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\page linux.html
\title Qt for Linux/X11
\brief Platform support for Linux/X11.
\ingroup supportedplatform
Qt's support for different Linux platforms is extensive and mature.
To download and install Qt for Linux, follow the instructions on the
\l{Getting Started with Qt} page.
\target linux-supported-configurations
\section1 Supported Configurations
The following configurations are supported.
\include supported-platforms.qdocinc linux
\section1 Requirements for Development Host
The Qt installers for Linux assume that a C++ compiler, debugger,
make, and other development tools are provided by the host
operating system. In addition, building graphical Qt applications
requires OpenGL libraries and headers installed. Most Linux
distributions do not install all of these by default, but setting
up a development environment is still straightforward.
Use the following commands to install the basic requirements for
building Qt applications:
\section3 Debian/Ubuntu (apt-get)
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev
\section3 Fedora/RHEL/CentOS (yum)
sudo yum groupinstall "C Development Tools and Libraries"
sudo yum install mesa-libGL-devel
\section3 openSUSE (zypper)
sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_basis
\section1 Building Qt 5 from Source
You can also build Qt 5 from the source package and configure it according
to your target platform. The source packages are obtained from
Below, you will find more information about building Qt from source.
\li \l {Qt for X11 Requirements}
\li \l{Qt for Linux/X11 - Building from Source}
\section1 Deployment and Other Issues
The pages below covers specific issues and recommendations for creating
Linux/X11 applications.
\li \l{Qt for Linux/X11 - Deployment}
\li \l{Qt for Linux/X11 - Specific Issues}
\section1 Where to Go from Here
We invite you to explore the rest of Qt. We prepared overviews which help
you decide which APIs to use and our examples demonstrate how to use our
\li \l{Qt Overviews} - list of topics about application development
\li \l{Qt Examples and Tutorials}{Examples and Tutorials} - code samples and tutorials
\li \l{Qt Reference Pages} - a listing of C++ and QML APIs
\li \l{Qt X11 Extras} - provides additional APIs for X11
Qt's vibrant and active community site, \l{} houses
a wiki, a forum, and additional learning guides and presentations.
\page linux-requirements.html
\title Qt for X11 Requirements
\brief Setting up the X11 environment for Qt.
\section1 Platform Plugin Dependencies
On Linux, the \e xcb QPA (Qt Platform Abstraction) platform plugin is used.
It provides the basic functionality needed by \l{Qt GUI} and \l{Qt Widgets}
to run against X11. Its library dependencies are described the following
table. To build Qt from its source code, you will also need to install the
development packages for these libraries for your system.
It's possible to configure Qt with -qt-xcb, which compiles in a set of xcb helper
libraries instead of trying to link against the system versions. This can help make
Qt less dependent on some of the xcb helper libraries that might not be available
on all distributions. The table specifies which dependencies are provided by -qt-xcb.
\table 100%
\li Name
\li Library
\li Notes
\li Configuration options
\li Minimum working version
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li XRender
\li libXrender
\li X Rendering Extension; used for anti-aliasing and alpha cursor support
\li \tt{-xrender} or auto-detected
\li 0.9.0
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li xcb-render
\li libxcb-render
\li X C Bindings for Render extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li xcb-render-util
\li libxcb-render-util
\li Utility library for XCB for Render extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 0.3.8
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li xcb-shape
\li libxcb-shape
\li X C Bindings for Shape extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-randr
\li libxcb-randr
\li X C Bindings for Resize and Rotate Extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-xfixes
\li libxcb-xfixes
\li X C Bindings for Fixes Extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-sync
\li libxcb-sync
\li X C Bindings for Sync Extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-shm
\li libxcb-shm
\li X C Bindings for Shared Memory Extension
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-icccm
\li libxcb-icccm
\li X C Bindings for ICCCM Protocol
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 0.3.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-keysyms
\li libxcb-keysyms
\li Utility library for XCB for keycode conversion
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 0.3.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb-image
\li libxcb-image
\li Utility library for XCB for XImage and XShmImage, used for QBackingStore and cursor support
\li auto-detected or provided by -qt-xcb
\li 0.3.9
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li xkbcommon
\li libxkbcommon
\li Keymap handling
\li \tt{-xkbcommon} or auto-detected
\li 0.5.0
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li Fontconfig
\li libfontconfig
\li Font customization and configuration
\li \tt{-fontconfig} or auto-detected
\li 2.6
\row {id="OptionalColor"}
\li FreeType
\li libfreetype
\li Font engine
\li 2.3.0
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li Xi
\li libXi
\li X11 Input Extensions
\li \tt{-xinput} or auto-detected
\li 1.3.0
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li Xext
\li libXext
\li X Extensions
\li 6.4.3
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li X11
\li libX11
\li X11 client-side library
\li 6.2.1
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li xcb
\li libxcb
\li X C Binding library
\li 1.9
\row {id="DefaultColor"}
\li X11-xcb
\li libX11-xcb
\li Xlib/XCB interface library
\li 1.3.2
\row {id="SMColor"}
\li SM
\li libSM
\li X Session Management
\li \tt{-sm} or auto-detected
\li 6.0.4
\row {id="SMColor"}
\li ICE
\li libICE
\li Inter-Client Exchange
\li \tt{-sm} or auto-detected
\li 6.3.5
\row {id="GlibColor"}
\li glib
\li libglib-2.0
\li Common event loop handling
\li \tt{-glib} or auto-detected
\li 2.8.3
\row {id="PthreadColor"}
\li pthread
\li libpthread
\li Multithreading
\li 2.3.5
Development packages for these libraries contain header files that are used
when building Qt from its source code. On Debian-based GNU/Linux systems,
for example, we recommend that you install the following development
\li libfontconfig1-dev
\li libfreetype6-dev
\li libx11-dev
\li libxext-dev
\li libxfixes-dev
\li libxi-dev
\li libxrender-dev
\li libxcb1-dev
\li libx11-xcb-dev
\li libxcb-glx0-dev
\li libxkbcommon-x11-dev
Additionally, if you do not configure with -qt-xcb, you should also
install these development packages:
\li libxcb-keysyms1-dev
\li libxcb-image0-dev
\li libxcb-shm0-dev
\li libxcb-icccm4-dev
\li libxcb-sync0-dev
\li libxcb-xfixes0-dev
\li libxcb-shape0-dev
\li libxcb-randr0-dev
\li libxcb-render-util0-dev
Some of these packages depend on others in this list, so installing one
may cause others to be automatically installed. Other distributions may
provide system packages with similar names.
\section1 OpenGL Dependencies
Configure attempts to automatically detect OpenGL ES 2.0, or later, or
regular desktop OpenGL. You can disable OpenGL support by using the
\c -no-opengl option.
\note The Qt OpenGL module (which contains classes that start with \e QGL)
has been deprecated in favor of the \l{Qt GUI} module (which contains
classes that start with \e QOpenGL).
\section1 Multimedia Dependencies
As described in the \l Multimedia overview, Qt Multimedia uses the GStreamer multimedia
framework as the backend for audio and video playback on Linux. The minimum required
version of GStreamer is 0.10.24. The 1.x series is also supported.
To build Qt Multimedia, you need the GStreamer library, base plugins, and development
files for your system. To run applications that use Qt Multimedia, you might also need to
install the following GStreamer plugins: 'good', 'ugly', 'bad', ffmpeg (0.10), and libav (1.x).
These additional plugins contain various codecs for audio and video decoding, as well as the
necessary components for using the camera APIs. The package names for GStreamer vary between
Linux distributions; try searching for \c gstreamer or \c libgstreamer in your distribution's
package repository to find suitable packages.
\section1 Qt WebEngine Dependencies
\l{Qt WebEngine} has additional build requirements which are listed in the
\l{Qt WebEngine Platform Notes}.
\section1 QDoc Dependencies
Since version 5.11, \l {QDoc Manual}{QDoc} uses Clang to parse C++ code.
If you wish to build QDoc manually, refer to \l {Installing Clang for QDoc}
for specific build requirements.
\page linux-building.html
\title Qt for Linux/X11 - Building from Source
\brief How to configure and build Qt on Linux/X11 platforms.
You can download the Qt 5 sources from the \l Downloads page. For more
information, visit the \l{Getting Started with Qt} page.
Qt for X11 has some requirements that are given in more detail
in the \l{Qt for X11 Requirements} document.
\section1 Step 1: Installing the License File (Commercially Licensed Qt Only)
If you use Qt with a commercial license, the Qt tools look for a local license file.
If you are using a binary installer or the commercial Qt Creator, your licenses
are automatically fetched and stored in your local user profile
(\c{$XDG_DATA_HOME/Qt/qtlicenses.ini} file).
If you do not use any binary installer or Qt Creator, you can download
the respective license file from your \l {Qt Account} Web portal and save
it to your user profile as \c{$HOME/.qt-license}. If you prefer a
different location or file name, you need to set the \c{QT_LICENSE_FILE}
environment variable to the respective file path.
\section1 Step 2: Unpacking the Archive
Unpack the archive if you have not done so already. For example,
if you have the \c{qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar.gz}
package, type the following commands at a command line prompt:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 0
This creates the directory \c{/tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%}
containing the files from the archive. We only support the GNU version of
the tar archiving utility. Note that on some systems it is called gtar.
\section1 Step 3: Building the Library
To configure the Qt library for your machine type, run the
\c{./configure} script in the package directory.
By default, Qt is configured for installation in the
\c{/usr/local/Qt-%VERSION%} directory, but this can be
changed by using the \c{-prefix} option.
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 1
The \l{Qt Configure Options}{Configure Options} page contains more
information about the configure options.
To create the library and compile all the examples, tools,
and tutorials, type:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 2
If \c{-prefix} is outside the build directory, you need to install
the library, examples, tools, and tutorials in the appropriate
place. To do this (as root if necessary), type:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 3
Note that on some systems the make utility is named differently, like gmake.
The configure script tells you which make utility to use.
\note Later, if you need to reconfigure and rebuild Qt from the same location,
ensure that all traces of the previous configuration are removed. To do so, from
the build directory, type \c{make confclean} before running \c configure again.
\section1 Step 4: Set the Environment Variables
To use Qt, some environment variables need to be extended.
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 4
This is done as follows:
In \c{.profile} (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh), add the
following lines:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 5
In \c{.login} (if your shell is csh or tcsh), add the following line:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 6
If you use a different shell, modify your environment variables accordingly.
For compilers that do not support rpath you must also extend the
\c LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include
\c{/usr/local/Qt-%VERSION%/lib}. On Linux with GCC this step
is not needed.
\section1 Step 5: Build the Qt Documentation
For the Qt reference documentation to be available in \l {Qt Assistant},
you must build it separately:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 24
\page linux-deployment.html
\title Qt for Linux/X11 - Deployment
This documentation discusses specific deployment issues for \l{Qt for
Linux/X11}. We will demonstrate the procedures in terms of deploying the
\l{tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint} application that is provided in Qt's
examples directory.
Due to the proliferation of Unix systems (such as commercial Unixes, Linux
distributions, and so on), deployment on Unix is a complex
topic. Before we start, be aware that programs compiled for one
Unix flavor will probably not run on a different Unix system. For
example, unless you use a cross-compiler, you cannot compile your
application on Irix and distribute it on AIX.
\section1 Static Linking
Static linking is often the safest and easiest way to distribute
an application on Unix since it relieves you from the task of
distributing the Qt libraries and ensuring that they are located
in the default search path for libraries on the target system.
\section2 Building Qt Statically
To use this approach, you must start by installing a static version
of the Qt library:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 0
We specify the prefix so that we do not overwrite the existing Qt
installation. The example above only builds the Qt libraries,
i.e. the examples and Qt Designer will not be built. When \c make
is done, you will find the Qt libraries in the \c /path/to/Qt/lib
When linking your application against static Qt libraries, note
that you might need to add more libraries to the \c LIBS line in
your project file. For more information, see the \l {Application
Dependencies} section.
\section2 Linking the Application to the Static Version of Qt
Once Qt is built statically, the next step is to regenerate the
makefile and rebuild the application. First, we must go into the
directory that contains the application:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 1
Now run qmake to create a new makefile for the application, and do
a clean build to create the statically linked executable:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 2
You probably want to link against the release libraries, and you
can specify this when invoking \c qmake. Note that we must set the
path to the static Qt that we just built.
To check that the application really links statically with Qt, run
the \c ldd tool (available on most Unices):
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 3
Verify that the Qt libraries are not mentioned in the output.
Now, provided that everything compiled and linked without any
errors, we should have a \c plugandpaint file that is ready for
deployment. One easy way to check that the application really can
be run stand-alone is to copy it to a machine that doesn't have Qt
or any Qt applications installed, and run it on that machine.
Remember that if your application depends on compiler specific
libraries, these must still be redistributed along with your
application. For more information, see the \l {Application
Dependencies} section.
The \l {tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint} example consists of
several components: The core application (\l
{tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint}), and the \l
{tools/plugandpaint/plugins/basictools}{Basic Tools} and \l
{tools/plugandpaint/plugins/extrafilters}{Extra Filters}
plugins. Since we cannot deploy plugins using the static linking
approach, the executable we have prepared so far is
incomplete. The application will run, but the functionality will
be disabled due to the missing plugins. To deploy plugin-based
applications we should use the shared library approach.
\section1 Shared Libraries
We have two challenges when deploying the \l
{tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint} application using the shared
libraries approach: The Qt runtime has to be correctly
redistributed along with the application executable, and the
plugins have to be installed in the correct location on the target
system so that the application can find them.
\section2 Building Qt as a Shared Library
We assume that you already have installed Qt as a shared library,
which is the default when installing Qt, in the \c /path/to/Qt
\section2 Linking the Application to Qt as a Shared Library
After ensuring that Qt is built as a shared library, we can build
the \l {tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint} application. First, we
must go into the directory that contains the application:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 4
Now run qmake to create a new makefile for the application, and do
a clean build to create the dynamically linked executable:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 5
This builds the core application, the following will build the
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 6
If everything compiled and linked without any errors, we will get
a \c plugandpaint executable and the \c and
\c plugin files.
\section2 Creating the Application Package
There is no standard package management on Unix, so the method we
present below is a generic solution. See the documentation for
your target system for information on how to create a package.
To deploy the application, we must make sure that we copy the
relevant Qt libraries (corresponding to the Qt modules used in the
application), the \l {Qt Plugins}{platform plugin}, and the executable
to the same directory tree. Remember that if your application depends
on compiler specific libraries, these must also be redistributed along
with your application. For more information, see the \l {Application
Dependencies} section.
We'll cover the plugins shortly, but the main issue with shared
libraries is that you must ensure that the dynamic linker will
find the Qt libraries. Unless told otherwise, the dynamic linker
doesn't search the directory where your application resides. There
are many ways to solve this:
\li You can install the Qt libraries in one of the system
library paths (e.g. \c /usr/lib on most systems).
\li You can pass a predetermined path to the \c -rpath command-line
option when linking the application. This will tell the dynamic
linker to look in this directory when starting your application.
\li You can write a startup script for your application, where you
modify the dynamic linker configuration (e.g., adding your
application's directory to the \c LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable. \note If your application will be running with "Set
user ID on execution," and if it will be owned by root, then
LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be ignored on some platforms. In this
case, use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH approach is not an option).
The disadvantage of the first approach is that the user must have
super user privileges. The disadvantage of the second approach is
that the user may not have privileges to install into the
predetermined path. In either case, the users don't have the option
of installing to their home directory. We recommend using the
third approach since it is the most flexible. For example, a \c script will look like this:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 7
By running this script instead of the executable, you are sure
that the Qt libraries will be found by the dynamic linker. Note
that you only have to rename the script to use it with other
When looking for plugins, the application searches in a plugins
subdirectory inside the directory of the application
executable. Either you have to manually copy the plugins into the
\c plugins directory, or you can set the \c DESTDIR in the
plugins' project files:
\snippet snippets/code/ 8
An archive distributing all the Qt libraries, and all the plugins,
required to run the \l {tools/plugandpaint/app}{Plug & Paint}
application, would have to include the following files:
\table 100%
\li Component \li {2, 1} File Name
\li The executable
\li {2, 1} \c plugandpaint
\li The script to run the executable
\li {2, 1} \c
\li The Basic Tools plugin
\li {2, 1} \c plugins\
\li The ExtraFilters plugin
\li {2, 1} \c plugins\
\li The Qt xcb platform plugin
\li {2, 1} \c platforms\
\li The Qt Core module
\li {2, 1} \c
\li The Qt GUI module
\li {2, 1} \c
\li The Qt Widgets module
\li {2, 1} \c
On most systems, the extension for shared libraries is \c .so. A
notable exception is HP-UX, which uses \c .sl.
Remember that if your application depends on compiler specific
libraries, these must still be redistributed along with your
application. For more information, see the \l {Application
Dependencies} section.
To verify that the application now can be successfully deployed,
you can extract this archive on a machine without Qt and without
any compiler installed, and try to run it, i.e. run the \c script.
An alternative to putting the plugins in the \c plugins
subdirectory is to add a custom search path when you start your
application using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.cpp 9
\section1 Application Dependencies
\section2 Additional Libraries
To find out which libraries your application depends on, run the
\c ldd tool (available on most Unices):
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_deployment.qdoc 10
This will list all the shared library dependencies for your
application. Depending on configuration, these libraries must be
redistributed along with your application. In particular, the
standard C++ library must be redistributed if you're compiling
your application with a compiler that is binary incompatible with
the system compiler. When possible, the safest solution is to link
against these libraries statically.
You will probably want to link dynamically with the regular X11
libraries, since some implementations will try to open other
shared libraries with \c dlopen(), and if this fails, the X11
library might cause your application to crash.
It's also worth mentioning that Qt will look for certain X11
extensions, such as Xinerama and Xrandr, and possibly pull them
in, including all the libraries that they link against. If you
can't guarantee the presence of a certain extension, the safest
approach is to disable it when configuring Qt (e.g. \c {./configure
FontConfig and FreeType are other examples of libraries that
aren't always available or that aren't always binary
compatible. As strange as it may sound, some software vendors have
had success by compiling their software on very old machines and
have been very careful not to upgrade any of the software running
on them.
When linking your application against the static Qt libraries, you
must explicitly link with the dependent libraries mentioned
above. Do this by adding them to the \c LIBS variable in your
project file.
From Qt version 5.2 onwards, the officially supported version for
OpenSSL is 1.0.0 or later. Versions >= 0.9.7 and < 1.0.0 might work,
but are not guaranteed to.
\section2 Qt Plugins
All Qt GUI applications require a plugin that implements the \l {Qt
Platform Abstraction} (QPA) layer in Qt 5. For Linux/X11, the name of the
platform plugin is \c {}. This file must be located within a
specific subdirectory (by default, \c platforms) under your distribution
directory. Alternatively, it is possible to adjust the search path Qt
uses to find its plugins, as described below.
Your application may also depend on one or more Qt plugins, such
as the JPEG image format plugin or a SQL driver plugin. Be sure
to distribute any Qt plugins that you need with your application.
Similar to the platform plugin, each type of plugin must be located
within a specific subdirectory (such as \c imageformats or \c sqldrivers)
within your distribution directory.
The search path for Qt plugins (as well as a few other paths) is
hard-coded into the QtCore library. By default, the first plugin
search path will be hard-coded as \c /path/to/Qt/plugins. As
mentioned above, using predetermined paths has certain
disadvantages, so you need to examine various alternatives to make
sure that the Qt plugins are found:
\li \l{qt-conf.html}{Using \c qt.conf}. This is the recommended
approach since it provides the most flexibility.
\li Using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or
\li Using a third party installation utility or the target system's
package manager to change the hard-coded paths in the QtCore
The \l{How to Create Qt Plugins} document outlines the issues you
need to pay attention to when building and deploying plugins for
Qt applications.
\page linux-issues.html
\title Qt for Linux/X11 - Specific Issues
\brief A description of issues with Qt that are specific to Linux/X11.
This page contains information about the X11 platforms Qt is currently
known to run on, with links to platform-specific notes.
\section1 Linux
There are no known problems with using Qt on production versions of
Linux/x86, Linux/ppc, Linux/amd64 and Linux/ia64 (including Altix(R)).
For information about the specific compilers supported, visit the
\l{Supported Platforms#Reference Configurations}{supported platforms} page.
\section2 Installation problems
Installing the source (\e{.tgz}) will likely conflict with the Qt version
from your Linux distribution. This can result in link errors, such as:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_platform-notes.qdoc 0
This is solved by removing the older version of the library.
If you have problems installing open source versions of Qt provided by your
Linux distribution, for example, from RPM or APT repositories, please
consult the maintainers of the distribution.
Some RPM versions have problems installing some of the Qt RPM archives
where installation stops with an error message warning about a
\gui{Failed Dependency}. Use the \c{--nodeps} option of \c rpm as workaround
this problem.
\section2 Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
Qt can be compiled with the Intel C++ compile for Linux, though, this
configuration is not tested on a regular basis.
\section2 Known Issues with Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
\li Precompiled header support does not work in version 10.0.025
and older. For these compilers, you should configure Qt with
-no-pch. Precompiled header support works properly in version
10.0.026 and later.
\li Version 10.0.026 for Intel 64 is known to miscompile qmake when
building in release mode. For now, configure Qt with
-debug. Version 10.1.008 and later can compile qmake in release
\li Versions 10.1.008 to 10.1.015 for both IA-32 and Intel 64 are
known crash with "(0): internal error: 0_47021" when compiling
\l{Qt XML Patterns} and \l{Qt Designer} in release mode. Version
10.1.017 compiles these modules correctly in release mode.
\section2 Known Issues with GCC Compilers
Building Qt with certain versions of GCC has the following known issues:
\li GCC 4.9.2 fails to build Qt:
\li \l {}{Related bug}
in GCC's bug tracker
\li \l {}{Discussion}
on \l{mailto://}{} mailing list
\li GCC 5.2.1: Nested structs do not get their constructors called under
some circumstances:
\li \l {}{Related bug}
in GCC's bug tracker
\li \l {}{A possible workaround}