blob: c1f5264bdfef62d4a1d74e3ab0f96511032524a7 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include "qdeclarativegeoroute_p.h"
#include "locationvaluetypehelper_p.h"
#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomap_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qgeoroute_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoroutemodel_p.h>
#include <QtQml/QQmlEngine>
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
#include <QtQml/private/qqmlengine_p.h>
#include <QtQml/private/qv4scopedvalue_p.h>
#include <QtQml/private/qv4arrayobject_p.h>
#include <QtPositioning/QGeoRectangle>
\qmltype Route
\instantiates QDeclarativeGeoRoute
\inqmlmodule QtLocation
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-routing
\since QtLocation 5.5
\brief The Route type represents one geographical route.
A Route type contains high level information about a route, such
as the length the route, the estimated travel time for the route,
and enough information to render a basic image of the route on a map.
The QGeoRoute object also contains a list of \l RouteSegment objects which
describe subsections of the route in greater detail.
The primary means of acquiring Route objects is \l RouteModel.
\section1 Example
This example shows how to display a route's maneuvers in a ListView:
\snippet declarative/routing.qml QtQuick import
\snippet declarative/maps.qml QtLocation import
\snippet declarative/routing.qml Route Maneuver List1
\snippet declarative/routing.qml Route Maneuver List2
\snippet declarative/routing.qml Route Maneuver List3
QDeclarativeGeoRoute::QDeclarativeGeoRoute(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute::QDeclarativeGeoRoute(const QGeoRoute &route, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), route_(route)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute::~QDeclarativeGeoRoute() {}
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::initSegments(unsigned int lastIndex) // -1 turns it into unsigned int max
if (!segmentsDirty_)
const bool isLeg = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(parent());
QGeoRouteSegment segment = route_.firstRouteSegment();
unsigned int idx = 0;
unsigned int initialListSize = static_cast<unsigned int>(segments_.size());
while (segment.isValid()) {
if (idx >= initialListSize) {
QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment *routeSegment = new QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment(segment, this);
QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(routeSegment, QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this));
if (isLeg && segment.isLegLastSegment()) {
segmentsDirty_ = false;
segment = segment.nextRouteSegment();
if (idx > lastIndex && segment.isValid()) // Do not clean segmentsDirty_ if there are still segments to initialize
segmentsDirty_ = false;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> QDeclarativeGeoRoute::routePath()
return route_.path();
\qmlproperty georectangle QtLocation::Route::bounds
Read-only property which holds a bounding box which encompasses the entire route.
QGeoRectangle QDeclarativeGeoRoute::bounds() const
return route_.bounds();
\qmlproperty int QtLocation::Route::travelTime
Read-only property which holds the estimated amount of time it will take to
traverse this route, in seconds.
int QDeclarativeGeoRoute::travelTime() const
return route_.travelTime();
\qmlproperty real QtLocation::Route::distance
Read-only property which holds distance covered by this route, in meters.
qreal QDeclarativeGeoRoute::distance() const
return route_.distance();
\qmlproperty list<coordinate> QtLocation::Route::path
Read-only property which holds the geographical coordinates of this route.
Coordinates are listed in the order in which they would be traversed by someone
traveling along this segment of the route.
To access individual segments you can use standard list accessors: 'path.length'
indicates the number of objects and 'path[index starting from zero]' gives
the actual object.
\sa QtPositioning::coordinate
QJSValue QDeclarativeGeoRoute::path() const
QQmlContext *context = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(parent());
QQmlEngine *engine = context->engine();
QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = QQmlEnginePrivate::getV4Engine(engine);
QV4::Scope scope(v4);
QV4::Scoped<QV4::ArrayObject> pathArray(scope, v4->newArrayObject(route_.path().length()));
for (int i = 0; i < route_.path().length(); ++i) {
const QGeoCoordinate &c = route_.path().at(i);
QV4::ScopedValue cv(scope, v4->fromVariant(QVariant::fromValue(c)));
pathArray->put(i, cv);
return QJSValue(v4, pathArray.asReturnedValue());
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::setPath(const QJSValue &value)
if (!value.isArray())
QList<QGeoCoordinate> pathList;
quint32 length ="length")).toUInt();
for (quint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
bool ok;
QGeoCoordinate c = parseCoordinate(, &ok);
if (!ok || !c.isValid()) {
qmlWarning(this) << "Unsupported path type";
if (route_.path() == pathList)
emit pathChanged();
\qmlproperty list<RouteSegment> QtLocation::Route::segments
Read-only property which holds the list of \l RouteSegment objects of this route.
To access individual segments you can use standard list accessors: 'segments.length'
indicates the number of objects and 'segments[index starting from zero]' gives
the actual objects.
\sa RouteSegment
QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment> QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segments()
return QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment>(this, 0, segments_append, segments_count,
segments_at, segments_clear);
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segments_append(QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment> *prop,
QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment *segment)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *declRoute = static_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(prop->object);
int QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segments_count(QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment> *prop)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *declRoute = static_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(prop->object);
return declRoute->segmentsCount();
QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment *QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segments_at(QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment> *prop, int index)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *declRoute = static_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(prop->object);
declRoute->initSegments(index); // init only what's needed.
return declRoute->;
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segments_clear(QQmlListProperty<QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment> *prop)
static_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(prop->object)->clearSegments();
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::appendSegment(QDeclarativeGeoRouteSegment *segment)
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::clearSegments()
\qmlmethod int QtLocation::Route::segmentsCount()
Returns the number of segments in the route
\sa RouteSegment
\since 5.11
int QDeclarativeGeoRoute::segmentsCount() const
return qMax(route_.d_ptr->segmentsCount(), segments_.count());
const QGeoRoute &QDeclarativeGeoRoute::route() const
return route_;
\qmlproperty RouteQuery QtLocation::Route::routeQuery
Returns the route query associated with this route.
\since 5.11
QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery *QDeclarativeGeoRoute::routeQuery()
if (!routeQuery_)
routeQuery_ = new QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery(route_.request(), this);
return routeQuery_;
\qmlproperty list<Route> QtLocation::Route::legs
Returns the route legs associated with this route.
Route legs are the sub-routes between each two adjacent waypoints.
The result may be empty, if this level of detail is not supported by the
\since QtLocation 5.12
QList<QObject *> QDeclarativeGeoRoute::legs()
// route_.routeLegs() is expected not to change.
// The following if condition is expected to be run only once.
if (route_.routeLegs().size() != legs_.size()) {
QList<QGeoRouteLeg> rlegs = route_.routeLegs();
for (const QGeoRouteLeg &r: rlegs) {
QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg *dr = new QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg(r, this);
return legs_;
\qmlproperty Object Route::extendedAttributes
This property holds the extended attributes of the route and is a map.
These attributes are plugin specific, and can be empty.
Consult the \l {Qt Location#Plugin References and Parameters}{plugin documentation}
for what attributes are supported and how they should be used.
Note, due to limitations of the QQmlPropertyMap, it is not possible
to declaratively specify the attributes in QML, assignment of attributes keys
and values can only be accomplished by JavaScript.
\since QtLocation 5.13
QQmlPropertyMap *QDeclarativeGeoRoute::extendedAttributes() const
if (!m_extendedAttributes) {
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *self = const_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(this);
self->m_extendedAttributes = new QQmlPropertyMap(self);
// Fill it
const QVariantMap &xAttrs = route_.extendedAttributes();
const QStringList &keys = xAttrs.keys();
for (const QString &key: keys)
self->m_extendedAttributes->insert(key, xAttrs.value(key));
return m_extendedAttributes;
\qmlmethod bool QtLocation::Route::equals(Route other)
This method performs deep comparison if the present route
is identical to the \a other route.
Returns \c true if the routes are equal.
\since 5.12
bool QDeclarativeGeoRoute::equals(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *other) const
return route_ == other->route_;
\qmltype RouteLeg
\instantiates QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg
\inqmlmodule QtLocation
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-routing
\since QtLocation 5.12
\brief The RouteLeg type represents a leg of a Route, that is the portion
of a route between one waypoint and the next.
\note Since RouteLeg is a subclass of Route, QtLocation::Route::legs will
return an empty list if accessed on a route leg.
\qmlproperty int QtLocation::RouteLeg::legIndex
Read-only property which holds the index of the leg within the containing Route's list of QtLocation::Route::legs .
\qmlproperty Route QtLocation::RouteLeg::overallRoute
Read-only property which holds the Route that contains this leg.
QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg::QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg(QObject *parent)
: QDeclarativeGeoRoute(parent)
QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg::QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg(const QGeoRouteLeg &routeLeg, QObject *parent)
: QDeclarativeGeoRoute(routeLeg, parent), m_routeLeg(routeLeg)
int QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg::legIndex() const
return m_routeLeg.legIndex();
QObject *QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg::overallRoute() const
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *containingRoute = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *>(parent());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!containingRoute))
return new QDeclarativeGeoRoute(m_routeLeg.overallRoute(), parent());
return containingRoute;