blob: 4b62751e15d213f3e3fd9543f5a3da21ea30e2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <mapbox/geometry.hpp>
#include <mapbox/variant.hpp>
namespace mapbox {
namespace geojson {
using value = mapbox::geometry::value;
using null_value_t = mapbox::geometry::null_value_t;
using identifier = mapbox::geometry::identifier;
using point = mapbox::geometry::point<double>;
using multi_point = mapbox::geometry::multi_point<double>;
using line_string = mapbox::geometry::line_string<double>;
using linear_ring = mapbox::geometry::linear_ring<double>;
using multi_line_string = mapbox::geometry::multi_line_string<double>;
using polygon = mapbox::geometry::polygon<double>;
using multi_polygon = mapbox::geometry::multi_polygon<double>;
using geometry = mapbox::geometry::geometry<double>;
using geometry_collection = mapbox::geometry::geometry_collection<double>;
using feature = mapbox::geometry::feature<double>;
using feature_collection = mapbox::geometry::feature_collection<double>;
// Parse inputs of known types. Instantiations are provided for geometry, feature, and
// feature_collection.
template <class T>
T parse(const std::string &);
// Parse any GeoJSON type.
using geojson = mapbox::util::variant<geometry, feature, feature_collection>;
geojson parse(const std::string &);
// Stringify inputs of known types. Instantiations are provided for geometry, feature, and
// feature_collection.
template <class T>
std::string stringify(const T &);
// Stringify any GeoJSON type.
std::string stringify(const geojson &);
} // namespace geojson
} // namespace mapbox