePath)
QFileInfo fi(relativePath);
QString symbol = fi.path();
if (symbol.length() == 1 && symbol.startsWith(QLatin1Char('.'))) {
} else {
symbol.replace(QLatin1Char('/'), QLatin1Char('_'));
symbol += QLatin1Char('_');
symbol += fi.baseName();
symbol += QLatin1Char('_');
symbol += fi.completeSuffix();
return mangledIdentifier(symbol);
struct VirtualDirectoryEntry
QString name;
QVector<VirtualDirectoryEntry*> dirEntries;
int firstChildIndex = -1; // node index inside generated data
bool isDirectory = true;
VirtualDirectoryEntry *append(const QString &name)
for (QVector<VirtualDirectoryEntry*>::Iterator it = dirEntries.begin(), end = dirEntries.end();
it != end; ++it) {
if ((*it)->name == name)
return *it;
VirtualDirectoryEntry *subEntry = new VirtualDirectoryEntry;
subEntry->name = name;
return subEntry;
void appendEmptyFile(const QString &name)
VirtualDirectoryEntry *subEntry = new VirtualDirectoryEntry;
subEntry->name = name;
subEntry->isDirectory = false;
bool isEmpty() const { return dirEntries.isEmpty(); }
struct DataStream
DataStream(QVector<unsigned char > *data = nullptr)
: data(data)
qint64 currentOffset() const { return data->size(); }
DataStream &operator<<(quint16 value)
unsigned char d[2];
qToBigEndian(value, d);
return *this;
DataStream &operator<<(quint32 value)
unsigned char d[4];
qToBigEndian(value, d);
return *this;
QVector<unsigned char> *data;
static bool resource_sort_order(const VirtualDirectoryEntry *lhs, const VirtualDirectoryEntry *rhs)
return qt_hash(lhs->name) < qt_hash(rhs->name);
struct ResourceTree
void serialize(VirtualDirectoryEntry &root, QVector<unsigned char> *treeData, QVector<unsigned char> *stringData)
treeStream = DataStream(treeData);
stringStream = DataStream(stringData);
QStack<VirtualDirectoryEntry *> directories;
while (!directories.isEmpty()) {
VirtualDirectoryEntry *entry = directories.pop();
if (entry->isDirectory)
directories << entry->dirEntries;
quint32 currentDirectoryIndex = 1;
while (!directories.isEmpty()) {
VirtualDirectoryEntry *entry = directories.pop();
entry->firstChildIndex = currentDirectoryIndex;
currentDirectoryIndex += entry->dirEntries.count();
std::sort(entry->dirEntries.begin(), entry->dirEntries.end(), resource_sort_order);
for (QVector<VirtualDirectoryEntry*>::ConstIterator child = entry->dirEntries.constBegin(), end = entry->dirEntries.constEnd();
child != end; ++child) {
if ((*child)->isDirectory)
directories << *child;
while (!directories.isEmpty()) {
VirtualDirectoryEntry *entry = directories.pop();
for (QVector<VirtualDirectoryEntry*>::ConstIterator child = entry->dirEntries.constBegin(), end = entry->dirEntries.constEnd();
child != end; ++child) {
if ((*child)->isDirectory)
directories << (*child);
DataStream treeStream;
DataStream stringStream;
QHash<QString, qint64> stringOffsets;
void registerString(const QString &name)
if (stringOffsets.contains(name))
const qint64 offset = stringStream.currentOffset();
stringOffsets.insert(name, offset);
stringStream << quint16(name.length())
<< quint32(qt_hash(name));
for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i)
stringStream << quint16(;
void writeTreeEntry(VirtualDirectoryEntry *entry)
treeStream << quint32(stringOffsets.value(entry->name))
<< quint16(entry->isDirectory ? 0x2 : 0x0); // Flags: File or Directory
if (entry->isDirectory) {
treeStream << quint32(entry->dirEntries.count())
<< quint32(entry->firstChildIndex);
} else {
treeStream << quint16(QLocale::AnyCountry) << quint16(QLocale::C)
<< quint32(0x0);
static QByteArray generateResourceDirectoryTree(QTextStream &code, const QStringList &qrcFiles,
const QStringList &sortedRetainedFiles)
QByteArray call;
if (qrcFiles.isEmpty())
return call;
VirtualDirectoryEntry resourceDirs; = QStringLiteral("/");
for (const QString &entry : qrcFiles) {
const QStringList segments = entry.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
VirtualDirectoryEntry *dirEntry = &resourceDirs;
for (int i = 0; i < segments.count() - 1; ++i)
dirEntry = dirEntry->append(;
if (!std::binary_search(sortedRetainedFiles.begin(), sortedRetainedFiles.end(), entry))
if (resourceDirs.isEmpty())
return call;
QVector<unsigned char> names;
QVector<unsigned char> tree;
ResourceTree().serialize(resourceDirs, &tree, &names);
code << "static const unsigned char qt_resource_tree[] = {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < tree.count(); ++i) {
code << uint(;
if (i < tree.count() - 1)
code << ',';
if (i % 16 == 0)
code << '\n';
code << "};\n";
code << "static const unsigned char qt_resource_names[] = {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < names.count(); ++i) {
code << uint(;
if (i < names.count() - 1)
code << ',';
if (i % 16 == 0)
code << '\n';
code << "};\n";
code << "static const unsigned char qt_resource_empty_payout[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };\n";
code << "extern Q_CORE_EXPORT bool qRegisterResourceData(int, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *);\n";
code << "QT_END_NAMESPACE\n";
call = "QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qRegisterResourceData)(/*version*/0x01, qt_resource_tree, qt_resource_names, qt_resource_empty_payout);\n";
return call;
static QString qtResourceNameForFile(const QString &fileName)
QFileInfo fi(fileName);
QString name = fi.completeBaseName();
if (name.isEmpty())
name = fi.fileName();
name.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")), QLatin1String("_"));
return name;
bool generateLoader(const QStringList &compiledFiles, const QStringList &sortedRetainedFiles,
const QString &outputFileName, const QStringList &resourceFileMappings,
QString *errorString)
QByteArray generatedLoaderCode;
QTextStream stream(&generatedLoaderCode);
stream << "#include <QtQml/qqmlprivate.h>\n";
stream << "#include <QtCore/qdir.h>\n";
stream << "#include <QtCore/qurl.h>\n";
stream << "\n";
QByteArray resourceRegisterCall = generateResourceDirectoryTree(stream, compiledFiles,
stream << "namespace QmlCacheGeneratedCode {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < compiledFiles.count(); ++i) {
const QString compiledFile =;
const QString ns = symbolNamespaceForPath(compiledFile);
stream << "namespace " << ns << " { \n";
stream << " extern const unsigned char qmlData[];\n";
stream << " const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit unit = {\n";
stream << " reinterpret_cast<const QV4::CompiledData::Unit*>(&qmlData), nullptr, nullptr\n";
stream << " };\n";
stream << "}\n";
stream << "\n}\n";
stream << "namespace {\n";
stream << "struct Registry {\n";
stream << " Registry();\n";
stream << " ~Registry();\n";
stream << " QHash<QString, const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit*> resourcePathToCachedUnit;\n";
stream << " static const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *lookupCachedUnit(const QUrl &url);\n";
stream << "};\n\n";
stream << "Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(Registry, unitRegistry)\n";
stream << "\n\n";
stream << "Registry::Registry() {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < compiledFiles.count(); ++i) {
const QString qrcFile =;
const QString ns = symbolNamespaceForPath(qrcFile);
stream << " resourcePathToCachedUnit.insert(QStringLiteral(\"" << qrcFile << "\"), &QmlCacheGeneratedCode::" << ns << "::unit);\n";
stream << " QQmlPrivate::RegisterQmlUnitCacheHook registration;\n";
stream << " registration.version = 0;\n";
stream << " registration.lookupCachedQmlUnit = &lookupCachedUnit;\n";
stream << " QQmlPrivate::qmlregister(QQmlPrivate::QmlUnitCacheHookRegistration, &registration);\n";
if (!resourceRegisterCall.isEmpty())
stream << resourceRegisterCall;
stream << "}\n\n";
stream << "Registry::~Registry() {\n";
stream << " QQmlPrivate::qmlunregister(QQmlPrivate::QmlUnitCacheHookRegistration, quintptr(&lookupCachedUnit));\n";
stream << "}\n\n";
stream << "const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *Registry::lookupCachedUnit(const QUrl &url) {\n";
stream << " if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String(\"qrc\"))\n";
stream << " return nullptr;\n";
stream << " QString resourcePath = QDir::cleanPath(url.path());\n";
stream << " if (resourcePath.isEmpty())\n";
stream << " return nullptr;\n";
stream << " if (!resourcePath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))\n";
stream << " resourcePath.prepend(QLatin1Char('/'));\n";
stream << " return unitRegistry()->resourcePathToCachedUnit.value(resourcePath, nullptr);\n";
stream << "}\n";
stream << "}\n";
for (const QString &mapping: resourceFileMappings) {
QString originalResourceFile = mapping;
QString newResourceFile;
const int mappingSplit = originalResourceFile.indexOf(QLatin1Char('='));
if (mappingSplit != -1) {
newResourceFile = originalResourceFile.mid(mappingSplit + 1);
const QString suffix = qtResourceNameForFile(originalResourceFile);
const QString initFunction = QLatin1String("qInitResources_") + suffix;
stream << QStringLiteral("int QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(%1)() {\n").arg(initFunction);
stream << " ::unitRegistry();\n";
if (!newResourceFile.isEmpty())
stream << " Q_INIT_RESOURCE(" << qtResourceNameForFile(newResourceFile) << ");\n";
stream << " return 1;\n";
stream << "}\n";
stream << "Q_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION(QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(" << initFunction << "))\n";
const QString cleanupFunction = QLatin1String("qCleanupResources_") + suffix;
stream << QStringLiteral("int QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(%1)() {\n").arg(cleanupFunction);
if (!newResourceFile.isEmpty())
stream << " Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(" << qtResourceNameForFile(newResourceFile) << ");\n";
stream << " return 1;\n";
stream << "}\n";
#if QT_CONFIG(temporaryfile)
QSaveFile f(outputFileName);
QFile f(outputFileName);
if (! | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
*errorString = f.errorString();
return false;
if (f.write(generatedLoaderCode) != generatedLoaderCode.size()) {
*errorString = f.errorString();
return false;
#if QT_CONFIG(temporaryfile)
if (!f.commit()) {
*errorString = f.errorString();
return false;
return true;