blob: bb789b428550439d520322e87cf35a5a45fe36c1 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtTest 1.0
import QtLocation 5.3
import QtPositioning 5.2
import "utils.js" as Utils
TestCase {
id: testCase
name: "Place"
Plugin {
id: testPlugin
name: "qmlgeo.test.plugin"
allowExperimental: true
Place {
id: favoritePlace
name: "Favorite Place"
Place { id: emptyPlace }
Place { id: emptyPlace2 }
Place { id: testPlace }
Place {
id: savePlace
name: "Test place"
visibility: Place.DeviceVisibility
location: Location {
address: Address {
country: "country"
countryCode: "cc"
state: "state"
county: "county"
city: "city"
district: "district"
street: "123 Fake Street"
postalCode: "1234"
coordinate {
latitude: 10
longitude: 10
altitude: 100
boundingBox {
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(10, 10, 100)
width: 100
height: 100
ratings: Ratings {
average: 3.5
count: 10
supplier: Supplier {
name: "Supplier 1"
supplierId: "supplier-id-1"
url: ""
icon: Icon{
plugin: testPlugin
Component.onCompleted: {
parameters.singleUrl = ""
categories: [
Category {
name: "Category 1"
categoryId: "category-id-1"
plugin: testPlugin
Category {
name: "Category 2"
categoryId: "category-id-2"
plugin: testPlugin
icon: Icon {
Component.onCompleted: {
savePlace.icon.parameters.singleUrl = "";
Place {
id: dummyPlace
placeId: "487"
name: "dummyPlace"
visibility: Place.PublicVisibility
// compares two places property by property
function compare_place(place1, place2) {
// check simple properties
var simpleProperties = ["name", "placeId", "primaryPhone", "primaryFax", "primaryEmail",
"primaryWebsite", "visibility"];
for (x in simpleProperties) {
if (place1[simpleProperties[x]] !== place2[simpleProperties[x]])
return false;
// check categories
if (place1.categories.length !== place2.categories.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < place1.categories.length; ++i) {
// fixme, what if the order of the two lists are not the same
if (place1.categories[i].categoryId !== place2.categories[i].categoryId)
return false;
if (place1.categories[i].name !== place2.categories[i].name)
return false;
// check supplier
if (place1.supplier === null && place2.supplier !== null)
return false;
if (place1.supplier !== null && place2.supplier === null)
return false;
if (place1.supplier !== null && place2.supplier !== null) {
if (place1.supplier.supplierId !== place2.supplier.supplierId)
return false;
if ( !==
return false;
if (place1.supplier.url !== place2.supplier.url)
return false;
// check supplier icon
if (place1.supplier.icon === null && place2.supplier.icon !== null)
return false;
if (place1.supplier.icon !== null && place2.supplier.icon === null)
return false;
if (place1.supplier.icon !== null && place2.supplier.icon !== null) {
if (place1.supplier.icon.parameters.keys().length !== place2.supplier.icon.parameters.keys().length) {
return false;
var keys = place1.supplier.icon.parameters.keys() + place2.supplier.icon.parameters.keys();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
if (place1.supplier.icon.parameters[keys[i]] != place2.supplier.icon.parameters[keys[i]]) {
return false;
if (place1.supplier.icon.plugin !== place2.supplier.icon.plugin)
return false;
// check ratings
if (place1. ratings === null && place2.ratings !== null)
return false;
if (place1.ratings !== null && place2.ratings === null)
return false;
if (place1.ratings !== null && place2.ratings !== null) {
if (place1.ratings.average !== place2.ratings.average)
return false;
if (place1.ratings.count !== place2.ratings.count)
return false;
// check location
if (place1.location === null && place2.location !== null)
return false;
if (place1.location !== null && place2.location === null)
return false;
if (place1.location !== null && place2.location !== null) {
if ( !==
return false;
if (place1.location.address.countryCode !== place2.location.address.countryCode)
return false;
if (place1.location.address.state !== place2.location.address.state)
return false;
if (place1.location.address.county !== place2.location.address.county)
return false;
if ( !==
return false;
if (place1.location.address.district !== place2.location.address.district)
return false;
if (place1.location.address.street !== place2.location.address.street)
return false;
if (place1.location.address.postalCode !== place2.location.address.postalCode)
return false;
if (place1.location.coordinate !== place2.location.coordinate)
return false;
if (place1.location.boundingBox !== place2.location.boundingBox)
return false;
// check icon
if (place1.icon === null && place2.icon !== null) {
return false;
if (place1.icon !== null && place2.icon === null) {
return false;
if (place1.icon !== null && place2.icon !== null) {
if (place1.icon.plugin !== place2.icon.plugin) {
console.log(place1.icon.plugin + " " + place2.icon.plugin);
return false;
if (place1.icon.parameters.keys().length !== place2.icon.parameters.keys().length) {
return false;
var keys = place1.icon.parameters.keys() + place2.icon.parameters.keys();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
if (place1.icon.parameters[keys[i]]
!= place2.icon.parameters[keys[i]]) {
return false;
// check extended attributes
return true;
function test_emptyPlace() {
// basic properties
compare(emptyPlace.plugin, null);
compare(emptyPlace.categories.length, 0);
compare(, "");
compare(emptyPlace.placeId, "");
compare(emptyPlace.detailsFetched, false);
compare(emptyPlace.status, Place.Ready);
compare(emptyPlace.primaryPhone, "");
compare(emptyPlace.primaryFax, "");
compare(emptyPlace.primaryEmail, "");
compare(emptyPlace.primaryWebsite, "");
compare(emptyPlace.visibility, Place.UnspecifiedVisibility);
compare(emptyPlace.attribution, "");
// complex properties
compare(emptyPlace.ratings.average, 0);
compare(emptyPlace.location.address.street, '');
compare(emptyPlace.location.address.district, '');
compare(, '');
compare(emptyPlace.location.address.county, '');
compare(emptyPlace.location.address.state, '');
compare(, '');
compare(emptyPlace.icon.plugin, null);
compare(, '');
compare(emptyPlace.supplier.supplierId, '');
compare(emptyPlace.supplier.url, '');
compare(emptyPlace.supplier.icon.plugin, null);
compare(emptyPlace.reviewModel.totalCount, -1);
compare(emptyPlace.imageModel.totalCount, -1);
compare(emptyPlace.editorialModel.totalCount, -1);
compare(emptyPlace.categories.length, 0);
verify(compare_place(emptyPlace, emptyPlace));
verify(compare_place(emptyPlace, emptyPlace2));
function test_setAndGet_data() {
return [
{ tag: "name", property: "name", signal: "nameChanged", value: "Test Place", reset: "" },
{ tag: "placeId", property: "placeId", signal: "placeIdChanged", value: "test-place-id-1", reset: "" },
{ tag: "visibility", property: "visibility", signal: "visibilityChanged", value: Place.PublicVisibility, reset: Place.UnspecifiedVisibility },
{ tag: "attribution", property: "attribution", signal: "attributionChanged", value: "Place data from...", reset: "" },
{ tag: "favorite", property: "favorite", signal: "favoriteChanged", value: favoritePlace }
function test_setAndGet(data) {
Utils.testObjectProperties(testCase, testPlace, data);
function test_categories() {
var categories = new Array(2);
categories[0] = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Category { categoryId: "cat-id-1"; name: "Category 1" }', testCase, "Category1");
categories[1] = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Category { categoryId: "cat-id-2"; name: "Category 2" }', testCase, "Category2");
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = testPlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "categoriesChanged";
// set categories to something new
testPlace.categories = categories;
compare(testPlace.categories.length, categories.length);
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; ++i) {
compare(testPlace.categories[i].categoryId, categories[i].categoryId);
compare(testPlace.categories[i].name, categories[i].name);
compare(signalSpy.count, 2);
// set categories to the same (signal spy should not increase?)
testPlace.categories = categories;
compare(testPlace.categories.length, categories.length);
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; ++i) {
compare(testPlace.categories[i].categoryId, categories[i].categoryId);
compare(testPlace.categories[i].name, categories[i].name);
compare(signalSpy.count, 5); // clear + append + append
// reset by assignment
testPlace.categories = new Array(0);
compare(testPlace.categories.length, 0);
compare(signalSpy.count, 6);
function test_supplier() {
var supplier = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Supplier { supplierId: "sup-id-1"; name: "Category 1" }', testCase, "Supplier1");
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = testPlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "supplierChanged";
// set supplier to something new
testPlace.supplier = supplier;
compare(testPlace.supplier, supplier);
compare(testPlace.supplier.supplierId, supplier.supplierId);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
// set supplier to the same
testPlace.supplier = supplier;
compare(testPlace.supplier, supplier);
compare(testPlace.supplier.supplierId, supplier.supplierId);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
// reset by assignment
testPlace.supplier = null;
compare(testPlace.supplier, null);
compare(signalSpy.count, 2);
function test_location() {
var location = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtPositioning 5.2; Location { coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(10.0, 20.0) }', testCase, "Location1");
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = testPlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "locationChanged";
testPlace.location = location;
compare(testPlace.location.coordinate.latitude, 10.0);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
testPlace.location = location;
compare(testPlace.location.coordinate.latitude, 10.0);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
testPlace.location = null;
compare(testPlace.location, null);
compare(signalSpy.count, 2);
function test_ratings() {
var ratings = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Ratings { average: 3; count: 100 }', testCase, "Rating1");
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = testPlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "ratingsChanged";
testPlace.ratings = ratings;
compare(testPlace.ratings.average, 3);
compare(testPlace.ratings.count, 100);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
testPlace.ratings = ratings;
compare(testPlace.ratings.average, 3);
compare(testPlace.ratings.count, 100);
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
testPlace.ratings = null;
compare(testPlace.ratings, null);
compare(signalSpy.count, 2);
function test_extendedAttributes() {
testPlace.extendedAttributes["foo"] = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; PlaceAttribute { text: "Foo"; label: "Foo label" }', testCase, 'PlaceAttribute');
compare(, "Foo");
compare(, "Foo label");
testPlace.extendedAttributes["foo"] = null;
function test_contactDetailsProperty() {
testPlace.contactDetails["phone"] = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; ContactDetail { label: "Test Label"; value: "Detail Value" }', testCase, 'ContactDetail');
compare([0].label, "Test Label");
compare([0].value, "Detail Value");
testPlace.contactDetails["phone"] = null;
function test_saveload() {
// Save a place
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = savePlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
savePlace.plugin = testPlugin;
savePlace.icon.plugin = testPlugin;
savePlace.placeId = "invalid-place-id";;
compare(savePlace.status, Place.Saving);
tryCompare(savePlace, "status", Place.Error);
// try again without an invalid placeId
savePlace.placeId = "";;
compare(savePlace.status, Place.Saving);
tryCompare(savePlace, "status", Place.Ready);
verify(savePlace.placeId !== "");
// Read a place
var readPlace = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Place { }', testCase, "test_saveload");
signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = readPlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
readPlace.plugin = testPlugin;
compare(readPlace.status, Place.Fetching);
tryCompare(readPlace, "status", Place.Error);
readPlace.placeId = "invalid-id";
compare(readPlace.status, Place.Fetching);
tryCompare(readPlace, "status", Place.Error);
readPlace.placeId = savePlace.placeId;
// verify that read place is not currently the same as what we saved
verify(!compare_place(readPlace, savePlace));
compare(readPlace.status, Place.Fetching);
tryCompare(readPlace, "status", Place.Ready);
// verify that read place is the same as what we saved
verify(compare_place(readPlace, savePlace));
// Remove a place
var removePlace = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Place { }', testCase, "test_saveload");
signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = removePlace;
signalSpy.signalName = "statusChanged";
removePlace.plugin = testPlugin;
compare(removePlace.status, Place.Removing);
tryCompare(removePlace, "status", Place.Error);
removePlace.placeId = "invalid-id";
compare(removePlace.status, Place.Removing);
tryCompare(removePlace, "status", Place.Error);
removePlace.placeId = savePlace.placeId;
compare(removePlace.status, Place.Removing);
tryCompare(removePlace, "status", Place.Ready);
compare(removePlace.status, Place.Fetching);
tryCompare(removePlace, "status", Place.Error);
function test_copy() {
var place = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Place { }', this);
place.plugin = testPlugin;
compare(place.placeId, "");
compare(, "dummyPlace");
compare(place.visibility, Place.UnspecifiedVisibility);
function test_contactDetails(data) {
var place = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Place {}', this);
var signalSpy = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtTest 1.0; SignalSpy {}', testCase, "SignalSpy"); = place;
signalSpy.signalName = data.signalName;
var detail1 = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; ContactDetail {}', this);
detail1.label = "Detail1";
detail1.value = "555-detail1";
place.contactDetails[data.contactType] = detail1;
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType].length, 1);
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][0].label, "Detail1");
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][0].value, "555-detail1");
compare(place[data.primaryValue], "555-detail1");
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
var listView = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListView { delegate:Text{text:modelData.label + ":" + modelData.value } }', this);
listView.model = place.contactDetails[data.contactType];
compare(listView.count, 1);
var detail2 = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; ContactDetail {}', this);
detail2.label = "Detail2";
detail2.value = "555-detail2";
var details = new Array();
place.contactDetails[data.contactType] = details;
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType].length, 2);
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][0].label, "Detail2");
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][0].value, "555-detail2");
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][1].label, "Detail1");
compare(place.contactDetails[data.contactType][1].value, "555-detail1");
compare(place[data.primaryValue], "555-detail2");
compare(signalSpy.count, 1);
listView.model = place.contactDetails[data.contactType];
compare(listView.count, 2);
function test_contactDetails_data() {
return [
{ tag: "phone", contactType: "phone", signalName: "primaryPhoneChanged", primaryValue: "primaryPhone"},
{ tag: "fax", contactType: "fax", signalName: "primaryFaxChanged", primaryValue: "primaryFax"},
{ tag: "email", contactType: "email", signalName: "primaryEmailChanged", primaryValue: "primaryEmail"},
{ tag: "website", contactType: "website", signalName: "primaryWebsiteChanged", primaryValue: "primaryWebsite"}