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<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
GeoClue 2.0 Interface Specification
Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
@short_description: The Location interface
This is the interface you use on location objects.
<interface name="org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Location">
The latitude of the location, in degrees.
<property name="Latitude" type="d" access="read"/>
The longitude of the location, in degrees.
<property name="Longitude" type="d" access="read"/>
The accuracy of the location fix, in meters.
<property name="Accuracy" type="d" access="read"/>
The altitude of the location fix, in meters. When unknown, its set to
minimum double value, -1.7976931348623157e+308.
<property name="Altitude" type="d" access="read"/>
The speed in meters per second. When unknown, it's set to -1.0.
<property name="Speed" type="d" access="read"/>
The heading direction in degrees with respect to North direction, in
clockwise order. That means North becomes 0 degree, East: 90 degrees,
South: 180 degrees, West: 270 degrees and so on. When unknown,
it's set to -1.0.
<property name="Heading" type="d" access="read"/>
A human-readable description of the location, if available.
WARNING: Applications should not rely on this property since not all
sources provide a description. If you really need a description (or
more details) about current location, use a reverse-geocoding API, e.g
<property name="Description" type="s" access="read"/>
The timestamp when the location was determined, in seconds and
microseconds since the Epoch. This is the time of measurement if the
backend provided that information, otherwise the time when GeoClue
received the new location.
Note that GeoClue can't guarantee that the timestamp will always
monotonically increase, as a backend may not respect that.
Also note that a timestamp can be very old, e.g. because of a cached
<property name="Timestamp" type="(tt)" access="read">
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="Timestamp"/>