blob: 36d679e8cb5eae610214d88829e48053505fa3fb [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <qgeoroutexmlparser.h>
#include <qgeocoordinate.h>
#include <qtest.h>
#include <qgeoroute.h>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QSignalSpy>
class tst_QGeoRouteXmlParser : public QObject
: start(0.0, 0.0),
end(1.0, 1.0)
qRegisterMetaType<QList<QGeoRoute> >();
// dummy values for creating the request object
QGeoCoordinate start;
QGeoCoordinate end;
private slots:
void test_realData1()
QFile f(":/route1.xml");
if (!
QFAIL("could not open route1.xml");
QGeoRouteRequest req(start, end);
QGeoRouteXmlParser xp(req);
QSignalSpy resultsSpy(&xp, SIGNAL(results(QList<QGeoRoute>)));
QTRY_COMPARE(resultsSpy.count(), 1);
QVariantList arguments = resultsSpy.first();
// xml contains exactly 1 route
QList<QGeoRoute> results =<QList<QGeoRoute> >();
QCOMPARE(results.size(), 1);
QGeoRoute route = results.first();
QList<QGeoRouteSegment> segments;
// get all the segments on the route
segments << route.firstRouteSegment();
while (segments.last().isValid())
segments << segments.last().nextRouteSegment();
// should be 9 segments in the list (last one invalid)
QCOMPARE(segments.size(), 9);
// check the first maneuver is correct
QGeoManeuver first =;
QCOMPARE(first.instructionText(), QStringLiteral("Head toward Logan Rd (95) on Padstow Rd (56). Go for 0.3 miles."));
QCOMPARE(first.position(), QGeoCoordinate(-27.5752144, 153.0879669));
QCOMPARE(first.timeToNextInstruction(), 24);
QCOMPARE(first.distanceToNextInstruction(), 403.0);
// check the last two maneuvers -- route1.xml has a directionless final maneuver
QGeoManeuver secondLast =;
QVERIFY(secondLast.instructionText().contains("Turn right onto Bartley St"));
QCOMPARE(secondLast.position(), QGeoCoordinate(-27.4655991, 153.0231628));
QCOMPARE(secondLast.distanceToNextInstruction(), 181.0);
QCOMPARE(secondLast.timeToNextInstruction(), 41);
QGeoManeuver last =;
QVERIFY(last.instructionText().contains("Arrive at Bartley St"));
QCOMPARE(last.position(), QGeoCoordinate(-27.4650097, 153.0230255));
QCOMPARE(last.distanceToNextInstruction(), 0.0);
QCOMPARE(last.timeToNextInstruction(), 0);
void test_realData2()
QFile f(":/route2.xml");
if (!
QFAIL("could not open route2.xml");
QGeoRouteRequest req(start, end);
QGeoRouteXmlParser xp(req);
QSignalSpy resultsSpy(&xp, SIGNAL(results(QList<QGeoRoute>)));
QTRY_COMPARE(resultsSpy.count(), 1);
QVariantList arguments = resultsSpy.first();
// xml contains exactly 1 route
QList<QGeoRoute> results =<QList<QGeoRoute> >();
QCOMPARE(results.size(), 1);
QGeoRoute route = results.first();
QList<QGeoRouteSegment> segments;
// get all the segments on the route
segments << route.firstRouteSegment();
while (segments.last().isValid())
segments << segments.last().nextRouteSegment();
// should be 14 segments in the list (last one invalid)
QCOMPARE(segments.size(), 14);
QCOMPARE(route.path().size(), 284);
QCOMPARE(route.path().at(57), QGeoCoordinate(-27.5530605, 153.0691223));
QCOMPARE(route.path().at(283), QGeoCoordinate(-27.4622307, 153.0397949));
QVERIFY("Head toward Electronics St"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionForward);
QVERIFY("Turn left onto Miles Platting"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionLeft);
QVERIFY("Turn right onto Logan Rd"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionRight);
QVERIFY("Take exit #14/M3/City"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionLightLeft);
QVERIFY("Take exit #2/41"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionLightLeft);
QVERIFY("Turn right onto Allen St"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionRight);
QVERIFY("Bear right to stay on"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionLightRight);
QVERIFY("Bear right onto Vulture St"));
QCOMPARE(, QGeoManeuver::DirectionLightRight);
#include "tst_qgeoroutexmlparser.moc"