blob: 14488041076789d7cc1e459c9471c7c0609467e3 [file] [log] [blame]
1. General
- The master specification for bodymovin that is obeyed is at
- Deviations in exported Bodymovin files compared to the specification
taken into account as much as possible (when differences noticed)
- precomps not supported
- expressions not supported
- only frame-mode on the timeline supported (no time-mode)
2. Animation level
- unsupported properties
- assets (reusable text and images)
- chars (text)
3. Layers
- Only the shape layer supported
- Only alpha mask adjustment layer supported
- unsupported properties
- ao (auto-orientation)
- bm (blend mode)
- maskProperties (masks)
- sr (time stretch)
4. Shapes
- the gstroke (group stroke) element not supported
- the star element not supported
- Nested Repeater shapes not supported
- multiple active trim paths behavior is unpredictable
(e.g. trim paths in nested groups)
5. Effects
- Only Slide and Layer Fill effects supported