blob: 2447be4e4bd50aeebd044f68a4ddc7eeee5a56d6 [file] [log] [blame]
project = QtDoc
description = Qt Reference Documentation
version = $QT_VERSION
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moduleheader =
# Depend on everything - load all available index files
depends = *
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../src \
../snippets \
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../src/snippets \
examplesinstallpath =
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qhp.QtDoc.customFilters.Qt.filterAttributes = qtdoc $QT_VERSION
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects = classes qmltypes examples
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.classes.title = Classes
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.classes.indexTitle = All Classes
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.classes.selectors = class fake:headerfile
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.classes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.qmltypes.title = QML Types
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.qmltypes.indexTitle = All QML Types
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.qmltypes.selectors = qmlclass
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.qmltypes.sortPages = true
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.examples.title = Tutorials and Examples
qhp.QtDoc.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = Qt Examples And Tutorials
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qhp.QtDoc.extraFiles += ../images/I5jasWrsxT0.jpg