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\page whatsnew511.html
\title What's New in Qt 5.11
\brief Lists the new features in Qt 5.11.
\section1 New Features in Qt 5.11
\section2 Qt Core Module
\li Added \l{QIODevice::NewOnly} and \l {QIODevice::ExistingOnly}
\c OpenMode flags. When used with QFile, \c NewOnly instructs
\c open() to (atomically) return \c false if the file to open
exists. \c ExistingOnly instructs \c open() to (atomically) return
\c false if the file does not exist.
\li QFloat16 now has two methods for bulk conversion between \c float16
and \c float, using hardware SIMD acceleration if available at
\li QVarLengthArray now has rvalue reference versions of prepend and
insert, and can hold movable-only datatypes such as
\c std::unique_ptr.
\li QVector now has rvalue reference versions of prepend and insert.
\li QUuid \c toString() and \c toByteArray() now take a parameter
specifying the generated format.
\li Updated Unicode support in QString, QChar, and
QTextBoundaryFinder to be compatible with Unicode 10.
\section2 Qt Network Module
\li ALPN (via Secure Transport) and thus HTTP/2 negotiation are now
supported on iOS (starting from version 11).
\li QNetworkRequest now has the \c Http2DirectAttribute to start a
connection in HTTP/2 without first negotiating.
\section2 Qt QML Module
\li The compiler pipeline is rewritten. We now directly generate byte code
from the AST, and store that as our intermediate representation.
\li Optimized handling of JS calls, bringing large improvements
especially when calling small functions.
\li Newly written byte code interpreter brings significant performance
improvements, at 80-90% of the JIT in Qt 5.10.
\li \c .qmlc files are now fully platform-independent and store byte
code instead of assembly.
\li New hotspot JIT that generates optimized assembly for byte code that
gets repeatedly executed.
\li \c {CONFIG += qtquickcompiler} now also works in the open source version, by
embedding the generated byte code at compile time.
\section2 Qt Quick Module
\li Expanded support for loading compressed textures in Image element.
Now supports both \c .ktx and \c .pkm container file formats.
\section2 Qt Quick Controls 2 Module
\li AbstractButton
\li Promoted the \l {AbstractButton::}{autoRepeat}
property from \l [QML] Button to \c AbstractButton.
\li Added \l {AbstractButton::}{autoRepeatDelay} and
\l {AbstractButton::}{autoRepeatInterval}
\li Added \c pressX and \c pressY properties to expose the press
point to QML.
\li ButtonGroup
\li Added a \c checkState property. It indicates the combined check
state of the entire group.
\li CheckBox and CheckDelegate
\li No longer force tristate to \c true when setting \c checkState
to \c Qt.PartiallyChecked. This allows presenting a partially
checked state without being interactively tri-state.
\li No longer consider partially checked as checked. This fixes
check state cycling for a non-tri-state checkbox so that it goes
from partially checked to fully checked state.
\li Made it possible to implement \c nextCheckState() in QML.
\li ScrollBar and ScrollIndicator
\li Added \c minimumSize, \c visualSize, and \c visualPosition
\li SpinBox
\li Added a \c displayText property to allow styles to create a
light binding to display the textual value instead of having
to call the \c textFromValue() JS-function.
\section2 Qt 3D Module
\li Scrub through animations with the \c normalizedTime property of
\li Issue arbitrary ray casts in world space or screen space.
\li Improved SIMD support.
\section2 Qt Location Module
\li New Qt.labs.location plugin containing experimental QML types.
\section2 Qt WebEngine Module
\li Updated to Chromium 65.
\li Embedded DevTools without using a port and separate browser.
\li Installable cookie filter.
\li Quota permissions.
\section2 QDoc Documentation Generator
\li QDoc now uses libclang for parsing C/C++ code.
\section2 Qt Designer Tool
\li Added support for ID-based translations.
\section2 Qt GUI Module
\li On Windows Desktop, the accessibility support was updated and
vastly improved. The implementation is now based on Microsoft UI
Automation (it was formerly based on Microsoft Active Accessibility).
\li The widgets themes available on Windows Desktop were updated to
better support High-DPI displays, including fixes for several
rendering issues, providing improved appearance and functionality.
\li Linux Printing now supports more CUPS options with the advanced tab
in QPrintPropertiesDialog, allowing many additional settings
(amongst them arbitrary page ranges).
\li Updated the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm to be compliant
with Unicode 10.
\section2 Qt Widgets Module
\li Added quick text selection by mouse to QLineEdit.
\section2 Qt Serial Bus Module
\li Added J2534 Pass-Thru CAN plugin for communication between a
computer and a vehicle.
\li Added description, serial number and channel to QCanBusDeviceInfo,
as far as supported by the various plugins.
\li Introduced categorized logging to the CAN bus module which can be
enabled by the \e "qt.canbus" and
\e "qt.canbus.plugins.<pluginname>" filters.
\li QCanBusFrame::isValid() now checks for invalid CAN FD payload
lengths. E.g. 24 is a valid CAN FD payload length, but 28 is not.
\section2 Qt Bluetooth Module
\li Ported Bluetooth Low Energy Central role implementation to BlueZ's
DBus LE API (minimum version to enable is BlueZ 5.42).
\section1 New Modules
No new modules were added in this version.
\section1 Platform Changes
\li MSVC2013 support removed from the code base.
\li Qt \WebEngine now requires MSVC 2017 on Windows.
\li QNX 6.6 no longer supported (note: QNX 7 remains fully supported).
\li macOS 10.10 no longer supported.
\li Improved Accessibility support on Win32 by adopting the Windows UI
Automation framework.
\li XCB: Support for missing 'dead keys' such as dasia and diaeresis.
\li eglfs
\li Added support for framebuffer formats other than XRGB8888
(RGB565, ARGB8888).
\li Added experimental screen cloning support (by scanning out the
same framebuffer on multiple displays).
\li Added support for operating with DRM render nodes
(/dev/dri/renderDnn) in a headless mode transparent to
\li Added a makespec for Renesas R-Car M3.
\li Added experimental backend for compositing Qt content with other
hardware layers via VSP2 on Renesas devices.
\section1 Technology Preview Modules
\li Qt Remote Objects (TP3) - A module that allows you to easily share
QObject interfaces (Signals/Slots/Properties) between processes or
\li Qt WebGL Streaming Plugin (TP2) - Stream applications to browsers
over the network.
\section1 Deprecated Modules
The following modules are part of the Qt 5.11 release, but are deprecated
and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:
\li Qt Script
\li Qt Quick Controls 1
\section1 List of API Changes
The pages below contain a list of API changes in Qt 5.11:
\li \l{New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.11}
\li \l{Obsolete Classes}
\section1 Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.10}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.9}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.8}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.7}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.6}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.5}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.4}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.3}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.2}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.1}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.0}
\page newclasses511.html
\title New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.11
\brief A list of new APIs in Qt 5.11.
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions
introduced in Qt 5.11. Links to new APIs in previous Qt 5 releases are found
at the bottom of this page.
\sincelist 5.11
\section1 Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.10}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.9}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.8}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.7}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.6}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.5}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.4}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.3}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.2}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.1}
\li \l{What's New in Qt 5.0}