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\page integrity-monolith-project-tutorial.html
\title Qt for INTEGRITY: Monolith Project Tutorial
\previouspage integrity.html
\nextpage integrity-installing-dependencies.html
The INTEGRITY applications can be monolith application projects,
dynamic download application projects, or kernelspace projects. The monolith
application is a stand-alone executable that you can run directly on a
target device.
In this tutorial, we build an INTEGRITY monolith project of
the Qt application. We also create a bootable SD card, so you can run
your application in the i.MX6 Quad board. After following the steps in this
tutorial, you will have the Qt for INTEGRITY development environment up and running.
The tutorial assumes you have the
\l {}
{i.MX6 Quad board} with a micro SD card.
Tutorial content:
\list 1
\li \l {Installing Platform Dependencies}
\li \l {Preparing BSP for i.MX6 Quad Board}
\li \l {Building Qt for i.MX6 Quad Board}
\li \l {Building Monolith Project}
\li \l {Building U-Boot Image}
\li \l {Creating Bootable SD card}
\li \l {Preparing U-Boot}
\page integrity-installing-dependencies.html
\title Installing Platform Dependencies
\previouspage integrity-monolith-project-tutorial.html
\nextpage integrity-preparing-bsp-for-imx6quad-board.html
Before you can build the applications with Qt for INTEGRITY,
you must have the correct build tools and other dependencies installed
in the 64-bit Linux development host:
\table 80%
\header \li Requirement \li Description
\row \li An INTEGRITY 11.4.4 installation
\li Installation must contain the patches for C++11 support.
Contact \l {}
{Green Hills Software}.
\row \li MULTI IDE and Green Hills Software Compiler (version 2016.5.4 or newer)
\li The Green Hills Software development tools. See
\l {} {MULTI IDE}.
For licenses, contact \l {}
{Green Hills Software}.
\note You need to get an additional patch from Green Hills Software.
\li An ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) loader compatible with a device tree
\li Part of the Green Hills Software development tools.
\li The U-Boot tools
\li Universal Boot Loader (U-Boot) is used in the embedded devices to
package the instructions to boot the device's operating system kernel.
\note Especially \c mkimage is required.
\li Perl programming language
\li Required if you are getting the Qt 5 sources via the Git version control system.
See \l {}.
\note Perl is not required if you download the Qt sources via
your Qt Account.
\page integrity-preparing-bsp-for-imx6quad-board.html
\title Preparing BSP for i.MX6 Quad Board
\previouspage integrity-installing-dependencies.html
\nextpage integrity-building-qt-for-imx6quad-board.html
With MULTI Launcher, you can prepare the board support package (BSP)
for i.MX6 Quad board:
\list 1
\li Start MULTI Launcher.
\li Start Project Manager by selecting \uicontrol {Components} >
\uicontrol {Open Project Manager}.
\li In your INTEGRITY installation, select the project file \e {default.gpj}
under the \e {platform-cortex-a9} folder:
\image open-project
\li Select \uicontrol {Open}.
In the MULTI Project Manager view, you see a tree structure of the opened
Clean \e {default.gpj} and build the projects:
\list 1
\li Select \uicontrol {Build} > \uicontrol {Clean default.gpj}.
\li Select the files \e {system_libs.gpj}, \e {bsp_libs.gpj}, and
\e {kernel.gpj} one by one, and select \uicontrol {Build} >
\uicontrol {Build Project <file name>} for each selected file.
Preparation for the board support package is now done.
\page integrity-building-qt-for-imx6quad-board.html
\title Building Qt for i.MX6 Quad Board
\previouspage integrity-preparing-bsp-for-imx6quad-board.html
\nextpage integrity-building-monolith.html
\include integrity-building-qt-imx6.qdocinc building qt for imx6quad
\page integrity-building-monolith.html
\title Building Monolith Project
\previouspage integrity-building-qt-for-imx6quad-board.html
\nextpage integrity-building-u-boot-image.html
\include integrity-building-monolith.qdocinc building monolith
\page integrity-building-u-boot-image.html
\title Building U-Boot Image
\previouspage integrity-building-monolith.html
\nextpage integrity-creating-bootable-sd-card.html
To build a U-Boot image, open a terminal and navigate to the project
directory created in \l {Building Monolith Project}. In our example the
project directory is \e {mymonolith}.
Under the project directory, you will find an executable with the same name
you gave to your monolith in \l {Project Manager Settings}.
In our example the executable name is \e {myproject}.
Run the \c elfloader command for the executable. You will find the \c elfloader
command under your compiler directory:
john@doe: /usr/ghs/comp_201654/elfloader -l /usr/ghs/int1144/util/elfloader/cortexa9_elfloader.bin -o myproject.elf myproject
The example \c elfloader command above assumes your Green Hills Software (GHS)
compiler is version 2016.5.4, and your INTEGRITY and GHS compiler
installations are found from their default locations. However, you can
modify the paths in the example according to your configuration.
Finally, build the U-Boot image with the \c mkimage tool.
The last argument in the \c mkimage command specifies the U-Boot image name.
In the example below, we use the name \e {demo.image}.
To invoke \c mkimage, run the following command in a terminal:
john@doe: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 20000000 -e 20000000 -n INTEGRITY+Qt -d myproject.elf demo.image
\page integrity-creating-bootable-sd-card.html
\title Creating Bootable SD Card
\previouspage integrity-building-u-boot-image.html
\nextpage integrity-preparing-u-boot.html
With a bootable micro SD card your i.MX6 Quad board can run the INTEGRITY
monolith application on the board. To create the bootable SD card:
\list 1
\li Format the SD card with a FAT32 filesystem.
\li Save the \e {demo.image} file (built with \c mkimage in
\l {Building U-Boot Image}) and the device tree blob file
\e {imx6q-sabrelite.dtb} for the i.MX6 Quad board under your SD card root.
\note You will find the device tree blob file in your INTEGRITY installation,
under the path
\li Set the SD card into your i.MX6 Quad board.
\page integrity-preparing-u-boot.html
\title Preparing U-Boot
\previouspage integrity-creating-bootable-sd-card.html
\nextpage integrity-monolith-project-tutorial.html
Finally, prepare the i.MX6 Quad board for U-Boot:
\list 1
\li Connect to your i.MX6 Quad board with a serial connection at a baud rate of
\li Set the following environment variables in the U-Boot terminal:
setenv bootcmd_demo_dt 'mmc dev 1;
fatload mmc 1:1 20000000 demo.image;
fatload mmc 1:1 4FFE0000 imx6q-sabrelite.dtb;
bootm 20000000 - 4FFE0000'
setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_demo_dt'
\note The file \e {demo.image} was built with the mkimage tool in
\l {Building U-Boot Image}.
\li Reset the i.MX6 Quad board.
Now your i.MX6 Quad board is ready to run your application.