blob: 3aee93207036c7daa3fa5e3e98a5d0618b82bc82 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <mbgl/util/optional.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/chrono.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/map_observer.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/mode.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/size.hpp>
#include <mbgl/annotation/annotation.hpp>
#include <mbgl/map/camera.hpp>
#include <mbgl/util/geometry.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace mbgl {
class FileSource;
class Scheduler;
class RendererFrontend;
namespace style {
class Image;
class Style;
} // namespace style
class Map : private util::noncopyable {
explicit Map(RendererFrontend&,
Size size,
float pixelRatio,
MapMode mapMode = MapMode::Continuous,
ConstrainMode constrainMode = ConstrainMode::HeightOnly,
ViewportMode viewportMode = ViewportMode::Default);
// Register a callback that will get called (on the render thread) when all resources have
// been loaded and a complete render occurs.
using StillImageCallback = std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)>;
void renderStill(StillImageCallback);
void renderStill(const CameraOptions&, MapDebugOptions, StillImageCallback);
// Triggers a repaint.
void triggerRepaint();
style::Style& getStyle();
const style::Style& getStyle() const;
void setStyle(std::unique_ptr<style::Style>);
// Transition
void cancelTransitions();
void setGestureInProgress(bool);
bool isGestureInProgress() const;
bool isRotating() const;
bool isScaling() const;
bool isPanning() const;
// Camera
CameraOptions getCameraOptions(const EdgeInsets&) const;
void jumpTo(const CameraOptions&);
void easeTo(const CameraOptions&, const AnimationOptions&);
void flyTo(const CameraOptions&, const AnimationOptions&);
CameraOptions cameraForLatLngBounds(const LatLngBounds&, const EdgeInsets&, optional<double> bearing = {}, optional<double> pitch = {}) const;
CameraOptions cameraForLatLngs(const std::vector<LatLng>&, const EdgeInsets&, optional<double> bearing = {}, optional<double> pitch = {}) const;
CameraOptions cameraForGeometry(const Geometry<double>&, const EdgeInsets&, optional<double> bearing = {}, optional<double> pitch = {}) const;
LatLngBounds latLngBoundsForCamera(const CameraOptions&) const;
// Position
void moveBy(const ScreenCoordinate&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setLatLng(const LatLng&, optional<ScreenCoordinate>, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setLatLng(const LatLng&, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setLatLng(const LatLng&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
LatLng getLatLng(const EdgeInsets& = {}) const;
void resetPosition(const EdgeInsets& = {});
// Zoom
void setZoom(double zoom, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setZoom(double zoom, optional<ScreenCoordinate>, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setZoom(double zoom, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
double getZoom() const;
void setLatLngZoom(const LatLng&, double zoom, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setLatLngZoom(const LatLng&, double zoom, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void resetZoom();
// Bounds
void setLatLngBounds(optional<LatLngBounds>);
optional<LatLngBounds> getLatLngBounds() const;
void setMinZoom(double);
double getMinZoom() const;
void setMaxZoom(double);
double getMaxZoom() const;
void setMinPitch(double);
double getMinPitch() const;
void setMaxPitch(double);
double getMaxPitch() const;
// Rotation
void rotateBy(const ScreenCoordinate& first, const ScreenCoordinate& second, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setBearing(double degrees, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setBearing(double degrees, optional<ScreenCoordinate>, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setBearing(double degrees, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {});
double getBearing() const;
void resetNorth(const AnimationOptions& = {{mbgl::Milliseconds(500)}});
void resetNorth(const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {{mbgl::Milliseconds(500)}});
// Pitch
void setPitch(double pitch, const AnimationOptions& = {});
void setPitch(double pitch, optional<ScreenCoordinate>, const AnimationOptions& = {});
double getPitch() const;
// North Orientation
void setNorthOrientation(NorthOrientation);
NorthOrientation getNorthOrientation() const;
// Constrain mode
void setConstrainMode(ConstrainMode);
ConstrainMode getConstrainMode() const;
// Viewport mode
void setViewportMode(ViewportMode);
ViewportMode getViewportMode() const;
// Projection mode
void setAxonometric(bool);
bool getAxonometric() const;
void setXSkew(double ySkew);
double getXSkew() const;
void setYSkew(double ySkew);
double getYSkew() const;
// Size
void setSize(Size);
Size getSize() const;
// Projection
ScreenCoordinate pixelForLatLng(const LatLng&) const;
LatLng latLngForPixel(const ScreenCoordinate&) const;
// Annotations
void addAnnotationImage(std::unique_ptr<style::Image>);
void removeAnnotationImage(const std::string&);
double getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationImage(const std::string&);
AnnotationID addAnnotation(const Annotation&);
void updateAnnotation(AnnotationID, const Annotation&);
void removeAnnotation(AnnotationID);
// Tile prefetching
// When loading a map, if `PrefetchZoomDelta` is set to any number greater than 0, the map will
// first request a tile for `zoom = getZoom() - delta` in a attempt to display a full map at
// lower resolution as quick as possible. It will get clamped at the tile source minimum zoom.
// The default `delta` is 4.
void setPrefetchZoomDelta(uint8_t delta);
uint8_t getPrefetchZoomDelta() const;
// Debug
void setDebug(MapDebugOptions);
void cycleDebugOptions();
MapDebugOptions getDebug() const;
bool isFullyLoaded() const;
void dumpDebugLogs() const;
class Impl;
const std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl;
} // namespace mbgl