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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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\group all-examples
\title List of Qt Examples
\brief Alphabetical listing of Qt Examples
\page examples-layouts.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title Layout Examples
\brief Using Qt's layout-based approach to widget management.
\image layout-examples.png
Qt uses a layout-based approach to widget management. Widgets are arranged
in the optimal positions in windows based on simple layout rules, leading to
a consistent look and feel. Custom layouts provide more control over the
positions and sizes of child widgets.
These \l{Qt Examples and Tutorials}{Qt Examples} demonstrate various
ways of setting widgets in layouts.
\li \l{Basic Layouts Example}{Basic Layouts}
\li \l{Border Layout Example}{Border Layout}
\li \l{Dynamic Layouts Example}{Dynamic Layouts}
\li \l{Flow Layout Example}{Flow Layout}
\sa {Layout Management}
\page examples-draganddrop.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title Drag and Drop Examples
\brief How to access your platform's native drag and drop functionality.
\image draganddrop-examples.png
Qt supports native drag and drop on all platforms via an extensible
MIME-based system that enables applications to send data to each other in the
most appropriate formats.
Drag and drop can also be implemented for internal use by applications.
\li \l{draganddrop/draggableicons}{Draggable Icons}
\li \l{draganddrop/draggabletext}{Draggable Text}
\li \l{draganddrop/dropsite}{Drop Site}\raisedaster
\li \l{draganddrop/fridgemagnets}{Fridge Magnets}\raisedaster
\li \l{draganddrop/puzzle}{Drag and Drop Puzzle}
Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.
// This example seems to have disappeared:
// \li \l{draganddrop/delayedencoding}{Delayed Encoding}\raisedaster
\page examples-threadandconcurrent.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title Threading and Concurrent Programming Examples
\brief Threading and concurrent programming in Qt.
\image thread-examples.png
Qt makes it easy to write multithreaded applications. Signals and slots can be used
to safely communicate between threads in your application.
###Add this explicit list back if the \annotatedlist fails
\li \l{threads/queuedcustomtype}{Queued Custom Type}\raisedaster
\li \l{threads/mandelbrot}{Mandelbrot}\raisedaster
\li \l{threads/semaphores}{Semaphores}\raisedaster
\li \l{threads/waitconditions}{Wait Conditions}\raisedaster
\annotatedlist qtconcurrent-mtexamples
The QtConcurrent namespace includes a collection of classes and functions
for straightforward concurrent programming.
These examples show how to apply the basic techniques of concurrent
programming to simple problems.
###Add this explicit list back if the \annotatedlist fails
\li \l{qtconcurrent/imagescaling}{QtConcurrent Asynchronous Image Scaling}
\li \l{qtconcurrent/map}{QtConcurrent Map}
\li \l{qtconcurrent/progressdialog}{QtConcurrent Progress Dialog}
\li \l{qtconcurrent/runfunction}{QtConcurrent Run Function}
\li \l{qtconcurrent/wordcount}{QtConcurrent Word Count}
\annotatedlist qtconcurrentexamples
Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.
\ingroup all-examples
\title Tools Examples
\brief Using Qt's containers, iterators, and other tool classes.
\group examples-widgets-tools
\image tool-examples.png
Qt is equipped with a range of capable tool classes, from containers and
iterators to classes for string handling and manipulation.
Other classes provide application infrastructure support, handling plugin
loading and managing configuration files.
\group examples-ipc
\ingroup all-examples
\title IPC Examples
\brief Inter-Process Communication with Qt.
\page examples-sql.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title SQL Examples
\brief Accessing your SQL database from Qt.
\image sql-examples.png
Qt provides extensive database interoperability, with support for products
from both open source and proprietary vendors.
SQL support is integrated with Qt's model/view architecture, making it easier
to provide GUI integration for your database applications.
###Add this list back if \annotatedlist fails
\li \l {Cached Table Example}{Caches Table}
\li \l {Drill Down Example}{Drill Down}
\li \l {Master Detail Example}{Master Detail}
\li \l {Query Model Example}{Query Model}
\li \l {Relational Table Model Example}{Relational Table}
\li \l {SQL Browser}
\li \l {SQL Widget Mapper Example}{SQL Widget Mapper}
\li \l {Table Model Example}{Table Model}
\annotatedlist sql_examples
Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.
\page examples-xml.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title XML Examples
\brief Using XML with Qt.
XML parsing and handling is supported through SAX and DOM compliant APIs as well as streaming classes.
\annotatedlist xml-examples
\image xml-examples.png XML
The XQuery/XPath and XML Schema engines in the \l{Qt XML Patterns} module
provide classes for querying XML files and custom data models.
\annotatedlist xmlpattern_examples
Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.
###Add these back in to the section above when the examples have documentation
XML parsing and handling is supported through SAX and DOM compliant APIs
as well as streaming classes.
\li \l{xml/dombookmarks}{DOM Bookmarks}
\li \l{xml/saxbookmarks}{SAX Bookmarks}
\li \l{xml/streambookmarks}{QXmlStream Bookmarks}\raisedaster
\li \l{xml/rsslisting}{RSS-Listing}
\li \l{xml/xmlstreamlint}{XML Stream Lint Example}\raisedaster
\li \l{xml/htmlinfo}{XML HTML Info}
\li \l{xmlpatterns/recipes}{Recipes}
\li \l{xmlpatterns/filetree}{File System Example}
\li \l{xmlpatterns/qobjectxmlmodel}{QObject XML Model Example}
\li \l{xmlpatterns/xquery/globalVariables}{C++ Source Code Analyzer Example}
\li \l{xmlpatterns/schema}{XML Schema Validation}\raisedaster
\page examples-statemachine.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title State Machine Examples
\brief Using Qt's finite state machine classes.
Qt provides a powerful hierarchical finite state machine through the Qt State
Machine classes.
These examples demonstrate the fundamental aspects of implementing
Statecharts with Qt.
\li \l{statemachine/eventtransitions}{Event Transitions}\raisedaster
\li \l{statemachine/factorial}{Factorial States}\raisedaster
\li \l{statemachine/pingpong}{Ping Pong States}\raisedaster
\li \l{statemachine/rogue}{Rogue}\raisedaster
\li \l{statemachine/trafficlight}{Traffic Light}\raisedaster
\li \l{statemachine/twowaybutton}{Two-way Button}\raisedaster
For more information about using the Qt SCXML module to to create state
charts from State Chart XML (SCXML) files, see \l {Qt SCXML Examples}.
\page examples-animation.html
\ingroup all-examples
\title Animation Framework Examples
\brief Doing animations with Qt.
\image animation-examples.png Animation
\li \l{animation/animatedtiles}{Animated Tiles}
\li \l{animation/easing}{Easing Curves}
\li \l{animation/moveblocks}{Move Blocks}\raisedaster
\li \l{animation/states}{States}
\li \l{animation/stickman}{Stick man}\raisedaster
\li \l{animation/sub-attaq}{Sub-Attaq}
Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.
\group touchinputexamples
\ingroup all-examples
\title Touch Input Examples
\brief Using Qt's touch input capability.
Support for touch input makes it possible for developers to create
extensible and intuitive user interfaces.
\page examples-gestures.html
\title Gestures Examples
\brief Gesture programming examples.
The API of the gesture framework is not yet finalized and
still subject to change.
\li \l{gestures/imagegestures}{Image Gestures}
\page examples-activeqt.html
\title ActiveQt Examples
\brief Using ActiveX from Qt applications.
\ingroup all-examples
\image activeqt-examples.png ActiveQt
\li \l{activeqt/comapp}{COM App}\raisedaster
\li \l{Dot Net Example (ActiveQt)}{Dot Net}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/hierarchy}{Hierarchy}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/menus}{Menus}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/multiple}{Multiple}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/opengl}{OpenGL}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/qutlook}{Qutlook}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/simple}{Simple}\raisedaster
\li \l{activeqt/wrapper}{Wrapper}\raisedaster