blob: 86d0fd4c0de5b0be531aff7d81f6640f9d04b410 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtTest 1.0
import QtLocation 5.3
import "utils.js" as Utils
TestCase {
id: testCase
name: "CategoryModel"
CategoryModel {
id: testModel
Plugin {
id: testPlugin
name: "qmlgeo.test.plugin"
allowExperimental: true
parameters: [
PluginParameter {
name: "initializePlaceData"
value: true
Plugin {
id: uninitializedPlugin
Plugin {
id: nonExistantPlugin
name: "nonExistentName"
function test_setAndGet_data() {
return [
{ tag: "plugin", property: "plugin", signal: "pluginChanged", value: testPlugin },
{ tag: "hierarchical", property: "hierarchical", signal: "hierarchicalChanged", value: false, reset: true },
function test_setAndGet(data) {
Utils.testObjectProperties(testCase, testModel, data);
function test_hierarchicalModel() {
var modelSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy");
var categoryModel = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3;'
+ 'VisualDataModel { model: CategoryModel {} delegate: Item {} }',
testCase, "VisualDataModel"); = categoryModel.model;
modelSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
compare(categoryModel.model.status, CategoryModel.Null);
compare(categoryModel.count, 0);
// set the plugin
categoryModel.model.plugin = testPlugin;
tryCompare(categoryModel.model, "status", CategoryModel.Loading);
compare(modelSpy.count, 1);
tryCompare(categoryModel.model, "status", CategoryModel.Ready);
compare(modelSpy.count, 2);
compare(categoryModel.model.errorString(), "");
var expectedNames = [ "Accommodation", "Park" ];
compare(categoryModel.count, expectedNames.length);
for (var i = 0; i < expectedNames.length; ++i) {
var category =,
compare(, expectedNames[i]);
// check that "Accommodation" has children
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.modelIndex(0);
expectedNames = [ "Camping", "Hotel", "Motel" ];
compare(categoryModel.count, expectedNames.length);
for (i = 0; i < expectedNames.length; ++i) {
category =,
compare(, expectedNames[i]);
var parentCategory =,
compare(, "Accommodation");
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.parentModelIndex();
compare(categoryModel.count, 2);
// check that "Park" has no children
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.modelIndex(1);
compare(categoryModel.count, 0);
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.parentModelIndex();
// clean up
categoryModel.model.plugin = null;
// check that the model is empty when an error is encountered
tryCompare(categoryModel, "count", 0);
compare(categoryModel.model.status, CategoryModel.Error);
function test_flatModel() {
var modelSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy");
var categoryModel = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3;'
+ 'VisualDataModel { model: CategoryModel {} delegate: Item {} }',
testCase, "VisualDataModel"); = categoryModel.model;
modelSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
compare(categoryModel.model.status, CategoryModel.Null);
compare(categoryModel.count, 0);
// set the plugin
categoryModel.model.hierarchical = false;
categoryModel.model.plugin = testPlugin;
tryCompare(categoryModel.model, "status", CategoryModel.Loading);
compare(modelSpy.count, 1);
tryCompare(categoryModel.model, "status", CategoryModel.Ready);
compare(modelSpy.count, 2);
var expectedNames = [ "Accommodation", "Camping", "Hotel", "Motel", "Park" ];
compare(categoryModel.count, expectedNames.length);
for (var i = 0; i < expectedNames.length; ++i) {
var category =,
var name =, 0); // DisplayRole
compare(name, expectedNames[i]);
compare(, expectedNames[i]);
// check that no category has children
for (i = 0; i < categoryModel.count; ++i) {
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.modelIndex(i);
compare(categoryModel.count, 0);
categoryModel.rootIndex = categoryModel.parentModelIndex();
// clean up
categoryModel.model.hierarchical = true;
categoryModel.model.plugin = null;
// check that the model is empty when an error is encountered
tryCompare(categoryModel, "count", 0);
compare(categoryModel.model.status, CategoryModel.Error);
function test_error() {
var testModel = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; CategoryModel {}', testCase, "CategoryModel");
var statusChangedSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = testModel;
statusChangedSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
//try updating without a plugin instance
tryCompare(statusChangedSpy, "count", 2);
compare(testModel.status, CategoryModel.Error);
//Aside: there is some difficulty in checking the transition to the Loading state
//since the model transitions from Loading to Error before the next event loop
//try updating with an uninitialized plugin instance.
testModel.plugin = uninitializedPlugin; // uninitialized does not trigger update on setPlugin
tryCompare(statusChangedSpy, "count", 2);
compare(testModel.status, CategoryModel.Error);
//try searching with plugin a instance
//that has been provided a non-existent name
tryCompare(statusChangedSpy, "count", 0);
testModel.plugin = nonExistantPlugin;
// testModel.update(); //QTBUG-70254
tryCompare(statusChangedSpy, "count", 2);
compare(testModel.status, CategoryModel.Error);