blob: 27d8cbedff1691e229f7ab520a6663ca669e0b87 [file] [log] [blame]
import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
// This file was auto-generated by:
// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtLocation 5.14'
Module {
dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"]
Component {
name: "QAbstractItemModel"
prototype: "QObject"
Enum {
name: "LayoutChangeHint"
values: {
"NoLayoutChangeHint": 0,
"VerticalSortHint": 1,
"HorizontalSortHint": 2
Enum {
name: "CheckIndexOption"
values: {
"NoOption": 0,
"IndexIsValid": 1,
"DoNotUseParent": 2,
"ParentIsInvalid": 4
Signal {
name: "dataChanged"
Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QVector<int>" }
Signal {
name: "dataChanged"
Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Signal {
name: "headerDataChanged"
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "layoutChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
Signal {
name: "layoutChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Signal { name: "layoutChanged" }
Signal {
name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
Signal {
name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
Signal { name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsInserted"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsRemoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
Signal { name: "modelAboutToBeReset" }
Signal { name: "modelReset" }
Signal {
name: "rowsAboutToBeMoved"
Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "destinationRow"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "rowsMoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsAboutToBeMoved"
Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "destinationColumn"; type: "int" }
Signal {
name: "columnsMoved"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "submit"; type: "bool" }
Method { name: "revert" }
Method {
name: "hasIndex"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "hasIndex"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "index"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "index"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "parent"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "child"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "sibling"
type: "QModelIndex"
Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "rowCount"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "columnCount"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "columnCount"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "hasChildren"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method { name: "hasChildren"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "data"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "data"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "setData"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "setData"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Method {
name: "headerData"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "headerData"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
Method {
name: "fetchMore"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "canFetchMore"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "flags"
type: "Qt::ItemFlags"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "flags"; type: "Qt::MatchFlags" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
Method {
name: "match"
type: "QModelIndexList"
Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Component { name: "QAbstractListModel"; prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeCategory"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/Category 5.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Enum {
name: "Visibility"
values: {
"UnspecifiedVisibility": 0,
"DeviceVisibility": 1,
"PrivateVisibility": 2,
"PublicVisibility": 4
Enum {
name: "Status"
values: {
"Ready": 0,
"Saving": 1,
"Removing": 2,
"Error": 3
Property { name: "category"; type: "QPlaceCategory" }
Property { name: "plugin"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "categoryId"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "visibility"; type: "Visibility" }
Property { name: "icon"; type: "QDeclarativePlaceIcon"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
Method {
name: "save"
Parameter { name: "parentId"; type: "string" }
Method { name: "save" }
Method { name: "remove" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeCircleMapItem"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapCircle 5.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "center"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Property { name: "radius"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
Property {
name: "border"
type: "QDeclarativeMapLineProperties"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Signal {
name: "centerChanged"
Parameter { name: "center"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Signal {
name: "radiusChanged"
Parameter { name: "radius"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "colorChanged"
Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeContactDetail"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/ContactDetail 5.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "contactDetail"; type: "QPlaceContactDetail" }
Property { name: "label"; type: "string" }
Property { name: "value"; type: "string" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeContactDetails"
prototype: "QQmlPropertyMap"
exports: ["QtLocation/ContactDetails 5.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoCameraCapabilities"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/CameraCapabilities 5.10"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "minimumZoomLevel"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "maximumZoomLevel"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "minimumTilt"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "maximumTilt"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "minimumFieldOfView"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "maximumFieldOfView"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoManeuver"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtLocation/RouteManeuver 5.0",
"QtLocation/RouteManeuver 5.11",
"QtLocation/RouteManeuver 5.8"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 11, 0]
Enum {
name: "Direction"
values: {
"NoDirection": 0,
"DirectionForward": 1,
"DirectionBearRight": 2,
"DirectionLightRight": 3,
"DirectionRight": 4,
"DirectionHardRight": 5,
"DirectionUTurnRight": 6,
"DirectionUTurnLeft": 7,
"DirectionHardLeft": 8,
"DirectionLeft": 9,
"DirectionLightLeft": 10,
"DirectionBearLeft": 11
Property { name: "valid"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "position"; type: "QGeoCoordinate"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "instructionText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "direction"; type: "Direction"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "timeToNextInstruction"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "distanceToNextInstruction"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "waypoint"; type: "QGeoCoordinate"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "waypointValid"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "extendedAttributes"
revision: 11
type: "QObject"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMap"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickItem"
exports: [
"QtLocation/Map 5.0",
"QtLocation/Map 5.11",
"QtLocation/Map 5.12",
"QtLocation/Map 5.13",
"QtLocation/Map 5.14"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 11, 12, 13, 14]
Property { name: "gesture"; type: "QQuickGeoMapGestureArea"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "plugin"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "minimumZoomLevel"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "maximumZoomLevel"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "tilt"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "minimumTilt"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "maximumTilt"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "bearing"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "fieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "minimumFieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "maximumFieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "activeMapType"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapType"; isPointer: true }
Property {
name: "supportedMapTypes"
type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapType"
isList: true
isReadonly: true
Property { name: "center"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Property { name: "mapItems"; type: "QList<QObject*>"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "mapParameters"; type: "QList<QObject*>"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "error"; type: "QGeoServiceProvider::Error"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "visibleRegion"; type: "QGeoShape" }
Property { name: "copyrightsVisible"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
Property { name: "mapReady"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "visibleArea"; revision: 12; type: "QRectF" }
Signal {
name: "pluginChanged"
Parameter { name: "plugin"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "zoomLevelChanged"
Parameter { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "centerChanged"
Parameter { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Signal {
name: "copyrightLinkActivated"
Parameter { name: "link"; type: "string" }
Signal {
name: "copyrightsVisibleChanged"
Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "colorChanged"
Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
Signal {
name: "bearingChanged"
Parameter { name: "bearing"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "tiltChanged"
Parameter { name: "tilt"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "fieldOfViewChanged"
Parameter { name: "fieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "minimumTiltChanged"
Parameter { name: "minimumTilt"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "maximumTiltChanged"
Parameter { name: "maximumTilt"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "minimumFieldOfViewChanged"
Parameter { name: "minimumFieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "maximumFieldOfViewChanged"
Parameter { name: "maximumFieldOfView"; type: "double" }
Signal {
name: "copyrightsChanged"
Parameter { name: "copyrightsImage"; type: "QImage" }
Signal {
name: "copyrightsChanged"
Parameter { name: "copyrightsHtml"; type: "string" }
Signal {
name: "mapReadyChanged"
Parameter { name: "ready"; type: "bool" }
Signal { name: "mapObjectsChanged"; revision: 11 }
Signal { name: "visibleRegionChanged"; revision: 14 }
Method {
name: "setBearing"
Parameter { name: "bearing"; type: "double" }
Parameter { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Method {
name: "alignCoordinateToPoint"
Parameter { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
Method {
name: "removeMapItem"
Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "addMapItem"
Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "addMapItemGroup"
Parameter { name: "itemGroup"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "removeMapItemGroup"
Parameter { name: "itemGroup"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "removeMapItemView"
Parameter { name: "itemView"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "addMapItemView"
Parameter { name: "itemView"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView"; isPointer: true }
Method { name: "clearMapItems" }
Method {
name: "addMapParameter"
Parameter { name: "parameter"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter"; isPointer: true }
Method {
name: "removeMapParameter"
Parameter { name: "parameter"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter"; isPointer: true }
Method { name: "clearMapParameters" }
Method {
name: "toCoordinate"
type: "QGeoCoordinate"
Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPointF" }
Parameter { name: "clipToViewPort"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "toCoordinate"
type: "QGeoCoordinate"
Parameter { name: "position"; type: "QPointF" }
Method {
name: "fromCoordinate"
type: "QPointF"
Parameter { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Parameter { name: "clipToViewPort"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "fromCoordinate"
type: "QPointF"
Parameter { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Method { name: "fitViewportToMapItems" }
Method { name: "fitViewportToVisibleMapItems" }
Method {
name: "pan"
Parameter { name: "dx"; type: "int" }
Parameter { name: "dy"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "prefetchData" }
Method { name: "clearData" }
Method {
name: "fitViewportToGeoShape"
revision: 13
Parameter { name: "shape"; type: "QGeoShape" }
Parameter { name: "margins"; type: "QVariant" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapCopyrightNotice"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickPaintedItem"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapCopyrightNotice 5.9"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "mapSource"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoMap"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "styleSheet"; type: "string" }
Signal {
name: "linkActivated"
Parameter { name: "link"; type: "string" }
Signal {
name: "backgroundColorChanged"
Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
Signal {
name: "styleSheetChanged"
Parameter { name: "styleSheet"; type: "string" }
Signal { name: "copyrightsVisibleChanged" }
Method {
name: "copyrightsChanged"
Parameter { name: "copyrightsImage"; type: "QImage" }
Method {
name: "copyrightsChanged"
Parameter { name: "copyrightsHtml"; type: "string" }
Method {
name: "onCopyrightsStyleSheetChanged"
Parameter { name: "styleSheet"; type: "string" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickItem"
exports: [
"QtLocation/GeoMapItemBase 5.0",
"QtLocation/GeoMapItemBase 5.11",
"QtLocation/GeoMapItemBase 5.14"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 11, 14]
Property { name: "geoShape"; type: "QGeoShape" }
Property { name: "autoFadeIn"; revision: 14; type: "bool" }
Signal { name: "mapItemOpacityChanged" }
Signal { name: "addTransitionFinished"; revision: 12 }
Signal { name: "removeTransitionFinished"; revision: 12 }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickItem"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapItemGroup 5.9"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Signal { name: "mapItemOpacityChanged" }
Signal { name: "addTransitionFinished" }
Signal { name: "removeTransitionFinished" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemView"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapItemView 5.0", "QtLocation/MapItemView 5.12"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 12]
Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QQmlComponent"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "autoFitViewport"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "add"; revision: 12; type: "QQuickTransition"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "remove"; revision: 12; type: "QQuickTransition"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "mapItems"; revision: 12; type: "QList<QQuickItem*>"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "incubateDelegates"; revision: 12; type: "bool" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter"
prototype: "QGeoMapParameter"
exports: [
"QtLocation/DynamicParameter 5.11",
"QtLocation/MapParameter 5.9"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Signal {
name: "completed"
Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeGeoMapParameter"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapQuickItem 5.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Property { name: "anchorPoint"; type: "QPointF" }
Property { name: "zoomLevel"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "sourceItem"; type: "QQuickItem"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoMapType"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapType 5.0", "QtLocation/MapType 5.5"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
Enum {
name: "MapStyle"
values: {
"NoMap": 0,
"StreetMap": 1,
"SatelliteMapDay": 2,
"SatelliteMapNight": 3,
"TerrainMap": 4,
"HybridMap": 5,
"TransitMap": 6,
"GrayStreetMap": 7,
"PedestrianMap": 8,
"CarNavigationMap": 9,
"CycleMap": 10,
"CustomMap": 100
Property { name: "style"; type: "MapStyle"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "name"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "description"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "mobile"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "night"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "cameraCapabilities"
type: "QDeclarativeGeoCameraCapabilities"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property { name: "metadata"; type: "QVariantMap"; isReadonly: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoRoute"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtLocation/Route 5.0",
"QtLocation/Route 5.11",
"QtLocation/Route 5.12",
"QtLocation/Route 5.13"
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 11, 12, 13]
Property { name: "bounds"; type: "QGeoRectangle"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "travelTime"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "distance"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "path"; type: "QJSValue" }
Property { name: "segments"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "routeQuery"
revision: 11
type: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property { name: "legs"; revision: 12; type: "QList<QObject*>"; isReadonly: true }
Property {
name: "extendedAttributes"
revision: 13
type: "QObject"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Method {
name: "equals"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "other"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoRoute"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg"
prototype: "QDeclarativeGeoRoute"
exports: ["QtLocation/RouteLeg 5.12"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [12]
Property { name: "legIndex"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "overallRoute"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel"
prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
exports: ["QtLocation/RouteModel 5.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Enum {
name: "Status"
values: {
"Null": 0,
"Ready": 1,
"Loading": 2,
"Error": 3
Enum {
name: "RouteError"
values: {
"NoError": 0,
"EngineNotSetError": 1,
"CommunicationError": 2,
"ParseError": 3,
"UnsupportedOptionError": 4,
"UnknownError": 5,
"UnknownParameterError": 100,
"MissingRequiredParameterError": 101
Property { name: "plugin"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
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Property { name: "autoUpdate"; type: "bool" }
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Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "error"; type: "RouteError"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "measurementSystem"; type: "QLocale::MeasurementSystem" }
Signal { name: "routesChanged" }
Signal { name: "abortRequested" }
Method { name: "update" }
Method {
name: "get"
type: "QDeclarativeGeoRoute*"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "reset" }
Method { name: "cancel" }
Component {
name: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery"
defaultProperty: "quickChildren"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"QtLocation/RouteQuery 5.0",
"QtLocation/RouteQuery 5.11",
"QtLocation/RouteQuery 5.13"
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name: "TravelMode"
values: {
"CarTravel": 1,
"PedestrianTravel": 2,
"BicycleTravel": 4,
"PublicTransitTravel": 8,
"TruckTravel": 16
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name: "TravelModes"
values: {
"CarTravel": 1,
"PedestrianTravel": 2,
"BicycleTravel": 4,
"PublicTransitTravel": 8,
"TruckTravel": 16
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name: "FeatureType"
values: {
"NoFeature": 0,
"TollFeature": 1,
"HighwayFeature": 2,
"PublicTransitFeature": 4,
"FerryFeature": 8,
"TunnelFeature": 16,
"DirtRoadFeature": 32,
"ParksFeature": 64,
"MotorPoolLaneFeature": 128,
"TrafficFeature": 256
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name: "FeatureWeight"
values: {
"NeutralFeatureWeight": 0,
"PreferFeatureWeight": 1,
"RequireFeatureWeight": 2,
"AvoidFeatureWeight": 4,
"DisallowFeatureWeight": 8
Enum {
name: "RouteOptimization"
values: {
"ShortestRoute": 1,
"FastestRoute": 2,
"MostEconomicRoute": 4,
"MostScenicRoute": 8
Enum {
name: "RouteOptimizations"
values: {
"ShortestRoute": 1,
"FastestRoute": 2,
"MostEconomicRoute": 4,
"MostScenicRoute": 8
Enum {
name: "SegmentDetail"
values: {
"NoSegmentData": 0,
"BasicSegmentData": 1
Enum {
name: "SegmentDetails"
values: {
"NoSegmentData": 0,
"BasicSegmentData": 1
Enum {
name: "ManeuverDetail"
values: {
"NoManeuvers": 0,
"BasicManeuvers": 1
Enum {
name: "ManeuverDetails"
values: {
"NoManeuvers": 0,
"BasicManeuvers": 1
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Signal { name: "queryDetailsChanged" }
Signal { name: "extraParametersChanged"; revision: 11 }
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Method {
name: "addWaypoint"
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Method {
name: "removeWaypoint"
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Method { name: "clearWaypoints" }
Method {
name: "addExcludedArea"
Parameter { name: "area"; type: "QGeoRectangle" }
Method {
name: "removeExcludedArea"
Parameter { name: "area"; type: "QGeoRectangle" }
Method { name: "clearExcludedAreas" }
Method {
name: "setFeatureWeight"
Parameter { name: "featureType"; type: "FeatureType" }
Parameter { name: "featureWeight"; type: "FeatureWeight" }
Method {
name: "featureWeight"
type: "int"
Parameter { name: "featureType"; type: "FeatureType" }
Method { name: "resetFeatureWeights" }
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name: "QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/RouteSegment 5.0"]
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defaultProperty: "parameters"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/Plugin 5.0", "QtLocation/Plugin 5.11"]
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Enum {
name: "RoutingFeature"
values: {
"NoRoutingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineRoutingFeature": 1,
"OfflineRoutingFeature": 2,
"LocalizedRoutingFeature": 4,
"RouteUpdatesFeature": 8,
"AlternativeRoutesFeature": 16,
"ExcludeAreasRoutingFeature": 32,
"AnyRoutingFeatures": -1
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name: "RoutingFeatures"
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"NoRoutingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineRoutingFeature": 1,
"OfflineRoutingFeature": 2,
"LocalizedRoutingFeature": 4,
"RouteUpdatesFeature": 8,
"AlternativeRoutesFeature": 16,
"ExcludeAreasRoutingFeature": 32,
"AnyRoutingFeatures": -1
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name: "GeocodingFeature"
values: {
"NoGeocodingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineGeocodingFeature": 1,
"OfflineGeocodingFeature": 2,
"ReverseGeocodingFeature": 4,
"LocalizedGeocodingFeature": 8,
"AnyGeocodingFeatures": -1
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name: "GeocodingFeatures"
values: {
"NoGeocodingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineGeocodingFeature": 1,
"OfflineGeocodingFeature": 2,
"ReverseGeocodingFeature": 4,
"LocalizedGeocodingFeature": 8,
"AnyGeocodingFeatures": -1
Enum {
name: "MappingFeature"
values: {
"NoMappingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineMappingFeature": 1,
"OfflineMappingFeature": 2,
"LocalizedMappingFeature": 4,
"AnyMappingFeatures": -1
Enum {
name: "MappingFeatures"
values: {
"NoMappingFeatures": 0,
"OnlineMappingFeature": 1,
"OfflineMappingFeature": 2,
"LocalizedMappingFeature": 4,
"AnyMappingFeatures": -1
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name: "PlacesFeature"
values: {
"NoPlacesFeatures": 0,
"OnlinePlacesFeature": 1,
"OfflinePlacesFeature": 2,
"SavePlaceFeature": 4,
"RemovePlaceFeature": 8,
"SaveCategoryFeature": 16,
"RemoveCategoryFeature": 32,
"PlaceRecommendationsFeature": 64,
"SearchSuggestionsFeature": 128,
"LocalizedPlacesFeature": 256,
"NotificationsFeature": 512,
"PlaceMatchingFeature": 1024,
"AnyPlacesFeatures": -1
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name: "PlacesFeatures"
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"NoPlacesFeatures": 0,
"OnlinePlacesFeature": 1,
"OfflinePlacesFeature": 2,
"SavePlaceFeature": 4,
"RemovePlaceFeature": 8,
"SaveCategoryFeature": 16,
"RemoveCategoryFeature": 32,
"PlaceRecommendationsFeature": 64,
"SearchSuggestionsFeature": 128,
"LocalizedPlacesFeature": 256,
"NotificationsFeature": 512,
"PlaceMatchingFeature": 1024,
"AnyPlacesFeatures": -1
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name: "NavigationFeatures"
values: {
"NoNavigationFeatures": 0,
"OnlineNavigationFeature": 1,
"OfflineNavigationFeature": 2,
"AnyNavigationFeatures": -1
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Signal { name: "attached" }
Signal {
name: "preferredChanged"
Parameter { name: "preferences"; type: "QStringList" }
Signal {
name: "allowExperimentalChanged"
Parameter { name: "allow"; type: "bool" }
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name: "supportsRouting"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "feature"; type: "RoutingFeatures" }
Method { name: "supportsRouting"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "supportsGeocoding"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "feature"; type: "GeocodingFeatures" }
Method { name: "supportsGeocoding"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "supportsMapping"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "feature"; type: "MappingFeatures" }
Method { name: "supportsMapping"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "supportsPlaces"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "feature"; type: "PlacesFeatures" }
Method { name: "supportsPlaces"; type: "bool" }
Method {
name: "supportsNavigation"
revision: 11
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Parameter { name: "feature"; type: "NavigationFeature" }
Method { name: "supportsNavigation"; revision: 11; type: "bool" }
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Signal {
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name: "routingRequirementsChanged"
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Signal {
name: "geocodingRequirementsChanged"
Parameter { name: "features"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider::GeocodingFeatures" }
Signal {
name: "placesRequirementsChanged"
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Signal {
name: "navigationRequirementsChanged"
Parameter { name: "features"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider::NavigationFeatures" }
Signal { name: "requirementsChanged" }
Method {
name: "matches"
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Parameter { name: "provider"; type: "const QGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
Component {
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Signal { name: "completed" }
Signal { name: "waypointDetailsChanged" }
Signal { name: "extraParametersChanged" }
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name: "QDeclarativeGeocodeModel"
prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
exports: ["QtLocation/GeocodeModel 5.0"]
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Enum {
name: "Status"
values: {
"Null": 0,
"Ready": 1,
"Loading": 2,
"Error": 3
Enum {
name: "GeocodeError"
values: {
"NoError": 0,
"EngineNotSetError": 1,
"CommunicationError": 2,
"ParseError": 3,
"UnsupportedOptionError": 4,
"CombinationError": 5,
"UnknownError": 6,
"UnknownParameterError": 100,
"MissingRequiredParameterError": 101
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Property { name: "error"; type: "GeocodeError"; isReadonly: true }
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Method { name: "update" }
Method {
name: "get"
type: "QDeclarativeGeoLocation*"
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Method { name: "reset" }
Method { name: "cancel" }
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Signal {
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name: "QDeclarativePlace"
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exports: ["QtLocation/Place 5.0"]
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Enum {
name: "Status"
values: {
"Ready": 0,
"Saving": 1,
"Fetching": 2,
"Removing": 3,
"Error": 4
Enum {
name: "Visibility"
values: {
"UnspecifiedVisibility": 0,
"DeviceVisibility": 1,
"PrivateVisibility": 2,
"PublicVisibility": 4
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Method { name: "remove" }
Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
Method {
name: "copyFrom"
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Method {
name: "initializeFavorite"
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prototype: "QDeclarativePlaceContentModel"
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Signal {
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Method {
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Method {
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name: "coordinateAt"
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Method {
name: "containsCoordinate"
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Method {
name: "removeCoordinate"
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Method {
name: "removeCoordinate"
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Method {
name: "setPath"
Parameter { name: "path"; type: "QGeoPath" }
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Signal {
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Signal {
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Component {
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prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
Enum {
name: "Status"
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"Null": 0,
"Ready": 1,
"Loading": 2,
"Error": 3
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Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
Method { name: "previousPage" }
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"QtLocation/PlaceSearchModel 5.0",
"QtLocation/PlaceSearchModel 5.12"
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name: "SearchResultType"
values: {
"UnknownSearchResult": 0,
"PlaceResult": 1,
"ProposedSearchResult": 2
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name: "RelevanceHint"
values: {
"UnspecifiedHint": 0,
"DistanceHint": 1,
"LexicalPlaceNameHint": 2
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Parameter { name: "roleName"; type: "string" }
Method {
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Enum {
name: "Roles"
values: {
"CategoryRole": 256,
"ParentCategoryRole": 257
Enum {
name: "Status"
values: {
"Null": 0,
"Ready": 1,
"Loading": 2,
"Error": 3
Property { name: "plugin"; type: "QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider"; isPointer: true }
Property { name: "hierarchical"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
Signal { name: "dataChanged" }
Method { name: "update" }
Method {
name: "data"
type: "QVariant"
Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
Component {
name: "QGeoCoordinateObject"
prototype: "QObject"
Property { name: "coordinate"; type: "QGeoCoordinate" }
Component {
name: "QGeoMapObject"
defaultProperty: "quickChildren"
prototype: "QParameterizableObject"
Enum {
name: "Type"
values: {
"InvalidType": 0,
"ViewType": 1,
"RouteType": 2,
"RectangleType": 3,
"CircleType": 4,
"PolylineType": 5,
"PolygonType": 6,
"IconType": 7,
"UserType": 256
Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "type"; type: "Type"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "geoShape"; type: "QGeoShape" }
Signal { name: "selected" }
Signal { name: "completed" }
Component {
name: "QGeoMapParameter"
prototype: "QObject"
Property { name: "type"; type: "string" }
Signal {
name: "propertyUpdated"
Parameter { name: "param"; type: "QGeoMapParameter"; isPointer: true }
Parameter { name: "propertyName"; type: "const char"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/MapPinchEvent 5.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property { name: "center"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "angle"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "point1"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "point2"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "pointCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "accepted"; type: "bool" }
Component {
name: "QParameterizableObject"
defaultProperty: "quickChildren"
prototype: "QObject"
Property { name: "quickChildren"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
Component {
name: "QQmlPropertyMap"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtLocation/ExtendedAttributes 5.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Signal {
name: "valueChanged"
Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
Method { name: "keys"; type: "QStringList" }
Component {
name: "QQuickGeoMapGestureArea"
defaultProperty: "data"
prototype: "QQuickItem"
exports: [
"QtLocation/MapGestureArea 5.0",
"QtLocation/MapGestureArea 5.6"
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
Enum {
name: "GeoMapGesture"
values: {
"NoGesture": 0,
"PinchGesture": 1,
"PanGesture": 2,
"FlickGesture": 4,
"RotationGesture": 8,
"TiltGesture": 16
Enum {
name: "AcceptedGestures"
values: {
"NoGesture": 0,
"PinchGesture": 1,
"PanGesture": 2,
"FlickGesture": 4,
"RotationGesture": 8,
"TiltGesture": 16
Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "pinchActive"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "panActive"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "rotationActive"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "tiltActive"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
Property { name: "acceptedGestures"; type: "AcceptedGestures" }
Property { name: "maximumZoomLevelChange"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "flickDeceleration"; type: "double" }
Property { name: "preventStealing"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
Signal {
name: "pinchStarted"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "pinchUpdated"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "pinchFinished"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal { name: "panStarted" }
Signal { name: "panFinished" }
Signal { name: "flickStarted" }
Signal { name: "flickFinished" }
Signal {
name: "rotationStarted"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "rotationUpdated"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "rotationFinished"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "tiltStarted"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "tiltUpdated"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
Signal {
name: "tiltFinished"
Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QGeoMapPinchEvent"; isPointer: true }