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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qplacesearchrequest.h"
#include "qplacesearchrequest_p.h"
#include "qgeocoordinate.h"
#include "qgeoshape.h"
#include <QtCore/QSharedData>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QDebug>
: QSharedData(),
QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate(const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate &other)
: QSharedData(other),
QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate &QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::operator=(const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate &other)
if (this != &other) {
searchTerm = other.searchTerm;
categories = other.categories;
searchArea = other.searchArea;
recommendationId = other.recommendationId;
visibilityScope = other.visibilityScope;
relevanceHint = other.relevanceHint;
limit = other.limit;
searchContext = other.searchContext;
related = other.related;
page =;
return *this;
bool QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::operator==(const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate &other) const
return searchTerm == other.searchTerm &&
categories == other.categories &&
searchArea == other.searchArea &&
recommendationId == other.recommendationId &&
visibilityScope == other.visibilityScope &&
relevanceHint == other.relevanceHint &&
limit == other.limit &&
searchContext == other.searchContext;
// deliberately not testing related and page. comparing only the content.
void QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::clear()
limit = -1;
searchArea = QGeoShape();
visibilityScope = QLocation::UnspecifiedVisibility;
relevanceHint = QPlaceSearchRequest::UnspecifiedHint;
related = false;
page = 0;
const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::get(const QPlaceSearchRequest &request)
return request.d_ptr.constData();
QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate::get(QPlaceSearchRequest &request)
\class QPlaceSearchRequest
\inmodule QtLocation
\ingroup QtLocation-places
\ingroup QtLocation-places-requests
\since 5.6
\brief The QPlaceSearchRequest class represents the set of parameters for a search request.
A typical search request may look like the following:
\snippet places/requesthandler.h Search request
Note that specifying a search center can be done by setting a circular search area that has
a center but no radius. The default radius is set to -1, which indicates an undefined radius. The provider will
interpret this as being free to choose its own default radius.
The QPlaceSearchRequest is primarily used with the QPlaceManager to
\l {QPlaceManager::search()} {search for places}, however it is also
used to provide parameters for \l {QPlaceManager::searchSuggestions()}{generating search term suggestions}.
Note that in this context only some of the parameters may be relevant. For example, the search area
is useful in narrowing down relevant search suggestions, while other parameters such as relevance hint
are not so applicable.
Also be aware that providers may vary by which parameters they support for example some providers may not support
paging while others do, some providers may honor relevance hints while others may completely ignore them,
see the \l {Qt Location#Plugin References and Parameters}{plugin documentation} for more
\enum QPlaceSearchRequest::RelevanceHint
Defines hints to help rank place results.
\value UnspecifiedHint
No explicit hint has been specified.
\value DistanceHint
Distance to a search center is relevant for the user. Closer places
are more highly weighted. This hint is only useful
if a circular search area is used in the query.
\value LexicalPlaceNameHint
Alphabetic ordering of places according to name is relevant to the user.
Default constructor. Constructs an new request object.
: d_ptr(new QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate())
Constructs a copy of \a other.
QPlaceSearchRequest::QPlaceSearchRequest(const QPlaceSearchRequest &other)
: d_ptr(other.d_ptr)
Destroys the request object.
Assigns \a other to this search request and returns a reference
to this search request.
QPlaceSearchRequest &QPlaceSearchRequest::operator= (const QPlaceSearchRequest & other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
d_ptr = other.d_ptr;
return *this;
Returns true if \a other is equal to this search request,
otherwise returns false.
bool QPlaceSearchRequest::operator== (const QPlaceSearchRequest &other) const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return *d == *other.d_func();
Returns true if \a other is not equal to this search request,
otherwise returns false.
bool QPlaceSearchRequest::operator!= (const QPlaceSearchRequest &other) const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return !(*d == *other.d_func());
Returns the search term.
QString QPlaceSearchRequest::searchTerm() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->searchTerm;
Sets the search \a term.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setSearchTerm(const QString &term)
d->searchTerm = term;
Return the categories to be used in the search request.
Places need only to belong to one of the categories
to be considered a match by the request.
QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceSearchRequest::categories() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->categories;
Sets the search request to search by a single \a category
\sa setCategories()
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category)
if (!category.categoryId().isEmpty())
Sets the search request to search from the list of given \a categories.
Any places returned during the search will match at least one of the \a
\sa setCategory()
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setCategories(const QList<QPlaceCategory> &categories)
d->categories = categories;
Returns the search area which will be used to limit search results. The default search area is
an invalid QGeoShape, indicating that no specific search area is defined.
QGeoShape QPlaceSearchRequest::searchArea() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->searchArea;
Sets the search request to search within the given \a area.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setSearchArea(const QGeoShape &area)
d->searchArea = area;
Returns the place id which will be used to search for recommendations
for similar places.
QString QPlaceSearchRequest::recommendationId() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->recommendationId;
Sets the \a placeId which will be used to search for recommendations.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setRecommendationId(const QString &placeId)
d->recommendationId = placeId;
Returns backend specific additional search context associated with this place search request.
The search context is typically set as part of a
\l {QPlaceSearchResult::ProposedSearchResult}{proposed search results}.
QVariant QPlaceSearchRequest::searchContext() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->searchContext;
Sets the search context to \a context.
\note This method is intended to be used by geo service plugins when returning search results
of type \l QPlaceSearchResult::ProposedSearchResult.
The search context is used by backends to store additional search context related to the search
request. Other relevant fields should also be filled in. For example, if the search context
encodes a text search the search term should also be set with \l setSearchTerm(). The search
context allows additional search context to be kept which is not directly accessible via the
Qt Location API.
The search context can be of any type storable in a QVariant. The value of the search context
is not intended to be use directly by applications.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setSearchContext(const QVariant &context)
d->searchContext = context;
Returns the visibility scope used when searching for places. The default value is
QLocation::UnspecifiedVisibility meaning that no explicit scope has been assigned.
Places of any scope may be returned during the search.
QLocation::VisibilityScope QPlaceSearchRequest::visibilityScope() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->visibilityScope;
Sets the visibility \a scope used when searching for places.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setVisibilityScope(QLocation::VisibilityScope scope)
d->visibilityScope = scope;
Returns the relevance hint of the request. The hint is given to the provider
to help but not dictate the ranking of results. For example providing a distance hint
may give closer places a higher ranking but it doesn't necessarily mean
that he results will be ordered strictly according to distance.
QPlaceSearchRequest::RelevanceHint QPlaceSearchRequest::relevanceHint() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->relevanceHint;
Sets the relevance \a hint to be used when searching for a place.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setRelevanceHint(QPlaceSearchRequest::RelevanceHint hint)
d->relevanceHint = hint;
Returns the maximum number of search results to retrieve.
A negative value for limit means that it is undefined. It is left up to the backend
provider to choose an appropriate number of results to return. The default limit is -1.
int QPlaceSearchRequest::limit() const
Q_D(const QPlaceSearchRequest);
return d->limit;
Set the maximum number of search results to retrieve to \a limit.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::setLimit(int limit)
d->limit = limit;
Clears the search request.
void QPlaceSearchRequest::clear()
inline QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *QPlaceSearchRequest::d_func()
return static_cast<QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *>(;
inline const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *QPlaceSearchRequest::d_func() const
return static_cast<const QPlaceSearchRequestPrivate *>(d_ptr.constData());